哪个网站能播放美国版"the choice金融终端" 知道的网友尽快回复 谢谢

发表日期: 12:15:00  ----------------------------  嗯,翻译得比我好~
  友情提醒:为了本帖安全,请不要发表敏感言论。你们懂的。:)  ------------------------------------  小编,你很尽责。  可我是不惜以牺牲我这贴为代价!~  要说真话,要知道真相。
  作者:@tange 回复日期: 13:00:01 
      学习外语重要的目的,就是你比对方了解地更多,处理事情会更有效,这对于信息时代的我们来说尤为重要。我们大多数民众由于无法捕捉到国际时事中各方对事件的深度评论和因果得失,只能通过各种媒体间接知道大概内容,有意无意地形成了被媒体化的普遍现象。那么多一种方式去认知,多一点自己的思考去推敲,是不是比寻常的读解更鲜活?有了这种层面上的理解,了解国外民众的态度和底线,比去发现他们的缺点是不是更有意思?国际时事翻译是非常好的事情,望楼主继续。  ------------------------------------  你说得很好,很对。但限制太多...
  很好的帖子,      真的,        估计是标题没那么惹火,    没什么人进来看              
  在中国,大多数人在3年级后,就没有机会接受义务教育了。    如果你没有显示你的才能,或者没有进步得很快,你就会被开除,就得接受惩罚,过上苦力的生活。只有很少的部分被挑选中的人,能接受充分的教育,通常是那些精英的孩子,或者是跟政府有关系的那些人的孩子。  =================    悲剧啊,  读了十八年了,    还要继续
  @tvenana  20:49:46  咦,什么时候开始,每个回复右上角都跟着一个“回复”,点击后,可以直接引用,不错不错~  -----------------------------  被你一说 才发现,我敢说上周日肯定还没有这个,估计是今天衙署抽筋弄的
发表日期: 12:15:00 回复
友情提醒:为了本帖安全,请不要发表敏感言论。你们懂的。:)关注楼主收藏转发至天涯微博  ==============================  原来是神马。。好奇ing
看的时候就是小编的红字了 泪~~o(&_&)o ~~
  @樱花已凋零  21:37:36  作者: 发表日期: 12:15:00 回复   友情提醒:为了本帖安全,请不要发表敏感言论。你们懂的。:)关注楼主收藏转发至天涯微博  ==============================  原来是神马。。好奇ing 看的时候就是小编的红字了 泪~~o(&_&)o ~~     -----------------------------  偷偷告诉你,renquan
  作者:tvenana 回复日期: 21:41:22  回复
      @樱花已凋零  21:37:36    作者: 发表日期: 12:15:00 回复     友情提醒:为了本帖安全,请不要发表敏感言论。你们懂的。:)关注楼主收藏转发至天涯微博    ==============================    原来是神马。。好奇ing 看的时候就是小编的红字了 泪~~o(&_&)o ~~         -----------------------------    偷偷告诉你,renquan   =======================  ⊙﹏⊙b汗
关于此点不看不听不说话 我们要做乖兔子
  @tvenana   向LZ的无私贡献表示敬意!
  看过楼主的很多翻译贴  既然楼主是个漂亮mm,我怎么能不顶你一下呢.  顶完,你爽,我也爽了  顶  肥了在看
  @tvenana  21:41:22  偷偷告诉你,renquan   -----------------------------  you can’t go before the UN council on human rights with a human rights record about as good as you’d find in the history of the world and stipulate to facts that are, to some degree true,  ========  楼主,我正在翻译。    这一句搞不定啊,麻烦你一下。  
  @tvenana    不知道楼主是不是我的一位同学.姓汪否?
  @tvenana  21:41:22  偷偷告诉你,renquan   -----------------------------  @丐帮苏灿  22:21:13  you can’t go before the UN council on human rights with a human rights record about as good as you’d find in the history of the world and stipulate to facts that are, to some degree true,  ========  楼主,我正在翻译。  这一句搞不定啊,麻烦你一下。     -----------------------------  联合国安理会有世界历史上所有的人权纪录,你们无法在联合国人权纪录之前就承认自己存在的事实(问题),某种程度上...    后面的true,应该是单独的    意译,参考,不是100%肯定
  @unclewhy  22:35:56  tvenana  不知道楼主是不是我的一位同学.姓汪否?   -----------------------------  呵呵,不是,认错人了。
  @tvenana  21:41:22  偷偷告诉你,renquan   -----------------------------  @丐帮苏灿  22:21:13  you can’t go before the UN council on human rights with a human rights record about as good as you’d find in the history of the world and stipulate to facts that are, to some degree true,  ========  楼主,我正在翻译。  这一句搞不定啊,麻烦你一下。  -----------------------------  @tvenana  22:50:42  联合国安理会有世界历史上所有的人权纪录,你们无法在联合国人权纪录之前就承认自己存在的事实(问题),某种程度上...  后面的true,应该是单独的  意译,参考,不是100%肯定  -----------------------------  我前后颠倒几次翻译,你应该是对的,谢谢,这种句型我一般搞不定,还需要向你学习。
  @tvenana  21:41:22  偷偷告诉你,renquan   -----------------------------  @丐帮苏灿  22:21:13  you can’t go before the UN council on human rights with a human rights record about as good as you’d find in the history of the world and stipulate to facts that are, to some degree true,  ========  楼主,我正在翻译。  这一句搞不定啊,麻烦你一下。  -----------------------------  @tvenana  22:50:42  联合国安理会有世界历史上所有的人权纪录,你们无法在联合国人权纪录之前就承认自己存在的事实(问题),某种程度上...  后面的true,应该是单独的  意译,参考,不是100%肯定  -----------------------------  @丐帮苏灿  23:05:19  我前后颠倒几次翻译,你应该是对的,谢谢,这种句型我一般搞不定,还需要向你学习。   -----------------------------  you can’t go before the UN council on human rights with a human rights record about as good as you’d find in the history of the world and stipulate to facts that are, to some degree true, while wagging your finger at those that need to improve. every country has its problems, but obama et. al. are the first to go on the internatio&nal stage and admit to them then turn around and point fingers.     我找了原文,对照前后意思,我觉得整段有可能是这样的:    联合国安理会有世界历史上所有的人权纪录,你(指美国)不能在人权问题上走在联合国安理会的前面,保证你(指美国)所说的就是事实,虽然在某种程度上,可能是事实。你对其它需要改善人权的国家指手划脚,每个国家都有自己的问题,但奥巴马是第一个走上国际舞台,承认自己有人权问题,然后一转身,就指责别人。
  Hold-Lurker United States. October 14 . Posts 358 PM Profile Quote #     So this might be the best place to ask – I’m looking for a song which I saw the video for a while ago. It starts off with a guy working at a shop, he sits down with a girl, and tells her he loves her and she laughs (while drinking something and spilling it or choking on it?). The video goes on with him consoling her for a variety of different things (break up, lost her job?). Along the way, I *think* he sings about “his first [X]” where [X] is hug, kiss, etc. – (for example, the girl gets drunk after being fired and she passes out on him, and he says it’s his first hug?) and at the end she asks him to repeat what he said before, and he does so, and the girl accepts this time. Anyone know what I’m talking about? I believe they are either singing in Chinese (maybe Taiwanese?).Last edit:
07:04:26     美国网友:        在这里问这个最好了:我在找一首歌,我以前看过它的视频,开头时,是一个男的在一家商店工作,他跟一个女孩坐下来,告诉她,他爱她,她笑了(她当时正喝着东西,噎到了…),那视频接着讲,他用各种各样的事安慰她(她可能是失恋,或者是失业?),我猜想,他唱的是“这是他的第一次拥抱,吻等”(例如,那个女孩被人炒了后,喝醉了酒,倒在他身上,他说这就是他的第一次拥抱?),最后,她叫他再说一遍以前说的话,然后他照做了,那女孩就接受了他。有人知道我在讲什么吗?我想他们是用中文唱的(也许是台语?)  =======================  感情这哥们说的是光良的《第一次》?
  ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■    美国赫芬顿时报:    新闻链接:    //china-aircraft-carrier-la_n_810887.html      原创翻译:龙腾网     译者:tvenana      新闻标题:    China Aircraft Carrier Largely Restored: Report    据报道,中国航母已经大部分修复    新闻摘要:    BEIJING — China has taken a major step toward commissioning its first aircraft carrier by largely completing the restoration of a derelict ship purchased from Ukraine, a news report said Wednesday.    周三,据报道,中国向乌克兰购买的一艘废弃的航母,已经完成大部分修复工作,向试行目标迈进一大步。    ―――――――――――――――    网民评论:    Leo Bloom  12:18 PM on 1/20/2011 89 Fans     American aircraft carrier costs north of $5 billion. Each.    I’ll bet anyone Chinese will build this one for about $150 million.    And both will be equally obsolete in awhile.    Advantage- - China.    美国航母一艘要花50亿美元    我打赌,中国建的航母只要1.5亿美元。    然后,两者报废的时间差不多    所以,中国占优势    ―――――――――――――――    CrazyEyes  11:45 AM on 1/20/ Fans     Welcome to 1918, China.    And while everyone else is downsizing or eliminating carriers as unneccesary, you are building your first.    中国,欢迎回到1918年    其他人都觉得航母没必要,都在缩小规模、废弃航母的时候,你们却要建第一艘航母    RubalKhali  06:15 AM on 1/21/ Fans     When has the U.S. downsized a carrier? Ans aircraft carriers in 1918 had as much in common with what they are now as airplans then and now do. Welcome to reality.    美国什么时候有缩小航母规模了?1918年的航母跟现在差不多,就像1918年的飞机跟现在差不多那样。欢迎回到现实中。    ―――――――――――――――    goldiekins  11:03 AM on 1/20/ Fans     of course they do and we are helping build it. WE have no choice. Everything in our stores is made in China.    当然他们要建航母了,我们还在帮他们建呢。我们别无选择,我们商店里的东西,都是中国制造的。    ―――――――――――――――    HUFFPOST SUPER USER    larrykat  10:39 AM on 1/20/ Fans     I don’t like it, but how will it feel to have a foreign aircraft carrier possibly sitting just outside our waters? What a change it will bring to our American sensibilities. We will start to learn how other countries have felt over the years, even without &official& aggression . It ain’t gonna feel comfy.    我不喜欢这事,一艘外国航母可能会停在我们的水域外,那感觉会是咋样的?这个事将给我们美国人的情绪带来怎样一个变化。我们将会明白其它国家在这些年的感觉是怎样的,虽然没有什么“正式的”侵犯,但还是会觉得很不爽。    Joe Adamski  12:09 PM on 1/20/2011 32 Fans     and how does the REST of the world feel about US carriers off their shores?     Do you believe our history of proxy wars and gunship diplomacy make the rest of the world roll over like a puppy wanting his belly scratched?    Militiarily, I doubt this carrier presents much threat. I would hate to see it viewed as reason to ramp up our fleet.     911 was in part the result of US presense in Saudi Arabia, viewed by OBL and Co. as     a desecration of holy ground. Our military presence around the world has certainly made as many enemies as friends . One hopes the Chinese don’t see their expanding economic power as reason to arm , and provide counterpoint to the US militiary. Having finally escaped the yoke of the Cold War, it would be extremely stupid to reinstitute it.    那美国的航母停在其它国家的海岸边,他们感觉怎么样?    你真相信,我们历史上干的那些代理战争和舰艇外交,其它国家这样被“整”,都很喜欢?像小狗喜欢挠痒痒一样?    在军事上,我怀疑这艘航母能显示多大的威胁,我不想看到又把它当作个理由,来增加我们的潜艇。    美国在沙特的表现,在某种程度上导致911,被OBL和Co.看作是对圣地的亵渎。我们的军队在世界上的表现,肯定是,树敌跟交的朋友一样多。希望中国人不要把不断扩张的经济势力,当作是提高军备的理由,跟美国军队抗衡。抱着这样希望的人,终于摆脱了冷战思维,要是再重蹈冷战覆辙,真是太傻逼了。    ―――――――――――――――    randyjet  10:22 AM on 1/20/ Fans      I don’t think the US Navy needs to worry much. That aircraft carrier will sure be a big target in case of hostilities.    我想美国海军不需要太担心。要是战争,航母肯定是个大目标。    ―――――――――――――――    HUFFPOST SUPER USER    Deus Angelus  10:03 AM on 1/20/ Fans Follow    We still have the super carriers in the Nimitz Class that are far more advanced, carry more aircraft and run on nuclear power. While China flexes their muscle lets not forget that we spend more than all the countries combined on military research and developmen t so we don’t even know what we have in our arsenal until it is deployed.    我们还有尼米兹级核动力的超级航空母舰,相当高级,可以运载更多的飞机,而且是靠核动力的。中国展示他们的肌肉,但我们不要忘了,我们花在军事研究和发展上的费用,比所有国家加起来还多,我们都不知道我们军工厂里还有些什么,除非等到部署出来。    any mouse  10:45 AM on 1/20/2011 72 Fans     And China has very nice missiles that can easily sink those Nimitz class US carriers several hundred miles from the China coast.    China has developed, tested and deployed US carrier killer missiles.    中国有非常好的导弹,在离中国海岸几百英里处,就能轻易把尼米兹级美国航母给炸沉了。    中国已经发展、试验和展示了美国航母的杀手导弹。    Cannonball Taffy O Jones  02:21 PM on 1/20/ Fans     No, China claims it has carrier killing super missiles but as China also claims that Mao was a genius and that the Great Leap Forward was a brilliant idea I would take their claims with a mountain of salt.    不,中国声称拥有可以炸沉航母的导弹,但由于中国也声称毛是个天才,大跃进是个天才想法,所以呢,我把他们的声明都当放屁。    