guided cunversations find2009 lost memoriess是什么意思

sensations如果是这个意思就是 的感觉
是sensations 吧?是感官。
全称是Console Host Process, 即命令行程序的。简单的说他是微软出于安全考虑,在windows 7和Windows server 2008中引进的新的控制台应用程序处理机制。
原先,win7之前的是由来完成的,,所有命令行进程都使用session唯一的csrss.exe进程。而到了win7则改成每个命令行进程都有一个独立的conhost作为宿主了。 这样当然有很多好处了,比如各进程之间不会相互影响,也不会影响到csrss,毕竟csrss还有其他更重要的任务要做。 当然最最重要的还是安全性的考虑,因为csrss是运行在local system账号下的,如果要处理Windows message,就要承担很多威胁,比如著名的Windows Message Shatter Attack。而如果用用户权限的conhost来处理,则即使有攻击,影响的也只是低权限的。
其实,不论是作为普通用户还是企业管理员,我们在日常的Windows应用和运维过程中都会或多或少的使用到控制台应用程序。控制台应用程序是没有用户界面的,我们需要通过(CMD,这可不是DOS,很多人混淆不清)对其进行输入、输出操作。Windows自带的控制台应用程序 ,典型的有、和telnet.exe等。
这样的处理机制就已经产生了一个问题:即使一个控制台应用程序在普通用户的上下文环境中执行,但Csrss.exe始终是运行在本地系统账户权限下的。因此,某些情况下“坏人”开发的就有可能通过本地系统账户权限执行的Csrss.exe获取到更多特权。这种攻击模式被称为Shatter Attack。
而到了win7和Windows Server 2008 R2时代,所有控制台应用程序都被放到了一个新的上下文进程ConHost.exe中来执行,而ConHost(控制台)与控制台程序运行在相同安全级的上下文环境当中,取代了发出LPC消息请求到CSRSS中进行处理这种机制,而是去请求ConHost。因此,任何应用程序企图利用消息请求来导致特权的自动提升都不会成功。
conhost全称是console host process, 即命令行程序的. 大家都知道命令行程序是什么东西吧, 比如ipconfig.exe之类, 由于命令行程序自身没有代码来显示UI, 我们平时看到的命令行窗口内容都是由宿主进程来完成的,包括窗口的显示, window message的处理,等等.caonversations什么意思这个单词_百度作业帮
[con·ver·sa·tion || ,k?nv?'se??n]n.
会话, 交谈, 说话Cherish, ice storage memory ..._百度百科
Cherish, ice storage memory ...
ince then, it is destined to the details of some youth will be the most memorable the [3]
number of looking at the sky every second, always to think of you inadvertently, they have no any image, only a touch of your name and thoughts in mind does not seem to attach. ...... Past breakdown
, we have become to believe in fate I believe the fate of the feelings I do not want to bother to conceal. Because I love you, what change does not matter ...
night, really good and quiet. But they grunt or overshadowed my heartbeat. Another messy bit smooth. Sentence in the simple message of December 1, 2009:
became the sequel of our fate, I still remember that we at the school gate Galaxy Internet cafes, but also I remember the first time I saw me first sense
the feel? Remember I told you I Jiao Yang Xia? Hey ...... next. Occasional chat has become a habit, occasional care has become dependent. In fact, I do not have the sixth sense strong
to always know that you are online, that short-term end of the day and the way to start a new day is really very special, I still remember the number of silent wake The I'm sorry you? Remember
each message you left? You know when I say those words to heart really thought of you looking for your shadow, I would have a photo, would like to know about you once
. Shallow fall in love with you that day, accustomed to the warmth of your concerned about the care you tell me QQ password the next second, I will think of you know my password, one
times implied, to tell you I like you, obviously you loved that I was helpless to deceive ourselves, for the first time I hear you say we can not when I cried. A person holding a pillow the to cry
to fall asleep. Woke up he can not help going to disturb your peace. Time wishing me a happy, certainly did not expect my happiness will eventually fall on your shoulders, remember the time
my space, though not you care about most, but at least you are concerned about the unconscious . Also remember you every few days will patronize my space, and want to hear your voice while the rotten excuse
recruited. Unfortunately, mixed with the appalling language barriers. The ... September 10, 2010
you end up in a time of happiness after I wish I deleted my QQ. Stay in the blacklist really wronged. Knowing that in your eyes is impossible the only
I really want to try. I do not want to give up my feelings. At that time unconscious disturb you I have good self-blame and feel ridiculous! Everyone knows that
you want to, knew that trumpet you, then I will cherish! Definitely not ignore. Thank you for the kind of special attention, and now want to really meet
People still so concerned about me. Know you are very used to our habits, and also want chatted chat good list but no longer exists to my name. That time issued
birth to a lot of things. But later, I just want to love you. October, a text message back to the once. Can you imagine then how much I excited?
