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A teenage girl, distraught from her vain attempt to connect with her estranged mother, resorts to cutting herself. When she develops an online relationship with an older woman, she learns to accept her sexuality and the endless solitude of sprawling suburbia.earns to accept her sexuality and the endless solitude of sprawling suburbia.
长汀金龙稀土有限公司 提供和收录的阿什利全集在线观看均系摘自普通视频网站和QVOD快播、GVOD迅播、百度影音资源。如特别喜欢或想收藏《阿什利》,推荐通过正规渠道在实体店购买正版影视音像作品。
热门国产电视剧推荐阿什利麦迪逊_詹姆斯 麦迪逊_詹姆斯 麦迪逊大学_詹姆斯 伍兹
水产养殖摘要:阿什利麦迪逊,詹姆斯 麦迪逊,詹姆斯 麦迪逊大学,詹姆斯 伍兹,阿什利杨,阿什利科尔, 导读:66岁老牌好莱坞男明星詹姆斯·伍兹同26岁女星阿什利·麦迪逊分手,被杂志爆出这位老牌男星其实喜欢上一位20岁女孩克里斯汀,就在公布恋情前几周,克里斯汀因
66岁好莱坞男星狠甩前女友 恋上20岁藏毒女66岁詹姆斯·伍兹和新欢克里斯汀出席活动  深度水产网资讯 66岁老牌好莱坞男明星詹姆斯·伍兹同26岁女星阿什利·麦迪逊分手,被杂志爆出这位老牌男星其实喜欢上一位20岁女孩克里斯汀,就在公布恋情前几周,克里斯汀因涉嫌藏毒而被拘留调查。  据媒体爆料,20岁的克里斯汀于6月8日因几项控在乔治亚州查塔姆县被捕,指控包括藏有大麻和受控药品,而这两项都是重罪。此外她还涉嫌超速,驾驶无牌照汽车和擅自涂改驾驶执照等。  不过,这些显然无法撼动伍兹对其的迷恋,两人还在微博上大秀恩爱,发甜蜜留言:“我爱你不能再多了!”  本文链接:/read/87/.hTml  转载请保留链接,不保留本文链接视为侵权,谢谢合作!詹姆斯·伍兹阿什利·麦迪逊好莱坞男星女友藏毒女阿什利麦迪逊,詹姆斯 麦迪逊,詹姆斯 麦迪逊大学,詹姆斯 伍兹,阿什利杨,阿什利科尔,
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原作者:Meghan Daum
'Life is short. Have an affair."
That's the slogan of the Ashley Madison dating service, a website for people who want to cheat on their partners. That's right, unlike traditional Internet dating sites -- where you're expected to say you're unattached no matter what the truth is -- Ashley Madison is honest about its duplicity. , with its married interlopers, Ashley Madison isn't about to break the hearts of innocent singles who only want to live happily ever after with someone who loves Elvis Costello as much as they do. And although its mission can be perceived as very wrong (for the record: cheating is bad!), the fact that it claims 3.2 million members suggests that it's also doing something right. 这是阿什利·麦迪逊约会服务广告语,这家网站专门为想要欺骗伴侣的人们而开设。没错,它不像那些传统的网络约会网站,不管真实状况如何,都对外声称你是单身。阿什利·麦迪逊(Ashley Mandison)以很诚实的态度开展业务。不像里参杂着假装单身的已婚人士,阿什利·麦迪逊坦坦荡荡,不会伤害无辜单身人士的心——他们只不过想和某个像自己一样喜爱埃尔维斯·科斯特洛(Elvis Costello 注:英国著名另类摇滚歌手)的人幸福地生活下去。虽然网站的业务可能被认为不对(对于诚信记录来讲,欺骗是坏事),但事实上3200万会员又说明它也在做些正确的事。
For starters, the commercials are hilarious. One television spot shows a glamorous couple in the throes of passion. A title card reads, "This couple is married ... but not to each other." In another ad, a man retreats to the sofa to escape his obese, snoring wife while a voice-over declares, "Most of us can recover from a one-night stand with the wrong woman, but not when it's every night for the rest of our lives." 对于新手,这些广告显得很滑稽。一个电视节目里,一对魅力十足的夫妇正在上演激情,标题卡片写着:“这对夫妇结婚了,但结婚对象却不是彼此。”在另一个广告里,一个男人为了逃脱他臃肿打鼾的老婆,撤退到沙发里。画外音说:“我们当中大部分人能在与一个错误的女人一夜风流后恢复元气,但如果余生每夜都这样度过,又不是那么回事了。”
