james bluntaltucher是谁

James Altucher
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James Altucher has written 11 bestselling books. He is a successful entrepreneur. He's failed a gazillion times. He's lived to tell the tale. Sometimes he talks too much.
Ok, I admit it. I perjured in a court of law. It was after I ran over a guy. It was in 1985 or 86. I forget. I was 17 or 18. I remember it was raining. I remember the car spinning. I...
We were the only people who visited . In 1971 he moved to a small plot of land in his van. His hope was to basically sit there and surrender to whatever the universe had to offer.
Then they told me I had to either take a 50% pay cut or I would be fired. If I was fired they would give me severance. I didn't like either choice. I had responsibilities. I was counting on the money. I was scared. I wasn't expecting this. HR said,...
Once a week I crush my 13-year-old at tennis until she cries. I feel I only have a one or two year window to do this. Then she will conquer and destroy and laugh at me.
So give me my chance....
I tried to read on a beach once. I got the very first Kindle. It didn't have many books available but what it did, I downloaded and tried to read.
But it was uncomfortable and hot and my wife and kids kept going into the ocean, so I went...
Someone stole my identity yesterday. Briefly.
I woke up and there were two versions of my latest book, The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth, listed on Amazon.
One was written by "James Altucher" and the other was written by "JAMES ALTUCHER"...
Snoop Dogg should become CEO of Twitter and I'm about to tell you why. But first, leave Dick Costolo, the outgoing CEO, alone. When Dick became CEO, Twitter was valued at about $3 billion. (now it's $26 billion). The site was constantly overloaded...
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The worst thing that happened to me in five years happened three months ago. But, wait, I don't want to be complaining. More on that in a second.
"Are you going to kill yourself?" I bumped into one of my neighbors a...
Oh, I can't do that. It would be rude. Oh my god, there's that awkward silence. My parents really want me to at least finish school so I can have "security". I can't quit this job right when they are going into the...
I admit I stole this title. Part of being productive is to piggyback on the shoulders of greatness.
So I decided to write down what six things I do every day that help me with productivity. They make work for you. Or...
I am the best bad leader in the world. Not only do I know everything about how to fail as a leader but I also have spent large amounts of time with bad leaders. This is a UNIQUE opportunity for you...
I think I'm in love with . Oh, and also her husband Alex Ikonn. Don't want to confuse anyone! When I was a kid I didn't think I would be happy unless I was a "millionaire". Some kids in my...
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I would've paid to work there.
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Here are the rules: I've been at zero a few times, come back a few times, and done it over and over. I've started entire new careers. People who knew me then, don't me now. And so on. I've had to change careers several times. Sometimes because my interests changed....
