3 suited guys messing with youup with the banks alarm wi

The clip messing up the kitchen from Cat in the Hat (2003) with Dakota Fanning
I'm just saying we have a case.
We'll talk later. Ixnay, ixnay.
Cat, is the oven supposed to be making that sound?
Of course. That means they're almost done, Conrack.
That's what I said, Condor.
Now, that's my name!
They're done!
Oh, man! There's nothing to worry about.
I'm sure they still taste fine.
Yecch! They're horrible!
Who wants some? Come on, come on!
Oh... my... cod.
Cat, you need to clean this mess up pronto.
We have a contract. All right, I'll try.
You don't try. You do.
Yes, ma'am. Right away, ma'am.
I'll be right back.
Hi. How are ya?
Look. I'm a girl.
Stop! That's...
Mom's dress!
This filthy thing?
She was gonna wear that tonight, and you ruined it.
Honey, it was ruined when she bought it.
Mm-hmm. Yeah. Mm-hmm.
I told you all this would happen!
But no one listens to a fish!
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The clip messing up the kitchen Part 2 from Cat in the Hat (2003) with Sean Hayes
A dog goes &#34;woof-woof&#34; and everybody knows that little Timmy's trapped under a log.
But a fish speaks in plain English...
All right, everyone, let's just take a deep breath and calm down.
You know who's gonna solve it? Me. I am.
I will personally take care of everything.
And I know just the guys to do it.
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The clip messing up the kitchen Part 2 from Cat in the Hat (2003) with Sean Hayes
A dog goes &#34;woof-woof&#34; and everybody knows that little Timmy's trapped under a log.
But a fish speaks in plain English...
All right, everyone, let's just take a deep breath and calm down.
You know who's gonna solve it? Me. I am.
I will personally take care of everything.
And I know just the guys to do it.
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