
About england要办一期英语手抄报,关于英格兰(不是英国)求英语介绍最好能分几个方面例如饮食、音乐、体育什么的
你可以到英文版上面去搜索england.本打算给你发链接的,但是百度说有广告成分,禁止.也只能复制这些了.我的是在维基百科上面找到的.England From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation, search This article is about the country. For other uses, see England (disambiguation). England Flag Royal Coat of Arms Motto: Dieu et mon droit (French) "God and my right" Anthem: None officially specific to E the anthem of the United Kingdom is "God Save the Queen". See also National anthem of England. Location of England (orange) in the United Kingdom (camel) Capital (and largest city) London 51°30′N, 0°7′W Official languages English1 'Ethnic groups (2005 [1][2]) 90% White 5.3% South Asian 2.7% Black 1.6% Mixed race 0.7% Chinese 0.6% Other Demonym English Government Constitutional monarchy - Monarch Queen Elizabeth II - Prime Minister Gordon Brown MP Legislature Parliament of the United Kingdom Unified - by Athelstan AD 927 Area - Total 130,395 km² 50,346 sq mi Population - 2006 estimate 50,762,9002 - 2001 census 49,138,831 - Density 388.7/km² 976/sq mi GDP (PPP) 2006 estimate - Total $1.9 trillion[citation needed] - Per capita US$38,000[citation needed] GDP (nominal) 2006 estimate - Total $2.2 trillion[citation needed] - Per capita $44,000[citation needed] HDI (2006) ▲ 0.940 (high) Currency Pound sterling (GBP) Time zone GMT (UTC0) - Summer (DST) BST (UTC+1) Internet TLD .uk3 Calling code +44 Patron saint St. George 1 English is established by de facto usage. Cornish is officially recognised as a Regional or Minority language under the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages. 2 National population projections (PDF) from the Office for National Statistics. 3 Also .eu, as part of the European Union. ISO 3166-1 is GB, but .gb is unused. England [ˈɪŋglənd] (help·info) is a country, which is part of the United Kingdom.[3][4] Its inhabitants account for more than 83% of the total UK population,[5] whilst its mainland territory occupies most of the southern two-thirds of the island of Great Britain. England shares land borders with Scotland to the north and Wales to the west and elsewhere is bordered by the North Sea, Irish Sea, Celtic Sea, Bristol Channel and English Channel. The capital is London, the largest urban area in Great Britain, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most, but not all, measures.[6] England became a unified state in the year 927 and takes its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled there during the 5th and 6th centuries. It has had a significant cultural and legal impact on the wider world[7] being the place of origin of the English language, the Church of England and English law, which forms the basis of the common law legal systems of many countries around the world. In addition, England was the birthplace of the Industrial Revolution[8] being the first country in the world to become industrialised.[9] It is home to the Royal Society, which laid the foundations of modern experimental science. England is the world's oldest parliamentary democracy[10] and consequently many constitutional, governmental and legal innovations that had their origin in England have been widely adopted by other nations. The Kingdom of England (including Wales) continued as a separate state until 1 May 1707, when the Acts of Union, putting into effect the terms agreed in the Treaty of Union the previous year, resulted in political union with the Kingdom of Scotland to create the united Kingdom of Great Britain.[11] Etymology and usage See also: British Isles (terminology) England is named after the Angles, the largest of the Germanic tribes who settled in England in the 5th and 6th centuries, and who are believed to have originated in the peninsula of Angeln, in what is now Denmark and northern Germany.[12] (The further etymology of this tribe's name remains uncertain, although a popular theory holds that it need be sought no further than the word angle itself, and refers to a fish-hook-shaped region of Holstein.)