HUFFPOST SUPER USER    DON McDONALD  03:59 PM on 1/20/ Fans     The reports I’ve seen say that China is developing ballistic anti-ship missiles, but they are a long way from deploying them. The US Navy states that at this time we have no defense developed that would protect a carrier from a ballistic missile... however, it’s an obvious fact that unlike a low level cruise missile, there would be no possible doubt as to exactly where a ballistic missile came from, and no difficulty sending one right back...    我看到个报道,说中国正在发展弹道反舰导弹,但离真正部署还远着呢。美国海军称这次我们没有发达防御系统,可以保护航母免受弹道导弹攻击…但是,有个事实很明显,这跟低水平的巡逻导弹不同,我们可以很精确判断弹道导弹的来源,然后,很容易就回敬他们一颗…    ――――――――――――――――    Tenacious Urchin  09:46 AM on 1/20/2011 0 Fans     China will have a Navy eventually . And they will come to protect their interests in the Panama Canal.    中国终于快有海军了。他们会来到巴拿马运河,保护他们的利益。    HUFFPOST SUPER USER    Deus Angelus  10:16 AM on 1/20/ Fans Follow     You honestly expect the US to roll over and allow this to happen?    你难道真希望美国被“整”?真的能允许这个发生?    HUFFPOST SUPER USER    terry63  03:38 PM on 1/20/ Fans     At our rate of spending and debt. Who knows where we will be in 5 years.    以我们现在的花费和债务速度,5年后,天知道我们会成什么样    ―――――――――――――――――    29bela  09:21 AM on 1/20/ Fans     Why not? They are the superpower now, aren’t they?    为什么不建?他们现在是超级大国,不是吗?    ―――――――――――――――――    HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR    Amalek  07:43 AM on 1/20/ Fans Follow     The United States has never invaded a country with both nuclear weapons and an aircraft carrier.  Which explains this action.    美国从来没有侵略过同时拥有核武和航母的国家,这就能解释为什么他们有这样的动作。    HUFFPOST SUPER USER    Deus Angelus  10:05 AM on 1/20/ Fans Follow     Japan? (didnt have nuclear weapons) they did have at one point the best carrier fleet did we not defeat Japan and won the Pacific?     日本怎么样?他们没有核武,但他们一度拥有最好的航母舰队,我们还不是打败他们,在太平洋战争中赢了吗?    CrazyEyes  11:48 AM on 1/20/ Fans     The larger, more advanced nations cannot afford to go to war with each other. It would destroy both countries.    越大,越发达的国家,越无法跟对方开战。会两败俱伤的。    ―――――――――――――――――    Krek  05:19 AM on 1/20/ Fans     The Chinese are the only permanent members of the UN Security Council without carriers. So, eh, big deal.    中国人是联合国安理会永久成员中唯一没有航母的,所以,啊,好大件事。    ―――――――――――――――――    esquilax  04:09 AM on 1/20/ Fans     They need something to spend all their American money on.    他们得把他们的美元花掉啊。    ―――――――――――――――――    HUFFPOST SUPER USER    Anne Mccormick  12:21 AM on 1/20/ Fans     for some reason, i always thought China had aircraft carriers.    不知为啥,我总以为中国已经有航母了。    Chappah  01:17 AM on 1/20/2011 8 Fans     same here. I’m shocked they don’t. The Chinese are further behind than I thought...    我也这样想。我很震惊,他们居然没有航母。中国人比我想象中的还要落后。    mike72  03:13 AM on 1/20/2011 84 Fans     Because they never have the needs to develope one. Instead they turned their energy in developing their economy.    Now you see how ridiculous that &China Threat& drum beat was.    因为他们从来都不需要建个航母,而是把精力用在发展他们的经济上。    现在,你知道鼓吹“中国威胁”有多荒谬了吧。    HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR    Amalek  04:51 AM on 1/20/ Fans Follow     The problem with becoming a world power is you need to be able to defend yourself against jealous aggressors .  Let’s just hope that the Republican s don’t escalate this into an arms race to benefit their buddies in the military industrial complex.  We all (Chinese and American) lose in that case.    成为一个世界强国,问题是,你得有能力保护自己,免受猜忌的侵略者的攻击。咱们得希望共和党人不要把这件事升级,提高军备竞赛,让他们的军工业勾结者受益。我们所有人(中国人和美国人)在这种情况下,都会输的。    MajorKong  05:59 AM on 1/20/ Fans     It’s only recently that China has been developing a &blue water& navy. One that can project power at a distance from their territory.    就在最近,中国已经在发展一支“深海”海军,可以离开他们领土一定的距离,部署势力。    ―――――――――――――――――    HUFFPOST SUPER USER    Talossa  11:51 PM on 1/19/ Fans     Cool. Ships are easy to sink.    淡定,船很容易就能弄沉的。    HUFFPOST SUPER USER    Wisdo  06:45 AM on 1/20/ Fans     you’re advocation a war with china - based on what? just for kicks?    你支持跟中国打一仗,为了啥?只是为了好玩吗?    vascopyjama  08:55 AM on 1/20/ Fans    Pretty close to what we base our wars on these days.    就跟我们最近打的那些仗那样    HUFFPOST SUPER USER    Talossa  09:09 AM on 1/20/ Fans     No, but if one were to break out, it’s good for the other side to have big, expensive, vulnerable targets.    不是,但如果真的爆发了战争,有这样一个庞大的、昂贵的、容易攻击的目标,很不错。    ――――――――――――――――――    Allan888  10:21 PM on 1/19/2011 23 Fans     Ever notice all china armaments look like ours? They just steal stuff. They hardly innovate. Their stealth fighter looks just like ours. Hmmm?    有没有注意到,中国所有的军备跟我们的都很像?他们就只会偷东西,几乎都不能创新。