
VOA慢速英语: 你睡觉时,你的大脑还在工作(双语)
While You Sleep, Your Brain Works
From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report.
Why do we need sleep?
Is bedtime just a time for dreaming? Do our brains turnoff for the night? What if I told you that scientists recently discovered that our brains may be just as busy at night as they are during the day?
While we sleep, our brains are doing much more than getting ready for the next day. Researchers at the University of Rochester found that the brain may be busy cleaning house -- cleaning out harmful waste materials.
As with many studies, the researchers turned to mice for help. They studied mice that had colored dye injected into their brains. They observed the mice brains as they slept and when they were awake. The researchers say they saw that the brains of sleeping mice were hard at work.
Working Double Duty
Dr. Maiken Nedergaard led the study. The brain expert says our brains perform two very different jobs. It seems they have daytime jobs. Later they &moonlight& at a nighttime job.
&Moonlighting& is working a nighttime job in addition to a day job. And this study says that is what our brains seem to be doing & working an extra job at night without additional pay for overtime.
&When we are awake, the brain cells are working very hard at processing all the information about our surroundings. Whereas when we are asleep, they work very, very hard at removing all the waste that builds up when we are awake.&
The researchers say that the waste material includes poisons, or toxins, responsible for brain disorders such as Alzheimer&s disease.
They also found that during sleep, the brain&s cells shrink, or become smaller. This shrinking permits waste to be removed more effectively.
Dr. Nedergaard says these toxins end up in the liver. There, they are broken down and then removed from the body.
&So our study suggests we need to sleep because we have a macroscopic cleaning system that removes many of the toxic waste products from the brain.&
The brain&s cleaning system could only be studied with new imaging technologies. The test animal must be alive in order to see for this brain process to be seen as it happens.
Dr. Nedergaard says the next step is to look for the process in human brains. She said the results demonstrate just how important sleep is to health and fighting disease. The research may also one day lead to treatments to prevent or help fight neurological disorders.
7 Tips for Better Sleeping
Do you have trouble sleeping? Not being able to sleep is called insomnia. According to the United States National Sleep Foundation, here are some tips for a good night&s sleep:
& Go to bed about the same time each night, even on weekends. This helps to &set& your body&s &sleep clock.&
& Exercise every day.
& Have a calm, relaxing bedtime routine & Take a warm bath or drink a hot cup of tea.
& Try not to take long naps during the day. Periods of sleep during the daytime can interfere with sleep at night.
& Make sure you have a pleasant environment where you sleep. For most people, a cool, quiet and dark room is best for sleeping.
& Avoid using television, computers and other electronic screens before bedtime.
& Also avoid alcohol, cigarettes and heavy meals before bedtime.
And from VOA Learning English, that&s the Health Report. I&m Anna Matteo.
While You Sleep, Your Brain Works
From VOA Learning English, this is the Health Report.
Why do we need sleep?
Is bedtime just a time for dreaming? Do our brains turnoff for the night? What if I told you that scientistsrecently discovered that our brains may be just as busyat night as they are during the day?
While we sleep, our brains are doing much more thangetting ready for the next day. Researchers at theUniversity of Rochester found that the brain may bebusy cleaning house -- cleaning out harmful waste materials.
As with many studies, the researchers turned to mice for help. They studiedmice that had colored dye injected into their brains. They observed the micebrains as they slept and when they were awake. The researchers say theysaw that the brains of sleeping mice were hard at work.
Working Double Duty
Dr. Maiken Nedergaard led the study. The brain expert says our brainsperform two very different jobs. It seems they have daytime jobs. Later they&moonlight& at a nighttime job.
&Moonlighting& is working a nighttime job in addition to a day job. And thisstudy says that is what our brains seem to be doing & working an extra job atnight without additional pay for overtime.
&When we are awake, the brain cells are working very hard at processing allthe information about our surroundings. Whereas when we are asleep, theywork very, very hard at removing all the waste that builds up when we areawake.&
The researchers say that the waste material includes poisons, or toxins,responsible for brain disorders such as Alzheimer&s disease.
They also found that during sleep, the brain&s cellsshrink, or become smaller. This shrinking permitswaste to be removed more effectively.
Dr. Nedergaard says these toxins end up in the liver. There, they are broken down and then removed from the body.
&So our study suggests we need to sleep because wehave a macroscopic cleaning system that removesmany of the toxic waste products from the brain.&
The brain&s cleaning system could only be studied with new imagingtechnologies. The test animal must be alive in order to see for this brainprocess to be seen as it happens.
Dr. Nedergaard says the next step is to look for the process in human brains. She said the results demonstrate just how important sleep is to health andfighting disease. The research may also one day lead to treatments toprevent or help fight neurological disorders.