[13] The Angles' name has had various spellings. The earliest known reference to these people is under the Latinised version Anglii used by Tacitus in chapter 40 of his Germania,[14] written around 98 AD. He gives no precise indication of their geographical position within Germania, but states that, with six other tribes, they worshipped a goddess named Nerthus, whose sanctuary was situated on "an island in the Ocean". The early 8th century historian Bede, in his Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum (Ecclesiastical History of the English People), refers to the English people as Angelfolc (in English) or Angli (in Latin).[15] According to the Oxford English Dictionary, the first known usage of "England" referring to the southern part of the island of Great Britain was in 897, with the modern spelling first used in 1538.[16] The word "England" is often used colloquially – and incorrectly – to refer to Great Britain or the United Kingdom as a whole.[17] There are many instances of this usage in history, where references to England are actually intended to include Scotland and Wales as well.[18] The the usage is problematic and can cause offence.[citation needed] England is officially defined as "subject to any alteration of boundaries under Part IV of the Local Government Act 1972, the area consisting of the counties established by section 1 of that Act, Greater London and the Isles of Scilly."[19] History Main article: History of England Stonehenge, a Neolithic and Bronze Age megalithic monument in Wiltshire, thought to have been erected c. BC.Bones and flint tools found in Norfolk and Suffolk show that Homo erectus lived in what is now England about 700,000 years ago.[20] At this time, England was joined to mainland Europe by a large land bridge. The current position of the English Channel was a large river flowing westwards and fed by tributaries that would later become the Thames and the Seine. This area was greatly depopulated during the period of the last major ice age, as were other regions of the British Isles. In the subsequent recolonisation, after the thawing of the ice, genetic research shows that present-day England was the last area of the British Isles to be repopulated,[21] about 13,000 years ago. The migrants arriving during this period contrast with the other of the inhabitants of the British Isles, coming across lands from the south east of Europe, whereas earlier arriving inhabitants came north along a coastal route from Iberia. These migrants would later adopt the Celtic culture that came to dominate much of western Europe. By AD 43, the time of the main Roman invasion, Britain had already been the target of frequent invasions, planned and actual, by forces of the Roman Republic and Roman Empire. It was first invaded by the Roman dictator Julius Caesar in 55 BC, but it was conquered more fully by the Emperor Claudius in 43 AD. Like other regions on the edge of the empire, Britain had long enjoyed trading links with the Romans, and their economic and cultural influence was a significant part of the British late pre-Roman Iron Age, especially in the south. With the fall of the Roman Empire 400 years later, the Romans left the Province of Brittania, much of which later came to be known as England. Government and politics Main articles: Government of England and Politics of England A medi&val manuscript, showing the Parliament of England in front of the king c. 1300There has not been a Government of England since 1707, when the Acts of Union 1707, putting into effect the terms of the Treaty of Union that had been agreed the previous year, joined the Kingdom of England with the Kingdom of Scotland to form the united Kingdom of Great Britain.[30] Prior to this, England was ruled by a monarch and the Parliament of England. However, following the establishment of devolved government for Scotland and Wales in 1999, England was left as the only country within the United Kingdom still governed in all matters by the UK government and the UK parliament in London.[31] The Palace of Westminster, the seat of the Parliament of the United Kingdom.Since Westminster is the UK parliament but also legislates on matters that affect England alone, devolution of national matters to parliament/assemblies in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland has refocused attention on the anomaly called the West Lothian question. The "question" is why Scottish and Welsh MPs should continue to be able to vote on legislation relating only to England while English MPs have no equivalent right to legislate on devolved matters.