trauma-informed medical对外汉语是什么么意思

medical field的用法和样例:
As a doctor, she has a lot of expertise in the medical field.
The institute provides courses for those who want to break into medical field.
With your profound knowledge and experience in the medical field,I'm sure that you will help our hospital tremendously.
Obtaining my advanced degree in medical field is my greatest accomplishment so far.
Due to the complexity of the data in the medical field, a corresponding Data Warehouse is designed to make the DSS function perfect in this project.
Fungus polysaccharide possesses an important value both in economy and in medical field.
medical field的海词问答与网友补充:
medical field的相关资料:
The majori缉功光嘉叱黄癸萎含联ty of the patients attending the medical out- patients departments of our hospitals are women.在医院门诊部就医的大多数病人是女士。
在这里的medical解释为:内科的medical out-patients departments:内科门诊部如缉功光嘉叱黄癸萎含联:Medical Sciences 内科医学
Medical Oncology 肿瘤内科
Medical Thoracoscopy 内科胸腔镜
This hospital has 20 medical wards. 这所医院有 20 个内科病房。回答完毕,请给宝贵意见。
medical out- patients departments 就是药剂科的意思那么medical out就是发药的意思由此类推可得知这里的medical是&药剂的缉功光嘉叱黄癸萎含联,发药的&的意思
出门在外也不愁当前位置: &
medical expertise是什么意思
中文翻译医疗经验:&&&&adj. 1.医学的,医术的;医疗的;医师的。 2.医药 ...:&&&&n. 1.专门技能,专门知识。 2.专家评价,鉴定。
例句与用法1.Analysis on clinical forensic medical expertise in 11 cases of labyrinthine concussion11例迷路震荡的法医临床学鉴定分析2.Apart from the professional assistance from the who , not a single country had offered to send us their medical expertise or medical equipment生组织提供专业协助外,现时并无一个外国地方,向本港提供医疗专家或医疗用具或设备。 3.All of these services are provided under one roof withthe highest level of medical expertise and state of theart equipment from the us我们的医生和治疗师或是外国人,或是在国外进行过培训和工作,他们都是各自所在领域的专家。语言方面精通英语,日语,法语,西班牙语和普通话。 4.Premier life critical illness protector is a superior protection plan against life threatening illnesses . it not only provides you with funds against critical illnesses , but also helps you get quality medical expertise from the u . s安康人生危疾保,为您带来优质危疾保障,不单在关键时刻送上切实的帮助,更会为您作出额外安排,协助您获得美国的专业医疗服务。 5.Not a single country has offered to send us their medical expertise or their medical equipment . none of them has expressed their care for our frontline medical workers . are these the reward we get for daring to take on an enemy that is a threat to the entire human race没有一个国家,向香港提供医疗专家,没有一个国家为香港提供医疗设备,甚至也没有一个国家,对我们的前线医疗人员表示过慰问,难道这就是香港为人类作出努力所得到的反馈吗? 6." the members are highly reputable professionals of international standing , with a wealth of experience in their respective fields inclu epidemiology and communica medical expertise ; and hospital management and operation , " a government spokesman said政府发言人表示:委员会成员均为享誉国际和富经验的专家,他们来自不同的专业,包括医疗制度、公共?生、流行病学和传染病监控、医疗专业及医院管理。 7.Moreover , it analyzes the doctrine of liability fixation , and summaries the constitutive requirements of liability for medical damages as the following : medical damage , medical fault , causality between medical fault and damage . the second chapter of the article mainly studies issues exist commonly in actions for medical damages . firstly , it makes clear the subject of the liability for damages and subject of the right to damages , and analyzes several problems concerning the medical expertise第二章主要研究医疗损害赔偿诉讼中具有普遍性的几个问题,明确了医疗损害赔偿的责任主体和请求权主体,分析了医疗损害赔偿诉讼中的鉴定问题,论述了医疗过失的认定标准,提出了医疗过失与损害后果的因果关系的复杂性,肯定了我国在医疗损害赔偿诉讼中实行举证责任倒置的合理性,阐述了医疗损害赔偿纷纷案件可以适用《消费者权益保护法》和应当适用1年诉讼时效。 8.When classes resume , school principals , teachers and students of primary and secondary schools as well as their parents will need to be better equipped to fight against severe acute respiratory syndrome ( sars ) . the chinese university of hong kong , drawing upon its medical expertise and the experience gained in developing the world s first systematic treatment protocol for sars , has launched an educational campaign " schools against sars " , targeting primary and secondary schools为了使中小学的师生、员工及家长在学校复课前能作好准备对抗非典型肺炎,并加强他们对这种疾病及预防方法的了解,香港中文大学将举办健康校园齐抗炎健康教育活动,以中文大学的医疗专业知识为基础,针对学校环境,为学校提供健康校园和预防非典型肺炎的知识。 9.When classes resume , school principals , teachers and students of primary and secondary schools as well as their parents will need to be better equipped to fight against severe acute respiratory syndrome sars . the chinese university of hong kong , drawing upon its medical expertise and the experience gained in developing the world s first systematic treatment protocol for sars , has launched an educational campaign " schools against sars " , targeting primary and secondary schools为了使中小学的师生、员工及家长在学校复课前能作好准备对抗非典型肺炎,并加强他们对这种疾病及预防方法的了解,香港中文大学将举办健康校园抗炎健康教育活动,以中文大学的医疗专业知识为基础,针对学校环境,为学校提供健康校园和预防非典型肺炎的知识。 10.Capitalising on the medical expertise from cuhk and the service - orientated management of a healthcare company , a state - of - the - art diabetes management and education centre will open to provide alternative , affordable and convenient health care plans to high risk individuals , helping them manage their risk profiles , adjust their lifestyles , handle their emotions and if necessary , use appropriate medications to promote their well being and prevent deterioration of the killing disease新的糖尿及内分泌专科中心利用中大专业医疗人员和保健护理公司的优秀服务管理,为糖尿病患者及高危人士提供多一个选择、价钱合理和方便的护理计划,该中心会帮助病者评估风险、调适生活模式、处理情绪问题,以及在适当时候提供药物治疗,以促进病人的健康和预防病情恶化。
相邻词汇热门词汇medical director
['medik?l di'rekt?]
['m?d?k?l d?'r?kt?]
[医] 医用导子
1. He is presently the medical director for the Fellowship of World Christians.
2. Medical Director of Taiwan badminton Trainer Center.
3. Medical Director of Taiwan Badminton Association.
4. Peter Piliero, executive director for Boehringer's U.S. medical affairs.
5. Li Changxi: Associate Chief Physician, MD, Director of Pain and Rehabilitation Medical Center.
李昌熙: 副主任医师, 医学博士, 疼痛康复医学中心主任.
0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
medical director
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用作名词 (n.)
I've tried every treatment the vet suggested.
The patient is responding well to treatment.
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medical treatment的相关资料:


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