他们的隐形机也跟我们的很像,嗯?    MMRDO  10:46 PM on 1/19/ Fans     The fighter was larger and the engines were different, this is a Ukrainian carrier, not similar to our stuff, most of it is copied Soviet tech.    他们那隐形机更大,发动机也不一样,而这航母是乌克兰的,跟我们的东东不一样,他们这航母主要是复制苏联的技术。    OpposingViewpoint  10:51 PM on 1/19/ Fans     You’re right,,,th is is the former Ukranian, former USSR carrier &Varyag&. I posted some additional informatio n on her but H/P decided my post should go to pending hell for whatever reason.    你说得对。这是前乌克兰的,前苏联的“瓦良格号”。关于这个“瓦良格号”,我发了些相关信息,但这H/P(赫芬顿网站)不知因为啥原因,把我发的评论不知弄到什么鬼地方去了。    ――――――――――――――――――    HUFFPOST SUPER USER    Raven Waters  09:11 PM on 1/19/2011 64 Fans     OMG China has a mothballed , obsolete aircraft carrier. Guess that means we up our percent of tax dollars to the military from 50% to 65%.    This just in... China purchase machetes from Cuba... U.S. responds with new fighter jet that will only cost $250 million each.    噢,天哪,中国有一艘退役的、废弃的航母了。我猜想,这意味着,我们交的税,给军队的要从50%涨到65%了。    这就好比是…中国跟古巴买了一把弯刀…美国赶紧就弄部新的隐形机来防御,而且每部只是“区区”花了2.5亿美元而已。    Amryxx  10:33 PM on 1/19/ Fans     No doubt it will be equipped with very expensive machete-targeting missiles.    很可能,这新的隐形机还会配备非常昂贵的,可以攻击“弯刀”的导弹    ――――――――――――――――――    BadIdeas  08:58 PM on 1/19/ Fans     No problem, we’re in the process of downsizing our military. Let’s hope the Chicoms take over our role protecting freedom around the world. Someone’s got to do it!    没问题,我们正在精简我们军队规模。咱们得希望中共分子可以代替我们的角色,在全世界保护自由。这事总得有人去干!    ――――――――――――――――――    moose and squirrel  08:50 PM on 1/19/ Fans      i’d worry more about chinese subs....    我会更担心中国的潜艇    meglon978  09:25 PM on 1/19/ Fans     Why? We’re decommissioning outdated ships that are better than 90% of their sub fleet.... unless you’re really concerned that all those diesel engines will pollute the oceans.    为什么?我们那些过时的舰船正要退役,比他们90%的潜水艇都还要好…除非你是担心那些柴油发动机会污染海洋。    ――――――――――――――――――    HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR    motoGpifupleez  08:08 PM on 1/19/ Fans     Oh boy! Now we can justify he expense of a new carrier class composed of at least 5 ships and all the boondoggle F-35’s to go with them.    Now you know where the repealed healthcare dollars will go.    噢,孩子!他(指奥黑吧)花钱建了艘新的航母,可以装载5条船,还配备那么些没用的F-35,现在有理由为这事辩护了吧    现在,你们知道他们废除医保后的钱哪去了吧。    commentator101  07:31 PM on 1/19/2011 55 Fans     Of course China will have aircraft carriers. Where else are we going to be able to pawn ours?    当然中国会有航母,不然,我们还能去哪典当我们的航母?    John Mainstream  07:15 PM on 1/19/ Fans     China will never have much of a navy. China is too afraid of Japan...wh o through much of WWII had the best navy in the world.    中国的海军不会有什么了不起的,中国太害怕日本了…日本在二战时,有全世界最好的海军    HUFFPOST COMMUNITY MODERATOR    UncleJimbo  07:22 PM on 1/19/ Fans     Today China is Afraid of the US......An d That’s It!......T hey could Swat Japan like a Fly! ....Seriou sly!    现在,中国害怕美国…他们打日本就跟拍死只苍蝇一样!…我说真的!    imayes  07:29 PM on 1/19/ Fans     Perhaps we should lift Japan’s military restrictions to even out the playing field.    也许我们应该提高对日本海军的限制,让竞技场平衡点  
  ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■    英国论坛        链接:/forum/showthread.php?t=710396     -----------------------------------------------------------     楼主标题:So who do people want to replace Gaddafi? 大家想要谁来取代卡扎菲?    licinius     Senior Member        Democracy is not an option for Libya so my question is which muslim leader do the anti Gaddafi brigade want to take over power?         This is obviously very well thought out already by everybody, it needs to be before you can remove the existing leader (otherwise all we do is repeat what happened in Iraq & leave the country in turmoil).         The rebel leader is of course the most likely candidate to take over from Gaddafi, but surely out of the frying pan into the fire comes to mind. Why replace a leader who used force to come to power, with a new leader who used force to come to power? Why does anybody think that will be better for the Libyan people?    对利比亚来说,不可能选民主,因此,我的问题是,反卡扎菲的这帮人,想要哪个穆斯林首领来取代卡扎菲执政?        很明显,大家已经很认真想这件事,把现任的领导人弄走前,需要想想这事(否则的话,我们就是重复在伊拉克的问题,留给他们混乱的局面)    当然,反对派的领导者最有可能成为取代卡扎菲的候选人,但是,感觉才出虎口,又入狼窝。我们把利用武力得到权力的人弄走,却用另一个利用武力得到权力的人来取代他?为什么有人会认为这对利比亚比较好?    ―――――――――――――――――――――――    下面是网友回复:        Is Sam Allardyce still available?    萨姆•阿勒代斯有空吗?        (译者注:萨姆•阿勒代斯,出生于英格兰西密德兰郡的达德利,是一名前足球运动员及现任足球领队。)    ―――――――――――――――――――――――    Butch Wilkins is.    楼上,&平头&•威尔金斯有空。        (译者注:雷蒙德•科林•威尔金斯,M.B.E.,出生于英格兰密德萨斯(Middlesex)的希灵登区,常被称为“&平头装&•威尔金斯”(&Butch& Wilkins),是一名前足球运动员,司职中场,在1980年代是英格兰的中场领军人物,曾效力切尔西、曼联及AC米兰等巨型班,现时担任教练及间中在电视任球评家。)    ―――――――――――――――――――――――    Has to be Big Ron Atkinson.    这必须得是大块头罗恩•阿特金森        (译者注:出生于1939年,常被称为“大块头罗恩”,英国前足球球员和教练,近几年,成为英国著名的足球评论家。)    ―――――――――――――――――――――――    One of his female bodyguard    卡扎菲的某个女保镖    ―――――――――――――――――――――――    Why’’s democracy not an option here?    楼主,为什么不会选民主?    ―――――――――――――――――――――――-    Tony Blair? No... wait, I know... Jihn Prescot, it might get his ugly mug off out TV in his lame arsed insurance adverts!    布莱尔?不….等等,我知道了….Jihn Perscot,这样的话,他那张难看的脸就不会出现在电视上,卖那烂得要死的保险广告!    ――――――――――――――――――――――――    I cant for the life of me understand why they made him Captain of England in the first place !    我这辈子都想不明白,他们为什么要在刚开始给他当英国的国家队队长!    ――――――――――――――――――――――――-    Gaddaffi? Did they? Christ, no wonder we screwed up in the last world cup!    楼上,你是说卡扎菲?老天啊,难怪我们在上一届的世界杯搞砸了!    ――――――――――――――――――――――――-    Shaka Zulu        Shaka!!!    选祖鲁人沙卡    沙卡!!!        ――――――――――――――――――――――――――    Chaka Khan    恰克•卡恩(译者注:老牌女歌手)    ――――――――――――――――――――――――――    Prince Charles! Already has a penchant for camels    查尔斯王子!他对骆驼情有独钟    ――――――――――――――――――――――――――    In conclusion        Nobody here cares about the civil rights of Libyans, its just an excuse for war. Libya is not a threat to us in the west, so it’’s not worth the life or limbs of one single British soldier.        Then there is the cost, as a taxpayer I fail to see why &500m spent bombing a country that has no effect on me represents value for money. I would rather see a 1p drop in income tax that pay for an unnecessary war.         Arabs are different to westerners and have differnet values as well. Most of them don’’t have tv, internet or telephones. They don’’t hear or understand your reasons for invading them, they don’’t know there is another village 3 miles away let alone that the earth is round.         These people think god creates night & day and when they’’re bad he gives them a drought. What they do know though is when foreign troops arrive their people die.        It’’s not our business, let them live how they choose to live. If you walk down the street in London carrying an AK47 then forces loyal to David Cameron (sorry I just had to put some western style progoganda in there) will shoot you, I fail to see why that should be any different in Libya.         The war against arab nations is wrong. Here endeth my contribution to the topic    总结        这里没人关心利比亚人民的权利,这只是战争的借口。利比亚对我们西方不是个威胁,因此,是不值得一个英国战士付出生命的。        作为纳税人,我不明白为什么要花5亿英镑去轰炸一个国家,而这个国家是对我没什么影响的。我不想为一场不必要的战争花一个子儿。        阿拉伯人跟西方人是不同,也拥有不同的价值观。他们大多数没有电视、网络和电话。他们听不到,也不明白你为什么要侵略他们,他们甚至都不知道3英里以外的另一个村庄,更不知道地球是圆的。        这些人认为上帝创造了白天和黑夜,如果他们不做好,上帝就会让他们遭受干旱,但他们知道,外国军队到他们的国家去,他们的人民死了。        这不关我们的事,让他们过他们自个儿选择要过的生活。比如,你在伦敦,走到街口,扛着AK47,然后,忠于卡梅伦的军队(不好意思,我就是举个西方的例子),就会向你扫射,我不明白为什么在利比亚就有什么不同?        对阿拉伯国家的战争是错误的,这里,我来结束这个话题。  
  ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■  Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media  曝光:美国间谍软件操纵社会媒体    英国网民评论:    ontheotherhand2010   17 March PM  God bless America, the true promoter of free speach!  上帝保佑美国,自由言论的倡导者    FavouriteFood   17 March PM  Damn: my cover’s been blown!  可恶,我马甲的事儿传开了!     thesnufkin   17 March PM  And of course it isn’t just the US military , as anyone who’s ever been on a Climate Change thread can verify.    当然,这不可能只是美国军队,曾见过气候变化那个贴子的人都能证实这点。    WaitForPete   17 March PM  I suppose it has not occurred to them that the reason why the USA has a poor image around the world is precisely because of such behavior.    You do not have a perception problem. You have a REALITY problem.  我想他们还没想明白,为什么美国在全世界的形象这么差,正是因为像这样的行为。  这不是想象中的问题,你们美国人有一个非常现实的问题。    LeChuck   17 March PM  This isn’t exactly a surprise is it?    Still, good news that it’s been exposed like this. Although everyone has known it happens.  不出奇,是吧?  这样曝光出来,是好消息,虽然大家早都知道会这样。    Miamijim   17 March PM  When will this stop... this is nothing other than mass thought control through event manipulation..... you can not control the world the world evolves and we must evolve with it.  什么时候这才会停止...这就是通过对事件的操纵来控制民众的想法...你不能控制世界的发展,而是必须顺应世界的发展。    marcelprout   17 March PM  I had a quick check to make sure it wasn’t 1 April.     Last year the US spent $110bn fighting a pointless war in Afghanistan. it would have been far better off spending the money on Americans.     