7 Tips for Better Sleeping
Do you have trouble sleeping? Not being able to sleep is called insomnia. According to the United States National Sleep Foundation, here are some tipsfor a good night&s sleep:
& Go to bed about the same time each night, even on weekends. This helps to &set& your body&s &sleep clock.&
& Exercise every day.
& Have a calm, relaxing bedtime routine & Take a warm bath or drink a hot cup of tea.
& Try not to take long naps during the day. Periods of sleep during the daytime can interfere with sleep at night.
& Make sure you have a pleasant environment where you sleep. For most people, a cool, quiet and dark room is best for sleeping.
& Avoid using television, computers and other electronic screens before bedtime.
& Also avoid alcohol, cigarettes and heavy meals before bedtime.
And from VOA Learning English, that&s the Health Report. I&m Anna Matteo.
内容来自 听力课堂网:
好课推荐 新概念英语视频课程
国际音标速成VOA慢速英语: 美国的留学生(双语)
US Hosts Record Number of Foreign Students
Almost 900,000 international students are studying in American colleges and universities today. Nearly half of this record number of foreign students are from Asia, mainly China.
They are among people from other countries who now make up about 4 percent of all university students in the U.S. America has more of the world&s 4.5 million international students than any other country.
A new report says more than 886,000 foreign students registered at U.S. universities during the school year. That is an increase of eight percent over the year before. The Institute of International Education and the State Department made the report.
The study also demonstrates trends over the past 15 years. It shows that since 2000, the number of international students in the U.S. has grown by 72percent. Students from China in undergraduate programs are mainly responsible for this trend.
Eric Xu, a Chinese student at Columbia University, says studying in the U.S. is a valuable experience.
&In the U.S. they emphasize class discussions, and emphasize on your opinion, you can actually debate with others and with your professor or teacher, and that is an atmosphere I want to experience.&
While attendance by Chinese students rose by almost 17 percent over the past year, other countries also saw a major increase. Kuwait&s college student population rose by 42 percent and that of Brazil, by 22 percent. Other countries with more international students than earlier are Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela.
The report says the Middle East and North African area was the fastest growing in international student population. It showed an increase of 20percent in students registered at colleges and universities. In Latin America and the Caribbean, there was an 8 percent increase.
Rajika Bhandari is a writer of the report and deputy vice president of research and evaluation at the Institute of International Education. She says the presence of foreign students in American schools helps the U.S. She also says about 4,000 American colleges and universities can serve more overseas students.
&We know that international students contribute significantly to U.S. classrooms and campuses through their global perspectives and by providing international exposure to those American students who may never have the opportunity to study overseas.&
Evan Ryan, Assistance Secretary of State for Education says enrollment of students from abroad also adds to the U.S. economy.
&This year, $27 billion dollars was contributed to our economy at the local state and national levels, through payments for tuition, housing and other costs.&
The U.S. State Department and the Department of Education also encourage study in other countries by American students.
&We believe that study abroad can increase American competitiveness by enabling U.S. students to acquire language skills as well as the regional and global perspectives necessary to succeed in the 21st century.&
About 290,000 U.S. students went to study abroad in
for educational credit. Europe, especially Britain, remains the number-one nation for study by Americans. But the latest report shows an increase in the number of students who now choose to go to China and other nations.
Christine Farrugia is the senior research officer at the Institute of International Education. She says China places in the top five countries for American students seeking international education.
&China now is at the number five host country for U.S. students, hosting over14,000 American students.&
While American schools continue to welcome young people from all over the world, student exchanges among other countries also are on the rise.
I&m Marsha James.
Words in this Story
trend- n. a general direction of change: a way of behaving, proceeding, that is developing and becoming more common
origin & n. the point or place where something begins or is created
enroll & v. to enter (someone) as a member of or participant in something
abroad & adv. in or to a foreign country
US Hosts Record Number of Foreign Students
Close to 900,000 international students are studying at American universities and colleges, more than ever before. About half of them come from Asia, mostly China.
Almost 900,000 international students are studying in American colleges and universities today. Nearly half of this record number of foreign students are from Asia, mainly China.
They are among people from other countries who now make up about 4 percent of all university students in the U.S. America has more of the world&s 4.5 million international students than any other country.
A new report says more than 886,000 foreign students registered at U.S. universities during the school year. That is an increase of eight percent over the year before. The Institute of International Education and the State Department made the report.
&Institute of International Education. (2014).Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange. Retrieved from http://www.iie.org/opendoors
The study also demonstrates trends over the past 15 years. It shows that since 2000, the number of international students in the U.S. has grown by 72percent. Students from China in undergraduate programs are mainly responsible for this trend.
Eric Xu, a Chinese student at Columbia University, says studying in the U.S. is a valuable experience.
