
你最不喜欢的工作是什么What have you learned from previous jobs? 你自认为是个成功人士吗Were you ever under a great deal of pressure. 什么性格最能描述你Do you prefer to work alone or with others。意译)Have you ever had to support the directives of higher management? 你是怎样处理冲突的Previous Employment 下面关于你先前被雇佣的内容What is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job? 你怎样处理批评Were you ever unfairly criticized? 你为什么想在航空公司工作What kind of experience do you have? 你曾经失败过吗What is your biggest failure? 你什么时候可以开始工作What are your outstanding qualities?你当领导最大的成就是什么 What was your major failure as a leader? 是什么可以激发你的积极性Describe your relationship with peers? 你有什么突出的才能What interests you most about being a flight attendant? 在你当前的工作中你做过最难的事情是什么Why have you held so many jobs? 这是典型的病吗Personality and Motivation 性格和积极性Do you consider yourself a success? 你曾经被解雇过吗If so? 对你来说做什么样的决定最难Why has it taken you so long to find a job? 你曾经有过一个出乎意料的领导职位吗, why were you fired?什么类型的飞机Who is the president of our company? 你将会在我们的航空公司呆多久What would your coworkers say about you,工作人员吗? 当空乘的哪个方面最吸引你What kind of contributions will you make to our airline? 你可以在压力下工作吗What is your greatest strength? 描述一次你解决冲突的经历How do you handle conflict。? 你的上一任老板对你的表现满意吗Have you ever been fired,为什么呢Have you ever been asked to resign from another job?你是怎样处理的Have you ever been tempted to break a work rule or policy, write and&#47? 你去年生病了多少天Is this typical? 你是一个什么样的员工What was your favorite subject in school? 你当领导最大的失败是什么What do you think are the most important components of a practical leadership philosophy? 你想要和我们讨论一下关于你对我们公司做的背景调查的内容吗Is there anything you would like to discuss? 谁是我们公司的总裁How long has our airline been in existence? 你对你在上一份工作的表现满意吗Was your previous employer satisfied with your performance?你最大的成就是什么What aher leadership qualities? 你擅长观察人吗Have you ever been part of a problem? 当空乘最好的方面是什么Do you have any natural talent or skill? 为什么你找工作要花这么长的时间Why do you want to be a flight attendant? 你还有别的疑问吗我仅是一个英语专业大二的本科生? 你为什么想要成为一个空乘What part of being a flight attendant interests you most,你可以延伸一下When you are in charge? 你的介绍信将会说些什么Can we check your references?你曾经被不公平的批评过吗Skills 技能Do you read? 你曾经在社交场合尴尬过吗Have you ever worked with someone who talked too much?你曾被人描述成一个固执或严格的领导吗? 描述一下你的性格特征How do you handle criticism? 外貌有多重要What do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flight attendant? 你曾经说过谎吗Have you ever broken a law? 你申请了其他航空公司吗When are you available to start,我便传上来了? 你认为实用领导学的最重要的组成部分是什么Whose leadership qualities have you most respected?你是怎样处理失败的How do you handle change? 你从你原来的工作中学到了什么How long will you stay with our airline? 你曾偷过东西吗Have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful? 你有什么资格证书What is your biggest accomplishment? 你最大的优点是什么What is your greatest weakness, something thve dealt with? 你可以读. 描述一个你曾解决的难题How important is appearance? 你的原来的管理者是怎么评价你的What were the people like at your last company? 如果你曾经被解雇过. 描述你的团队风格Are you self motivated? 你认为你是一个有团队精神的人吗Describe your team style?你是怎样做的Why do you want to work for our airline? 你最崇拜谁Other Questions
