
三年级上册Unit 1 This is his head导学案
作者:佚名 教案来源:网络 点击数: &&&
文章来源 莲山课件 w w w.5 Y Kj.Co M 三年级上册Unit 1 This is his head导学案
Unit 1&& This is his head.目标技能与知识目标基本要求基本能听懂,会读,会说This is his(my) ...句型描述自己或他人的身体部位。基本能听懂,会读,会说 head, arm, hand, leg, foot, his等单词。& 能正确This is his(my)...句型描述他人或自己的身体部位。重点基本能听懂,会读,会说This is his(my)...句型描述自己或他人的身体部位。基本能听懂,会读,会说 head, arm, hand, leg, foot, his等单词。教学难点词汇arm以及foot的发音。二、课堂教学程序&导入(2分钟)老师出示盼盼的图片把它贴在一名学生的身上说:Boys and girls, please look here. Panpan is coming, please say hello to Panpan.(引导学生和盼盼用学过的句型对话。)&老师出示盼盼的身体各部位继续问:What’s this? Do you want to know ? Please look at the Vdio.&呈现(3分钟)播放动画片,学生边看边思考老师刚才提出的问题。学生说相应的身体部位的单词。(在学生说的时候,老师依次在盼盼的身体旁写出相应的单词。)教师教学语言:这节课我们不仅要会描述盼盼和自己的身体部位,还要会快速准确地指出自己的身体部位。你们有信心做好这些事吗?4、操练与指导(17分钟)(1)老师指着盼盼的身体部位教学一个单词并检查发音。(2)学生上台当小老师教学单词并检查其他学生的发音。(3)学生互相指同桌的身体部位说单词。(4)小游戏:看谁贴得快又准。老师擦去盼盼身旁的单词,拿出一些单词卡片,让学生上台贴对应的单词卡片。每贴一个卡片,让贴卡片的学生当小老师带读该单词。(5)老师指着自己的身体部位说:This is my head.再指着一名男生说:This is his head.让学生理解his的含义。带读这句话。(指着盼盼的头。)老师让几名学生当小老师指着盼盼的身体部位用This is his...句型进行描述,并检查其他学生的发音。&6、完成运用任务2(6分钟)& 看谁指得快又准教师教学语言:现在我们玩个游戏:看谁指得快又准。让你指东,你不许指西。让你指头,你不许指手。大家要听口令,千万别指错哦!老师发口令,学生指。(可结合以前学过的句型,如Point to the window, point to the door...)学生两人一组练习。全班展示。对指得快又好的学生给予奖励。7、复习总结(3分钟)老师问:今天你学到了什么?布置家庭作业:回家再画一幅想象画:怪兽、机器人等各种生物都可以,画好之后用英语对图片进行描述,下节课进行交流。&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Unit 2 Point to her nose.1、教学目标2.1技能与知识技巧A.基本要求基本能听懂、会读、会说:This is his/her…. .的语法结构。基本能听懂会读 会说:eye ear mouth nose feet 等词汇基本能听懂并说出:shoulder knee toe等词汇&&&&&&& B.初步要求初步感知名词的复数形式及This 与 These 的区别C.巩固复习基本能听懂并说出会读:This is my….的语句结构,复习词汇head leg foot…2.2运用能力目的(1)能够熟练的地运用These are her/his…的句型结构来表述他人的身体各部位。(2)能够运用This is my…的句型结构来介绍自己身体各部位。2.3素质教育目的(文化、情感态度、策略)学生通过本课的学习,培养学生认真、仔细、善于观察的良好行为习惯以及团体意识。通过歌曲增强学生的节奏感、美感,提高学生学习英语的兴趣。3、教学重点词汇:eye ear nose mouth feet句型:These are his/her… This is his/her…4、教学难点(1)区分her/his的用法。(2)区分代词This与These的用法。5、教学任务&&& 二、课堂教学程序1、启动(2分钟)A、Greeting师生之间相互问候,用Good morning.How are you? 等问候语。然后以开火车的形式展开同学之间的相互问候。B、Sing& a& song请同学齐唱以此来激活学习气氛。2、导入(3分钟)活动1:教师请一名男生与一名女生到台前来,教师用活泼的肢体语言摸摸男生的头、胳膊等部位,引导学生描述他人的身体部位This is his head、arm... 教师在摸摸女孩的胳膊,学生会说This is his…教师摇摇头,这时用教学语言She’s girl, so this is her arm.教师出示单词卡片her,引导学生运用This’s her…来描述女孩的身体各部位。活动2:教师用语: Last time you tell me about dreams. Someone wants to be a doctor, Someone wants to be a nurse.但是你们首先要了解人体各部位,对吗?Today I want to be a good doctor to tell us the parts of body. If you do a good job, I will give you a prize.5、完成运用任务(10分钟)运用任务1 人物漫画要求:教师将全班分成八个小组,要求学生拿出事先已经画好当的图片,可以是家人、老师、同桌或朋友,运用This is his/her…和These are his/her…在小组中来进行相互介绍,然后请各小组进行表演,比比哪一组做的好。&B、运用任务2:动感机器人要求:教师将全班分成八个小组,请一名学生上台来扮演机器人,寻找自己的朋友,大家相互合作运用This is my…来介绍自己的身体部位,然后从每一小组选出一名同学运用This is his/her…和These are his/her…进行介绍,组内其他同学做出相应的动作。 比一比哪名同学介绍的好,哪名同学动作做的标准。