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的刘康宁一举夺冠。这以国学为题的比赛本身并无甚好说,分数打出来也就是结束了。它不会影响个人对国学经典的喜好与学习。&& & 若一定要对比赛加以总结,那么只能说一句,赢家总是孤独的。但说回来,所有号召做大做强的一切都与美学无关,文人的宿命就是孤独。诗家手法,置最小事物于最大寂寞空间之中(porre un determinato oggetto nel massimo d...【】博学名师讲座大小:1.29 GB 更新时间: 00:46:09
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《粉红猪小妹》Peppa pig 1-4季196集全+字幕+50绘本+游戏――更多资源,课程更新在
& & 1、将字幕文件压缩包解压。
& & 2、将字幕文件(*.sub和*.idx)复制到视频文件所在目录下。如果该集的字幕文件名和视频文件名一样,用暴风影音这样的播放软件播放视频时,会自动调用字幕文件,显示字幕。否则需要将该集的字幕文件名改成和视频文件名一样,或者是在暴风影音中手动调用字幕,方法:选&文件&菜单,点&手动载入字幕&,找到该集字幕,点&打开&。
& & 英文名称:Peppa pig
& & 中文名称:粉红猪小妹
& & 2005 年
& & 法国 Annecy 国际动画展赢得&最佳电视制作& Cristal(水晶 )奖
& & 意大利 Cartoon on the Bay 动画展赢得&最佳学龄前影集& Pulcinella 奖
& & 意大利 Cartoon on the Bay 动画展赢得&年度最佳欧洲节目& Pulcinella 奖
& & 专家推荐背书:
& & 儿童英语教学权威 - 亚洲大学应用外语系系主任&张湘君&
& & 幼教专家 - 台湾师范大学人类发展与家庭学系教授&黄毓&
& & 英文&幼教专家一致推荐
& & ☆2004年在英国的FIVE 和NICK JR.电视台首播后,全球超过120个国家的电视频道也相继播映,包括,台湾&迪士尼频道&,美国 CARTOON NETWORK,以及澳洲,纽西兰,挪威,瑞典,北欧其余各国,韩国&等等。其DVD亦创下惊人的销售量。
& & ☆并荣获2005年法国Annecy 国际动画展Cristal奖&最佳电视制作&义大利Cartoons on the Bay动画展Pulcinella奖&最佳幼儿影集&&年度最佳欧洲节目&清新且色彩明亮饱和的简单画风配上非常温馨有趣的剧情,是一部非常适合全家大小一起观赏的优质动画。
& & ☆加上对话简单,让小朋友在欢笑之余,与粉红猪全家学习英文,达到寓教于乐的目的。并由儿童英语教学权威张湘君教授郑重推荐!
& & ☆轰动全球 欢乐无国界 最适合全家观赏学英文的卡通影集
& & 这部片子非常适合3-6岁的宝宝看动画学英语,高清晰,英文发音,第1季有字幕文件,其它的没有字幕!!每集大约5分钟一个小故事,因为3-6岁的宝宝不适合长时间看电视哦,5分钟的时间正合适。
& & Peppa 是一只可爱的粉红色小猪,与小弟弟乔治和爸爸妈妈在一起生活。本片的动画很简单,与小老鼠梅茜风格有些类似,对白也比较简单,但却充满了生活情趣。
& & 如何让宝宝利用原版动画片学习英文呢,建议如下:
& & 每天陪孩子一起看5-10分钟的动画,学习1-2集。每看完一集,立刻和孩子一起回顾动画里的情节,和孩子一起复述动画的主要情节和对话。如果孩子不理解,那么稍微讲解一下,再看一遍。
& &其中最重要的是,要坚持让孩子听英文。
s1 01 Muddy Puddles.avi & &33785 KB
s1 02 Mr Dinosaur is Lost.avi & 33726 KB
s1 03 Polly Parrot.avi & &33656 KB
s1 04 Best Friend.avi & &33774 KB
s1 05 Hide and Seek.avi & &33779 KB
s1 06 The Playgroup.avi & &33800 KB
s1 07 Mummy Pig at Work.avi & &33683 KB
s1 08 Camping.avi & & 33191 KB
s1 09 Gardening.avi & & 34110 KB
s1 10 Bicycles.avi & & 33736 KB
s1 11 The New Car.avi & &33111 KB
s1 12 Snow.avi & & 33141 KB
s1 13 Flying a Kite.avi & &33696 KB
s1 14 My Cousin Chloe.avi & &26822 KB
s1 15 Daddy Loses his Glasses.avi & 33771 KB
s1 16 Hiccups.avi & & 33912 KB
s1 17 Picnic.avi & & 32993 KB
s1 18 Mummy Pigs Birthday.avi & 33329 KB
s1 19 Dressing Up.avi & &33051 KB
s1 20 The School Fete.avi & &33306 KB
s1 21 Musical Instruments.avi & 33115 KB
s1 22 Babysitting.avi & &33143 KB
s1 23 New Shoes.avi & & 33154 KB
s1 24 Ballet Lesson.avi & &33200 KB
s1 25 The Tooth Fairy.avi & &33214 KB
s1 26 Treasure Hunt.avi & &33161 KB
s1 27 Not Very Well.avi & &33238 KB
s1 28 Windy Castle.avi & &33035 KB
s1 29 Pancakes.avi & & 33059 KB
s1 30 The Museum.avi & & 33019 KB
s1 31 Secrets.avi & & 33660 KB
s1 32 Thunderstorm.avi & &34110 KB
s1 33 Piggy in the Middle.avi & 31303 KB
s1 34 Fancy Dress Party.avi & &31214 KB
s1 35 Very Hot Day.avi & &31234 KB
s1 36 Mister Skinnylegs.avi & &31406 KB
s1 37 Lunch.avi & & 31185 KB
s1 38 Sleepy Princess.avi & &31407 KB
s1 39 The Tree House.avi & &31169 KB
s1 40 Daddy Gets Fit.avi & &31320 KB
s1 41 Shopping.avi & & 31413 KB
s1 42 Chloes puppet show.avi & &31781 KB
s1 43 My Birthday Party.avi & &31406 KB
s1 44 The Playground.avi & &31444 KB
s1 45 Tidying Up.avi & & 31441 KB
s1 46 Frogs and Worms and Butterflies.avi &31246 KB
s1 47 Daddy Puts up a Picture.avi & 31439 KB
s1 48 At the Beach.avi & &31377 KB
s1 49 Cleaning the Car.avi & &31159 KB