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知名天使投资人James Altucher:我的天使投资原则总结
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导读: JamesAltucher是一名投资者,程序员,作家以及一名创业人员。他现任FormulaCapital的执行经理,并已经出版了6本有关投资的书籍。He第四,逢低入市。通常情况以上的1-3条投资指南已经足够,但锦上添花也没什么不好。我收到很多投资申请,通常我可能会从20个或者更多的项目中挑选一个进行投资。在筛选投资项目的过程中,并没有有一个确定的方法去判定一
James Altucher 是一名投资者,程序员,作家以及一名创业人员。他现任Formula Capital 的执行经理, 并已经出版了6本有关投资的书籍。He&s Giving Away Free 是他的最新的一部作品。James在1998年出售了自己创办的公司Reset,并在2007年出售了。你可以通过他的twitter账户@jaltucher关注他。
在经历了一次次沉痛的教训后,我意识到我是我见过的那些最蠢投资者中的一员。举两个简单的例子:我给Yasser Arafat带来了的200万美金损失(及在交易过程中损失的100万美金)以及作出了&史上最失败的风投决定&。这两个事件都发生在2000年至2001年之间,也给我留下了历史上最差劲投资者的恶名。
第一,与那些比你聪明的同行一起投资。那些入行比我早很久的天使投资人通常有很多与创业人员打交道的经验,也能够慧眼识珠。所以如果一个项目能吸引这样的投资者,我也会有兴趣介入。我参与过的这样的投资项目有很多,Buddy Media就是这样的一个例子。
第二, 那些有着从业经验的CEO才值得你的投资。Buddy Media的CEO,Michael Lazerow就是一个很好的例子。在我成立之初,他曾来找我希望出任网站的CEO。记得那时他刚刚将自己投入了7年心血的Golf卖给了华纳,并在寻觅一些新的机会。虽然当时我并没有将CEO的职位交给他,但我仍从他身上学到很多新的想法。之后他迅速成立了Buddy Media,而我也有幸成为了投资人。在Michael成功的创办了两个初创公司后,他对于自己作为CEO的职责由很清楚的认识。对于这点我深信不疑。Ticketfly是另一个相当成功的投资 & 公司的CEO Andrew Dreskin曾经创立并出售过类似的网站。后来他在之前产品的基础上通过改进创建了ticketfly并成功获得了很多资深投资人的青睐。这简直是最完美的投资项目。
第三, 投资那些符合人口发展趋势的项目。在接下来的几年里,美国将会新增七千六百万退休人口。大概只有互联网和Facebook激增的用户数量才能和这样的人口浪潮相媲美了。从癌症和抑郁症,针对个人的医疗服务正在逐渐成为诊断和治疗各类疾病的标准途径。所以在我很看好针对退休人员市场的初创公司,并希望能够和那些有经验的投资者一起涉猎这一领域的投资。如果不这样选择投资项目,大概又要应了我的那句口头禅:&我太愚笨,都分不清这是不是一个好的投资机会。&
第四, 逢低入市。通常情况以上的1-3条投资指南已经足够,但锦上添花也没什么不好。我收到很多投资申请,通常我可能会从20个或者更多的项目中挑选一个进行投资。在筛选投资项目的过程中,并没有有一个确定的方法去判定一个公司的估值是否过低。现在看来Twitter第一轮2000万美金的估值的确太低,但在当时我可能会认为这是个客观的价值评价,并很可能选择不投资这家公司。这与市场的大小和公司的收入渠道都有很大关系。这也就呼应了我的第一条投资原则:如果我能有机会投资所有那些最优秀投资者参股的项目,并且在股权比重和条款上获得一定优势,我一定有很大的投资优势。只要有资金,项目并不难找。还是那一句:做天使投资人,其实很容易。
如果在投资过程中你可以做到以上这四点,那你基本就可以高枕无忧了。如果我和Kleiner Perkins一起投资一个项目,我有信心他的那些MBA研究员们已经替我完成了所有的调查和研究。但通常情况下为了保险起见我也会自己做一些调查。以下是一份我的投资调查清单。老实讲我并没有期待通过调查获得什么新的情报,只是想让自己更安心,但是有些时候这些调查的确能给我一些新的启发。
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备案闽ICP备号&James Altucher | 领英
James AltucherFormula Capital, The Wall Street Journal/WSJ Digital Network, 212 Ventures, , Recommendations3 people have recommended JamesWebsites500+connectionsJoin LinkedIn & access James’s full profileJoin LinkedIn and access James’ full profile. It’s free!As a LinkedIn member, you’ll join 300 million other professionals who are sharing connections, ideas, and opportunities.See who you know in commonGet introducedContact James directly500+connectionsFormula CapitalOwner
PostsJuly 21, 2015July 20, 2015July 17, 2015
BackgroundJames is a prolific writer, successful entrepreneur, chess master, and venture capitalist. He has started and sold several companies and is actively invested in, or advises, over 30 different companies in areas ranging from tech to energy to healthcare to biotech.
He is the author of the Wall Street Journal Best Selling books: 'Choose Yourself', and The Power of No (co-author), as well as &The Choose Yourself Guide to Wealth& (most recent book), &The Choose Yourself Stories&, SuperCash, Trade Like Warren Buffett, Trade Like A Hedge Fund, The Forever Portfolio, 40 Alternatives To College, and I Was Blind But Now I See.