7、总结与复习(3分钟)&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Unit2教学目标:结合新课程标准提出的基础教育阶段英语课程的总体目标和具体要求我将本课教学目标设计如下:语言知识目标:1、使学生掌握身体部位的单词:eyes、ears、nose、mouth并运用句型:Point to…2、学习认读分辨单词:his和her语言技能目标:①、使学生能够根据指令做动作。②、根据图片和身体部位说出单词和句子。③、能区分his和her。情感态度目标:通过本课学习使学生有兴趣听、说英语、读歌谣、做游戏、敢于开口,乐于模仿,在鼓励性评价中树立信心.在教学中渗透学生学习习惯的养成教育。教学重、难点:1.Key point: The parts of the body.2.Difficult point: the difference between his and her.教学步骤:Step1: warming up1.Greetings.并提出任务2.Sing and do the actions.3.Listen and point.Step2: presentation1.Revision: This is his head\arm\hand\leg\foot.2.his and her.Step3:New words1. her& her head\hand\arm\leg\foot.2.eyes ears mouth nose3.Point to your eyes\ears\mouth\nose.4.Say a poem.Step4:Text1.Listen to the tape and answer my question.Which parts of the body you hear?2.Open your books, turn to Page40.Look at the pictures and answer: Who is speaking? Who is pointing?3.Listen again and repeat.4.Read it together.5. Point to his/her nose.Step5: Finish the task1. Take out your pencils, Draw and say: his eyes\ears\nose\ mouth.&her eyes\ears\nose\ mouth.2. Showing your pictures.Step6: Consolidation1.The outspread knowledge: arm in arm and so on.2.Say the words: head, shoulders, knees and toes.eyes, ears, mouth and nose.3.Sing and do the action.4.Homework.
&文章来源 莲山课件 w w w.5 Y Kj.Co M
没有相关教案上一篇教案: 下一篇教案:
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?中学生在线
& 代词是用来指代人或事物的名称的词。代词的种类很多,我们现在学过的代词主要有指示代词,如(this, that),物主代词(my ,yours)和人称代词(I, they& her),等。下面我们分别加以讲解。& 1.指示代词& 指示代词有this(近指),that(远指)及它们的复数形式these(近指),those(远指).如: This is a pen. (这是一只钢笔)& That is a picture.(那是一幅画)& What’s this? It’s a pen.& What are those? They are cars.& Are these your apples?& Yes, they are.& No, they aren’t.& 注:this, that, these , those这些指示代词使用时,再次提起常用it(代this、that)和they (those, these)来代替。 例如:& This is a house, It’s a new house.& Those are flowers. They’re beautiful.& 另外:this、that还常用于电话用语中,this 指我,that指对方。例如:& Hello! Is that Li Lei? 你好!你是李磊吗?& Yes, This is Li Lei speaking. 是的,我是李磊。& this还可以用来介绍他人。例如:& This is my teacher, Miss Gao. 这是我的老师,高小姐。& Miss Gao, this is my father. 高小姐,这是我的父亲。& 2.人称代词& 人称代词有单复数之分,有第一,二,三人称之别,还有主宾格两种形式。人称代词的主格在句子中作主语,宾格在句子中作动词或介词的宾语,由于人称和数的不同,所用的谓语动词也不同,动词必须和人称及数保持一致。主格人称代词
单数&&&&& 动词be
复数&&& 动词 be
I&&&&&&&&& am
we&&&&& are
you&&&&&&& are
you&&&& are
he she it }& is
they&&&& are
& 例如:& We are here.&&&& 我们在这。&&&&&&&&&&& They are at home. 他们在家。& He likes English. 他喜欢英语。&&&&&& They like playing football.& 他们喜欢踢球。
him& her& it
& He helps us. 他帮助我们.& We help him. 我们帮他。& It’s time for her to go to work .& 到她上班时间了。& The flowers are for her.&&&&& 这些花是为她准备的。& What’s wrong with him?&&&& 他怎么了?& 3. 物主代词& 物主代词是用来表示所有关系的。物主代词有形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词两种。
his her its
his hers& its