[32] This constitutional arrangement resulted in the Labour government only winning a 2004 vote to impose higher tuition fees on students in England due to the support of Scottish Labours MPs.[33] This "question" is also exacerbated by the large number of Scottish MPs in the government, a group sometimes disparagingly called the Scottish mafia, and by having a Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, who represents a Scottish constituency that is unaffected by many of the policy decisions he takes. Buckingham Palace, home to Queen Elizabeth II.There are calls for a devolved English parliament, such as by former minister Frank Field MP,[34] and there is opinion poll evidence of public support for the idea.[35] Some minor English parties go further, calling for the dissolution of the Union.[36][37] However, the approach favoured by the current Labour government was (on the basis that England is too large to be governed as a single sub-state entity) to propose the devolution of power to the Regions of England. Lord Falconer claimed a devolved English parliament would dwarf the rest of the United Kingdom.[38] The Conservative Party, on the other hand, are considering proposals to ban Scottish MPs from voting on English only legislation in Westminster.[39] Today, therefore, England's affairs are managed by a combination of the UK government, the UK parliament and England-specific quangos such as English Heritage. A total of 529 of the current 646 MPs in the House of Commons represent English constituencies, which will rise to 533 out of 650 at the next general election. At the 2005 General Election, Labour won a majority of English constituencies, having 284 MPs elected, while the Conservative Party won more votes than Labour overall, but won just 194 MPs.[40] Subdivisions and local government Main articles: Administrative divisions of England and Counties of England City Hall, London.The upper-tier subdivisions of England are the nine Regions of England or European Union government office regions.[41] A London referendum in 1998 on the question of having a directly elected assembly and directly elected mayor produced a large majority in favour and it was intended that other regions would also be given their own elected regional assemblies. However, a rejection by a referendum in 2004 of a proposed assembly in the North East region stopped this idea in its tracks.[42]During the campaign, a common criticism of the proposals was that England did not need "another tier of bureaucracy".[43] On the other hand, many said[citation needed] that the proposals were not decentralising enough, and amounted not to devolution but to little more than local government reorganisation with no real power or additional resources being transferred from central government to the regions as they would not even gain the limited powers of the Welsh Assembly let alone the tax-varying and legislative powers of the Scottish Parliament. Below the regional level, London consists of 32 London boroughs and the rest of England has either county councils and district councils or unitary authorities. At the lowest level, much of England is divided into parishes though parishes are prohibited from existing in Greater London.
最新板报推荐2014国庆节学生手抄报文字资料 2014国庆节学生手抄报文字资料 - 小小知识站
2014国庆节学生手抄报文字资料 2014国庆节学生手抄报文字资料
描述:国庆日是由一个 制定的用来纪念 本身的法定假日。它们通常是这个 的 、宪法的签署、或其他有 意义的 纪念日;也有些是这个 守护神的圣人节。虽然绝大部分 都有类似的纪念日,但是由于复杂的
,部分 的这一节日不能够称为国庆日, 美国只有 日,而没有国庆日,但是两者意义相似。国庆一词,本指 喜庆之事,最早见于...
描述:国庆节手抄报:祖国秀丽巴金曾说过这样一句话:我爱我的祖国,爱我的 ,离开了他们,我就无法生活,更无法写作。 爷爷也说了一句话:我荣幸地从 民族 的资格,成为世界公民。
的 。我深情的爱着我的祖国和 。从这几句话中,可想而知,祖国十多麽的伟大。祖国秀丽的风景一向令人赞叹!神奇的 ,具有典型克斯特地貌的 ,...
描述:国庆节 每年的10月1日是 的国庆节(NationalDay)。
的 下,前赴后继,取得了 革命的伟大胜利。日,在首都
广场举行了 大典,在隆隆的礼 声中,
成立了!并亲手升起了第一面五星红旗。 广场聚集了三十万 民进行了盛大的阅 和庆祝 。新 ...
描述: 国庆节的由来国庆一词,本指 喜庆之事,最早见于西晋。西晋的文 陆机在 五等诸侯论 一文中就曾有国庆独飨其利,主忧莫与其害的记载、我国封建时 、 喜庆的大事,莫大过于帝 的登基、诞辰(清朝称皇帝的生日为万岁节)等。因而我国古 把皇帝即位、诞辰称为国庆。今天称 建立的纪念日为国庆节。1949年9月的 第一届一次 上决定把10月1日定为国庆...
描述:我国国庆节10月1日是 的国庆节。
的 下,前赴后继,取得了 革命的伟大胜利。日,在首都
广场举行了 大典,在隆隆的礼 声中,
国成立并亲手升起了第一面五星红旗。聚集 广场的三十万 民进行了盛大的阅 和庆祝 。10月1日是我国的国庆节,为什么把这一天定...
