
[bōsī] Persia
[p?:??] n.波斯(西南亚国家,现在的伊朗)
单词波斯的英汉对照例句你来得真是时候--火车正要开You got here in the nick of time the train's just leaving.她为有卡桑德拉·波斯尔思韦特这样的名字而引以为荣She rejoices in the name of Cassandra Postlethwaite.他用一支笔在地图上标出了波斯湾的位置。He indicated the location of the Persian Gulf with a pen on the map.希罗多德希腊历史学家,他的作品主要涉及波斯战争,系人们所知的叙述体史书的最早样品Greek historian whose writings, chiefly concerning the Persian Wars, are the earliest known examples of narrative history.我想你知道的,本公司将于今年或明年,取消两三艘油轮在波斯湾航线之行驶。I believe you know that we are going to take two or three of our tankers off the Persian Gulf run, either this year of next.它被秒为“一切游行之母”。主办间单位承诺将投掷1200万磅彩色碎纸,100万条黄丝带,还有6000吨白色纸条[欢迎]自波斯湾战争归来的战士 ... 。It was billed as "the mother of all parades." And the organizers had promised that12 million pounds of confetti, a million yellow ribbons and6,000 tons of ticker tape would be dropped on the veterans returning from the Persian Gulf war ...奥林波斯山上的众神都来庆贺他们的婚礼。伏尔甘送给了新娘一串他亲手制作的项链,精美绝伦。The gods left Olympus to honor the occasion with their presence, and Vulcan presented the bride with a necklace of surpassing brilliancy, his own workmanship.克罗伊斯吕底亚王国的末代国王(560-546年),他的王国在他的统治期间曾一度兴盛,后被居鲁士率领的波斯军队攻占Last king of Lydia(560-546) whose kingdom, which had prospered during his reign, fell to the Persians under Cyrus.几个月来,布什的战略迫使自己冒进,而萨达姆却指挥若定。十一月间,他决定将波斯湾美国军力从20万增至50万,即是一例。For months, Mr. Bush's strategy has forced his own hand more than Saddam Hussein's. That was the case when he decided in November to increase American forces in the gulf from200,000 to500,000.例如,芬迪(Fendi)的设计师西尔维亚61芬迪(SilviaFendi)展示了鳄鱼皮短夹克,拉绒小山羊皮军用防水上衣,皮料是波斯小羔羊皮、裁成灯芯绒的效果,还有光面皮革配羊绒衬里,不过,她同时也慎重指出,皮毛是一种可再生资源。At fendi for example designer silvia fendi showed bomber jackets of crocodile brushed suede trench coats of baby persian lamb cut like corduroy and coats of shaved fur with fused cashmere linings though she was also careful to point out that fur is a renewable resource.前波斯尼亚塞族军队总司令姆拉迪奇最近在联合国海牙战争罪行特别法庭出庭受审。Former bosnian serb military commander ratko mladic is the latest to appear before the united nations war crimes tribunal in the hague.如果说有人应该明白这一点,那他就是1995年波斯尼亚和平协议的设计者理查德61霍尔布鲁克(RichardHolbrooke)。他於去年12月13日逝世,一生致力於为美国解决外交争端。If anyone should have known that it was richard holbrooke the architect of the 1995 peace deal in bosnia who died on monday after a lifetime as an american diplomatic trouble-shooter.为了抗议前波斯尼亚塞族军队司令姆拉迪奇被捕,塞尔维亚民族主义者在贝尔格莱德举行抗议活动。Serb nationalists have demonstrated in belgrade in protest at the arrest of the former bosnian serb military commander ratko mladic.“小居鲁士:波斯王子,曾领导希腊庞大的军队进攻其兄阿尔塔薛西斯二世。在色诺芬尼所著的远征记中描述了其战败和死亡之后的撤退。”Cyrus: persian prince who led a mammoth force of greeks against his brother artaxerxes ii.the retreat that followed his defeat and death are described in xenophon's anabasis.…是一个在波斯和亚细亚之间的地方。... Is a region that runs from anatolia to persia.提交更多波斯的相关例句
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Forvo:发音指南,世界上所有词语的母语发音 ... 西西里语[ scn] 波斯尼亚语[ bs] 闽南语[ nan].
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4. bosnian language
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波斯尼亚语是波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那的官方语言,属于印欧语系斯拉夫语族的南斯拉夫语支,基于Štokavian 方言。
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