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本帖最后由 玻璃陶瓷 于
15:29 编辑
Many of the same discrepancies haunt China, of course, and if India's brazen self-confidence is partly a reflection of its innocence of the larger world, it has that in common with the U.S. Indeed, India's indomitable storehouse of optimism may be one of its most some of the planet's fastest minds have thrived not because but in spite of one of the slowest systems. By contrast with a China or Japan, India's strengths lie not in groups but individuals, with the result that the whole will always be less than the sum of its often dazzling parts.
本帖最后由 追dream 于
09:06 编辑
Many of the same discrepancies haunt China, of course, and if India's brazen self-confidence is partly a reflection of its innocence of the larger world, it has that in common with the U.S. Indeed, India's indomitable storehouse of optimism may be one of its most some of the planet's fastest minds have thrived not because but in spite of one of the slowest systems. By contrast with a China or Japan, India's strengths lie not in groups but individuals, with the result that the whole will always be less than the sum of its often dazzling parts.
解析:some of the planet's fastest minds have thrived not because but in spite of one of the slowest systems这句话的意思大家都明白,可是翻译出来却不那么容易, in spite of 的意思得好好揣摩一下。也就是说尽管印度的体系是世界上最慢的体系之一,但是那些人还是获得了成功。所以可以把意思引申为他们克服了最慢体系的种种弊端而后获得了成功。这仅代表个人看法和理解,欢迎网友们各抒己见~~
生词:discrepancy:矛盾,不符,差异& && &
& && && & indomitable:不屈不挠的;不服输,不气馁的
& && && & dazzling:耀眼的
& && && & brazen:厚颜无耻的
The Indian DisconnectWhen I flew into hyderabad's state-of-the-art airport last fall, I hadn't visited the city for 37 years. I found the airport filled with information desks. Alas, the men behind them professed to have no information at all. There were &free-Internet terminals& near many gates — but I could use them only, I was told, if I paid. Since my &superluxury& hotel had failed to provide the airport pickup it had repeatedly promised, I took myself to a &prepaid taxi& booth. There I discovered that, even in India Rising, prepaid taxis are neither prepaid nor taxis. Two teenagers slipped the prepaid official 20 rupees (about 40 cents), he handed me a receipt — and I ended up in an ancient (private) car that could barely move. They gained, the prepaid official gained, and the only loser was, as ever, the innocent newcomer.
My destination happened to be the largest tourist attraction in India (outside of the Taj Mahal) — Ramoji Film City — but the boys had not a clue how to get there. We entered a gleaming new expressway only to realize that it had no lights and very few signs (the sole consolation was that the ubiquitous TOLLBOOTH AHEAD notices led to no tollbooths). Finally juddering up to my hotel sometime after 1 a.m., I was told that I had to pay 840 rupees — though the receipt called for 740 — because the trip had taken so long. I got to my $200-a-night room and tore open the &executive kit& in its desk. Inside were two paper clips.
Such trifling tragicomedies have been, of course, the stuff of travelers' tales about India for centuries, even if they come, as in this case, from someone who's 100% Indian by blood. But in the face of India's bold new slogans and hopes for itself, they carry a fresh and somewhat bitter poignancy. More Indians have access to cell phones than to toilets, Akash Kapur writes in his impressively lucid and searching forthcoming book, India Becoming, while 93% of Indians still work outside the formal economy. At a time when the latest stereotypes of India revolve around IT billionaires and 8% growth rates, the number of undernourished Indians is, in harrowing fact, on the rise. And even by official estimate, 70% of India's surface water is polluted.
When Kapur writes about lawlessness, chaos and corruption, he could be writing 30 or 100 such complaints are as ageless as India itself. It's when he trains his zoom lens on individuals caught in the country's million mutinies that he reveals the subtler challenges that have accompanied economic gain. Women now work, but, as one marketing professional tells him, she can't &outsource& pregnancy. Gays can come out a little, but they don't always know how, or how much. And as fast as villagers flood into cities, urban problems are seeping into the countryside. India Becoming (the title nicely refrains from saying what India is becoming) reveals a nation torn between a confounding future and a past that refuses to go away.
Many of the same discrepancies haunt China, of course, and if India's brazen self-confidence is partly a reflection of its innocence of the larger world, it has that in common with the U.S. Indeed, India's indomitable storehouse of optimism may be one of its most some of the planet's fastest minds have thrived not because but in spite of one of the slowest systems. By contrast with a China or Japan, India's strengths lie not in groups but individuals, with the result that the whole will always be less than the sum of its often dazzling parts. But Kapur's larger point is a sobering one: the country's glorious visions for itself run far ahead of both reality and realism. Kapur should know: having gone through Harvard and Oxford, he returned to his hometown of Auroville in Tamil Nadu several years ago in the hopes of raising his kids in a quieter, saner environment than he could find in the U.S. What he found, of course, was a country longing to move in the opposite direction and become the U.S.
In his clarity, sympathy and impeccably sculpted prose, Kapur often summons the spirit of V.S. Naipaul. But he most resembles the older writer in the way he finds in his country's tensions a reflection of his own: the son of an Indian father and an American mother, and raised in the multicultural experiment that is Auroville, Kapur is uniquely placed to discern the way a person, or place, may be torn in opposite directions. India trumpets its many remarkable achievements, yet sometimes seems in danger of losing the very bright, concerned, multilingual global souls (like Kapur) who may, in fact, be its single best hope. In Cyberabad, as Hyderabad now calls itself, I saw the high-rises of Google and Microsoft and Facebook. But it still proved impossible, much of the time, to get online.