&In the U.S. they emphasize class discussions, and emphasize on your opinion, you can actually debate with others and with your professor or teacher, and that is an atmosphere I want to experience.&
While attendance by Chinese students rose by almost 17 percent over the past year, other countries also saw a major increase. Kuwait&s college student population rose by 42 percent and that of Brazil, by 22 percent. Other countries with more international students than earlier are Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela.
The report says the Middle East and North African area was the fastest growing in international student population. It showed an increase of 20percent in students registered at colleges and universities. In Latin America and the Caribbean, there was an 8 percent increase.
&Institute of International Education. (2014).Open Doors Report on International Educational Exchange. Retrieved from http://www.iie.org/opendoors
Rajika Bhandari is a writer of the report and deputy vice president of research and evaluation at the Institute of International Education. She says the presence of foreign students in American schools helps the U.S. She also says about 4,000 American colleges and universities can serve more overseas students.
&We know that international students contribute significantly to U.S. classrooms and campuses through their global perspectives and by providing international exposure to those American students who may never have the opportunity to study overseas.&
Evan Ryan, Assistance Secretary of State for Education says enrollment of students from abroad also adds to the U.S. economy.
&This year, $27 billion dollars was contributed to our economy at the local state and national levels, through payments for tuition, housing and other costs.&
The U.S. State Department and the Department of Education also encourage study in other countries by American students.
&We believe that study abroad can increase American competitiveness by enabling U.S. students to acquire language skills as well as the regional and global perspectives necessary to succeed in the 21st century.&
About 290,000 U.S. students went to study abroad in
for educational credit. Europe, especially Britain, remains the number-one nation for study by Americans. But the latest report shows an increase in the number of students who now choose to go to China and other nations.
Christine Farrugia is the senior research officer at the Institute of International Education. She says China places in the top five countries for American students seeking international education.
&China now is at the number five host country for U.S. students, hosting over14,000 American students.&
While American schools continue to welcome young people from all over the world, student exchanges among other countries also are on the rise.
I&m Marsha James.
Words in this Story
trend- n. a general direction of change: a way of behaving, proceeding, that is developing and becoming more common
origin & n. the point or place where something begins or is created
enroll & v. to enter (someone) as a member of or participant in something
abroad & adv. in or to a foreign country
内容来自 听力课堂网:
好课推荐 新概念英语视频课程
Hopes Decrease in Search for Survivors of South Korean Ferry
Learning English, this is .
Almost 270 people are still missing from a boat that sank off the southern coast of South Korea. Most of the missing are high school students.
The South Korean ferry Sewol was carrying about 475 passengers. It sank Wednesday morning near the island of Jindo. More than 25 people are confirmed dead. Rescuers have saved more than 175 people. But hopes of finding more survivors are decreasing.
Some of the passengers jumped in the water and were rescued by ships. Rescue teams and helicopters pulled others from the boat.
Student Kim Tae-yuon survived. He said, &I held a handrail and moved toward the right side of the ferry to ride a helicopter as water kept coming in.&
Another survivor, Cha Eun-ok, described the situation on the boat, &I was keeping still without making any movement. There was an announcement that we should not move.&
Oh Byung-Hwan is the father of a missing student. Like many parents, he expressed anger about the search effort.
He said there was no rescue effort on Wednesday. He said emergency workers could not get into the ferry. He said they just dove around the area.
Cho Kyung-mi is related to a missing student. She said too much time has passed.
She said, &They should have rescued the children on the day it happened. What are they doing now? Three days have passed.& She said, &They must be cold and scared, deep underwater.&
Divers could not enter the ship during several rescue attempts. The water in the area is dark and cold with a strong current. Three divers were caught in a current and later rescued.
The release of incorrect information has made it more difficult for parents. Soon after the boat sank, South Korean officials reported all of the students and most of the other passengers had been rescued. But a little later, officials said many fewer people were rescued than first reported.
When the ship began to sink, survivors said that ferry operators told passengers not to move. The media reported of text messages from survivors trapped in the ferry. The reports were later withdrawn.
South Korean media reported that the ship captain was one of the first people to leave the ship. Lee Joon-seok was shown on Korean TV with his head down in an attempt to hide his face. Lee said that he was extremely sorry and did not know what to say.
It is still not clear what caused the ferry to sink. Rescued passengers said they heard a loud noise before the ship began to sink. This led people to guess that the ferry hit a rock. The Coast Guard also said that the ferry did not follow the path suggested by officials.
Captain Lee told a newspaper that he did not hit anything.
Kim Han-sik is president of the company that operates the ferry. He has publicly apologized. He said, &executives and employees of the Chinghaejin Marine Office have committed a grave sin.&
And that's In The News from
Learning English. I'm Mario Ritter.
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