别的问题What bases does our airline have? 你做过什么可以纠正自己弱点的事情Have you ever failed? 你感觉我们的航空公司怎么样How do you feel about being away from home frequently? 你上一个公司的人怎么样(老板和员工之类的吧)What did you dislike about your last employer? 你认为公会的作用是什么Why do you want to leave your previous employer?我们可以核实一下你的介绍信吗How many sick days did you take last year?你曾经是麻烦的一部分吗(你曾经是问题少年。? 你有什么样的工作经历Are you willing to be based wherever the company sends youCan you work under pressure? 如果你可以改变你上一任老板一件事情? 你还参加了参加了哪些地方的面试Have you applied to other airlines? 你有没有什么天赋? 你可以为我们做什么别人不能做的事情Describe a difficult problem you&#39,那将会是什么Were you satisfied with your performance at your last job? 你曾经被人要求辞掉另一份工作吗What will your references say? 当空乘是怎样适合你的职业目标的What personal characteristic best describes you? 你在校期间最不喜欢的课程是什么Tell us about your leadership skills?你曾经承受过很大的压力吗What kinds of decisions are most difficult for you?那是怎么得到的What are your assets,被谁Do you ever freeze in social situations? 你最大的弱点是什么What have you done to correct your weaknesses? 你最喜欢的工作是什么What was your least favorite job? 谁的领导能力让你最尊敬Have you incorporated his&#47。有的地方也许翻译的不恰当? 你的职业目标是什么How does a flight attendant job fit inor speak a foreign language? 你有多少资产Whom do you most admire? 当你在管理的时候?你怎样处理变化的
这句话是直译? 你觉得经常远离家怎么样How do you feel about relocating? 你曾经支持过一个高层管理人员, what would it be? 你曾经发现什么政策或规则让你不高兴吗? 你曾经犯过法吗Have you ever stolen something? 你将会对我们的航空公司做什么贡献Where else are you interviewing?你觉得公会怎么样What do you feel is the role of unions? 我们的航空公司建立多久了How do you feel about the airline industry?你在校期间最喜欢的课程是什么What was your least favorite subject in school? 你是一个有上进心的人吗What motivates you? 当空乘的哪个地方最吸引你What can you do for us that others can&#39,你是怎样调动人们积极性的Describe a time when you resolved a conflict? 你是一个领导还是员工What kind of employee are you? 你的同事是怎么评价你的What would your previous supervisors say about you? 你觉得重新安置怎么样How do you feel about unions? 你是怎样处理的Are you skilled at sizing people up? 我们为什么要雇佣你What are your qualifications,让一些事情对你来说很简单What do you like to do in your spare time. 描述一下你和同龄人的关系What kind of people do you prefer to work with? 你最大的失败是什么How do you handle failure,一个同学让我帮忙翻译? 你曾经吸收过别人的领导才能吗Have you ever had an unexpected leadership role? What did you do? 你认为你是一个忠心的员工吗What did you like about your last job, even when you disagreed with it? 你为什么想要离开你原来的老板Will we find anything on our background search that you&#39? How did it work out? 你愿意从现在开始在我们公司工作十年吗Why should we hire you? 你更喜欢一个人工作还是和别人一起工作Do you consider yourself a team player? 你乐意被公司派到别的地方吗What would you like to be doing ten years from now? By whom? 你的航空公司有怎样的基地? 你乐意去学一门外语吗Are you a leader or a follower,虽说你不同意他的观点吗Have you ever lied? What type of aircraft? 你不喜欢你上一任老板的哪个地方If you could change one thing about your last employer? 你有什么想和我们讨论的事情吗Do you have any questions, how dod like to discuss now? 你曾和话多的人一起工作过吗Ht? 你不喜欢你上一个工作的什么
What was your favorite job? 你喜欢你上一份工作的什么What did you dislike about your last job? 你更喜欢和什么样的人一起工作Describe your personality. 给我们说一下你的领导能力What was your major success as a leader、写或者说是说一门外语吗Are you willing to learn a foreign language? 你怎样处理一个喜欢刁难人的领导或同事Have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded? 你认为当空乘最大的挑战将会是什么What is the best part of being a flight attendant? 你曾经冒过打破工作规则或政策的风险吗? 你为什么要身兼数职Do you consider yourself a loyal employee? 你在你的空闲时间喜欢做什么How would you handle an abrasive Captain or coworker? How did you handle it
想必你一定是在准备空中乘务员的英文面试吧. 以下为空乘英语面试题目的一些汇总(仅供参考) 应聘空姐,无论是到中国的国际航空公司还是国外的航空公司应聘,公司都要求空中小姐不仅有高挑的身材和甜美的长相,而且要具备优雅的气质,会讲一口流利的英语。口试内容主要分为中英文面试、中英广播词、航空状况题、时事题、个人问题等。每一家公司会有不同的考试流程,初复试的难易度也不同,要多方面收集资料,知己知彼,再配合临场应变能力、机智反应、适宜的装扮、优雅的谈吐及亲和力,这样面试才能得高分。BASIC EXPRESSIONS 基本句型表达1) What made you decide on this type of occupation?什么原因使你决定投身这个行业呢?2) I like travelling very much and I enjoy working with people.我非常喜欢旅...
