关于to 的用法,abandoncatch oneself doingto "do"还是"doing"?

[əˈb&ndən]vt.离弃, 丢弃Jackson has abandoned his old car.杰克逊把他那辆旧车扔了.遗弃, 抛弃I'm sorry I abandoned you like that.很抱歉我那样突然抛下你走了.放弃We will never abandon our principles.我们应该坚持原则.n.放任; 纵情People were shouting and cheering with abandon.人们兴高采烈,纵情欢呼.
用法词典 abandon
这个词的古法语是 à bandon.à=at 在,bandon 力量,权威
参考词汇abandon , desert , forsake 这三个动词的一般含义是“丢弃”. abondon 的确切含义是失去控制,或丧失了占有的能力,或“放弃”某物而不准备再要了. and since most medical men in the Health Services are overworked and have little time for offering time-consuming and littleappreciated advice on such subjects as diet, right living, and the need for abandoning bad habits, …. …因为卫生部门多数医务工作者都过度疲劳,他们几乎没有时间提供诸如食谱、正确的起居和克服坏习惯的必要性等方面的既费时间又不被赏识的意见…. desert 的确切含义是“过去占有过”或“过去是伙伴”.狭义地讲,这个词指“抛弃自己的义务”. a deserted village 空无一人的村庄 a deserted street at night 夜里无人的大街 the deserted wife and children 被遗弃的妻子儿女 As he hated army life, he decide to desert his regiment. 因为他嫌恶军队生活,所以他决心背弃自己所在的那个团. Few things could be more impressive than the peace that descends on deserted city streets at week-ends when the thousands that travel to work every day are tucked away in their homes in the country. 每当周末,那些天天远道赶来上班的数千人们,又躲进乡下自己的家里.此刻有一种宁静的气氛笼罩着那无人的大街.它给人们的感受是无与伦比的. forsake 通常表示与某人或某物脱离联系. to forsake one's former belief 放弃过去的信仰 to forsake one's old friend 背离老朋友 He was forsaken smoking for years. 他戒烟已有多年了.
现代英汉综合大辞典 abandon
[əˈb&ndən]vt.放弃(=desert)遗弃, 丢弃放肆, 放纵; 沉湎于委付(将部分损失的保险物给保险商, 以获得全额赔款)abandon one's idea放弃自己的想法He abandoned his wife and child.他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子.They abandon themselves to drinking.他们沉湎于饮酒.Do not abandon yourself to despair.不要悲观失望.
词性变化abandon [əˈb&ndən]n.放肆; 放纵; 尽情; 任意The girls jumped up and down and waved their arms with abandon.那些女孩子跳上跳下尽情地挥舞着手臂.
习惯用语abandon oneself to 沉缅于, 陷入
abandon one's home
离弃家园 abandon oneself to ... 放纵于。。。单词abandon 的用法_百度作业帮
单词abandon 的用法
单词abandon 的用法
[əˈbændən]vt.1.丢弃;抛弃,遗弃The crew abandoned the burning ship. 水手们离弃了燃烧中的船. The broken bike was found abandoned by the river side. 人们发现那辆损坏的自行车被扔在河边. 2.放弃,中止He finally abandoned his reformist ideas. 他终于放弃了自己的改良主义思想. 3. abandon oneself to...
使放纵;使听任She abandoned herself to despair. 她陷入绝望之中. .abandon 及物动词 vt
(=desert)遗弃, 丢弃放肆, 放纵; 沉湎于
委付(将部分损失的保险物给保险商, 以获得全额赔款)abandon one's idea放弃自己的想法He abandoned his wife and child.他遗弃了他的妻子和孩子.名词 n. [U]1.放纵,放任2.狂放
,"abandon","英[ə'bændən] 美[ə'bændən] vt /n 放弃,遗弃=forsake;放纵【例】Do not abandon yourself to drinking 不要沉溺于饮酒。【记】a+band乐队+on,一个乐队在舞台上。想想黑豹、唐朝、零点等疯狂的摇滚乐队,不仅他们在放纵,你们听他们的歌本身也是一种放...请问沉溺于某事是abandon oneself to sth还是to abandon oneself to sth?能否举一些例句?还有,弃船有没有 to abandon ship?麻烦大侠们举一些例句~_百度作业帮
请问沉溺于某事是abandon oneself to sth还是to abandon oneself to sth?能否举一些例句?还有,弃船有没有 to abandon ship?麻烦大侠们举一些例句~
请问沉溺于某事是abandon oneself to sth还是to abandon oneself to sth?能否举一些例句?还有,弃船有没有 to abandon ship?麻烦大侠们举一些例句~
沉溺于某事 indulge oneself in sth弃船 abandon ship;abandonment of a ship沉溺于女色To indulge oneself in lust沉溺于幻想To indulge in fantasies.我们决定弃船.We decided to abandon ship 预备队做弃船准备工作Support party begins to make preparations for abandoning the ship.
abandon oneself to sth与to abandon oneself to sth无区别啊,加个to是告诉别人那是个动词短语,具体用于句子中未必需要to。如They abandon themselves to drinking. 他们沉湎于饮酒。He abandoned himself to despair. 他自暴自弃。弃船有 to abandon ship没错。多半作为...
如The captain issued the order to abandon ship
captain had abandoned shipabandon oneself to doing 为什么有沉迷于的意思?abadon 不是停止的意思吗?_百度作业帮
abandon oneself to doing 为什么有沉迷于的意思?abadon 不是停止的意思吗?
abandon oneself to doing 为什么有沉迷于的意思?abadon 不是停止的意思吗?
abandon oneself 也可以理解为 抛弃自我. 在做某事中失去了自我 不就是 沉迷 的意思吗?
abandon是抛弃的意思,abandon oneself to doing就是把自己扔到什么东西里面,故而引申为沉迷
abandon yourself to something 的意思是to feel an emotion so strongly that you kan feel nothing else即陷入,沉湎于(某种感情),英语就像汉语一样,不可能一个词就一个意思,一个词可以有很多不同的意思,主要是看你用在什么语境啦!答得不好请多多见谅啊!
不是我说你 看你那问题问的 一词多意难道还不懂 比如你叫小明 看似简单也许你妈妈的意思是希望你做事光明明磊落 你爸爸的意思是希望你前途光明 也就是 明这个字 不光是亮这么肤浅的意思 很多词都这样 有表面的意思也有更深刻的意思 不要问这么肤浅的问题好吗 就像我居然这么肤浅的回答了你这么多废话 oh my god....


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