Things are very bad in the US     /blogs/nyrblog/2011/mar/10/new-american-pessimism/#    In an atmosphere of growing anxiety and hysteria, in which the true causes and the scale of our dire national predicament are deliberately concealed and obfuscated by our political establishment and by the corporate media, no wonder there’s confusion and anger everywhere. As anyone who has traveled around this country and talked to people knows, Americans are not just badly informed, but downright ignorant about most things that affect their lives. How nice it would be if our President leveled with us and told us that our deficit is caused in significant part by the wars we are fighting in Afghanistan and Pakistan, the hundreds of military bases we are maintaining around the world, the huge tax breaks for the rich, and the bailout of Wall Street. As we know, we are not about to hear anything of the kind    Sockpuppets won’t change America’s image or fix its broken society.  我赶紧去查了一下,确认一下那天是不是愚人节。  去年,美国花了1100亿美元在阿富汗,打了场无意义的战争。要是花在美国人身上,会好得多。  美国现在很糟了。看看他们(美国人)的这些话:  /blogs/nyrblog/2011/mar/10/new-american-pessimism/#    焦虑和不安氛围日益严重,真正的原因,国家困窘的严重程度被政客和媒体故意隐瞒,难怪到处都是混乱和愤怒。谁在这个国家走走看看,跟人们聊过的,都知道,美国人不单只是消息不灵通,而且是对影响他们生活的大多数都完全无知。如果我们的总统告诉我们实话那该好多,我们财政赤字很大部分是由阿富汗和巴基斯坦的战争引起的,是由我们部署在全世界的几百个军事基地引起的,对富人减免税收,对华尔街补助。但大家都知道,他们不会告诉我们这类的话。    马甲不会改变美国的形象,也不会解决这个烂掉了的社会。    jonniebrasco   17 March PM  Oh christ, lets just wait for all the leftys and &liberals& to go nuts over this! Chill out lads - why don’t you just ignore the waste of time that is social media in the first place?!  哦,天哪,咱们就等着所有的左翼分子和“自由主义者”都疯掉吧!淡定,为什么不忽视这浪费时间的事,这是社会媒体第一次的事吗?    Prisoner68   17 March PM  Typical Uncle Sam.  典型的山姆大叔    Equalityforall   17 March PM  As if they’re not already doing this right now, and the sock puppets of various entities have likely polluted the Guardian et al, as the trolls etc. have never been so prolific.  说得好像他们现在不这样做了似的,各种马甲可能已经污染这个网站(英国卫报)了,因为这么多脑残什么的出现在这里,以前不会的。  
  很有意义的帖子,感谢楼主无私奉献  祝早日找到人生伴侣
  @我干英语  06:23:07  标记下。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。  -----------------------------  呵呵,我好久没见你,你也来了?  最近还好吗?
  @tvenana 回复日期: 09:08:33  回复
      我干英语  06:23:07    标记下。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。    -----------------------------    呵呵,我好久没见你,你也来了?    最近还好吗?   ------------------------------  我很好,最近新换了工作,新工作发展前途比较好。努力开始奋斗,希望有个好成绩。  你呢?有没有什么新鲜事啊?
  @tvenana 回复日期: 09:08:33  回复   我干英语  06:23:07  标记下。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。  -----------------------------  @我干英语  10:28:08  呵呵,我好久没见你,你也来了?  最近还好吗?   ------------------------------  我很好,最近新换了工作,新工作发展前途比较好。努力开始奋斗,希望有个好成绩。  你呢?有没有什么新鲜事啊? ......  -----------------------------  喏,就一直混在这国观,翻译点东东...
  @暮然-18 02:38:03  刚发现这片大陆,我会天天来的,LZ加油!  -----------------------------  估计做不到天天更新,三天两头吧,怕你失望...
      好久没有来吐槽了。。。楼主能否翻译一些比较有思考性的评论和文章?感觉这些人的评论一般啊。    楼主加油。。。
  @巫女的老公  12:26:39    好久没有来吐槽了。。。楼主能否翻译一些比较有思考性的评论和文章?感觉这些人的评论一般啊。  楼主加油。。。  -----------------------------  找不到什么好资源啊
  我一般只是潜水,这次忍不住冒出来支持楼主。辛苦了。    另外给楼主介绍一个论坛“爬山虎”,/,那里也有很多高质量的翻译贴。
  @blade_-20 00:02:17  我一般只是潜水,这次忍不住冒出来支持楼主。辛苦了。  另外给楼主介绍一个论坛“爬山虎”,/,那里也有很多高质量的翻译贴。  -----------------------------  我是在龙腾翻译网的呢...
  ■■■■■■■■■■■■■  美国网民热议中国J20二次试飞    新闻标题:  China Stealth Fighter Jet ’Appears’ To Have Made Second Flight   中国隐形机“看似”在进行二次试飞    Posted: 04/19/11 11:59 AM ET     新闻链接:  //china-stealth-fighter-jet-second-flight_n_850953.html#comments    新闻摘要:    BEIJING (Reuters) - China appears to have staged a second test-flight of a new stealth fighter jet, a state-owned newspaper said on Tuesday, which if true could be another step toward narrowing the military gap with the United States.  据一家国家报纸周二报道,中国看似在进行第二次新型隐形机试飞,若事实确凿,中美之间的军事距离将会进一步缩小。  ――――――――――――――――――――  网民评论:    DanSc
22 minutes ago (9:53 PM) 121 Fans Follow   China has closed the fighter gap with the US about as much as I’ve closed the sprinting gap with Usain Bolt.  中国在隐形机方面,跟美国的距离,就如同,我跟尤塞恩•博尔特(牙买加天才短跑运动员)在疾跑上的距离  ――――――――――――――――――――  HUFFPOST SUPER USER  RRK70
2 hours ago (8:29 PM) 529 Fans   I suspect China will simply be able to buy stealth fighters from &American& defense contractors in years to come.
When the US budget collapses under it’s own weight these defense firms will gladly move offshore or partner with foreign firms in order to keep business going.
    A few years ago when I read about plans (now scrapped) for Lockheed Martin (which doesn’t make helicopters) to partner with foreign firm (which does make helicopters) in order to make a bid on replacing the aging Presidential Marine One helicopter fleet, I realized that national boundaries have become quite obsolete for corporatio&ns. Just look at the corporate accounts in the
Cayman Islands, Halliburton’s move to Dubai, and Halliburton’s business with Iran, not to mention US and British interests in Libya.