描述:国庆一词,本指 喜庆之事,最早见于西晋。西晋的文 陆机在 五等诸侯论 一文中就曾有国庆独飨其利,主忧莫与其害的记载、我国封建时 、 喜庆的大事,莫大过于帝 的登基、诞辰(清朝称皇帝的生日为万岁节)等。因而我国古 把皇帝即位、诞辰称为国庆。今天称 建立的纪念日为国庆。在我国,国庆节特指
& & 在繁华的巴黎大街的路旁,站着一个衣衫褴褛,头发斑白,双目失明的老人。他不像其他乞丐那样伸手向过路行人乞讨,而是在身旁立一块木牌,上面写着:“我什么也看不见!”街上过往的行人很多,那些穿着华丽的绅士、贵妇人,那些打扮漂亮的少男少女们,看了木牌上的字都无动于衷,有的还淡淡一笑,便姗姗而去了。
& & 这天中午,法国着名诗人让·彼浩勒也经过这里。他看看木牌上的字,问盲老人:“老人家,今天上午有人给你钱吗?”  “唉!”老人愁容满面,叹息着回答,“我,我什么也没有得到。”  让·彼浩勒听了,沉吟了一下,把木牌悄悄翻过来,拿起笔写上“春天到了,可是......”几个字,就匆匆地离去了。晚上,让·彼浩勒又经过这里,询问老人下午的收入情况,老人笑着对诗人说:“先生,不知为什么,下午给我钱的人多极了!”让·彼浩勒听了,也摸着胡子满意地笑了。 “春天到了,可是......”这富有诗意的语言,产生这么大的作用,就在于它有非常浓厚的感情色彩。是的,
& & 春天是多么美好的,那蓝天白云,那绿树红花,那教堂尖顶的莺歌燕舞,那塞纳河畔嬉戏的孩子,怎能不叫人陶醉呢?但这良辰美景,对于一个双目失明的人来说,只是一片漆黑。这是多么令人心酸呀!当人们想到这个盲老人连万紫千红的春天都看不到,怎能不对他产生同情之心呢?
& & (1)为什么多了一句话,就会激发人们对老人的同情之心和关怀呢?
& & 我什么也看不见和春天到了,可是我却什么也看不见就多了这么一句话,为什么就会激发人们对老人的同情之心和关怀呢?因为我什么也看不见,别人可能觉得你看不见就算了,可是,春天到了,可是......这盲老人连万紫千红,莺飞燕舞的春天都看不见,引发了人们对盲老人的关怀之心,可是,哽咽的都说不下去了。还打了省略号,所以这就是老人一上午没得到一分钱,下午却满载而归的原因。
& & (2)盲老人为什么不一个一个挨着向别人乞讨?
& & 因为老人他是有自尊心的,他很乐观,觉得别人会给他钱,所以在这里默默地等着,相信肯定有友好的人会给他一些钱。
& & (3)木牌上面写了什么字?
& & 答:春天到了,可是我什么都看不见!
& & 一句话的电影说明书
& & 年,周恩来参加日内瓦会议,通知工作人员,给与会者放一部《梁山伯与祝英台》的彩色越剧片。工作人员为了使外国人能看懂中国的戏剧片,写了15页的说明书呈周总理审阅。周恩来批评工作人员:“不看对象,对牛弹琴”。工作人员不服气地说:“给洋人看这种电影,那才是对牛弹琴呢!”
