
谁能帮我翻译一下,请别用软件 5
Please try to explain me this message, because I do not understandwhat you mean by this, or what do you want exactly.Be more specific or say to B OK ?
其他回答 (7)
请尝试帮我解释这个消息,因为我不懂  你的意思是什么,或你想要做什么。  请更明确对宝儿进行解释,好吗?
请试着解释我这个消息,因为我不明白 这是什么意思,或者是你想要完全。 更具体的或者说与boa解释我,好吗?
Please try to explain me this message, because I do not understand
请帮我解释这个信息的意思,因为我不明白。what you mean by this, or what do you want exactly.
你这是什么意思,或你到底想要什么?Be more specific or say to B OK ?
请说详细一点,或跟Boa 说,让他跟我解释,好吗?
Please try to explain me this message, because I do not understand what you mean by this,
请给我解释一下这段话的意思,因为我不明白他是什么意思,or what do you want exactly.
或者你到底想要什么Be more specific or say to B OK ?
一定要更加准确,翔实的告诉Boa , 叫Boa 解释给我, 好吗?
请尽量为我解读这则消息,因为我不懂你要通过这个告诉我什么,也不知道你究竟想要什么。请说清楚点或者让Boa 解释给我听,好吗?
& &SOGOU - 京ICP证050897号这个是什么意思 能帮忙翻译一下吗This is the mail system at host .cn.I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could notbe delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.For further assistance, please send_百度作业帮
这个是什么意思 能帮忙翻译一下吗This is the mail system at host .cn.I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could notbe delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.For further assistance, please send
这个是什么意思 能帮忙翻译一下吗This is the mail system at host .cn.I'm sorry to have to inform you that your message could notbe delivered to one or more recipients. It's attached below.For further assistance, please send mail to postmaster.If you do so, please include this problem report. You candelete your own text from the attached returned message.
The mail system&zlzw@& (expanded from &.cn&): host
mx3.[] said: 553 Envelope sender
&& rejected (in reply to MAIL FROM command)
十分准确的意思呢不太懂,好像是一封自动回复的信件你可以去在网上那些免费的翻译软件看下,比如GOOGLE 比如有道
这是host .cn邮件系统的回复。我们很抱歉的通知您您的信息将不能发送至一位或多位收件人。它在下面附上。如果您想获得更多帮助,请给管理员发信。在您发信前,请附带上这封问题报告。你可以删除返回的信息。
这是host .cn邮件系统的回复。
这里是.cn邮件系统客户端。很抱歉通知您您的邮件不能发送至一个或多个收件人,原邮件随附如下。如需帮助,请将此封问题报告一并发邮件给管理员,您可以将所附被退回的邮件的个人内容删除。邮件系统(的扩展地址):主机 mx3.[]反馈信息:553 信封发件人 拒收 (对邮件来源指令的回复)...不要软件翻译的,各位能帮我翻译一下么?Going to a friend’s house can be exciting. You get to see where he lives and also get to spend some time with your friend. However, you should always remember to be polite.The first thing to _百度作业帮
不要软件翻译的,各位能帮我翻译一下么?Going to a friend’s house can be exciting. You get to see where he lives and also get to spend some time with your friend. However, you should always remember to be polite.The first thing to
不要软件翻译的,各位能帮我翻译一下么?Going to a friend’s house can be exciting. You get to see where he lives and also get to spend some time with your friend. However, you should always remember to be polite.The first thing to remember is that when a friend invites you over, you need to arrive on time. If your friend tells you to come “ around 3:00 ”, that means you can turn up a little bit after 3:00. However, it isusually a good idea to arrive at the right time.It’s also nice to take something to your friend’s house. This could be a box of chocolates for the two of you to share, or maybe a movie that you can watch together. You can also take some flowers. Alittle gift is a nice way to show your friend that you are excited about being at his house.When you visit a friend’s house, you may also meet his parents. You should tell them who you are and they will tell you their names. As a child, Iwent to visit my friend Paul. I called his parents by their first names, John and Mary, but now I know it more polite to call them Mr and Mrs Smith.
This shows them more respect. They may tell you later to call them by their first names.It’s cool to visit a friend’s house. Be polite to your friend and your friend’s parents, and you will be invited again.
