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Yep, exactly. Which factor do you think is driving the other?
I looked it up, and it seems even worse than my initial hunch.
Over time, as the minimum wage goes up, inflation goes EVEN HIGHER.
So I'm not saying which causes which, but I think we agree, however small the influence is between minimum wages and inflations, they are in fact linked.
And looking at these charts leads me to conclude that raising the minimum wage actually increases not just inflation, but the rate of inflation too!
Isn't this just going to lead to more inflation, which really just nullifies the minimum wage increase?
I know this is an unpopular position (I'm getting downvoted for mentioning it) but can someone explain how this wont lead to higher inflation rates?
Yes, (tho they are always printing more dollars anyway, see ), which I think is the governments most powerful secret/hidden tax), but that's besides the point.
The way I see it, raising the minimum wage means employers and their companies MUST increase the price of their product to compensate, which means everything goes up in price.
It's just another way to devalue the currency (increase inflation).
As much as I believe in Basic Income, I don't believe setting any sort of minimum wage is the correct way to do it.
My first reaction - this just increases the rate of inflation.
Try adding fans over your controller board FETs, or whatever feels hot on your board.
Also, use short, fat, low resistance, flexible wires wherever you can.
I go for the cheap but good wine, and excellent frozen meals.
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FWIW, there is this imdb entry:
Then hopefully he already clued you in as to why you should completely avoid makerbot.
Avoiding the gen 5 printers is great advice...
Will any of the non-makerbot slicers output the new .makerbot format that the new printers use?
seem to remember opening up one of these .makerbot files before, and if I remember correctly, it was some very wordy json format, instead of compact gcode.
212223 ()loading...Here is a rough 3d model I uploaded to
Here are some screen caps from the
596061 ()loading...After living in Seattle for many years, I feel like the weather difference alone is a huge factor that just makes people happier, and therefor friendlier.
If your cue looks just like the picture, then you already have a tip.
Are you sure the tip is wood, and not a hard leather?
You might need to shape it a bit, and add chalk.
Clicks Billiards on East Oltorf is pretty good.
Unfortunately, this change in Oculus could be related to the Facebook acquisition.
Yeah, by &open source tracking&, I was referring to the reverse engineering that doc-ok is working on.
It's a great step, especially for only 10 days worth of work, but it is just not ready to do actual tracking yet.
I don't think you're correct, based on the connect talk he gave, it sounds like most of his work is very android specific, and not much that I could tell would be transferable to other platforms.
Time will tell, and I do hope you're right tho.
The open-source/linux people have been waiting over 3 months, and still haven't started because there is no open-source tracking.
(tho there is hope, and it's close, there isn't a community open-source implementation yet).
Oculus (the company) is very very frustrating.
I have one, and it sucks :(
Sadly, it's all hype.
I know this because I've spent a week &playing& with it.
It's a real disappointing let-down, and definitely not developer friendly.
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