s1 50 Grandpa Pigs Boat.avi & &31333 KB
s1 51 Daddys Movie Camera.avi & 31378 KB
s1 52 The School Play.avi & &31448 KB
s2 01 Bubbles.avi & & 31382 KB
s2 02 Teddys day out.avi & &31404 KB
s2 03 Emily Elephant.avi & &31406 KB
s2 04 Pollys Holiday.avi & &31424 KB
s2 05 Georges friend.avi & &31409 KB
s2 06 Mysteries.avi & & 31410 KB
s2 07 Rock Pools.avi & & 31381 KB
s2 08 Windy Autumn Day.avi & &31354 KB
s2 09 The Time Capsule.avi & &31390 KB
s2 10 Mr Scarecrow.avi & &31357 KB
s2 11 The Boat Pond.avi & &31402 KB
s2 12 Recycling.avi & & 31783 KB
s2 13 Peppas Christmas.avi & &70763 KB
s2 14 Pirate Island.avi & &33587 KB
s2 15 Cuckoo Clock.avi & &33507 KB
s2 16 Pretend Friend.avi & &33501 KB
s2 17 The Long Grass.avi & &33583 KB
s2 18 The Dentist.avi & &33485 KB
s2 19 Zoe Zebra the Postmans Daughter.avi &33558 KB
s2 20 Nature Trail.avi & &33481 KB
s2 21 Pen Pal.avi & & 33672 KB
s2 22 School Bus Trip.avi & &33585 KB
s2 23 Granny and Grandpas Attic.avi & 33501 KB
s2 24 Sports day.avi & & 51204 KB
s2 25 The Eye Test.avi & &51240 KB
s2 26 Granddad Dogs Garage.avi & 51224 KB
s2 27 Foggy Day.avi & & 43852 KB
s2 28 Swimming.avi & & 51266 KB
s2 29 Tiny Creatures.avi & &50636 KB
s2 30 Daddy Pigs Office.avi & &51570 KB
s2 31 George's Birthday.avi & &44068 KB
s2 32 George Catches a Cold.avi & 32799 KB
s2 33 Traffic Jam.avi & &30893 KB
s2 34 Bedtime.avi & & 51236 KB
s2 35 Jumble Sale.avi & &54376 KB
s2 36 The Balloon Ride.avi & &34287 KB
s2 37 Painting.avi & & 36342 KB
s2 38 Grandpa's Little Train.avi & 37636 KB
s2 39 The Baby Piggy.avi & &33994 KB
s2 40 The Cycle Ride.avi & &41981 KB
s2 41 Dens.avi & & 40407 KB
s2 42 Ice Skating.avi & &46776 KB
s2 43 Rebecca Rabbit.avi & &37164 KB
s2 44 The Quarrel.avi & &23467 KB
s2 45 The Toy Cupboard.avi & &31624 KB
s2 46 School Camp.avi & &37791 KB
s2 47 Captian Daddy Pig.avi & &46969 KB
s2 48 The Powercut.avi & &20407 KB
s2 49 Bouncy Ball.avi & &26676 KB
s2 50 Stars day.avi & & 29582 KB
s2 51 Daddy Pig's Birthday.avi & 32635 KB
s2 52 Sleepover.avi & & 33158 KB
s2 53 Cold Winter Day.avi & &51196 KB
s3 01 Work and Play.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & &44,568,576
s3 02 The Rainbow.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &41,947,136
s3 03 Pedro's Cough.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & &41,949,184
s3 04 The Library.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,416,128
s3 05 The Camper Van.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & 43,786,240
s3 06 Camping Holiday.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & &39,852,032
s3 07 Compost.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &41,832,448
s3 08 Richard Rabbit Comes to Play.avi & & & & & & 41,822,208
s3 09 Fun Run.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &41,824,256
s3 10 Washing.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,717,184
s3 11 Polly's Boat Trip.avi & & & & & & & & & & & &42,874,880
s3 12 Delphine Donkey.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & &41,519,104
s3 13 The Fire Engine.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & &41,822,208
S3 14 Princess Peppa (2nd Nov 2009).avi & & & & & &42,872,832
S3 15 Teddy Playgroup (3rd Nov 2009).avi & & & & & 42,885,120
S3 16 Danny's Pirate Party (4th Nov 2009).avi & & &42,874,880
