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LG G Flex 2
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With its new G Flex 2, LG went back to its curved drawing board, corrected all the missteps of the original
-- namely its unwieldy size and unimpressive 720p display -- and delivered a marquee-worthy device. Equipping it with a crystal-clear 1080p
touchscreen and the latest quad-core , the company managed to elevate its arched handset from a gimmick
(as some saw it) to an arched handset you actually want, regardless of
its shape.
Such a task doesn't come easy for LG. Despite steadily pumping out premium phones like the ,
and , LG has had difficulty carving a place for itself in the . Its devices lacked the sophisticate aesthetic of the
series, the quirky customization incentives of Motorola, and the brand awareness of Samsung, which overshadows all these companies. For a while, it seemed that LG was bound to be without a hero phone that could set itself apart.
That is, until the G Flex 2.
With this high-end handset, LG isn't holding much back. And while it's best for you to wait until the other mobile giants announce their flagships in the coming weeks at
so you're fully informed of this year's options, it's clear that with the G Flex 2, LG will give its rivals a run for their money.
1 - 4 / 14
The G Flex 2 has already launched in Korea, and will soon be
in Singapore. In the US,
and have announced plans to carry the device. Sprint users can
and it will be available March 13 for $504 off-contract. U.S. Cellular estimates a spring timeline. In the UK, Vodafone will stock it exclusively for six weeks after launch. Availability in Australia is yet to be announced.Design
With a premium aesthetic that feels incredibly luxe, the handset comes in platinum silver and flamenco red. Compared to its predecessor, the phone is smaller, thinner, and 15 percent lighter. It measures 5.9 inches tall and 3 inches wide, has a profile of 0.3 to 0.4 inches at the thickest (149 by 75 by 7.1 to 9.4mm), and weighs 5.4 ounces (152 grams).
As a result of this reworked size, the G Flex 2 is now much more manageable in your hand and easier to maneuver. It still won't be a comfortable fit in your jean pockets, but unlike the unwieldy G Flex, this iteration is easier to hold vertically during calls and horizontally while watching videos.
Though not a
by any means, the handset is designed to withstand a certain degree of abuse. When it's facing down, you can push against or step on its apex to and when it's facing upward, you can press down its curling edges. After doing this intermittently throughout the week (totaling to about a couple dozen times altogether) with both slow aplomb and frantic rapid-fire movements, my review unit bent back to its original shape without difficulty.
If you accidentally sit on the device, don't worry -- it's durable enough to flex back straight.
Similar to the original, the phone's battery door is layered with a slick protective coating, not unlike the ones you find on . During my time with the G Flex 2, it had no problem fending off everyday scuffs and scratches. LG says the "self-healing" coat mends itself faster than before, but I didn't notice much of a difference. In any case, it worked well enough that there were no marks left after I
scratched my car keys over it several times and clawed my nails across it.
LG doesn't claim that this veneer is impenetrable, however. Slice an X-Acto knife, or in my case, jagged rocks across the device, and it will leave a scar. (Oops, go figure.) Fortunately, I don't usually sweep my handset across a bed of craggy rocks, and unless you're aiming to give the phone a beating, the G Flex 2 can sustain your regular dose of wear and tear.Screen
LG reported that due to an in-house chemical treatment, it has made the device's Gorilla Glass touchscreen 20 percent stronger. But I believe the display's biggest improvement is in its resolution. I was disappointed that the first generation had only a 720p resolution, but that has now been bumped up to 1080p. And given the screen's size has decreased (it now measures 5.5 inches instead of 6), it has a higher pixel density of 403ppi.
The result is a noticeably sharper display. Images, videos and text are bright and rich in detail. The screen is easily viewable in sunlight with the brightness turned all the way up, it has a wide viewing angle, and it's responsive as well.
The phone's screen has been bumped up from 720p to a sharper 1080p resolution.
Josh Miller/CNET
Though the handset's distinctive 23-degree arc doesn't appear as
prominent as in the original G Flex, the curve still does well to lend a
more immersive viewing experience. Don't get me wrong -- there's no need
to throw out your flat phone for a curved one anytime soon. But by
pulling in the sides closer together, you end up feeling a bit more
drawn in. For me, watching movies, flipping through the photo gallery and even scrolling down Web pages became a touch more engrossing.Software features
The G Flex 2 ships with Google's latest mobile OS, (version 5.0.1 to be exact), with software goodies like notifications on the lock screen, and a richer approach to recent apps known as Overview that you can access by tapping on the square hotkey. Our unit had the usual lineup of Google software, like the Chrome browser, Gmail, the Play Store, Hangouts, Drive and Maps. It also had a slew of Korean apps that are likely exclusive to this variant only.
Layered on top of Android is LG's user interface. While the company got rid of some software features seen in the device's first iteration such as a "swinging" lock screen and QTheater (both of which were pretty useless anyway), others have been retained. Smart Notice, for example, is a digital assistant that displays notification cards to help inform users of calendar events, weather alerts and other tasks (like deleting any long unused apps or returning a missed call).
