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DrWeb V9.0正式版-快速反应版发布【下载地址已经发布】附官方简介[中文版简介]
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17:05 编辑
Doctor Web公司--俄罗斯反病毒保护产品开发商--发布Windows操作系统计算机保护产品Dr.Web Anti-virus for Windows和Dr.Web Security Space 9.0新版。
Dr.Web for Windows 9.0版本实现了一系列创新,增强了对最具有危险性的最新威胁的防护。新的Dr.Web行为分析仪能够迅速侦测到Trojan.Encoder木马家族的最新变种,保证用户数据不被恶意软件破坏,提升了对隐藏于新打包器中的已知威胁的侦测能力。文件监视器SpIDer Guard和Dr.Web Cloud云服务也进行了改进,明显降低了系统负载,使反病毒软件运行更加对用户没有影响。Dr.Web for Windows 9.0版本新的保护技术使网络搜索引擎和使用即时通讯工具进行的信息交换更加安全,而Dr.Web防火墙的改进将需用户创建的新规则数量降至最低。
新!Dr.Web Process Heuristic行为分析仪--有效防护最新未知威胁。侵扰用户的真正存在的威胁有近90%属于不同的木马:现在Winlock、Encoder、Inject、Exploit家族不仅仅在俄罗斯境内传播,而已经扩散到其他国家。Dr.Web Process Heuristic技术采用的就是以不同种类恶意软件在系统中的行为作为侦测依据的算法,能够在恶意软件还未来得及对电脑和用户造成严重破坏之前,瞬间解除威胁。因为很多恶意软件行为相似,Dr.Web Process Heuristic能够侦辨出哪些是Dr.Web未知威胁,包括Trojan.Encoder和Trojan.Inject的新变种。
新!保护用户数据不受损失--确实对珍贵信息实施抢救。为处理恶意对象在被侦测前对系统进行了一定程度的破坏的情况,新版推出了数据预先保护机制:用户可预先选择需要的目录,创建处于保护之下的副本,利用副本中的数据就能够在任意时间恢复文件。数据保护技术会用户定义的时间间隔或手动命令进行保存对这些文件的修改。提请用户注意的是,此功能不能完全替代完整备份,而只是Dr.Web行为分析仪威胁防护技术的组成部分:现在您无需联系Doctor Web技术支持部门就可自行恢复Dr.Web Process Heuristic作出反应之前被损坏的数据。
新!独特的加壳威胁综合分析仪--有效识别隐藏在新打包器中的已知恶意对象。该技术使用行为分析仪Dr.Web Process Heuristic,能够在恶意进程刚刚开始时利用Dr.Web记录中的特征码实时加以识别,从而显著提升了对所谓&新威胁&(已存在于Dr.Web病毒库,但使用反病毒软件无法辨别的方法进行打包的威胁)的侦测能力。
提升!对SpIDer Guard和Dr.Web Cloud的优化使反病毒扫描大幅提速。由于对Dr.Web SpIDer Guard内设扫描子系统进行了改进,Dr.Web在大文件流电脑的运行性能大大提升 (尤其适用于通过洪流追踪者和共享资源下载文件、进行编辑和渲染)。为了提升运行速度,新版还对Dr.Web云服务进行了改进,云服务的功能是在用户打开网页时将相应的网址发送到Doctor Web公司服务器进行实时检查。
新!新设系统对任何流量进行完全扫描--切断病毒通过网络感染电脑的所有途径。对所有使用SpIDer Mail和SpIDer Gate组件支持的协议进行传输的所有端口的所有流量(包括加密流量)进行扫描:恶意对象改变传输端口也不可能躲避扫描。实现&安全搜索&功能:用户使用Google 、Yandex、Yahoo!、Bing、Rambler等搜索引擎时,搜索结果只显示安全的网站。不安全内容会被搜索引擎自动过滤掉。新系统还保证用户使用Mail.Ru Agent、ICQ、Jabber、QIP、Pidgin等流行即时通讯服务进行交际时的安全:进行信息过滤,删除信息中连接至恶意和钓鱼网站的链接。对转发的附件进行反病毒扫描,阻止传送Dr.Web确认为存在潜在危险的附件。
新!Dr.Web for Windows 9.0版本中的父母控制阻止对系统时间和时区进行修改,防止孩子在父母不同意的时间使用电脑。新版中该模块还能够禁止发送打印任务,阻止未经授权打印机密文件,也可以防止对纸张和碳粉的浪费。
新!阻止访问&盗版&网站--保护内容版权。现在SpIDer Gate组件可根据用户需求阻止访问含有盗版内容的网络资源。
DrWeb 9.0正式版的下载地址
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终于知道图中的开头DPH是啥意思了,原来是DrWeb Process Heuristic的缩写,哈哈,果然强悍,为啥不叫行为监控或者行为阻断呢?这或许就是DrWeb独特之处吧,期待正式版的发布
Detection of new, unknown threats
Winlock, Encoder, Inject, and Exploit Trojans account for almost 90% of real threats. Among them, there are few new malicious programs that can be considered unique (i.e., those that in no way resemble other malware). All of these programs can be divided into groups (families) based on the characteristics they have in common with regards to their malignant manifestation in a system—data encryption (the Encoder family of malware), blocking access to Windows (the Winlock family), etc. Programs of the same family perform similar tasks, i.e., they follow a single behaviour pattern. Dr.Web Process Heuristic, a behaviour analyser, recognizes and understands these behaviour patterns and, therefore, has routines that allow it to detect programs from such malicious families.
Dr.Web Process Heuristic compares the behaviour of running processes to known patterns to determine whether a program is malignant and takes steps to neutralise it, if necessary.
