
windy多风的、当前位置: &
例句与用法1.I began onsite studies on april 2 .我于4月2日开始现场研究。2.Why did i demand that onsite scientology tent我怎么会想到要一个科学论派的帐篷? 3.Fast onsite filling of the perma - cyl storage system对perma - cyl储存系统的快速现场充装4.With our competitively priced onsite cosmetic surgery ,在合理的价位上,我们的整容服务5.Chat room and bulletin board also onsite . from about . com-自助交友平台,提供全国交友信息。 6.Onsite quality control in gravure printing谈凹版印刷现场质量管理7.Over three years of onsite work experience3年以上现场工作经验。 8.Onsite fitness center where guests can reinvigorate with a little exercise健身室让旅客舒筋活胳9.Rental service is provided onsite . exhibitor can rent the following items展会现场提供租赁服务,租赁项目包括: 10.Onsite forum of our solutions查询及联络纲址: &&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&
相邻词汇热门词汇wind up 什么意思? 下面几句话如果翻译.1、UN anti-poverty conference winds up with eyes on prizes in 07 Nobel season winds up with economics prize.3、What if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to so_百度作业帮
wind up 什么意思? 下面几句话如果翻译.1、UN anti-poverty conference winds up with eyes on prizes in 2015 .2、2007 Nobel season winds up with economics prize.3、What if she winds up with a toddler who doesn't know if he should use an integral or a differential to solve the area under a curve?
wind up 的意思有:1,结束如:I'd like to wind up the meeting soon.我想尽快结束这次会议.2,关闭(企业)如:The firm was later wound up with debts of 10billion.这家公司因为负债100亿而被关闭.3,陷入,卷入People are winding up in debt.人们正在陷入债务中.4,英式用法,非正式:欺骗At first I thought they were winding up me.起初我认为他们是在骗我.5,非正式用法:使生气,使烦恼Please don't wind him up!别惹他生气了!6,给(钟、表)上发条I forgot to wind my watch up.What's the time?我忘记给我的表上发条了,现在几点啦?1、UN anti-poverty conference winds up with eyes on prizes in 2015 .(这是人民网上英文页面的一个关于联合国扶贫会议的新闻标题:联合国扶贫会议结束,将于2015年投入并完成既定目标.2、2007 Nobel season winds up with economics prize.(这是出自中国日报的一个新闻标题,地址:结合文章,意为:2007年度诺贝尔奖颁发季将随经济学奖颁发后结束.3、What if she winds up with a toddler(n.学步的小孩;幼童装)who doesn't know if he should use an integral(adj.积分的;完整的,整体的n.积分;部分;完整) or a differential (adj.微分的;差别的;特异的n.微分;差别)to solve the area under a curve(n.曲线;弯曲;曲线球;曲线图表vt.弯;使弯曲vi.成曲形adj.弯曲的;曲线形的)?如果她对一个刚刚起步的孩子生气,是因为他不知道应该用积分还是微分去算出曲线内的面积,那如何是好?
您好!integrity这个词做“完整的,统一的”的意思解释时就有形容词:integrate;但是如果要做正直的,诚实的意思应该用:upright, honest.翻译解释whirlwind是什么意思_whirlwind在线造句_英语whirlwind例句_whirlwind的音标读音发音及用法 -《查字典通》英语 英汉字典 &汉英字典 &首页 && &&翻译解释whirlwind是什么意思_whirlwind在线造句_英语whirlwind例句_whirlwind的音标读音发音及用法whirlwind 英['w?:lw?nd
] 美['w?:rlw?nd
& 复数形式: n.1.&旋风英语解释:Noun:a more or less vertical column of air whirling around itself as it moves over the surface of the Earth英语造句:用作名词 (n.)A whirlwind destroyed the town.旋风摧毁了这座城镇。Away went the car like a whirlwind.汽车像旋风一样飞驰而过。His career has seen a whirlwind of ups and downs.他的事业经历了大起大落。To recover from the divorce, I threw myself into a whirlwind of activities.为了从离婚中恢复过来,我马不停蹄地投身于一系列的活动。用作形容词 (adj.)He then embarked on a whirlwind program of reform.然后他着手开始进行旋风式的改革计划。1. A vortex, as of a whirlwind or whirlpool. 涡流,如旋风或旋涡的 2. She was swept off her feet by a whirlwind courtship. 狂热的求爱使她控制不住自己的感情。 3. He reaped the whirlwind he had himself stirred up. 他自作自受,遭到了加倍的报应。 4. Let the whirlwind mourn its requiem. 任由旋风哀唱其挽歌。 5. My life has been such a whirlwind since I saw you. 我的生活一直如此飙自从我见到你. 6. His career has seen a whirlwind of ups and downs. 他的事业经历了大起大落。近义词:tornado龙卷风typhoon台风rapid短时间发生的...short-lived短命的tumultuous喧哗的brief短暂的swift快的hasty匆匆的lightning闪电hurricane飓风cyclone旋风waterspout强大的水柱twister龙卷风vortex漩涡dust devil尘暴经典引文:A whirlwind ripped through the park. Huge trees crashed down.出自:J. Hersey相关词条:


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