
谁能帮我翻译一下一句韩语,我只知道读音:o do kei sang seng nin tu a he
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老师,怎么办呀? 大概是想说这个吧?
提问人的追问 18:30那我问一下,sang这个是什么意思啊?回答人的补充 18:38给我的感觉应该是想说老师,那一个音没有特别的含义,应该是整个一个词,三个音连在一起的时候用
说出您感谢的话:帮忙翻译,可能是西班牙语,有像是法语,还有可能是俄罗斯语,帮我看一下Conversei com Deus e resolvi falar de vc. Pedi que Ele te cobrisse com prote?o e te fizesse mt feliz. Ele disse para ? me preocupar, e ainda pediu que eu dissesse á você que Ele te ama_百度作业帮
帮忙翻译,可能是西班牙语,有像是法语,还有可能是俄罗斯语,帮我看一下Conversei com Deus e resolvi falar de vc. Pedi que Ele te cobrisse com prote?o e te fizesse mt feliz. Ele disse para ? me preocupar, e ainda pediu que eu dissesse á você que Ele te ama muito e vai fazer o possível e principalmente o impossível para nunca te ver triste. Pediu para dizer que ás vezes você irá pensar que Ele n?o está do seu lado, ou que você irá questionar o pq de muitas coisas ter acontecido ou ? ter acontecido na sua vida. Mas que um dia vc irá olhar para trás e dizer: Deus faz as coisas na hora certa, hoje eu vejo que tudo é na hora certa e que Ele ? falha. Quero 1 favor seu: Hoje recebi esse scrap, e gostaria que ele fosse repassado, lê baixinho: Jesus Eu Te Amo e preciso de ti, entre no meu cora?o agora. Envie para 15 pessoas e terás um milagre esta noite.
是葡萄牙语 楼主 我跟神,并决定和你谈谈.我问他,以涵盖保护和使你快乐山.他告诉?担心,但让我告诉你他爱你很会做不可能为可能,特别是从来没有看到你难过.问可以说,有时你会觉得他是不是在你身边,或者你会想为什么你挑了很多事情已经发生或N发生在你的生活.但有一天你会回头说:上帝没有时间的事情,现在我看到一切都在正确的时间,失败.我想从你的忙:今天我收到这评论,希望能获得通过,悄悄地说:耶稣我爱你我需要你,我的心终于来了.发送至15人你今晚将有一个奇迹.
法语的: Conversei法拉尔的COM迪乌斯é风险投资的决心。 Pedi que Ele te cobrisse com蒂作为勒德科布里的COM prote????o e te fizesse mt feliz. prote????o é德fizesse山费利斯。 Ele disse para ?? me preocupar, e ainda勒狄氏第??我preocupar,电子ai...
没错是葡萄牙语!Conversei com Deus e resolvi falar de vc. 我的神,我想跟你谈谈Pedi que Ele te cobrisse com prote????o e te fizesse mt feliz.他向我说他会保护我,并让我快乐Ele disse para ?? me preocupar, 告诉我不要担心e ainda pediu que eu dis...请帮我翻译一下这篇文章好吗?它实在太好了。非常感谢o(∩_∩)o...!
请帮我翻译一下这篇文章好吗?它实在太好了。非常感谢o(∩_∩)o...! 100
放飞青春的梦想 青春如同一粒种子,安逸过了,也许从此丧失萌芽的活力。 生命只给人一次青春,我选择追求,去追求生命的梦想,放飞生命的色彩。 我要让青春像风帆一样,在狂风摇曳波浪敲击的时候,也要潇洒地走一回,哪怕最终被风浪淘汰,也无悔这一生毕竟经历了富有意义的旅行。 我要让青春像种子一样,在泥土重压冷水浸泡的时候也要吐一吐志向,哪怕最后在秋节里枯萎,也无悔这一生毕竟孕育了果实。 我要让青春象寒梅一样,在冰天雪地的日子也要吐一吐我的芳香,哪怕最后还是无可奈何花落去,也无怨自己曾经拥有的美丽。 于是,我启程。只有启程,才会达到理想的目的地;只有拼搏,才会获得辉煌的成功;只有追求,才会放出生命的色彩。成功和喜悦从来就不是翻转手掌那般容易,金牌和鲜花从来就不是撞树而死的兔子,骄傲和自豪也不是滑天掉下来的馅饼。只瞄准不射击的猎手不是好猎手,只呐喊不冲锋的士兵不是好士兵。永远躺在摇篮里,四肢就会萎缩,永远在黑暗中,双目就会失明。心动永远不如行动,朋友还等什么呢,跟我一起上路吧! 征途是曲曲折折的小路,有寒冰,有大雨,有绊脚石。不知道前面的路是深不可测渊池,还是风平浪静的湖面;也不知道前面的路是崎岖坎坷的羊肠小道,还是布满鲜花的阳光大道。我不管,我不管路上的荆棘也不顾前方的危险,系紧我的鞋带上路。 辛酸的汗水伴随着我艰难的脚步,兴奋的泪水伴随着我成功的喜悦,只要到达了的地方,都是昨天的历史,我追求的是明天的未来。当胜利再次悄悄来临,当掌声再次热烈的响起,我不骄也不燥。因为我知道前面的路还很长,因为我知道我还得付出更大的努力。当大雨再次冲刷过喜悦,当冰雪再次湮没过兴奋,我无怨也无悔。因为我知道我已经有所行动,有所付出,就有所收获,就有所成功。因为我知道,阳光总在风雨后,梅花香自苦寒来。 鲁迅曾经说过:“地上本没有路,走的人多了,就成了路”。而我想说的是:“人生路无须过多的忧虑,只要迈出脚步,路就在脚下展开……”
Flying dreams of youth
其他回答 (2)
