wampserver 403错误2.5配置虚拟主机显示403 forbidden错误怎么办

You don't have permission to access / on this server.
Apache/2.4.9 (Win32) PHP/5.5.12 Server at
Include conf/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
&VirtualHost *:80&
DocumentRoot &D:/path/foldername&
ErrorLog &logs/ sitename.log&
CustomLog &logs/ sitename.log& common
&Directory & D:/path/foldername &&
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
Allow from all 修改成 Require all granted
* 以上用户言论只代表其个人观点,不代表CSDN网站的观点或立场
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WampServer 安装成功,metinfo放在wamp里面,访问出错404
WampServer 安装成功,metinfo放在wamp里面
出现404 Not Found
The requested URL /wamp/metinfo/ was not found on this server.
TA的每日心情奋斗 11:31签到天数: 7 天[LV.3]偶尔看看II
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Powered byProblem: svn: PROPFIND of '/ svn / vtigerCRM': 403 Forbidden (http://localhost) Should pay attention to the question: is the apache's httpd.conf file in the configuration when the first directory to ensure documentRoot and applications inside the poi
Problems: svn: PROPFIND of '/ svn / vtigerCRM': 403 Forbidden (http://localhost) Pay attention to the question: is the apache's httpd.conf file in the configuration when the first directory to ensure documentRoot with which points to the application
Learning Django, add a add.py, there 403 forbidden error Wrote, Forbidden (403) CSRF verification failed. Request aborted. Help Reason given for failure: CSRF token missing or incorrect. Solution: In the mysite folder, modify the settings.py, add a l
The most common problem is the need to access the directory is not set permissions. Only need to add a directory set to: &Directory &/opt/app/vip&& AllowOverride None Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all &/Directory& Today, i
这篇文章主要介绍了Nginx 403 forbidden的解决办法,,需要的朋友可以参考下 常见的,引起nginx 403 forbidden有二种原因,一是缺少索引文件,二权限问题. 1.缺少index.html或者index.php文件 server { listen 80; server_ index index.php index. root /var/ } 如果在/var/www下面没有index.php,index.html的时候,直接
这篇文章主要介绍了权限问题导致Nginx 403 Forbidden错误的解决方法,本文中导致 403 Forbidden错误的原因是配置文件中没有指明一个用户,需要的朋友可以参考下 今天在一个新的环境上安装nginx,结果访问的都是403 通常显示403我立马都会想到路径配置不对,但我仔细看了一下,目录路径没问题: nginx.conf: server { listen 80; server_ #charset koi8-r; #access_log logs/h
转载声明:Ryan的博客文章欢迎您的转载,但在转载的同时,请注明文章的来源出处,不胜感激! :-) /ryanhoo/blog/86891 自动登录代码 Weibo weibo = Weibo.getInstance(); AccessToken accessToken = new AccessToken(accessToken, SINA_API_SECRET); accessToken.setExpiresIn(&99999&); w
网上找到类似的案例: the SVN client successfully determines that only one file changed. When I try to commit: POST of '/p/s****/code-0/!svn/me': 403 Forbidden is made. I tried to delete and check out the whole project - the same. It doesnt do the same on the o
Linux in the Apache configuration services, often encounter http403 error, I configured the test today, there have been a final settlement, and sum up a bit. http 403 error is denied access to means, for many reasons. I concluded there are four main
重做了虚拟机,装了httpd mysql 和php但是不论怎么访问都是403错误,网上搜了一把,发现是selinux的问题,目前还没搞懂这个东东,不过使用以下的命令可以解决问题, chcon -R -t httpd_user_content_t &web目录&
WampServer是一款由法国人开发的Apache Web服务器.PHP解释器以 及MySQL数据库的整合软件包.免去了开发人员将时间花费在繁琐的配置环境过程,从而腾出更多精力去做开发.在windows下将Apache+PHP+Mysql 集成环境,拥有简单的图形和菜单安装和配置环境. 一直在用APMServ5.2.6,mysql好办,可以用mariadb代替进行升级,但php升级到5.4.7就没办法再升级,安装加速器也困难.就想迁移到Wampserver上来,以前也尝试过Wampserver