& & “那就看你怎么个弹法了”,周恩来说,“你要用十几页的说明书去弹,那是乱弹,我给你换个弹法吧,你只要在请柬上写一句话:“请您欣赏一部彩色歌剧电影,中国的《罗密欧与朱丽叶》就行了。”电影放映后,观众们看得如痴如醉,不时爆发出阵阵掌声。
& & 、巧对毛泽东
& & 年5月,毛泽东、周恩来一行视察长沙,工作之余,到江边散步。遥望橘子洲头,百舸争流,万帆竞发,毛泽东逸兴遄飞,口占一上联:“橘子洲,洲旁舟,舟行洲不行”,此联动静相对,意境悠远,三个断句,两处“顶针”,“洲”和“舟”又是谐音,应对难度极大。毛泽东对身边的周恩来说:“恩来,我一时江郎才尽,请你来个锦上添花如何?”周恩来才思敏捷,熟谙地理,了解长沙竟于百步之内得佳句:“天心阁,阁中鸽,鸽飞阁不飞。”天心阁系长沙市内一景,与橘子洲相对。即工整又流畅,整个对联浑然一体,两位伟人相对而笑。
& & 、 日,中共十大在京召开之时,出席会议的毛泽东已因患上腿疾而不能站。会议结束后,为了不让与会代表看出破绽为自己的身体担心,毛泽东就一直坐在座位上,想让代表们先退场。主席不退场,代表岂肯先退场。还是细心的周恩来总理看出了主席的心思,打破了僵局,他机智地说毛主席是要目送大家离开会场。毛泽东则故意执拗地说:“你们不走,我也不走。”就这样,代表们一步一回头,依依不舍地挥手与主席道别。
& & 一次,周恩来接见的美国记者不怀好意地问:“总理阁下,你们中国人为什么把人走的路叫做马路?”他听后没有急于用刺人的话反驳,而是妙趣横生地说:“我们走的是马克思主义之路,简称马路。”这个美国记者仍不死心,继续出难题:“总理阁下,在我们美国,人们都是仰着头走路而你们中国人为什么低头走路,这又怎么解释呢?”周总理笑着说:“这不奇怪,问题很简单嘛,你们美国人走的是下坡路,当然要仰着头走路了,而我们中国人走的是上坡路,当然是低着头走了。”记者又问:“中国现在有四亿人,需要修多少厕所?”这纯属无稽之谈,可是,在这样的外交场合,又不便回绝,周总理轻轻一笑回答到:“两个!一个男厕所,一个女厕所。”
& & 周总理谈笑吃“纳粹”
& & 年代初,有一次周总理在中南海勤政殿设宴招待外宾。客人们对中国菜的花样之繁多,风味之独特,味道之鲜美都赞不绝口。这时,上来一道汤菜,汤里的冬笋蘑菇红菜荸荠等都雕刻成各种图案,色香味俱佳。然而,冬笋片是按照民族图案刻的,在汤里一翻身恰巧变成了法西斯的标志。贵客见此,不禁大惊失色,忙向周总理请教。对于这个问题,周总理也感到十分突然,但他随即泰然自若地解释道:“这不是法西斯的标志!这是我们中国传统中的一种图案,念‘万\’,象征‘福寿绵长\’的意思,是对客人的良好祝愿!接着他又风趣地说:“就算是法西斯标志也没有关系嘛!我们大家一起来消灭法西斯,把它吃掉!”话音未落,宾主哈哈大笑,气氛更加热烈,这道汤也被客人们喝得精光。
& & 周总理妙语斥对手
& & 周总理在几十年的外交生涯中,一直以德高望重,幽默风趣着称,不管在何种场合,遇到什么样的对手,周总理都能唇枪舌箭,以超人的智慧,应酬自如,对手甭想占到便宜。有一次周总理应邀访问苏联。在同赫鲁晓夫会晤时,批评他在全面推行修正主义政策。狡猾的赫鲁晓夫却不正面回答,而是就当时敏感的阶级出身问题对周总理进行刺激,他说:“你批评的很好,但是你应该同意,出身于工人阶级的是我,而你却是出身于资产阶级。”言外之意是指总理站在资产阶级立场说话。周总理只是停了一会儿,然后平静地回答:“是的,赫鲁晓夫同志,但至少我们两个人有一个共同点,那就是我们都背叛了我们各自的阶级。”出其不意地将赫鲁晓夫射出的毒箭掉转方向,朝赫本人射去。据说,此言一出,立即在各共*产党国家传为美谈。
& & 周总理舌战米高扬