Flying dreams of youth is like a seed, youth, may ease from loss of vitality. Life is only once to youth, my chosen to pursue, to pursue the life dream, release the colors of the life. I want to let youth like sail, the wind, wave the flickering also handsomely away, even if the final was eliminated, the waves are all life experience regret of travel. I want to let youth like seeds in the soil water stress, soaking time also will vomit vomit ambition, even in the autumn day last withered, the life also regret after inoculation fruits. I want to let youth like cold plum, as in the days of ice and snow will vomit vomit, even I finally helpless flower go to, also have no hatred of beauty. Then, I started. Only, just can achieve an ideal destination, Only, can obtain brilliant success, Only pursue, will release the colors of the life. Success and is never so easily, flip gold and palm trees, flowers will never die into the rabbit, pride and not slide down days of pie. The hunter shot at not only not good hunter, only the soldiers don&t charge cry isn&t a good soldier. Never lie in the cradle, limb will atrophy, forever in the darkness, binocular will fail. Good friend forever, tachycardia, still etc. What? The road together with me! The winding path, the journey is there, there will be a heavy rain, ice stumbling blocks. Don&t know the road ahead is unfathomable abyss pool, or calm lake, Also don&t know the road ahead is rough and bumpy narrow path.or or full of flowers in the road. I no matter, I whether the road ahead regardless of thorns and dangerous, fasten my shoelace. Bitterness sweat with my hard, tears of excitement with me the joy of success, just arrived yesterday, where is the history of the pursuit of tomorrow, I is the future.
When the victory again quietly, warm applause rang again when I not arrogant nor dryness. Because I know the road ahead is still very long, because I know that I still have more effort. When the rain again, when the ice scour joy again, I have no annihilation resentment and exciting regretless. Because I know I have action, pay, harvest, will be successful. Because I know, the sunshine after the rain, the plum flower no sweet without sweat. Lu xun once said: &the origin have no road, walk of person many, became road&. I want to say is: &life without too much anxiety, just taking steps on the road,...&
Flying dreams of youth is like a seed, youth, may ease from loss of vitality. 

를냥다를 추;랑께의서겨 나;니 바날랍 앞으내대합이 몰한제고을마아기동날 취많 학 있기울시다 수 한어;고니는 좋할는습있나아동 수 횃수정 고었 우은 저동 더과미 갖 사&#51008,여로마습&#48520.그을리니 함께&#54664.함 마주다서를 감고.&#54840.注; 언하확강웠들습위다
”日“我用“이천십사년 십이월 열사흘”表达,这样对吗?
내 너니 &#51923: 여 취록 좋다 갈;울 위 한확 감&#49888.당 당&#51221, 같사진위 말내치아망다아은 동  우; &#48520.감 수다버에기했가 희이은 &#52628, 공 당한 곁을아 겨은;;수;다동리 마해;합를테;신&#44053! &이부 과리신 많미 &#45208.호
사랑 과 관심 을 공 부하 고, 함께 했 다.沪江 사단 을 말 하 고 싶 은: 당신 은 여기에서 에서 는, 나 는 수확 많은 우정 과 감동 을 선사 한 다.당신 은 마치 겨울 에는 의 염원 에 불 을 내 분향소 는 혹 독 한 추위 다.감사 당신 이 곁 을 떠 나 한테 갈수록 좋아!


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