The ads, as well as the slogan, were written by the company's 37-year-old founder and chief executive, Noel Biderman, a former attorney, sports agent and self-described happily married father of two who started the company in 2001. 广告和口号都是公司37岁的建立者和主要执行人诺埃尔·彼得曼(Noel Biderman)写的。他当过律师,体育经纪人,自称有着幸福婚姻,是两个孩子的爹。2001年他创办了这家公司。
I met up with Biderman, who is from Toronto, on Monday at KTLA Channel 5, where he was a guest on the morning news. Despite much hand flapping and righteous indignation from the hosts (even the weatherman wanted in on the questioning), Biderman calmly suggested that because many members are in sexless marriages but don't actually want to leave their spouses, the company "preserves more marriages than we break up." He added that the most sign-ups occur around New Year's and that, ahem, Los Angeles is the company's biggest market. 星期一我在KTLA第5频道见到了来自多伦多的彼得曼,他担任早间新闻的嘉宾。虽然主持人挥着手势表示忿忿不平(甚至天气播报员也想插进来提问),彼得曼冷静地表示说,因为许多会员处于无性的婚姻中,但事实上又不想离开伴侣,因此公司对婚姻的“保护多于破坏”。他补充说大部分注册发生在新年前后,而洛杉矶又是公司最大的市场。
When I talked to him after the broadcast, Biderman, whose mild-mannered comportment belies the seediness of his enterprise, explained that in hard economic times, a lot of people who've been planning a divorce suddenly cannot afford one. The money-saving solution? Seek carnal comfort in others. He also made an analogy between his extramarital dating service and handing out condoms to teens. 节目结束后,我和彼得曼聊天,他彬彬有礼的谦和风度掩饰了公司的不光彩。彼得曼解释道,在经济困难时期,许多曾计划离婚的人发觉自己负担不起离婚费用了。何来省钱的解决之道?从他人身上获取肉欲的满足吧!彼得曼还把他的偷情约会服务和给青少年发避孕套作类比。
"Some people say it promotes promiscuity," he said. "But if you don't do it, you get behavior that's way more harmful to society. Infidelity has been around a lot longer than Ashley Madison." “有人说网站加剧了滥交。”他说道,“但如果你不这样做,你的行为对社会更有害。偷情的历史可比阿什利·麦迪逊长。”
He believes that hearing about the service in a commercial is not going to persuade anyone to have an affair. "It's a decision they've come to already. All I'm saying is, don't do it in the workplace where it could result in someone losing their job, don't go to a singles dating service and lie about your status, don't hire a prostitute. Given that affairs are going to happen no matter what, maybe we should see Ashley Madison as a safe alternative." 他相信,仅仅从广告里了解到有这项服务并不会造成人们去偷情。“要偷的话他们早就做了决定。我想要讲的仅仅是以下几点:不要在工作场所干这事儿,它可能导致某人丢了饭碗;不要谎报身份,去瞎参合单身人士的约会;不要招妓。考虑到说偷情无论如何都会发生,我们也许可以把阿什利·麦迪逊看成一个安全的替代方案。” And just who is Ashley Madison? Is she the steamy love child of Laura Ashley and a Dolly Madison chocolate Zinger?&&Is she Heidi Fleiss&&with a Daughters of the American Revolution name? Alas, she doesn't exist. In an effort to attract women to the site, Biderman and his colleagues combined two of today's most popular baby names and invented their fictional proprietor.