Corporatio&ns will do whatever is in their best interest, if &partnerin&g& with foreign nations or firms is lucrative enough, they will find a way to do it.    我猜想中国以后可能会从“美国的”防御系统承包商那里,直接购买隐形机。当美国的财政预算不支的时候,这些搞防御系统的公司为了能继续赚钱,他们会很乐意把生意转移到海外去,或者是跟国外的公司合作。  几年前,我看到洛克希德马丁(注:美国航空航天公司,不制造直升机)的计划(这计划现在废弃了),总统海军一号直升机舰队要更新换代,为了在这个项目上投标,他们说要跟国外的公司(能制造直升机)合作。我意识到,对企业来说,国家边界完全没用。就看看开曼群岛的那些公司帐户,哈利伯顿(财富500强公司之一)搬到迪拜去,跟伊朗做生意,更别说美国和英国在利比亚的利益。企业为了达到最大利益,啥都能干,要是跟别的国家、企业“合作”更有利可图,他们肯定会想办法这样干。    Double Eagle
1 hour ago (9:04 PM) 11 Fans   Not likely, we have strict export controls over our high tech military equipment. We wont sell the Ff22 even to Japan  (回楼上)不见得,在高科技军事设备方面,我们有非常严格的出口控制。我们甚至都不卖F22给日本。    ――――――――――――――――――――――  666dorado
2 hours ago (8:12 PM) 35 Fans   pics, or it didn’t happen!  oh, wait...  无图无真相  哦,等等…  ――――――――――――――――――――――  jacksparrow34
2 hours ago (7:53 PM) 196 Fans   wow that is a huge plane ... for a fighter plane. I hope it is stealth or else it is one big bulky flying target...  哇,好大只飞机。。。战斗机。我希望是隐形的,不然的话,这么庞大的飞行目标。。。  ―――――――――――――――――――――――    twb1951
3 hours ago (7:35 PM) 47 Fans   it’s great to know that our corporations moving operations to China improved the economy to the point where they can now build aircraft carries, something most nations can’t afford. Wow I hope the CEO’s, lobbyists, and shareholders made great returns on their investments at our expense. Real patriots, real Americans, they are the ones who send their kids into harms way, right?  真好,看到我们的企业都把业务营运搬到中国去,帮中国提高经济,现在他们能造隐形机了,这东西大多数的国家都还没钱搞。哇,我希望那些CEO们、政治说客们,还有那些投资者们,以我们的利益为代价的这些人,能在投资中赚回一大笔。  真正的爱国者,真正的美国人,是那些把孩子的未来推向危险境地的人吗?  ―――――――――――――――――――――――    nfatt1
3 hours ago (7:34 PM) 193 Fans   The F-22 Raptor is a stealth plane because no one has seen it fly in combat.  F-22猛禽是隐形机,因为没人见过它在战争中飞过。    Double Eagle
3 hours ago (7:39 PM) 11 Fans   The F22 (and the F35) are stealthy Aircraft. We have not used the F22 in combat because we have not had any missions for which it would be needed.  F22(还有F35)是隐形机,我们还没有在战争中使用过F22,因为我们还不需要使用它。  ―――――――――――――――――――――――    Alois SaintMartin
3 hours ago (7:28 PM) 14 Fans Follow   Hey Prince Harry you guys still think you want Hong Kong back !  嘿,哈里王子,你们还想着要回香港吗?!  ―――――――――――――――――――――――  RTIII
4 hours ago (7:19 PM) 424 Fans   The handwriting is on the wall: War with China.    The bellicose members of the US MILC will force a war, the USA will try and keep up and it’ll probably end in a &stale mate& in which the USA - which no longer _makes anything of note
loses. The USA will be cut off from manufacturing in China and the far east and will end up tanking fast.  SADLY, you heard it here first.  Our only hope, really, is to be ready for it by moving off oil as fast as possible. WE are the world’s bread basket - the only resource we have left. Lets hope we haven’t ruined our top soil too badly by then.  墙上写着:跟中国开战  美国MILC的好战分子会发动战争,美国会尝试这样干,结果可能又会是陷入僵局,美国给别人定义“失败”的历史将告终。中国会切断美国在中国的制造业链条。远东地区,很快就会狂欢庆祝。  很悲哀,你是第一次听到这些话。  我们唯一的希望,真的,就是准备尽快脱离石油。我们是世界的产粮地,这是我们唯一留下的资源。希望到那时,土壤还没有被我们破坏得太厉害。    mathme
3 hours ago (7:51 PM) 138 Fans   China only exists as a power because of the money the US spend there and our debt that they hold. They would gain nothing from a war and would only see the collapse of their own currency.  中国能成为强国,只是因为美国把钱花在那里了,还有他们拥有我们的债务。他们在战争中,啥都不能得到,只会看到他们自己的货币崩溃。    HUFFPOST SUPER USER  RRK70
3 hours ago (8:15 PM) 529 Fans   it goes both ways, they also have huge influence over the US economy with their manipulation of currency and the amount of US debt they hold.
It’s an economic version of MAD (Mutually Assured Destruction).
Of course it seems that the losers on both sides are the working class.  双方都会遭殃,他们同样通过操纵货币和持有美国债务,影响美国经济。这是经济版本的MAD(Mutually Assured Destruction精确摧毁)。当然,看起来输的是双方的劳动阶层。    VapeGirl
1 hour ago (10:12 PM) 137 Fans   China would not risk war with the US. it would devastate their country. It is precarious as it is now. Wait until the Chinese government has to deal with it’s massive bloated housing problem. 65 million, that is million with an m, homes and apartments that sit empty, and they continue to build these structures&(whole cities at a crazy rate) and nobody is buying them. The average Chinese person cannot afford them when they only make 9$ a day. That bubble is going to burst. It’ll be far worse than the US’s and the Chinese government will have to worry about what is going on inside their own country - instead of looking outward. The trouble will come from within when the economy collapses and the social unrest follows.  中国不会冒险跟美国开战。这会毁了他们的国家。现在这样,其实是很危险的。先等一等,等到中国政府不得不去处理它那高涨的房价问题。他们有65,000,000间的房屋和公寓是空置的,这个数字后面有6个零。他们还在继续建(所有城市都以疯狂的速度在建房),没有人会买。普通的中国人,一天只能赚9美元,他们买不起。泡沫就要爆破了。这会比美国更惨,中国政府得担心他们自己国家内部的问题,他们不会望向外面的。经济崩溃的时候,内部的麻烦和社会动荡,会接踵而来。  ――――――――――――――――――――  ncsteeler