这篇文章主要介绍了apache服务出现Forbidden 403问题的解决方法总结,需要的朋友可以参考下 在配置Linux的 Apache服务时,经常会遇到http403错误,我今天配置测试时也出现了,最后解决了,总结了一下.http 403错误是拒绝访问的意思,有很多原因的.还有,这些问题在win平台的Apache里一样会发生!我按照经验总结的主要有以下4种原因! 本人测试的环境 是:Scientific Linux 5.3(与RHEL和CentOS百分百兼容!),其它版本的Linux应该通用
As we all know is the best Apache HTTP server. In fact, it can not only use as a server, can also be used to set up a proxy server. This article on how to use the Apache HTTP proxy server set up instructions. This will be based on the Win32 version o
Scenarios: 1) the deployment of business applications, including the IIS Web server A container, and can not be accessed directly through the external network. 2) To achieve external network access within the network, you must first server through th
Rewrite the rules of the Substitution Pattern when match the original URL and when used as a substitute (or replace) the string. In addition to plain text, you can also include: Pattern reference on the reverse ($ N) The final match of the RewriteCon
Apache httpd.conf configuration file, first back up what # # This is the main Apache server configuration file. It contains the # configuration directives that give the server its instructions. # See &URL:http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/& for detai
Apache Rewrite 大全 Apache的rewrite模块,提供了一个基于规则的重写(rewrite,也许译为重构更为合适)引擎,来实时重写发送到Apache的请求URL.因功能极其强大,被称为URL重写的&瑞士军刀&. 这个模块使用一个基于正则表达式解析器开发的重写引擎,根据web管理员定义的规则来实时(on the fly)重写请求URL.它支持任意数目的重写规则,以及附加到一条规则上的任意数目的规则条件,从而提供了一套非常灵活和功能强大的URL处理机制.URL处理操作的
apache日志主要有两个access.log和error.log,保存在Apache安装目录的logs子目录 access_log 访问日志access_log记录了所有对Web服务器的访问活动 日志名字段所代表的内容 1.远程主机.2.空白(E-mail).3.空白(登录名).4.请求时间.5.方法+资源+协议.6.状态代码.7.发送字节数 状态码的简单说明: 以2开头的状态代码表示成功,以3开头的状态代码表示由于各种不同的原因用户请求被重定向到了其他位置,以4开头的状态代码表示客户端存在某
httpd.conf文件在某些操作系统上,安装后是个空文件,尤其是最新的APACHE2,该配置文件已经分散到不同配置文件里,比如 DirectoryIndex设置可能转到/mods-enabled/dir.conf里定义,httpd.conf本身大部分设置都转到apache2.conf里.等等,如果没有找到本文相关字段,建议到APACHE安装目录下,一般均会找到对应的配置文件. # 基于 NCSA 服务器的配置文件 由 Rob McCool 编写 # # Apache服务器主配置文件. 包括服务
(See a lot of pages, with their constant solve been wrong, and finally settled on the system configuration in the linux svn services by now I refer to the information with their own problems encountered when installing summarize, for your reference)
Apache system of. Htaccess files (or &distributed configuration files& provided against directory reconfiguration method, that is, at a special place in the document Mulu or more commands that contains a file to this directory Ji Zuo Yong all of
1, ready to install the package I am related to some is the latest under the Apr: apr-1.3.8.tar.gz and apr-util-1.3.9.tar.gz Apache: httpd-2.2.13.tar.gz Subversion: I do not know the latest apr and apache with subversion which can and will find a lin
The release of the custom apache directory : Apache's configuration file by modifying the %APACHE2_HOME%/conf/httpd.conf Apache can be set to your own server . Note modify the configuration file before the first stop is Apache server running . Add th