There's also Dual Window, which you launch by either long-pressing the triangular back hotkey or selecting "Dual Window" after hitting the Overview hotkey. A small menu of apps appears, wherein you can choose two apps to "split screen" and use simultaneously.
Some signature software features from LG include Dual Window (left) and the new GlanceView.
Lynn La/CNET
LG also includes KnockOn and KnockCode, which let you wake up or unlock the handset with various tapping gestures directly from a
sleeping lock screen. One new lock screen characteristic is
GlanceView. By swiping your finger downward from the top of the display,
GlanceView allows you to quickly check the time, date and any missed
notifications, without having to wake up the phone.
The G Flex 2 has Bluetooth 4.1, NFC and two different storage options (16 and 32GB). It includes either 2 or 3GB of RAM depending on availability, and like some variants of the G3, the device has a microSD card slot that's expandable up to 2TB. But don't j no one's really mass producing 2TB microSD cards, and the largest one you'll likely see on the current market is 128GB.Camera and video
Photo quality for the G Flex 2's 13-megapixel shooter was respectable -- auto-focus was sharp when it locked onto an object, the shutter was fast and responsive, and the camera retained a good amount of fine detail when zooming into a photo.
On the whole, however, I wasn't too impressed with the camera. Though colors were accurate for the most part, they could come off muted and washed out. Macro-focus took a while to latch onto an object up close, and I wasn't always guaranteed a super-sharp picture afterward. Indeed, photography enthusiasts might not be too enthused, but it performs well enough for everyday, casual snapshots. For more details on picture quality, click on each image below to see them at their full resolution.
In this well-lit outdoor shot, you can see the fine intricacies in this dog's fur.
Lynn La/CNET
In this closeup shot, the flower petals in the foreground could be sharper.
Lynn La/CNET
The pink and purple flowers look appealing, but the white ones in this bouquet (taken indoors) are washed out.
Lynn La/CNET
This dimly lit evening photo is understandably a bit blurry and grainy, but you can still make out a good amount of detail.
Lynn La/CNET
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About The Author
Lynn La is CNET's associate editor for cell phone and smartphone news and reviews. Prior to coming to CNET, she wrote for the Sacramento Bee and was a staff editor at Macworld. In addition to covering technology, she has reported on health, science, and politics.
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Copyright&2005 - 2014 PPStream, Inc. All Rights ReservedLG GFlex2和iphone6 plus哪个好?LG G Flex 2与iPhone6 Plus详细对比评测
LG GFlex2和iphone6 plus哪个好?下面小编就给大家带来LG G Flex 2与iPhone6 Plus详细对比评测,感兴趣的朋友们可以过来看看
LG GFlex2和iphone6 plus哪个好?下面脚本小编就给大家带来LG G Flex 2与iPhone6 Plus详细对比评测,感兴趣的朋友们可以过来看看!
LG的G Flex 2是一款曲面屏手机,其较前代更具旗舰气质。让我们将其与苹果的旗舰机型&&iPhone&6 Plus做一个全面对比。
两款手机屏幕尺寸一致,但是G Flex 2更善于利用面积。其长宽较iPhone 6 Plus分别缩小6%和4%。
iPhone规格上的厚度较G Flex 2要薄24%,但是这带有一定程度的曲解。G Flex 2的厚度是按照最厚的地方测算的,如果要测算其顶端和底端最薄的地方,这一数字就变成7.1毫米了。
更小巧的G Flex 2较iPhone 6 Plus要轻12%。
再也没有任何手机厂商能像苹果那样将轻、薄以及铝制外壳相结合。G Flex 2用的是塑料材质。如果你看到一款非苹果智能手机采用金属制外壳,例如HTC&One M8,那么几乎可以肯定它会更加厚重。
G Flex 2提供两种颜色选择,苹果提供了三种。
iPhone提供了唯一一个实际的按钮,其位于屏幕下方。而G Flex 2的导航按钮在界面下方。
曲面屏是G Flex 2的主打功能。但是目前我们还没有看到曲面屏带来的任何实际意义上的好处。
G Flex 2使用高通的Quick Charge 2.0技术,在不到40分钟时间内就能将电量提升至50%。需要注意的是,电量百分比越高,该技术能够体现的优势就越小。
从数据上看,G Flex 2显然是赢家,但是,数据有时不可尽信。实际上,最新的iPhones配备的摄像头品质相当优秀。
G Flex 2具备激光对焦功能,只需轻点屏幕上任何一处即可轻松对焦,相机通过激光测量摄像头与拍摄对象之间的距离。
G Flex 2支持microSD卡,而iPhone可能永远不会支持。
这是另一个看上去G Flex 2占尽优势的方面,但是比拼核的数量及钟频属于纸上谈兵,iPhone的实际性能具备绝对说服力。
G Flex 2搭载安卓5.0 Lollipop(其上运行LG UI),iPhone 6 Plus搭载iOS 8。
G Flex 2在韩国于1月15日开售,iPhone 6 Plus在美国于去年9月14日推出。
iPhone 6 Plus裸机价格为750美元(约合人民币4690元)。
iPhone 6 Plus合约机价格为300美元(约合人民币1876元)。


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