S3 17 Mr Potato Comes to Town (5th Nov 2009) .avi &42,878,976
S3 18 The Train Ride (6th Nov 2009) .avi & & & & & 42,876,928
S3 19 Granny Pig's Chickens.avi & & & & & & & & & &42,870,784
S3 20 Talent Day.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 42,874,880
S3 21 A Trip to the Moon.avi & & & & & & & & & & & 42,883,072
S3 22 Grandpa at the Playground.avi & & & & & & & &42,872,832
S3 23 Goldie the Fish.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,870,784
S3 24 Funfair.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,872,832
S3 25 Numbers.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,874,880
S3 26 Digging up the Road.avi & & & & & & & & & & &42,872,832
s3 27 - Freddy Fox.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 43,397,120
s3 28 - Whistling.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &43,735,040
s3 29 - Doctor Hamster's Tortoise.avi & & & & & & &42,881,024
s3 30 - Sun, Sea and Snow.avi & & & & & & & & & & &42,866,688
s3 31 - Grandpa Pig's Computer.avi & & & & & & & & 42,881,024
s3 32 - Hospital.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 42,872,832
s3 33 - Spring.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 43,927,552
s3 34 - Miss Rabbit's Helicopter.avi & & & & & & & 43,929,600
s3 35 - Baby Alexander.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & 42,874,880
s3 36 - Grampy Rabbit's Lighthouse.avi & & & & & & 43,163,648
s3 37 - The Secret Club.avi & & & & & & & & & & & &43,601,920
s3 38 - Miss Rabbit's Day Off.avi & & & & & & & & &43,919,360
s3 39 - Grampy Rabbit's Boatyard.avi & & & & & & & 42,887,168
s3 40 - Shake, Rattle and Bang.avi & & & & & & & & 42,876,928
s3 41 - Champion Daddy Pig.avi & & & & & & & & & & 41,361,408
s3 42 - Chatterbox.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & 43,300,864
s3 43 - Mr Fox&s Van.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,885,120
s3 44 - Chloe's Big Friends.avi & & & & & & & & & &43,292,672
s3 45 - Gym Class.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,878,976
s3 46 - The Blackberry Bush.avi & & & & & & & & & &42,889,216
s3 47 - Pottery.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,878,976
s3 48 - Paper Aeroplanes.avi & & & & & & & & & & & 43,100,160
s3 49 - Edmond Elephant's Birthday.avi & & & & & & 42,874,880
s3 50 - The Biggest Muddy Puddle.avi & & & & & & & 42,876,928
s3 51 - Santa's Grotto.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & 42,870,784
s3 52 - Santa's Visit.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,881,024
S04E01_Potato_City.avi & & & & & & & & & & & &42,878,976
S04E02_The_New_House.avi & & & & & & & & & & &42,741,760
S04E03_Basketball.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & 42,782,720
S04E04_Horsey_Twinkle_Toes.avi & & & & & & & &42,430,464
S04E05_Naughty_Tortoise.avi & & & & & & & & & 42,713,088
S04E06_Mr_Fox&s_Shop.avi & & & & & & & & & & 42,360,832
S04E07_Shadows.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,514,432
S04E08_International_Day.avi & & & & & & & & &42,670,080
S04E09_The_Rainy_Day_Game.avi & & & & & & & & 42,553,344
S04E10_Mummy_Rabbit's_Bump.avi & & & & & & & &42,387,456
S04E11_Pedro_the_Cowboy.avi & & & & & & & & & 42,737,664
S04E12_Peppa_and_Georges_Garden.avi & & & & & 42,739,712
S04E13_The_Flying_Vet.avi & & & & & & & & & & 42,919,936