# # Based on NCSA server configuration files Prepared by the Rob McCool , Dragon Translation # # Apache The main server configuration file. Including the directory server settings instructions . # See # # Please understand the purpose of reading the
400 can not resolve the request. 401.1 Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials. 401.2 Unauthorized: Access the server is configured to use an alternate authentication method tend to be rejected. 401.3 Unauthorized: Access is as ACL
One. Installing Phusion Passenger This is a very popular, used in the apache and ngix tools to deploy ROR projects. Installation steps: 1. Gem i passenger Problems may be encountered here: (1) ERROR: Failed to build gem native extension. /usr/bin/rub
Why does my local IIS5.0 sometimes on the &HTTP Error 403.9 - Forbidden&: too many connected users, but sometimes I am the only one visit or up to two personal interviews ah. Yes, my program is not set well or with IIS on it? Collected from the
/p-.html http://www.linuxsir.org/main/node/244 Tests show that: When mod_evasive time in the normal sealing of an ip, apache logs will still ha mod_evasive's official address: /
Detailed Apache configuration file httpd.conf # # Apache server is the main configuration file. Including the directory server command settings. # See &URL:http://www.apache.org/docs/& # # Please read to understand the basis of use of the command. #
(See a lot of pages with their own mistakes continue to keep the solution finally solved the svn service configured on the linux system problems now with my own reference data problems encountered when installing summarize, for your reference) First,
apache tomcat integration with in two ways: 1.mod_jk module This method applies to earlier versions, in Apache2.2 * later can not be integrated with tomcat. 2. Mod_proxy proxy module (1) first install the mod_proxy module sudo apt-get install libapac
禁止IP访问网站的各种方法有许多,不同服务器环境的方法会所有不同,下面我总结我们常用的禁止IP访问网站的实现配置方法,希望对大家会有所帮助 PHP禁止某个IP或IP段访问 废话不多说,客官请看: &? //禁止某个IP $banned_ip = array ( &, //&, & ); if ( in_array( getenv(&REMOTE_ADDR&quot
在前面的我的一篇文章中 &Windows XP下的Python 首次安装配置和使用 &谈到当想在Apache服务器下运行Python script的时候,发现Apache的mod_python版本还不支持Python 2.6更别说3.0.1了,只有2.5之下的,折腾着卸载和安装,最后还没搞定,就先搁一边了. 现在因为已经安装了2.6的Python,以及支持2.6的Eric4,就不想再重新安装2.5来继续配置Apache下mod_python了. 后来发现了一篇文章Running Pyt
下面我们来总结windows中apache 301页面跳转实现方法,目前最主流的有二种一种是在写.htaccess文件方法 实现301页面跳转之前需要对apache配置做下修改如 apache默认是没有开启mod_rewrite模块的, 1,将 #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so 这一行前面的#号去掉,http.conf的站点目录配置,另一种是空间用户常用的 改为 复制代码 代码如下: LoadModule rewrite_modu
.htaccess文件的功能:&分布式配置文件&提供了针对目录改变配置的方法,即:在一个特定的文档目录中放置一个包含一个或多个指令的文件,以作用于此目录及其所有子目录. 作为用户,所能使用的命令受到限制.管理员可以通过Apache 的AllowOverride指令来设置.子目录中的指令会覆盖更高级目录或者主服务器配置文件中的指令. 一.错误文档的定位 (1)常用的客户端请求错误返回代码: 401 Authorization Required 403 Forbidden 404 Not
这篇文章主要介绍了Apache服务器主配置文件httpd.conf详解,需要的朋友可以参考下 # # Apache服务器主配置文件. 包括服务器指令的目录设置. # 详见 &URL:http://www.apache.org/docs/& # # 请在理解用途的基础上阅读各指令. # # 再读取此文档后,服务器将继续搜索运行 # E:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/conf/srm.conf # E:/Program Files/Apache Group/
今天本地调试PHP程序,用到了.htaccess,而默认配置里面开启.htaccess,在网上找到了开启.htaccess的可行方法,供朋友们借鉴. 今天本地调试PHP程序,用到了.htaccess,而默认配置里面开启.htaccess,在网上找到了开启.htaccess的可行方法,供朋友们借鉴.(开启的我他的方法不行,查找了一下AllowOverride None全部的都给换成AllowOverride All就了,原因不明,O(∩_∩)O~ 记得修改完httpd.conf以后一定要重启下ap