通常情况下, if the user has already register in the website(中文是想要表达的意思, his boarding information should be store in the database of the airplane website,同时用户还可以储存其他人例如好友或者是家人的信息资料,但是没有提示用户登录网站的好处。我的翻译. If website could hint user who has already been a member to login in the passenger page:In general。用户的个人信息将储存在航空公司网站的数据库中;s friends or his families,还能够避免用户输入错误的登机信息,不经能够方便用户快速的输入登机信息,翻译不必和中文完全一样)中文部分, but also could make user made less mistake when they input information。在passenger页面提示用户登录, if could not only speed up the booking process, it also allow user to store other people who may be is user&#39。遗憾的是这个网站虽然提供了登陆框,如果用户是这家航空公司的会员
In the meantime, their personal information will be stored in the airline&#39. On the passenger page, this website provided only the log in window, non-members will see an alert message prompting them to register first, users can also store others's website database. This can help passengers enter their boarding information as well as avoiding entering the wrong boarding informationNormally, is users are members of the airline, such as frien information, but it failed to provide the benefits that registered users might get. Unfortunately
采用B&#47、Spring、Hibernate)3大框架 在J2EE的一个开发平台上就能开发出一个 网络上的航空订票系统。
The traditional way people need to ticket booking ticket order business point, so that more time-consuming and queuing trouble. Aimed at the shortcomings, puts forward tickets online, the user can directly through the network to order tickets. In the J2EE lans use JSP dynamic web technology, adopting the B/S structure, use S2SH (Struts2, Hibernate) 3 big are, the whole system, including frame structure Struts2 for business processing, Hibernate management database information and technical management are Struts2 and Hibernate. Finally realize the airline reservation system homepage, member login, flight ticket functions such as inquiry and order.
大家帮帮忙呀,老总让我定的机票,我不是很明白,高人翻译下呀,谢谢了Can you please help Allan to book his ticket? He prefers to take Air China since United Airlines flight from USA to China will arrive at Terminal 3, and Air China from Beijing to Kunming will depart at Terminal 3 too. He is flexible on other Airlines.
Details are listed below:A one-way trip ticket for Ao FanDeparts (from Beijing to Kunming) on 8/16, at 6:00 pm or after 6:00 pmAo passport number: , expire date:畅罚扳核殖姑帮太爆咖 4/16/2017, in case you need itYun and Bo will go Thailand directly from Beijing, so we have already bought the tickets on line.Thank you!!
Can you please help Allan to book his ti畅罚扳核殖姑帮太爆咖cket? 你能帮Allan订票吗?He prefers to take Air China 他想坐中航since United Airlines flight from USA to China will arrive at Terminal 3, 因为美联航从美国到中国的航班会停靠第3航站and Air China from Beijing to Kunming will depart at Terminal 3 too. 并且中航从北京到昆明的航班也从第3航站起飞。He is flexible on other Airlines.
其他航空公司的他也可以接受。Details are listed below:详细信息如下:A one-way trip ticket for Ao Fan给Ao Fan一张单程票Departs (from Beijing to Kunming) on 8/16, at 6:00 pm or after 6:00 pm北京到昆明,8月16日6pm或者6pm以后起飞Ao passport number: , expire date: 4/16/2017, in case you need it万一你需要,Ao的护照号码:,有效日期:4/16/2017Yun and Bo will go Thailand directly from Beijing, Yun 和 Bo 将从北京直接去泰国,so we have already bought the tickets on line.所以我们已经从网上订票了。Thank you!! 谢谢
你能帮ALLEN 订下 机票吗?它希望乘坐 中国国际航空公司的 飞机。因为 United Airlines (美国的航空公司)从美国 飞到中国 就是 在第三登机口;而中国国际航空公司 从北极飞往 昆明 也是从第三 登机口出发的。当然,他乘坐其他航空公司的飞机也可以。具体如下:去AO FAN 的单程机票6月18日 下午6 点 或 6点后 出发(北京到昆明)他的护照号码 , 过期日期 4/16/2017YUN 和BO 会从北京直接去泰国。我们 已经再网上把 机畅罚扳核殖姑帮太爆咖票买号了。谢谢。 TERMIAL 航站楼吧
请你帮Allan订机票可以吗?他更倾向于坐中航的班机,因为从美国到中国的美航班机将会在停在T3航站楼,而中航的北京至昆明班机是从T3航站楼起飞。不过其他航空公司的航线他也可以接受。具体如下:一张去Ao Fan 的单程票;北京至昆明 起飞时间在8月16号的 下午6点或者下午6点以后;Ao护照号码:
, 日期满 (万一需要这些信息);Yun 和bo 会直接从北京去泰国,所以我们已经在网上买了票。谢谢!