& 请同学注意观察名词性物主代词的构成有何规律?& 在形容词性物主代词后 +s ,但mine, his , its是特殊形式。& 形容词性物主代词用来修饰名词, 在句子中作定语, 名词既可以是单数,也可以是复数,如:my book,& your friends. 名词性物主代词相当于名词,在句中可以做主,表 ,宾语等成份。例如:Your pen is new.&& Mine is old (主语)& ( Mine =My pen ) 你的钢笔新,我的旧。& You can use my pen.& 你可以用我的钢笔。& I can use yours(宾语)& ( yours = your pen) 我可以用你的。& It’s mine. 它是我的.& 注:& (1)在形容词性物主代词和名词之前加入其它形容词。例如:& his good friend&&&& my red pen.& (2)名词前有形容词性物主代词,不能再用其他限定词。(冠词,指示代词等)& 例如:my a pen ( × )&& my this pen& ( × )& (3)对物主代词提问用whose& 例如:& That is her pen.&&&&&&& →&& Whose pen is that?&&& It is hers .&&&&&&&&&&&& →& Whose is it ?& This room is the twins’ .& →& Whose is this room?
& 【模拟试题】& 一. 填表格,记单词:
& 二. 根据上下句填入正确的代词& 1.& That’s my schoolbag. Give &&&&&&&&&to &&&&&&&&&&&, please& 2.& Give this book to Jane, please, Give &&&&&&&&&that one, too.& 3.& They are your new teachers. Please go and say “hello” to &&&&&&&&&&.& 4.& John wants a pencil sharpener. Could you give &&&&&&&&&one?& 5.& Bob is an American boy. &&&&&&&&&father is Mr. brown.& 6.& A: Oh, dear! I can’t find &&&&&&&&&&bike.&&&&& B: Don’t worry. I think I can help &&&&&&&&&. Is that one over there &&&&&&&&&?& 7.& Aunt Sally can’t get on the bus with the bags. Could you help &&&&&&&&&&?& 8.& A: Dad, we can’t carry this bag. It is too heavy. Could you come and help &&&&&&&&&.&&&&&&B: Wait a minute(少等一会儿). I can help &&&&&&&&&&carry it.
& 三.选择代词填空& 1.A: Give &&&&&&&&&&the knife, please.&&&& B: Which one is &&&&&&&&&?&&&& A: The small one is &&&&&&&&&&.(him, he, his)& 2.&A: Give &&&&&&&&&&the English book, please.&&&&& B: Which one is &&&&&&&&&?&&&& A: The new one is &&&&&&&&&. (she, her, hers)& 3.&A: Where is &&&&&&&&&&dress?&&&& B: Is this yours ?&&&& A: No, that’s not &&&&&&&&&dress. &&&&&&&&&&is red.(I, me, my, mine)& 4.&A: &&&&&&&&&can’t find &&&&&&&&&boat. Where is it?&&&& B: I don’t know.(they, theirs, their)& 5. A: Could you help &&&&&&&&&please?&&&& B: What’s wrong?&&&& A: &&&&&&&&jeep is broken.(we, us, our, ours)
& 四.用代词填空& 1. Hello, I’m a Chinese student. &&&&&&&&&&&&name is Lin Tao.& 2. I have an English friend.&&&&&&&&&& &name is Kate.& 3. &&&&&&&&&&&&is this red dress? I think it’s& &&&&&&&&&&&&.& 4. Is this blouse &&&&&&&&&&&&, Wei Fang? Yes, It’s mine.& 5. Are those shoes Li Ming’s? No, they aren’t.& &&&&&&&&&&&&shoes are brown.& 6. I have a new cat.& &&&&&&&&&&&&name is Mimi&&
& 五. 单项选择& 1.&Is this car for ______ ?& A. I&&&&&&&&& B. my&&&&&&& C. me&
& 2.&Who teach _____ French?& A. we&&&&&&&& B. our&&&&&& C. us&&&&&&& D. ours
& 3.&Excuse me, is this ________ ?& A. you&&&&&&&& B. your&&&&& C. yours&&&& D. yourself (你自己)
& 4.&__________ name is Lin Tao .& A. He&&&&&&&&& B. Himself&&& C. Him&&&&& D. His
& 5.&Would you pass ______ the pen , please ?& A. she&&&&&&&&& B. her&&&&&&& C. hers&&&&& D. herself (她自己)
& 6.&This room is ours., and that one is ________ .& A. they&&&&&&&& B. them&&&&&& C.& theirs&&& D. their
& 7.&---Tom, is this your ruler ?&&& ---- No, __________ is& in my pencil –box.& A. my&&&&&&&&& B. your&&&&&&& C. mine&&&&& D. myself