这篇文章主要介绍了apache You don't have permission to access /test.php on this server解决方法,需要的朋友可以参考下 键字: Apache 403 Forbidden 系统配置: 操作系统:Red Hat Linux 6.2 Web服务器:Apache 3.1.1+jakarta-tomcat 3.1.1 数据库服务器:oracle 8i Apache服务器是目前应用最多的web服务器,据统计在世界上的服务器中有超过一半采用Apa
由于我目前的空间支持.htaccess,这篇文章很全面的介绍了.htaccess的功能以及.htaccess写法,同时里面也讲了关于url_rewrite的东西,于是转过来,觉得挺有用处的. - .htaccess 文件(或者&分布式配置文件&提供了针对目录改变配置的方法, 即,在一个特定的文档目录中放置一个包含一个或多个指令的文件, 以作用于此目录及其所有子目录.作为用户,所能使用的命令受到限制.管理员可以通过Apache的AllowOverride指令来设置. - 子目录中的指令会
转载自:http://www.yuanma.org/data//article_3823.htm HTTP状态列表 响应码由三位十进制数字组成,它们出现在由HTTP服务器发送的响应的第一行. 响应码分五种类型,由它们的第一位数字表示: 1xx:信息,请求收到,继续处理 2xx:成功,行为被成功地接受.理解和采纳 3xx:重定向,为了完成请求,必须进一步执行的动作 4xx:客户端错误,请求包含语法错误或者请求无法实现 5xx:服务器错误,服务器不能实现一种明显无效的请求 100
# # 基于 NCSA 服务器的配置文件 由 Rob McCool 编写,龙子翻译 # # Apache服务器主配置文件. 包括服务器指令的目录设置. # 详见 # # 请在理解用途的基础上阅读各指令. # # 再读取此文档后,服务器将继续搜索运行 # E:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/conf/srm.conf # E:/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/conf/access.conf # 除非用ResourceCon
一.软件下载 1.apache:http://archive.apache.org/dist/httpd/httpd-2.2.12.tar.gz或者/httpd/httpd-2.2.13.tar.gz 二.环境检查 # rpm -qa|grep zlib zlib-devel-1.2.3-3 zlib-1.2.3-3 # rpm -qa|grep ssl openssl-devel-0.9.8b-10.el5 openssl-0.9.8b-10.el
CGI+APACHE+PYTHON 现在因为已经安装了2.6的Python,以及支持2.6的Eric4,就不想再重新安装2.5来继续配置Apache下mod_python了. 后来发现了一篇文章Running Python as CGI in Apache in Windows ,讲述以CGI模式代替mod_python来运行python script.还有这篇Python for Windows . 做法是: 打开httpd.conf,找到&#ScriptInterpreterSource R
作者:沈小然 编写时间: 1 使用mod_rpaf模块解决代理后端的Apache获取到互联网真实的IP(默认Apache获取的是代理服务器的IP) 1.1 mod_rpaf介绍 mod_rpaf模块可以让躲在代理服务器后面的Apache服务器获取到代理外面的互联网真实访问IP地址(默认Apache获得的是来自代理服务器的IP),然后再利用mod_evasive模块自动判断连接频率,把可疑ip阻挡掉,或配合ipables将判断的ip地址添加到黑名单. 官网下载:http://w
文章转载自 必优博客 / 经常使用Apache虚拟主机进行开发和测试,但每次需要配置虚拟主机时都习惯性的ctrl+c和ctrl+v,这次由于重装系统,需要配置一个新的PHP开发环境虚拟主机,于是总结一下Apaceh配置httpd-vhosts虚拟主机使用方法和步骤,便于查找和使用. 开发环境:WAMP 网址:/en/ 实例一,Apaceh配置localhost虚拟主机步骤 1,用记事本打开apache目录下
WordPress 站,在国内空间上好好的,只是限制容量... 于是平移到国外Ipage空间上去,但是发现个致命的问题:不支持中文URL!!! /cart/ &!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC &-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN&& &html&&head& &title&400 Bad Request - /cart
一.Apache 的安装 首先使用下面的命令来查看系统是否已经安装了Apache,可看到已经安装好了. 另外也可以在终端窗口中执行来查看httpd程序是否在执行. 下面介绍Apache服务器文件和目录 WEB站点目录 描述 /var/www Apache WEB站点文件的目录 /var/www/html WEB站点的WEB文件 /var/www/cgi-bin CGI程序文件 /var/www/html/manual Apache WEB服务器手册 /var/www/htmll/usage we
Structure Projects are usually the direct use of Tomcat as a Web server. Tomcat in order to increase the performance and stability, we generally use the balance and the session synchronization mechanisms. The following diagram shows that we used is a
Apache has been from the beginning, you can use the 2.0 caching module, though it is still at 2.0 when the experimental, to 2.2 has been completely can rest assured that use. Apache's cache to achieve rely mainly on mod_cache, mod_disk_cache, mod_fil
1. Download cd / tmp wget /projects/mod_evasive/mod_evasive_1.10.1.tar.gz tar zxf mod_evasive_1.10.1.tar.gz 2. Install cd mod_evasive / usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs-i-a-c mod_dosevasive20.c 3. Configuration vi / usr/local/apache
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