Because of the popularity of the book &Choose Yourself&, Choose Yourself Meetups, helping people network, come up with ideas, and actively contribute to each other's success, have sprung up all over the world.
USA Today ranked James': 'Choose Yourself' second among the 12 Best Business Books of All Time.
James is the Co-founder of 20 companies, including some that have sold for large exits. Previously he was a hedge fund manager.
He is currently on the board of a public company with a billion dollars in revenue and advises several others.
James' writing has been featured in The Financial Times, Forbes, The Wall Street Journal, TechCrunch, and The Huffington Post.
He hosts two highly ranked podcasts: The James Altucher Show (which include guests such as Mark Cuban, Peter Thiel, and Tony Robbins etc) and, Ask Altucher, in which he answers direct questions from the audience. Collectively the shows have been downloaded 12 million times.
See one of my latest video blog chapters (produced by PBS) in this link: /watch?v=U4pzcoxiQpsExperienceFormula CapitalThe Wall Street Journal/WSJ Digital NetworkThe Financial Times. Columnist every Tuesday212 VenturesVC firmwireless softwareResetWe were a website design company focusing on entertainment companies.HBO , Home Box Office, TVPublicationsLioncrestThe world is changing. Markets have crashed. Jobs have disappeared. Industries have been disrupted and are being remade before our eyes. Everything we aspired to for “security,” everything we thought was “safe,” no longer is: College. Employment. Retirement. Government. It’s all crumbling down. In every part of society, the middlemen are being pushed out of the picture. No longer is someone coming to hire you, to invest in your company, to sign you, to pick you. It’s on you to make the most important decision in your life: Choose Yourself.
New tools and economic forces have emerged to make it possible for individuals to create art, make millions of dollars and change the world without “help.” More and more opportunities are rising out of the ashes of the broken system to generate real inward success (personal happiness and health) and outward success (fulfilling work and wealth).
This book will teach you to do just that. With dozens of case studies, interviews and examples–including the author, investor and entrepreneur James Altucher’s own heartbreaking and inspiring story–Choose Yourself illuminates your personal path to building a bright, new world out of the wreckage of the old.CreateSpaceWe've been brainwashed. We need to acknowledge this. We need to recognize who has been doing the brainwashing and work towards reversing its effects. Then, building from the core, we can learn who we really are, get success, wealth, and finally happiness. This book lays out the techniques to escape the zombie recruitment machine, expanding our personal frontiers, and finding the tools to build up the wealth of happiness inside.Create SpacePeople were emailing me many questions, “How did you get yourself off the floor?” “What do you think of X?” “How can I build Y?” “How do I come up with ideas?” “How can I self-publish a book?” “How can I be happy when I’m going through a divorce?” I am not very good at answering emails. However, I wanted to answer these questions, and I felt that not just me but anyone can answer the questions. So I started to schedule one hour a week, Thursdays from 3:30-4:30 EST, so anyone could ask.RoundTableIn the first comic book adapted from a blog with 500,000+ visitors per month, James Altucher reveals what it takes to be successful through his own blend of wisdom and wit packaged in neuroses. Guaranteed to invoke both love and hate from readers, the Altucher Confidential comic book shares James' personal stories of success and failure in business and life.
Create SpaceBuilding from the core you can create the luck you need, the health you want, and find the wealth, success, and happiness you seek. This book describes the techniques I've used throughout my life to get the luck I needed to get through both the hard times and the great times.Create SpaceDon't want crushing student loan debt? Afraid you won't be able to get a job otherwise? 40 Alternatives to College will save you money, geet you greater experience than college would have, give you adventures along the way that you will remember forever, and grant you the satisfaction of having chosen the life you want to lead.
PenguinWarren Buffett once said that his favorite holding period for a stock is “forever.” Now James Altucher shows how to find “forever” stocks—ones you can safely buy and hold for at least twenty years. These companies will profit from broad demographic trends and can ride out any short-term market fluctuations.