& 8.&That isn’t _________ shirt. It’s _______ .& A. Sam’s&& B. Sam&& C. Y Sam’s& D. Sam
& 9.&--- What colour is your ruler ?&& ----- _________ brown .& A. She’s&&&&&&&& B. He’s&&&&&&& C. They’re&&&&& D. It’s
& 10.Mary can’t go with us. _______ has to look after _______ mother at home.& A. S his&&&&&& B. S her&&&& C. He; her&&&&& D. He; his
& 11.Give the flowers _________ .& A. them&&&&&&&&&& B. to them&&&& C. they&&&&&&&& D. to they
& 12.________ are in the same class.& A. I and you&&&&&&& B. You and I&& C. They and we& D. He and you
& 13.Tom is here and a friend of _______ is here, too.& A. him&&&&&&&&&&&& B. he&&&&&&&& C. his&&&&&&&&& D. hers
& 14.---Your football socks are under the table , Please _______.&&&& --- OK. I will_______.& A. look after them&&&& B. look them after& C. look after them&&& D. look after it
& 15.The women over there is his mother ,_______ is a doctor.& A. He&&&&&&&&&&&& B. She&&&&&&&& C. Hers&&&&&& D. His
& 16._______ is my daughter . Do you like to play with _______, Mary ?& A. Y you&&&&&&& B. Sher&&&& C. I ; me&&&&&& D. H him
& 17.Mr Green is our English teacher. ______ is from Australia .& A. He&&&&&&&&&&&&& B. She&&&&&&& C. It&&&&&&&&&& D. His
& 18.It isn’t my book. It’s _____ book.& A. you&&&&&&&&&&&& B. he&&&&&& &&C. we&&&&&&&&& D. her
& 19.This is _______ bedroom. _______ wall is white .& A. Its&&&&&&&& B. It’s&&&& C. Its&&&& D.It’s
& 20.Here is my pencil case , where is &&&&&&&&&&&?& A: you&&&&&&&&&&&& B: your&&&&&&&& C. yours&&&&& D. your’s
& 21.Your Chinese is good but &&&&&&&&&is better.& A: her&&&&&&&&&& B: him&&&&&&&&& C: she&&&&&&&&&& D: his&&&
& 22.Is this book &&&&&&&&&&.& A: he&&&&&&&&&&& B: him&&&&&&&&& C: his&&&&&&&&&& D: he’s
& 23.Please give the basketball to &&&&&&&&&&&.& A: their&&&&&&&&&& B: they&&&&&&&&& C: theirs&&&&&&& D: them.
& 24.Who is going to help him &&&&&&&&&?& A: me or you&&&&& B: you and I&&&&& C: you or me&&& D: you or I
& 六.根据对话,选用所给单词填空(有的可以重复使用)
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& I; it
& Sam: Could you help(1)&&&&&&& &, please, Kate?(2)&&&&&&& &want to put this box on the table.& Kate: Certainly, Sam. But(3)&&&&&&& &is too big.(4)&&&&&&& &can’t carry(5)&&&&& &.& Sam: Let’s have a try(试一试). There! Ok?& Kate: It is too heavy.(6) &&&&&&&&two can’t carry(7)&&&&&&& &, either(也). Look! Bill is over there!(8)&&&&&&&can let(9)&&&&&&& &help(10)&&&&&&& &.
& 【试题答案】& 一. 略
& 二. 1. it, me& 2. her& 3. them& 4. him& 5. His& 6. my, you , yours& 7. her& 8. us , you
& 三. 1. him, his , his& 2. her hers& hers&&3. my , my , Mine& 4. They , their& 5. us , Our
& 四. 1. My& 2. Her& 3. Whose , hers& 4. yours& 5. His& 6. Its
& 五. 1----5 CCCDB& 6---10 CCCDB& 11----15 BBCCB&& 16----20 BADCB&& 21---24 DCDD
& 六. 1. me&& 2. I&&&& 3. it&& 4. I&& 5. it&& 6. We& 7. it& &8. We&& 9. him&& 10. us


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