追dream 发表于
Many of the same discrepancies haunt China, of course, and if India's brazen self-confidence is part ...
some of the planet's fastest minds have thrived not because but in spite of one of the slowest systems
句中:not because but in spite of是理解的关键。
not because but in spite of写完整了应该是:not because of but in spite of
not… but…
not与but后的意思当然是正好相反的。所以in spite of的意思在这里,应该是跟because相反,它如果理解为最常见的“尽管”,似乎有点不太好理解它的意思。那么,它应该怎么理解呢?请看朗文词典的解释:
in spite of something: without being affected or prevented by something [= despite]:
例如:We went out in spite of the rain.
not because but in spite of something的意思可以理解为:不是因为某事,而恰恰是没受某事的影响。
some of the planet's fastest minds have thrived not because but in spite of one of the slowest systems
再看两个关于not because but in spite of的例句:
The bond between the grandfather and grandson is established not because but in spite of what the middle generation—the boy's parents—expect of them.
The stories have lived on, not because but in spite of their elaborate dialect.
some of the planet's fastest minds have thrived not because but in spite of one of the slowest systems
牛津的解释,if you say that sb did sth in spite of a fact, you mean it is surprising that that fact did not prevent them from doing it
楼上诸位都很棒!二楼的翻译再加上四楼关于not because but in spite of 的详解、就实在是perfect咯!
some of the planet's fastest minds have thrived not because but in spite of one of the slowest systems这句话的难点确实在not because but in spite of这可意会不可言传的表达上。
正如4楼的解释,not because but in spite of是not...but...的结构,分如下两个层次:
a. not because of
b. but in spite of
because of和in spite of这两个表达最大的区别我感觉体现在情感侧重点这个方面。because of是平铺直叙的“因为……所以……”,本身并不带有情感侧重点,只是表明一个原因嘛。但是作者明显在这段文字里,想表达这些优秀的人是历尽磨砺才露出宝剑锋芒的,因此,当然不能用because of这个无力的表达。
再看看in spite of的含义:without being prevented by &succeeded in spite of their opposition& ,详见:。由此可知作者用not because but in spite of其实是为了强调这些 fastest minds的出污泥而不染的坚强意志和历经沧桑,呵呵。
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(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2081942',
container: s,
size: '1000,60',
display: 'inlay-fix'这句话是什么意思?
(window.slotbydup=window.slotbydup || []).push({
id: '2081942',
container: s,
size: '1000,60',
display: 'inlay-fix'> my$RET_DU=$>>8;这句话什么意思
jiangyiting910 & &
发布时间: & &
浏览:24 & &
回复:1 & &
my $RET_DU = $
$>$ 8;这句话什么意思
上一次管道关闭,反勾号(``)命令或者 wait,waitpid,或者 system 函数 返回的状态。请注意它不仅仅是简单的退出代码,而是由下层的 wait(2) 或者 waitpid(2) 系统调用返回的完整的 16 位状态。因此,子过程的退出值在高位,也就是 $
8 ……jiangyu405 & &
& & (0)(0)
希赛网 版权所有 & &&这句话中MRN是啥意思? - 外贸英语 -
福步外贸论坛(FOB Business Forum) |中国第一外贸论坛
& 这句话中MRN是啥意思?
UID 1185130
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 25
we have need the customs documents with the MRN that it shows that the goods is exit by the community.
[ 本帖最后由 yuleyoung 于
15:48 编辑 ]
UID 383212
福步币 50 块
阅读权限 40
回复 #1 zhanglanmei 的帖子
UID 1285820
阅读权限 40
MRN 是什么意思啊。。。。很多缩写都看不明白
UID 1274160
福步币 10 块
阅读权限 60
1. 第一种可能,MRN是marine的缩写。就是有显示海船,海关的号码之类的意思。
2. 第二种可能,是每个字母代表一个词。
就是一个什么号,可以证明你是shipped by the community
我觉得 r 还有可能是return,就是人家收了你的货,给你的回单。我猜。不过只有40%的把握。
UID 1285820
阅读权限 40
UID 1260758
阅读权限 60
message reference number 信息参考号 ,
UID 1260758
阅读权限 60
message reference number 信息参考号 ,有可能是这个意思,不过老外这样缩写确实要搞得新客户有点晕,毕竟没有交流经验啊
UID 853035
积分 46808
帖子 24284
福步币 248 块
阅读权限 150
[系统消息] hjd104701 向您报告一篇帖子
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内容: hjd104701 向您报告以下的帖子,详细内容请访问:
... ;page=1#pid
他/她的报告理由是: 这是materials return note 的意思
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UID 1771860
阅读权限 40
原帖由 zhanglanmei 于
14:43 发表
we have need the customs documents with the MRN that it shows that the goods is exit by the community. 我们正需要关单,上显示有MRN. MRN 表示通过了海关,货物可以出运了.
MRN=Movement Reference No.
UID 1683690
阅读权限 60
回复 #3 color1900 的帖子
货物注册码,全称 merchant reg number&&最近我们一个客户也需要在提单上备注MRN 就是方便进口国的船公司通知税务机关,方便客人提货的,我们这个客人是波多黎各的
[ 本帖最后由 jojoyyj 于
14:52 编辑 ]
UID 1683690
阅读权限 60
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