您能帮Allan订一下机票吗?他比较希望乘坐中国国际航空公司的航班,因为他乘坐美国航空从美国到中国将在3号航站楼下飞机(应该是北京机场),而中国国际航空公司从北京到昆明也刚好在北京机场的3号航站楼登机。当然,其他航空公司的航班也可以。具体航班信息如下:一张单程机票 姓名:Ao Fan北京-昆明 (起飞时间在8月16日下午六点或六点以后—)Ao Fan 护照号码:, 有效期至 4/16/2017,也许你用的上这个信息Yun 和 Bo 将从北京直接飞往泰国,因此,我们已经在网上直接购买了他们的机票 谢谢你
你能帮助ALLAN来订票么?由于美国航空从美国飞往中国的飞机会在3号终点站,而中国航空从北京飞往昆明的飞机回从3号起飞,所以他想搭乘中国航空的飞机。而别的航班也是可以的。下面是一些细节:一个单程票前往Ao Fan8/16 早上6点或者晚上6点起飞(从北京到昆明)Ao的护照号码:,于4/16/2017过期,以防你需要它YUN和BO将直接从泰国到北京,所以我们已经在网上买好票了谢谢
你能帮助ALLAN定他的机票吗?他更想要坐中航的飞机因为美联航的飞机3点钟到中国而中航的飞机3点起飞,他也接受其他的航班,以下是细节:一张给AO FAN的单程机票(北京到昆明)8月16日离开在晚上六点或以后AO的护照号码是:,到期时间:日(如果你需要)YUN和BO将直接从北京去泰国,所以我们已经在网上预定了他们的机票谢谢!
你能不能帮助Allan订他的机票。他比较喜欢搭乘中国航空公司的飞机因为联合航空公司的飞机从美国到中国将到达3号航站楼,并且中国航空公司从北京到昆明的飞机也会从3号航站楼出发。他也可以选择另外一个航空公司。详细内容在下方。为Ao Fan准备一张单程的机票。在8月16日从北京出发到昆明,在晚上六点或更晚。Ao的护照号码是,过期日子是日,如果你需要用的话。Yun and Bo将从北京直接去泰国,所以我们已经在网上买了机票了。谢谢
你能帮Allan预定他的机票吗?由于美国航空的从美国到中国的航班将会在3点到达终点站,而且从北京到昆明的中国航空将也会在3点离站,他想乘坐中国航空。他也可以乘坐其他航班。细节如下:给Ao Fan的一张单程票在8月16日下午6点或在6点以后起飞的(从北京到昆明)如果你需要Ao的通行证号码:,截止日期:日Yun和Bo将从北京直接去泰国,所以我们已经在网上购买了机票。谢谢你!!
大致是:“你能帮Allan订下机票吗?由于从美国到中国的United Airlines航线班机会在3号站到达,而Air China航线从北京到昆明的班机也会在3号站起飞,所以他想要乘坐Air China航线的班机。他也可以灵活些,做别的航线的班机。详细的列在下面了。一张去Ao Fan的单程机票。8月16里从北京出发到达昆明的班机,可以是晚上六点或者六点之后的。一旦你需要,我给你护照号码:。过期时间:日。Yun和Bo会从北京直接去泰国,所以我们已经在网上买了票。谢谢。”
您能帮Allan订一下机票吗?他比较希望乘坐中国国际航空公司的航班,因为他乘坐美国航空从美国到中国将在3号航站楼下飞机(应该是北京机场),而中国国际航空公司从北京到昆明也刚好在北京机场的3号航站楼登机。当然,其他航空公司的航班也可以。具体航班信息如下:一张单程机票 姓名:Ao Fan北京到昆明 8月16日6pm或者6pm以后起飞Ao Fan 护照号码:, 有效期至 4/16/2017,也许你用的上这个信息Yun 和 Bo 将从北京直接飞往泰国,因此,我们已经在网上直接购买了他们的机票


