
生活时尚&搭配博主 /生活时尚自媒体 /时尚类书籍作者
主演:尚格?云顿/乔?弗拉尼甘/Bianca Bree
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客服邮箱:cyan基本解释n.青色;蓝绿色(用于印刷);氰基cyan的用法和例句Did not supply enough cyan toner .未供应足够的青色碳粉。If a computer monitor displays cyan , it actually lights up both blue and green pixels in a given area .比如计算机显示器在某一点上显示青色,它实际上会在一个特定区域上都亮起蓝色和绿色像素。Cyan is a unique colour in china , and played an extremely important role in ancient chinese society .青色是中国特有的一种颜色,在中国古代社会中具有极其重要的意义。Changes into an cyan luoming saw the light at the front , then stopped two dun light .化为一道青色流光的雒明见到了两人在前面,便停下遁光。The researchers created a strain of mice whose cells all initially glow green , but then randomly turn red , yellow , or cyan when the cells turn on ddx4 , not when researchers turn on ddx4 .研究人员创建的小鼠品系,它们的细胞开始是发绿色光的,但当这些细胞产生ddx4后,就随机地变为红、黄或青色,而不是当研究人员激发产生ddx4。
cyan是什么意思 cyan在线翻译 cyan什么意思 cyan的意思 cyan的翻译 cyan的解释 cyan的发音 cyan的同义词 cyan的反义词 cyan的例句 cyan的相关词组
cyan英 ['sa??n] 美 ['sa??aen, -?n] cyan 基本解释名词青色; 氰基; 蓝绿色(用于印刷)cyan 网络解释1. 青色:我们曾经在小学美术课堂上学习过红黄蓝三原色的概念,这里所指的红黄蓝准确地说就是洋红(Magenta)、黄色(Yellow)青色(Cyan)这3种颜色. 而通过所说的CMYK也是由洋红(Magenta)、黄色(Yellow)、青色(Cyan)这3种颜色的首字母加黑(Black)的尾字母组合而成的.2. 2. 青:只要混合约55%的水[[青]] (Cyan) 及约45%的[[品红色|洋红]] (Magenta) 两种颜料即可调出颜料靛. 只要混合约55%的水[[青]](Cyan)及约45%的[[品红色|洋红]](Magenta)两种颜料即可调出颜料靛.3. 青绿色:各种颜色的宝石对应作用如下: 红色(Red)--火,范围伤害效果, 蓝色(Blue)--冰,减速效果, 绿色(Green)--毒,持续伤害效果 橙色(Orange)盗取魔法(Mana)效果, 紫色(Purple)降低敌人护甲, 石灰色(Lime)连锁伤害效果, 青绿色(Cyan)使敌人无法动弹(一定机率),4. 蓝绿色:第一个我设计成了球形,左边是s, 右边是e. 颜色是选择在印刷中的三大基本彩色红紫色(magenta),蓝绿色(cyan)和黄色(yellow). 因为课题和印刷的技术有关.cyan 双语例句1. When reading this, with glistening teardrops filled with my eyes, I, again, see the sight of father`s back, which was plump and in a cyan coat with a black mandarin jacket.&&&&我读到此处,在晶莹的泪光中,又看见那肥胖的、青布棉袍黑布马褂的背影。唉!我不知何时再能与他相见!2. For example, a line drawn on a cyan destination will appear as magenta.&&&&例如,在青色目标上绘制的线将显示为洋红色。3. 3. CYAN CNC Machinery Co., Ltd is a high-tech company specialized in the research and manufacturing of Electrical Discharged Machines. Our company provides high quality products for clients with high quality products and overvalued service by right of advanced technologies, scientific management, and continues improvement. The annual output of various EDMs reaches more than 500 sets.&&&&琛扬数控机械有限公司是一家专业研发制造电加工机床的高新技术企业,拥有一批具有国际先进技术水平的加工设备、品质管理仪器和一支高素质、高技术的员工队伍,各种电加工机床年产量达500台以上。4. Afterward, Shin inserts the sword on the ground and takes over the Frozen-cyan from Ling to cut the mouth of the dead wolf off.&&&&无数道雷光从剑中射出,打在他们身周数十尺方圆,所有的野兽都被击倒,大部分都死了,没死的也都晕了过去,之后童心把法雷剑插在地上,回身从金灵手上接过凝碧剑,把狼尸的嘴切开,取了下来,然后帮她上药,金灵咬牙忍痛望著他忧郁的脸色,不禁开口问他5. The submount may be used for LEDs generating other colors, such as yellow, amber, orange, and cyan.&&&&底座可以用于产生其它颜色的LED,例如黄色、琥珀色、橙色和青色。6. I believe that each one of us has his own rainbow at the bottom of his heart, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple.&&&&我相信我们每个人的内心深处都有一道属于自己心灵的彩虹,红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。7. Colors are an important part in my works, red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, purple.&&&&自序色彩在我的作品中历来是非常重要的构成部分,红、橙、黄、绿、青、蓝、紫。