
英语 把中文变成英文我的家庭有3个家庭成员. 他们分别是我的爸爸,妈妈和我. 我的家里有一个起居室,一个厨房,一个淋浴室,两个卧室和一个书房. 我的家庭现在非常的快乐!
My family has three family members.They are my father,mother and me.My family has a living room,a kitchen,a shower room,two bedrooms and a study.My family is very happy!
扫描下载二维码我也有一间是属于自己的卧室 根据汉语意思写出对应英文部分所缺内容I also have a bedroom______my______.
I also have a bedroom (for) my (own).
my cousin's room on 22nd of Nov. take care of my sistergo for a travelgo with my parents
[táng xiōng] older male cousin (sharing paternal grandfather)
adj.年长的 [meil] adj.男的,雄的,男性 [k?z(?)n] n.堂兄弟姊妹,表兄弟姊妹 ['ʃɛəriŋ] 共享;分享的;动词 share的现在分词 [p?'t?:n(?)l] adj.父亲的,象父亲的 [graendfa:??(r)] n.祖父,始祖单词堂兄的英汉对照例句我们与堂兄弟多年不和, 最後我们送给他们一张圣诞卡, 算是化干戈为玉帛After years of quarrelling we at last sent our cousins a Christmas card as an olive-branch.堂兄弟姐妹之一或父系的表兄弟姐妹之一。A cousin on my father's side, is a child of my father's brother or sister.以后他们可能会把你的名字跟你堂兄弟们的名字相混淆。Later they may muddle up your name with those of your cousin如果他的堂兄弟也不去的话,我就不会让彼特去他祖父母家。因为没有同龄人陪伴他会非常难受的。I'm not letting Peter go to his grandparents unless his cousins are going too. He would be as m“呃,你要严格地按照医生说的办啦。我的一个堂兄就是因为那样的感染,最后一只眼睛都瞎了。”“太感谢你了!你真是个安慰别人却反而增加别人痛苦的人啊"Well do exactly what the doctor says. A cousin of mine ended up losing the sight of an eye over an infection like that."Thanks very much! You are a proper job's comforter aren't you?"不论男女,对皇位都有继承权,包括孙子、堂兄妹。Male or female can both have the heirship to the throne including grandsons cousins.城里的人都说他是格勒诺布尔那位的堂兄弟。It was said of him in the town "that is the cousin of the man of grenoble."第一代堂兄妹的孩子。A child of a first cousin.呃,你要严格地按照医生说的办啦。我的一个堂兄就是因为那样的感染,最后一只眼睛都瞎了。“太感谢你了!你真是个安慰别人却反而增加别人痛苦的人啊!Well do exactly what the doctor says. A cousin of mine ended up losing the sight of an eye over an infection like that. "Thanks very much! You are a proper job's comforter aren't you?"父亲和叔叔之间的冤仇持续到了下一代。堂兄埃癸斯托斯—直在内心里对他非常仇视。The enmity between his father and his uncle still persisted in the quiet resentment his cousin aegisthus bore against him.你的堂兄弟和你是同族的。Your cousins are akin to you.欧也妮已经认为只有她才懂得堂兄弟的口味和心思。Already eugenie believed that only she held the key to her cousin's tastes and ideas.然而,泰勒的一位住在凯拉郭、名叫加里·枚斯的堂兄,他对最高法院接受此案感到非常的不安。However a cousin of taylor gary mace of key largo was not upset the high court took the case.是的,也是我第一个堂兄Yeah but he's my first cousin.他是我的堂兄弟。He is a cousin of mine.提交更多堂兄的相关例句
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