4 hours ago (7:07 PM) 35 Fans   Stealth is 1980’s technology&. The Chinese could have probably picked it up on the internet. The are two aspects one is wing shape to reduce radar image and the other is the radar absorb pant paint. The former is hard to hide on our fighters and the latter is probably not that hard to develope.  隐形是20世纪80年代的技术,中国人可能是从网上找来的资料。有两方面,一是翼形,减少雷达图形,另一个是雷达吸收油漆反光。对我们的战斗机,前者很难隐藏,后者,可能不是那么难弄。    freespeech2
4 hours ago (7:45 PM) 71 Fans   And we actually derived it from a technical paper published in the old Soviet Union...  其实,我们推断它是前苏联发表的技术图纸    ncsteeler
2 hours ago (9:08 PM) 35 Fans   I knew someone who worked on microwave absorbing materials in the early 1980’s. He got in trouble when he tried to publish his results - the microwave frequencies were too close to Soviet radar which is why the DOD funded the research. It was a while before he figured things out.  我认识个人,在80年代初做微波吸收材料的。他那会想要发表他的研究结果,结果惹上了麻烦。他研究的微波频率,跟苏联雷达很接近,这就是为什么美国国防部当时会资助他的这项研究,那会他还没有弄明白怎么回事。    HUFFPOST SUPER USER  RRK70
1 hour ago (9:53 PM) 529 Fans   the really amazing stealth was how millions of American manufactur&ing jobs managed to be shipped to China.  真正神奇的隐形是,成千上万的美国企业是怎样把工作转移到中国的。  ―――――――――――――――――――  Ramyeon
5 hours ago (6:49 PM) 2 Fans   Awesome, more weapons, the Chinese are not so different from us after all. Maybe their military spending will bankrupt them too. And to think we all could be exploring space with that money.  太棒了,再研究多些武器,中国人也跟我们一样,也许他们的军费开支也会搞得他们破产。想想我们花的那些钱,原本可以去探索太空的。    somewhatodd
4 hours ago (6:59 PM) 168 Fans   & Maybe their military spending will bankrupt them too &  naw. they ain’t that stupid.  楼上,你说“也许他们的军费开支也会搞得他们破产”。  不会发生的,他们没那么傻。    HUFFPOST SUPER USER  Var Enyo
4 hours ago (7:23 PM) 321 Fans   No, our unabated desire to buy Chinese products at Wally World and our corporate sell outs taking everything over there to be manufactured have given them not only technology but all the money they need to build up the military.  不,我们不断地想去威利世界(商场?)买中国的东西,我们的企业把啥都弄到那边去制造,不仅给他们提供技术,还给他们资金,他们就用来发展军事。    FoxIslander
4 hours ago (7:48 PM) 171 Fans   ...not even close:  US = $687B = 4.7% GDP  China = $114B = 2.2% GDP  How many wars do you see China in right now?    不是这样,看看这个:  美国=6780亿美元=4.7%的GDP  中国=1140亿美元=占2.2%的GDP  你现在有看到中国跟谁打什么仗了?    DanSc
1 hour ago (9:55 PM) 121 Fans Follow   Just the war against their own people and Tibet.  中国跟他们自己的人民和西藏打仗  ――――――――――――――――  HUFFPOST SUPER USER  magedfoxx
5 hours ago (6:33 PM) 517 Fans Follow   this i worry about.  他们搞这个,我很担心。    DAE
5 hours ago (6:41 PM) 255 Fans   Don’t worry, be happy  别担心,开心点    Lahonda
3 hours ago (8:08 PM) 1115 Fans   ...one plane.  一架飞机而已  ――――――――――――――――  HUFFPOST SUPER USER  nelore
5 hours ago (6:28 PM) 33 Fans   All we have to do to stay ahead is to reverse engineer on more tech from the UFO crashed at Roswell..f&-117.b-2,F&-22  我们要做的,就是从坠落在罗斯威尔市的UFO中拿到更多的技术,F117,B-2,F22,保持我们的技术先进性。  --------------------------------------------  Boobuzuela
5 hours ago (6:22 PM) 349 Fans   IMHO &stealth& aircraft all look like crud.  Let’s go back to building &Air Superiority& fighters that look ...lethal.  Since it’s all &show and tell& anyway, we might as well have attractive planes.  恕我直言,所有“隐形”机看起来都很垃圾。  咱回去建“空优”战斗机,那个看起来很有杀伤力…  因为他们都是看得见,摸得着的,总之,我们可能也有很劲爆的飞机    PoloniumMan
4 hours ago (6:56 PM) 51 Fans   Back to the century series of jet fighters.  回去建世纪系列,喷气式战机  ――――――――――――――――――  saintjule
5 hours ago (6:19 PM) 238 Fans   Is it time to be afraid yet? YUP  咱们是不是得开始害怕了?应该是  ――――――――――――――――  Kenz300
5 hours ago (6:16 PM) 312 Fans   The American military industrial complex has contribute&d to the bankrupting of America.  I bet they do not have $500 toilet seats in China.  美国的破产,多亏了美国军工业的贡献  我敢打赌,在中国,肯定没有价值500美元的马桶座圈  ――――――――――――――――  HUFFPOST SUPER USER  javajava
7 hours ago (6:04 PM) 1218 Fans Follow   A bunch of crybabies on this post. &Oh my China steals our tech& and &Everything we buy from China emboldens them&. Give me a break. The U.S. has pretty much raped the deveoping world for generation&s, of resources, of brain power and profited from ruining ecnomies. Now that other nations are claiming a share of the pie we are getting our panties all twisted.    Yes China expolits others intellectu&al property but so does Russia and India to some degree. We can cry about it or keep moving forward. The U.S. has no birthright to military superiorit&y.  这个贴子里,一大堆只会哭鼻子的人在这里叫喊,什么“噢,中国偷我们的技术”,还有什么“我们什么都跟中国买,让他们这么嚣张”,歇歇吧。美国强暴发展中国家几代人了,掠夺资源,人才和利润,毁了他们的经济。现在,另外一些国家声称要分杯羹,我们就全身不自在了。  ――――――――――――――――――――  BowlyJones
8 hours ago (5:45 PM) 32 Fans   Every time someone buys something made in China, they buy a little bit of this war plane.  你每买一次中国产品,你就是在为中国这架战争飞机付一部分钱。  
  先顶你再看!!!  谢谢楼主!
  @飞叶满城  16:44:37  在中国,大多数人在3年级后,就没有机会接受义务教育了。  如果你没有显示你的才能,或者没有进步得很快,你就会被开除,就得接受惩罚,过上苦力的生活。只有很少的部分被挑选中的人,能接受充分的教育,通常是那些精英的孩子,或者是跟政府有关系的那些人的孩子。  =================  悲剧啊,  读了十八年了,......  -----------------------------  更悲剧,我读了20多年啊。谁告诉我,我跟政府有啥关系啊?


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