8. I add some more blue, cyan and green into the image until I find the skin tone a more pleasing color.&&&&我想补充一些更蓝,青和绿色的形象进入,直到我觉得肤色更可喜的颜色。9. In process printing, the yellow, magenta and cyan present in dark, neutral tones.&&&&中义在四色印刷中,洋红、黄、青混合成暗的中性色调。10. cyan的翻译10. Now she is tending to escape from Wu-yin fort by traveling along the remembered route yet when she arrives a little yard, Ling unexpectly jumps out from a moon gate in right front of her. Feng hurriedly turns around and dashes away while Ling suddenly kicks a flower pot to make it turn half a round. Then, after a round of clang, four pieces of iron fences stretch from the ground and enclose Feng. Feng intends to get out from the top yet the top is sealed by another piece of iron fence in no time. She looks back and sees Ling walks toward her step by step with holding the Frozen-cyan.&&&&此时她循著记熟的路径想逃出无银堡,可是当她转进一个小院,金灵竟从她前方侧边一个月洞门中窜了出来,飞天凤连忙回身急奔,金灵突然一脚踢在一个花盆上,把花盆踢的转了半个圈,只听的铿锵声响,四面铁栅从地面伸出,把飞天凤关在里面,飞天凤想从上跃出,可连上面都立刻被另一片铁栅封住,她回头一看,金灵拿著凝碧剑,正一步步走过来11. 11. 3Unison color: Magenta, Cyan and yellow working on the same plat.&&&&&&由3个旗状分色镜片散发的三种调和色,品红、青色和黄色都在同一平面上运动。12. Yellow is complementary to blue~Cyan is complementary to red~Magenta is complementary to green.&&&&&&黄色是补充的对蓝色~蓝绿色对红色是补充的~红紫色对绿色是补充的。13. 13. A Cyan RGB (0, 255, 255) pointer is perfect on a Red or Magenta RGB (255, 0, 255) backgrounds while it is moderate on Yellow ones.&&&&&&阿青色-的R GB( 0 ,2 55,2 55)-指针是完美的红色或紫红色-三原色( 255 ,0 ,255 )-背景,同时它是温和的黄河的。14. Even if there are almost no alteration on Cyan, Magenta and Yellow, the Red, Blue and Green colors shows a huge difference with the RGB ones.&&&&&&这里甚至几乎不需要变换青色、洋红和黄色,红色、蓝色和绿色在RGB中表现出了很大的不同。15. Points man with the Frozen-cyan So you are the buddy of his elder brother!!&&&&&&用凝碧剑指著男子原来你跟他大哥是一夥的!!16. Residents of the Iranian plateau is the most ancient tribe Cyan.&&&&&&伊朗高原最古的居民是依蓝人部落。17. In process colour printing, they are: magenta, yellow and cyan.&&&&&&在彩印方面,它们是:洋红,黄及青蓝。18. A: Most common color printers use cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.&&&&&&答:最常见的彩色打印机使用四种颜色的墨水:青色,洋红,黄色和黑色。19. As an aside, a mixture of cyan, magenta and yellow should produce black, but in reality a touch of black is needed to get it.&&&&&&作为旁白,混合了蓝、洋红、黄应出示黑色但现实是黑色的味道,需要得到他们的支持。20. Since Ling has joined in the combat, the living deads fall into the inferiority even more. The Frozen-cyan can not only cut their weapons but easily smash them. Soon, the living deads which possess the martial art become fewer and fewer. However, Zen and the others meet another problem....&&&&&&金灵一加入,活尸更加不是他们对手,凝碧剑不但让活尸们锋催刃折,而且可以轻易将他们打碎,很快会武功的活尸就越来越少,可童战等人遇到了另一个问题。。。。cyan 单语例句1. The lanes and walls made of cyan stone that have become a bit slippery after centuries of use now give off a faint shine.2. They have sapid glazing colors, which appear azure and pink cyan.cyan 英英释义noun1. a primary subtractive color for light&&&&has a blue-green coloradj1. of a bluish shade of green&&&&Synonym: cyan是什么意思,cyan在线翻译,cyan什么意思,cyan的意思,cyan的翻译,cyan的解释,cyan的发音,cyan的同义词,cyan的反义词,cyan的例句,cyan的相关词组,cyan意思是什么,cyan怎么翻译,单词cyan是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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