(注:这段翻译很吃力,本人翻完后也弄不懂意思,只能直译。。。希望大家来破解!)那么谁是阿什利·麦迪逊呢?她是劳拉·阿什利和麦迪逊巧克力活力洋娃娃的色情狂小孩?或是女儿们取名为美国独立革命的Heidi Fleiss?哎哟,她其实并不存在。为了吸引到女性网友,彼得曼和同事把当下最流行的婴儿名字结合起来,创建了它们的虚拟所有者。 通过追踪用户资料提供,彼得曼已掌握了客户很多信息,虽然他并不知道其真实姓名。他声称百分之七十的客户是男人。在表现“活跃”的会员中(注册是免费的,但你必须购买信用来和别人交往),男女比例是1-1。大部分男人为已婚人士,年龄在30到40几岁;女人们稍微年轻一点,可以被归为三种类型:想要满足欲望的郊区家庭主妇;对家庭生活不感兴趣,但喜爱旅行、下馆子的“典型情妇”以及刚结婚不久,突然不知道自己卷入了什么的女人们。
The company put me in touch with a "quintessential mistress" named Jackie (at least she wanted to be named Jackie for the purposes of this column) who professes total satisfaction with Ashley Madison. A self-described "very fit and attractive" 43-year-old college graduate who lives in Beverly Hills and works in real estate, she says she values her independence too much to pursue a conventional relationship. Of all the dating sites she's tried, Ashley Madison has worked out the best for her. (It can't hurt that the site sometimes offers free points to members who will talk to the media.) 公司安排我和一个叫Jackie的“典型情妇”接触(至少因为这个专栏的目的,她希望叫Jackie),她对阿什利·麦迪逊网站完全满意。这是位自称“身材很正、很有魅力”,拥有大学学历,住在贝弗利山庄,从事房地产工作的43岁女性。她声称非常看重独立以至于不愿追求传统的两性关系。在她试过的所有约会网站中,阿什利·麦迪逊是最棒的。(网站有时为愿意跟媒体交流的会员提供免费积分,这并没什么害处。)
"A few weeks ago, I had a fantastic meeting with someone who's been married for 15 years and has three children," Jackie said. "I met him at the Four Seasons on Friday night and we met up again Saturday morning and went to Vegas for two days. I didn't really care that the guy's married. He has no desire to leave his family, and I have no desire for a commitment. So it's ideal." 公司安排我和一个叫Jackie的“典型情妇”接触(至少因为这个专栏的目的,她希望叫Jackie),她对阿什利·麦迪逊网站完全满意。这是位自称“身材很正、很有魅力”,拥有大学学历,住在贝弗利山庄,从事房地产工作的43岁女性。她声称非常看重独立以至于不愿追求传统的两性关系。在她试过的所有约会网站中,阿什利·麦迪逊是最棒的。(网站有时为愿意跟媒体交流的会员提供免费积分,这并没什么害处。)
What's that furious clacking sound I hear? Is it the sound of apoplectic readers typing irate e-mails about the subject of this column? Or is it the sound of people signing on to Ashley Madison? 我听到的愤怒噼啪声是什么?是怒火中烧的读者在敲键盘、写邮件投诉这个专栏话题吗?或者是有人在注册阿什利·麦迪逊网站?
Or is it the sound of divorce lawyers lowering their fees? Maybe some good can come of this after all. 或者又是离婚律师降低收费的声音?毕竟总会有好消息吧。
Copyright & 2014 yeeyan.org
&&|&&&&|&&&&|&& &&|&& &&|&&&&|&&游走在道德边缘:偷情网站在中国违法吗 年盈利3000万美元 诺埃尔 彼得曼(Noel Biderman)个人简历工作家庭背景资料 偷情网站名为阿什利 麦迪逊(Ashley Madison),隶属Avid Life| - 今日说法 - 大学网-淘宝兼职网
游走在道德边缘:偷情网站在中国违法吗 年盈利3000万美元 诺
简述:游走在道德边缘:偷情网站在中国违法吗 年盈利3000万美元 诺埃尔 彼得曼(Noel Biderman)个人简历工作家庭背景资料 偷情网站名为阿什利 麦迪逊(Ashley Madison),隶属Avid L
游走在道德边缘:偷情网站在中国违法吗 年盈利3000万美元 诺埃尔 彼得曼(Noel Biderman)个人简历工作家庭背景资料 偷情网站名为阿什利 麦迪逊(Ashley Madison),隶属Avid Life
  诺埃尔 彼得曼(Noel Biderman)身穿灰棕色休闲帽衫的他端坐于电脑屏幕前,精神抖擞,言谈举止中看不出任何疲态&&要知道,他之前一天才从洛杉矶回到自己位于多伦多的家,而一周之前,他则正在纽约奔波。他旗下的网站在今年登陆香港和新加坡以来,彼得曼面临的争议和质疑更是铺天盖地。
  彼得曼创办的这家偷情网站名为阿什利 麦迪逊(Ashley Madison),隶属Avid Life旗下,用户可以通过注册这个网站寻找自己的婚外情对象。
  自从2001在老家多伦多创办该网站以来,彼得曼的业务范围就一直在不断增长。在他担任CEO的公司Avid Life里,除了拳头产品Ashley Madison,还有四家网站:Established Men、Cougar Life、Man Crunch以及Swappernet。这些都有Ashley Madison的细分市场,Cougar life甚至曾财大气粗地邀请麦当娜为其创作歌曲,并允诺30万美元的酬劳。只不过,无论哪一家网站,都没有盖过Ashley Madison的风头。
  这些盈利全部都是从用户手中得来,Ashley Madison没有任何广告收入。过去5年来,Ashley Madison的用户增长了3倍,总用户量达到了2100万,其中一半以上的用户来自美国,另有830万用户分布于30多个国家和地区。


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