Dr.Web Process Heuristic protects systems against new, highly prolific malicious programs that are capable of avoiding detection by traditional signature-based analysis and heuristic routines because they haven't yet been analysed in the anti-virus laboratory and, therefore, are unknown to Dr.Web at the moment of intrusion.
Historical Background
1992 - Igor Danilov created the world's first version of anti-virus behaviour analyser for MS DOS and OS/2.
1999 - Dr.Web developers announced the the technology SpIDer Netting for Windows 9.x—the first behaviour analyser for MS Windows.
New level of effectiveness in the neutralisation of unknown threats and the protection of data
It is not enough to identify an unknown virus—the system must be cured of it. For Trojans, this usually means that the malicious code is removed from the system. But what if the malware has encrypted files or system settings, so that a hacker can penetrate the system again and again? In the case of modern Trojans, curing encompasses a set of measures which include placing the unknown malicious object detected by Dr.Web Process Heuristic into the quarantine and repairing all the damage inflicted by the alleged malicious program—restoring the system to its prior, uninfected state.
Dr.Web Process Heuristic performs behaviour analysis almost instantaneously, but even during that moment a malicious object can ravage an infected system—for example, by encrypting multiple files. To prevent the loss of important information, Dr.Web 9.0 for Windows protects user data from damage by creating regular protected backups of files from directories selected by the user.
All the specified files that require protection are copied into a single directory which is updated whenever a corresponding file is changed.
The customizable options allow users to select the directories they want to protect against data loss (files that are to be backed up), and the disk they want to use to store copies of the protected files (the backup location). Users can also set up a schedule (how often &snapshots& of the selected directories are to be taken) and perform an on-demand inspection of data at any time (backup protected files upon request). More about configuration of data protection
The backup feature lets users of Dr.Web 9.0 for Windows restore damaged data on their own, without contacting Doctor Web's technical support—all users need to do is press the “Restore” button.
The ability to create Dr.Web-protected backups with the possibility of their subsequent recovery is one of the comprehensive treatment measures used to cure unknown threats that have been detected by Dr.Web Process Heuristic.
Comprehensive analyser of packed threats—unique Dr.Web technology!
As previously mentioned, unique viruses are a rarity. The same virus can be repacked several times per hour and unleashed into the wild as a new malicious species. It turns out that many of the supposedly &new& viruses are in fact programs that are already known to the Dr.W they’ve been concealed with packers that earlier versions of Dr.Web were unable to recognize.
The comprehensive analyser of packed threats uses behaviour pattern analyser Dr.Web Process Heuristic and provides detection of malignant processes with available signatures at the beginning of a malicious activity.
The new technology significantly improves the detection of supposedly “new” threats that were known to the Dr.Web virus database before they were concealed by new packers. In addition, with such an analysis there is no need to add redundant definitions of new threats into the virus database. With Dr.Web virus databases kept small, a constant increase in system requirements is not needed. Updates remain traditionally small, while the quality of detection and curing remains at the same traditionally high level.
Increased performance
Dr.Web 9.0 for Windows boasts much improved scanning speed.
Revamped Dr.Web SpIDer Guard routines yield improved performance on machines involved in processing large amounts of data (torrent downloads, code compiling and rendering).
Faster scanning with Dr.Web Cloud—the service's architecture has been redesigned to provide a significant boost of speed.
Full scan of all traffic
Safe traffic— scanning on all ports is carried out on traffic transmitted via Dr.Web-supported protocols, including secure connections (if the user has enabled the option to scan SSL traffic).
Safe Internet Surfing — with secure search, Google, Yandex, Yahoo!, Bing and Rambler will only return links to content considered safe by the search engines and Dr.Web. Dangerous sites will be excluded from search results altogether!
Secure Communication— Filtering traffic of instant messengers such as Mail.Ru Agent, ICQ, Jabber, QIP and Pidgin. Links that lead to malware and phishing sites are removed from messages. The anti-virus scans transmitted attachments. The transfer of files that Dr.Web considers to be dangerous is blocked.
With Dr.Web Parental Control, removable devices and computers can be protected against unauthorised use.
Import /export white lists of trusted devices—transfer the list to another computer manually or transmit it to a remote machine via the anti-virus network.
Block any adjustments to the system time and time zone to prevent children from using the computer without their parents’ permission.
Disable printing jobs from being started to prevent confidential documents from being printed and to save printing paper.
Protection of copyrighted content
The SpIDer Gate component in Dr.Web 9.0 for Windows makes use of a separate database containing a list of sites that provide access to unlicensed content. Each database entry also contains a link to the site of the respective copyright owner. Dr.Web users are shown a warning stating that &pirated& resources are off-limits and are asked whether they want to go to the website of the copyright owner.
New Dr.Web firewall databases herald a new, ultimate user-friendly approach to protection
The new Dr.Web Firewall database makes it much easier to create user rules.
Earlier the Dr.Web Firewall functioned by using a pre-installed application database and user-defined rules. To create a rule database, one had to respond to dialogues to create a rule for every application—something which proved to be rather annoying.
Now the Dr.Web Firewall uses its own database of trusted applications. These are programs that incorporate a digital certificate. Applications that Dr.Web believes to be legitimate can connect to any address via any port. Exception: if a program is not digitally signed, its signature is invalid, or there is no signature at all, (e.g., those created by enthusiasts or open source programs), the user is prompted to create a rule.
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19:04 编辑
期待9.0& & 同样期待KEY& &&&这个真心难找啊
同时感谢你教科书一样的其他帖子& & 您辛苦了
傳説 发表于
期待9.0& & 同样期待KEY& &&&这个真心难找啊
同时感谢你教科书一样的其他帖子& & 您辛苦 ...
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低调的人& & 好!
lijinyi 发表于
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