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运动或许是提高孩子成绩的妙方 (Lots of exercise may boost kids' grades) A Dutch review of prior research reveals that the more physically active school-aged children are, the better they fare in the classroom.一份来自荷兰的过往研究总结报告表明了一项惊人的事实——越是喜好运动的孩子,在课堂里越是如鱼得水。Most of the studies in the review had been conducted in the United States, while one came out of Canada and the other out of South Africa.总结报告中的过往研究,除了一份来自加拿大,一份来自南非,其他都是在美国完成的研究。The findings are published in the January issue of the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine.这项发现已在一月份的Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine (《小儿与青少年医学发展》)中发表。"We found strong evidence of a significant positive relationship between physical activity and academic performance," the researchers, led by Amika Singh of the Vrije Universiteit University Medical Center at the EMGO Institute for Health and Care Research in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, said in a journal news release.我们有足够的证据表明体育运动与学习好坏成正相关。阿姆斯特丹自由大学医学部EMGO研究所的Amika Singh在某杂志新闻发布会中如是说。"The findings of one high-quality intervention study and one high-quality observational study suggest that being more physically active is positively related to improved academic performance in children," the authors noted.总结报告的作者们提出,一项高质量的实验研究与一项高质量的观察研究表明多运动或可提高孩子的功课。Fourteen s they ranged in size from about 50 participants to as many as 12,000 and involved children between the ages of 6 and 18.总结报告分析了14项研究。其中规模小的大约有实验对象50人,规模大的可至12000人。涉及的孩子们年龄在6到18岁。The investigators noted that increases in blood and oxygen flow to the brain that accompanies exercise may play a role in improving classroom performance. The suggestion is that the dynamic prompts an increase in levels of hormones responsible for curtailing stress and boosting mood, while at the same time prompting the establishment of new nerve cells and synapse flexibility.研究者注意到运动之时脑中血氧流量的增加或与课堂表现相关。他们的猜测是,血氧流量的增加导致与消减压力提升情绪有关的荷尔蒙水平上升,同时促进脑中神经细胞的生长与神经突触的灵活性。The Dutch team cautioned, however, that more rigorous work is needed to confirm the connection.然而,荷兰研究组提醒,我们需要更严谨的研究来确立体育运动与成绩的关联。"Relatively few studies of high methodological quality have explored the relationship between physical activity and academic performance," they acknowledged. "More high-quality studies are needed on the dose-response relationship between physical activity and academic performance and on the explanatory mechanisms, using reliable and valid measurement instruments to assess this relationship accurately."在体育运动与成绩关联的研究中,采用高度可靠方法的相对较少。荷兰研究组表示这个课题还需要更多高质量的研究,来确定运动与成绩的剂量-效应关系,与其背后的生物学机制。人们需要有效可靠的测量方法来精确确定运动与成绩的联系。
运动或许是提高孩子成绩的妙方 (Lots of exercise may boost kids' grades) A Dutch review of prior research reveals that the more physically active school-aged children are, the better they fare in the classroom.一份来自荷兰的过往研究总结报告表明了一项惊人的事实——越是喜好运动的孩子,在课堂里越是如鱼得水。如鱼得水用这词用的有点别扭运动多的学龄孩子,他们在课堂上表现也更好。我也是刚开始学翻译,若可以我们以互相学习一下。
The suggestion is that the dynamic prompts 请问 dynamic应该怎么翻译? 翻译得不错!


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