S04E14.Kylie.Kangaroo.avi & & & & & & & & & & 42,889,216
S04E15.Captain.Daddy.Dog.avi & & & & & & & & &42,614,784
S04E16.Dinosaur.Park.avi & & & & & & & & & & &42,876,928
S04E17.Bedtime.Story.avi & & & & & & & & & & &53,948,416
S04E18.Lost.Keys.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & &52,035,584
S04E19.Georges.New.Dinosaur.avi & & & & & & & 48,508,928
S04E20.Grandpa.Pigs.Train.to.the.Rescue.avi & 42,883,072
S04E21.petition.avi & & & & & & & &48,936,960
S04E22.Spider.Web.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & 48,164,864
S04E23.The.Noisy.Night.avi & & & & & & & & & &42,756,096
S04E24.Wishing.Well.avi & & & & & & & & & & & 42,678,272
S04E25.Mr.Potatos.Christmas.Show.avi & & & & &42,680,320
S04E26.Madame.Gazelles.Leaving.Party.avi & & &42,678,272
S04E27.The.Queen.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,700,800
S04E28.Desert.Island.avi & & & & & & & & & & &42,594,304
S04E29.Perfume.avi & & & & & & & & & & & & & &42,956,800
S04E30.Childrens.Fete.avi & & & & & & & & & & 42,878,976
S04E31.The.Aquarium.avi & & & & & & & & & & & 42,745,856
S04E32.Georges.Racing.Car.avi & & & & & & & & 42,876,928
S04E33.The.Little.Boat.avi & & & & & & & & & &42,737,664
S04E34.The.Sandpit.avi & & & & & & & & & & & &42,893,312
S04E35.Night.Animals.avi & & & & & & & & & & &42,811,392
S04E36.Flying.on.Holiday.avi & & & & & & & & &42,878,976
S04E37.The.Holiday.House.avi & & & & & & & & &42,883,072
S04E38.Holiday.in.the.Sun.avi & & & & & & & & 42,883,072
S04E39.End.of.the.Holiday.avi & & & & & & & & 42,887,168
Daddy Pigs Old Chair.pdf & & & &4,217,056
George's Birthday.pdf & & & & & 7,743,105
Little Library(内含6本书).PDF &23,567,798(内含6本书,为Peppa's F Peppa at H Peppa's F Peppa's Favourite T Peppa at P Peppa's Garden)
Nature Trail.pdf & & & & & & & &4,875,550
Peppa's Space Trip.pdf & & & & &7,220,099
Piggy Fun Activity Book.pdf & &11,627,500
Recycling Fun.pdf & & & & & & & 3,991,899
School Bus Trip.pdf & & & & & & 4,365,261
Sports Day.pdf & & & & & & & & &3,949,056
Super Sparkly Sticker Book.pdf &7,358,591
Tiny Creatures.pdf & & & & & & &3,801,607
S01E01 Muddy Puddles.pdf
S01E02 Mr Dinosaur is Lost.pdf
S01E03 Polly Parrot.pdf
S01E04 BestFriend.pdf
S01E05 Hide and Seek.pdf
S01E05 Hide and Seek2.pdf
S01E06 The Playgroup.pdf
S01E07 Mummy Pig at Work.pdf
S01E08 Camping.pdf
S01E09 Gardening.pdf
S01E10 Bicycles.pdf
S01E11 The New Car.pdf
S01E12 Snow.pdf
S01E13 Flying a Kite.pdf
S01E13 Flying a Kite2.pdf
S01E15 Daddy Loses his Glasses.pdf
S01E16 Hiccups.pdf
S01E17 Picnic.pdf
S01E18 Mummy Pigs Birthday.pdf
S01E19 Dressing Up.pdf
S01E20 The School Fete.pdf
S01E22 Babysitting.pdf
S01E23 New Shoes.pdf
S01E27 Not Very Well.pdf
S01E28 Windy Castle.pdf
S01E29 Pancakes.pdf
S01E30 The Museum.pdf
S01E31 Secrets.pdf
S01E32 Thunderstorm.pdf
S01E33 Piggy in the Middle.pdf
S01E35 Very Hot Day.pdf
S02E03 Emily elephant.pdf
S02E05 George&s best frind.pdf
S02E07 Rock pools.pdf
Learn the Alphabet with Peppa.avi & 44952 KB(和 PEPPA 学字母)
Peppa Pig.mp3 & & &229 KB 主题歌的MP3音频
Peppa's Christmas.avi & &102324 KB
Peppa is a loveable, cheeky little piggy who lives with her little brother George, Mummy Pig and Daddy Pig. Peppa&s favourite things include playing games, dressing up, days out and jumping in muddy puddles. Her adventures always end happily with loud snorts of laughter.