For instance, Altucher says it’s smart to invest in:
Obesity: 33 billion dollars are spent each year on services for the obese
Dirty Water: Developing countries are finding it much harder to deliver clean water to their growing populations, and companies that sell clean water treatment technologies will thrive
Luxury: The rich are recession-proof, and the stocks of luxury producers make a great hedge against any slowdown in the global economy
The Forever Portfolio shows investors how to build a strong, consistent, long-term portfolio, diversified enough to withstand the various cycles of the market.WileyLearn the successful strategies behind hedge fund investing
Hedge funds and hedge fund trading strategies have long been popular in the financial community because of their flexibility, aggressiveness, and creativity. Trade Like a Hedge Fund capitalizes on this phenomenon and builds on it by bringing fresh and practical ideas to the trading table. This book shares 20 uncorrelated trading strategies and techniques that will enable readers to trade and invest like never before. With detailed examples and up-to-the-minute trading advice, Trade Like a Hedge Fund is a unique book that will help readers increase the value of their portfolios, while decreasing risk.
James Altucher (New York, NY) is a partner at Subway Capital, a hedge fund focused on special arbitrage situations, and short-term statistically based strategies. Previously, he was a partner with technology venture capital firm 212 Ventures and was CEO and founder of Vaultus, a wireless and software company.LioncrestFROM THE FOREWORD:
What I like about James and his book is you can tell he came from a roller coaster. He chose his own path to success without knowing the outcome. And what happens to him later - well... - (Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter)
Altucher has turned his misfortune into a source of wisdom and comfort for the despondent. - (Business Week)
James Altucher is scary smart - (Stephen Dubner, author of Freakonomics)
James Altucher is the best blogger of our generation. - (Timothy Sykes, The Rebel Millionaire)
We are beginning to build a massive amount of respect for James Altucher due to his willingness to say things that will get him absolutely pilloried by the masses. - (Business Insider)
James is one of the most successful and content people I know. - (Michael Lazerow, founder of Buddy Media )
If you need to see an example of vulnerability done well, just read the work of James Altucher. - (Search Engine Journal)Hay HouseHow many times have you heard yourself saying yes to the wrong things—overwhelming requests, bad relationships, time-consuming obligations? How often have you wished you could summon the power to turn them down? This lively, practical guide helps you take back that power—and shows that a well-placed “No” can not only save you time and trouble, it can save your life.
Drawing on their own stories as well as feedback from their readers and students, James Altucher and Claudia Azula Altucher clearly show that you have the right to say no: To anything that is hurting you. To standards that no longer serve you. To people who drain you of your creativity and expression. To beliefs that are not true to the real you. When you do, you’ll be freed to say a truly powerful “Yes” in your life—one that opens the door to opportunities, abundance, and love.Authors:, HayHouse“No” is sometimes the hardest word to say. It’s also the most necessary.
How many times have you heard yourself saying yes to the wrong things—overwhelming requests, bad relationships, time-consuming obligations? How often have you wished you could summon the power to turn them down?
This lively, practical guide helps you take back that power—and shows that a well-placed No can not only save you time and trouble, it can save your life.
Drawing on their own stories as well as feedback from their readers and students, James Altucher and Claudia Azula Altucher clearly show that you have the right to say no:
To anything that is hurting you. To standards that no longer serve you. To people who drain you of your creativity and expression. To beliefs that are not true to the real you.
It’s one thing to say no, the authors explain. It’s another thing to have the Power of No. When you do, you will have a stronger sense of what is good for you and the people around you, and you will have a deeper understanding of who you are. And, ultimately, you’ll be freed to say a truly powerful “Yes” in your life—one that opens the door to opportunities, abundance, and love.Authors:, Yes Life Media, LLCFollowing on the footsteps of the National Best Seller &Choose Yourself& James Altucher is back with the revealing, funny, and embarrassing stories from his own life that show that even in the worst case scenario there is always a way towards reinvention and happiness.SkillsProjectsLayout and typesetting, as well as behind-the-scenes work, and paying homage to Charles Bukowski with a cover reminiscence.Team members:, EducationNbthswe both were in IthacaA preview of what LinkedIn members have to say about James:
View James’ full profile to...See who you know in commonGet introducedContact James directlyNot the James Altucher you’re looking for?
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