& & 有一次,周总理从日内瓦开会回来顺道访问莫斯科。在为他举行的一次招待会上,他用英语向苏联人祝酒。这时米高扬(苏联部长会议副主席)抱怨道:“周,你为什么不说俄语?你的俄语很好嘛!”这句话显然是很不友好的。周总理的方法是先不予理睬,他仍用英语回答说:“米高扬,该是你学习汉语的时候了。”以促米高扬说出不学汉语的原因。米高扬果然上钩,抱怨说:“汉语太难学了。”此话一出,周总理马上轻快地说:“没关系,下回到我们使馆来,我们将非常高兴地教你。”一下子将米高扬置于一种学生的地位。
& & 对!牛弹琴
& & 有一次,周恩来总理同国民党政府谈判。在我方义正词严面前,对方不但不接受,反而说同我方谈判是“对牛弹琴”!周恩来总理当即灵机一动,利用对方抛来的词语,将计就计,巧妙地回敬了对方:“对!牛弹琴!”在这里,周恩来总理把对方抛来的”对牛弹琴”这个成语巧妙地进行了结构上的调整,变成了一个内涵丰富的“对!牛弹琴!”,从而既摆脱了困难,又迫使对方陷入无地自容的窘境。
& & 年4月下旬,周恩来总理与印度谈判中印边界问题,印方提出一个挑衅性问题:“西藏自古就是中国的领土吗?”周恩来总理说:“西藏自古就是中国的领土,远的不说,至少在元代,它已经是中国的领土。”
& & 对方说:“时间太短了。”
& & 周恩来总理说:“中国的元代离现在已有700来年的历史,如果700来年都被认为是时间短的话,那么,美国到现在只有100多年的历史,是不是美国不能成为一个国家呢?
& & 这显然是荒谬的。”
& & 印方代表哑口无言。
& & 在周恩来的反驳中,用了两个对比性材料来否定对方的观点。700年与100年相比较,你要否认700年而承认100年显然是站不住脚的,其结果是承认100年就得承认700年这个事实。对比在这里产生了巨大的力量。
&& & 读《红楼梦》时注意的是里面鲜活的人物,而海明威笔下的钢铁意志,令人无法不注意到语言堆塑的力量。
& & 当然,三毛是会用语言搭无数魔方的奇女子,每读她的作品,每一个字,感觉都如她从背后掏出一块你不知颜色和形状的东西,建构在你面前的是可触及却永远达不到的氛围,可谓字字珠玑。
& & 然而无论海明威还是三毛,我们只能欣赏,却不能拿到生活中照本宣读。日常交往中,还是要采用大众化的口语来交流、交际,否则就会留下千古笑柄。比如在我的家乡,曾有一个流传至今的故事,说的是一个饱学之士,一日队长派他到河套里捡石头砌墙用,他捡了一天,只将一张床大小的地方捡干净了——只剩细沙。令人哭笑不得,他还云:“这石头捡不完也。”
& & 自古以来,中国的知识分子总以老老实实做学问、真正有本领为追求的至善之境。然而许多情况下,“两耳不闻窗外事”是极可悲的。试想,大众怎么能接受一个清高、孤僻的人物呢?倘若蒲松龄满口文绉绉的话,过往行人谁会帮他组建聊斋呢?
& & 不谈时髦的文人下海,就说日常交往吧,所谓惺惺相惜,物以类聚,语言从中起着媒介作用:大老粗受不了知识分子的客套拘泥,知识分子也很难接受大老粗的粗犷豪放。但时代发展到今天,社会各方面人物出现了大融合:大学教授也跑出来卖茶叶蛋,技术和知识都可论价……这就让我们看到一个有趣的现象:满腹经纶,却缺乏现代交际意识的学者,如同大家闺秀,名声在外,却无人识其面目,失去了许多推销自己才能的机会;而善于运用语言的读书人,凭自己的好口才,能轻松地将自己的实力展示出来,使自己的研究转化为可观的经济效益,为国为民为自己都做了贡献。
& & 所以常想:人读书而无所用,才是废物一个。商人常将能否吸引客户作为推销员优劣的标志,当今衡量一个知识分子是否优秀,大约也不光看他学富五车,还要看他能不能将五车转为能量热了别人,这能量的发挥,首先来自语言。语言的磁力可以粘住一切东西,当然也可能毁灭一切东西,百慕大三角不是一个可毁灭一切的巨大磁场吗?所以,相信语言能推销和展示、包装一个人,却也同样相信有魅力的语言绝不是吹牛、说瞎话。


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