去一个朋友家可以是令人兴奋的。你可以看到他现在居住并且也要花一些时间与你的朋友。然而,你应该永远记住要有礼貌。要记住第一件事是当一个朋友邀请你,你需要想准时到达。如果你的朋友告诉你来"大约 3:00",这意味着你可以把一点点后 3:00。然而,它通常被一个好的主意,要在正确的时间到达。它也是不错的带一些东西到你的朋友家。这可能是一盒巧克力,你学会分享,或也许你们可以一起看一部电影的两个。你也可以带...能帮我翻译英语吗?你可以用谷歌翻译然后帮我订正修改,当然纯手工的最好,大师进————【白喉针尾雨燕体长21厘米左右; 白喉针尾雨燕额灰白色;头顶至后颈黑褐色,具蓝绿色金属光_百度作业帮
能帮我翻译英语吗?你可以用谷歌翻译然后帮我订正修改,当然纯手工的最好,大师进————【白喉针尾雨燕体长21厘米左右; 白喉针尾雨燕额灰白色;头顶至后颈黑褐色,具蓝绿色金属光
能帮我翻译英语吗?你可以用谷歌翻译然后帮我订正修改,当然纯手工的最好,大师进————【白喉针尾雨燕体长21厘米左右; 白喉针尾雨燕额灰白色;头顶至后颈黑褐色,具蓝绿色金属光泽; 有时亦见单只或成对飞翔。飞翔快速,时而冲向高空,时而急剧直下,发出“嗖嗖”声响,是鸟类中飞行速度最快的种类之一。; 据记载它的速度为105英里每小时,远超其它任何鸟类的速度。】 【猎豹(学名:Acinonyx jubatus),又称印度豹,是猫科动物的一种,也是猎豹属下唯一的物种,现在主要分布在非洲与西亚。同其它猫科动物不同,猎豹依靠速度来捕猎,而非偷袭或群体攻击。猎豹是陆上奔跑最快的动物,全速奔驰地猎豹,时速一般可以超过120公里,相当于普通人的5倍,相当于人类中百米世界冠军的三倍快,但不能长期奔跑,长期奔跑会导致猎豹体温过热,甚至导致死亡。猎豹不仅是陆地上速度最快的动物,也是猫科动物成员中历史最久,最独特和特异化的品种; 猎豹是猫科家族当中一个让人吃惊的成员,以地球上最快的哺乳动物而闻名,有能力在不超过四分之一英里的距离内提速到70至75英里每小时,而且有能力在静止状态下三秒钟就达到这种速度,远超任何超级跑车】 【棱皮龟,又称革龟,是龟鳖目中体型最大者,最大体长可达3米,龟壳长2米余;体重可述800-900公斤。; 棱皮龟是世界上龟鳖类中体形最大的一种,堪称“巨龟”。 棱皮龟数量锐减的一个重要原因是,由于人们在海洋中丢弃废塑料袋使棱皮龟误认为是水母而误食,造成肠道阻塞而死亡;加上过度捕捉和溺毙,所以数量日益减少; 据美国杜克大学研究小组二十一世纪初发表的海龟调查报告表明,棱皮龟有可能在10-20年内灭绝。; 棱皮龟在海龟当中拥有最符合水动力学的身体构造,当它在水中移动的时候巨大的前鳍为它提供了许多力量。这些平整的前鳍让它们非常善于游泳; 棱皮龟是所有存活的海龟中最大的物种,也是现代爬行动物中排名第四位,它也是移动速度最快的爬行动物。它在水中的速度几乎达到22英里每小时,这一速度让它成为世界上最快的爬行动物。】 ——————谢了,真的要用心一点啊拜托,20分+20分+翻译得好追加20呢。。
【 diphtheria needle tail swifts length 21 diphtheria needle tail head to neck dark brown, teal
sometimes see also single or in pairs only fly. Fly fast, ...你好,能帮我翻译一下吗?_百度作业帮
when you lose somebody,everycandle,every prayer is not going to make up for the fact,that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody,that you cared about used to be,a...
  when you lose somebody,everycandle,every prayer is not going to make up for the fact,that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody,that you cared about used to be...
Hello, can you help me translate it?
你好 Hello 欢迎采纳 祝你进步
when you lose somebody,everycandle,every prayer is not going to make up for the fact,that the only thing that you have left is a hole in your life where that somebody,that you cared about used to be,and a rock.


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