Peppa Pig lives in a bright square house on a big green hill, with her Mummy and Daddy and younger brother George. Peppa loves playing games with her brother and parents, and the latter are always there to solve any problems, and to pick up the pieces if things go wrong.
&Peppa Pig& is Astley Baker Davies' very first pre-school production. Those already familiar with their work will notice their trademark character design on display once more. The stars feature flattened heads with both eyes on the same side of the face. Their arms are stick-like and therefore perfect
for waving frantically up and down in times of trouble. Peppa and George wave theirs a lot. And George likes to cry as lot as well, usually in great rainbow-like arcs of tears. There's plenty of intuititive detail to pick up on too: Take the time when Peppa and George make a snowman. As they roll the snowman's body, their snowball turns in a lumpy, angular way, just like a real snowball should - it's terrific.
As for the soundtrack, well frankly, it's inspired. All the piggies snort and grunt as they speak, each in their own particular way. And similarly, Peppa's animal friends bark and bleat accordingly. Peppa and George love to laugh too, and their giggling is infectious. There are times when all four members of Peppa's happy family will literally fall on their back and kick their legs in the air in a fit of giggles. You'd have to be dour indeed not to giggle along with them. Peppa's giggly girly voice is provided by Lily Snowden Fine, the daughter Alison Snowdon and David Fine of Snowden Fine fame. Alison guest stars here too, as the voice of Grandma and Grandpa' s Parrot - who is also, coincidentally, the same parrot featured in the earlier, award-winning Astley Baker short film &Jolly Roger&. Peppa's brother George, however, is a boy-girl combination, with young Oliver May and Alice May providing
the snorts and grunts. To get us in the right mood, each episode has its title spoken enthusiastically by Peppa/Lily.
This is a funtastic little series, beautifully animated and presented, and full of little pleasures for big pigs and piglets alike. Little wonder it's been such a hit on Channel 5 (it airs at 7:30am in the &Milkshake& slot). And little wonder Cartoon Network have snapped this up for American broadcast. 2005 is set to be Peppa's year, with a top-selling DVD release already upon us and a plethora of tie-in toys in shops as you read this.
In May 2005, &Peppa Pig& picked up two Pulcinella Awards at the prestigious Cartoons on the Bay festival, in Italy, including the coveted title of &Best European Programme of the Year&. Here's why it won:
&For being light but not superficial! Peppa Pig is a European programme which is so well crafted and the charming main character so universally appealing, that it crosses all borders....&
an Astley Baker Davies Ltd / Contender Entertainment Group
production in association with Nick Jr. and Five
created and directed by Neville Astley and Mark Baker
& &评论摘要(共 0 条,得分 0 分,平均 0 分)修身 博学读后感
修身 博学读后感在读书馆无意中看到这本书,抱着无聊的态度翻了几页,突然间,我明白了很多很多。
感谢这本书给我但来的收益,感谢这本书让我重新找回了自我,虽然我身上还背负着许多有关生活的压力,但我也相信只要有压力,就会有动力,风风雨雨都接受,我一直会在你的左右,阳光总在风雨后,请相信有彩虹,每一次都在徘徊孤单中坚强,每一次就算分受伤也不闪泪光……我不觉得我很失败,我并不是你中的我,既然你不是我的伯乐,我又何苦压抑自己的情绪,总有一天,我会日行千里,我相信是金子总会发光的!编辑提醒:请注意查看“修身 博学读后感”一文是否有分页内容。原文地址
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