I think you finally contact me, and consequently, regardless of the back of your text messages. Although a few simple greeting but sweet! At that screen you want to see my night
Is the first time I published a mood to give me a strong courage. Also remember do not want you between the lines of the whole breath full of sadness and hope the log you can write a point high
Hing. Although you did not write out what the happy things. But you did promise me something. That log no one knows my heart what it is. To
less that you write for me. I replied that I regret it, regret it gives you the opportunity to leave my. Just have the courage so blatant. So the font to be black the overlying
built. The ...
on October 24, 2010:
by chance a friend of one can be friends, you decided to let me continue to appear in your Friends list. But you did not think I did not think we
started that way! Then the dead of night, when our little world. It was the first time take the initiative with you deep tell I love you! It day by day I
are accustomed to always want to talk then the moment contented sleep. Hear my faint to tell fact, I feel your loss and helplessness that to call
Xu Taoyang men care about me from so and so together. He also, like me, looking forward to some day. We love to germination. So have a series of farce ...
November 19, 2010:
finally called my dear moment. A sense of satisfaction can not say pleased, forget how to express emotional Although uncertain but at least is also intended to know
to feel hope in thee. Looked at the piece of text messages over and over again over and over again the silly laugh. Then we can talk about anything do not say no. After SMS
to became our habits, and habits in there and say I love you. From then said good night and nothing with others. Simple text messages carrying too much of our confidence and hope and love.
day do not want to miss. One do not want deleted. You said many years later we look back, keep full full of love. Our semi-happy secret,
password is You say to this SMS, we will stick to it. If there is one day only we broke up or got married. You say you hope it is the latter.
remember to log you share the article for the melon? Are you afraid that I am frequently playing computer. So you share that log said melons people a good look. Was really touched. Honey I love you ..., December 3, 2010:
we recognize at least one year days. Chengdu became the first time we close the beginning of love. That longing we first met. The time excitement
of mood still feel special nostalgia train look forward to. In fact, not just look forward to, or full of fear. Not afraid of you will How can I. Has been our
communication are network. You see is the network effect. I'm afraid you see the real version, I will be very disappointed. When you said that if we looked to feel disappointed, then do not say anything
turned away is. The estimated time special you want to turn. But you have no chance. Have not seen where long-sawed. A large object stumbled into your arms and go! Know
Road almost robbed that think looked like the bad guys. How to hold your hand do not want to let go. Going around in circles go far did not a suitable
residence in that strange city, or the last rain we do the fastest option. I heard you open the two rooms, I think I love you believe you. Own weight on. Results
fruit room. You kissed me. Deep. Hand so unconsciously ... In fact, I was thinking. How the first people to meet. Even recognize them for longer, and then love, whatever the outcome, only the first
time we met, actually so bold children. It was getting dark. Sleepy but concerns. Not afraid of how you will. In fact, has been in the tangle to undress. But their own
does not then the courage and guts. After all, is sleeping in a bed with a guy. There are clothes for at least avoid the possibility of physical contact. The confidence figure is even more do not want you to see that the naked body of
. The first night the second night, or what happened. For the first time in front of you cry. Husband. Too many for the first time in the day. That can not forget. 10 the dollar
two lollipop money to aimlessly by bus. The first bus, to hold you for the first time you tie my shoe for girls. For the first time you accompany me to the water and soil mall. The first
time to see the four 0's clothes. The first time you play basketball. For the first time you wash your hair. Also help you pick the washing water a. Dinner. Our first meal of noodle children. There tricycle. Too much warmth. Happiness. Dismay. Station. The car not the car but turned and has not looked back. Sour nose. Too sad farewells. Go back and sigh as if one with eyes closed and not
will wake up! One with eyes closed. Your world is all me. Really her husband. So do I. More and more obsessed with you. Love has been in deep! ...
February 20, 2011:
two months. Count the days. SMS, QQ, Tel. All the radio wave propagation, we long for. That even if the holiday play and then later will be thinking about breakfast
back. Because you know that I am still waiting for you. When the night without your message I would be impatient. Be able to sleep. You used with your expectations and I wait. The Neijiang Station harm
I wait for you to wait until fall asleep. Boring to sit bus back and forth. Because your friend so see, there was a little shy. Just want to hide behind you go. And then later on you
tightly holding your hand. Estimated to be a long time did not pull over. Huh, huh. The Tuojiang edge of the pee is your masterpiece. There with your boat out. Most of the night to buy adult products. No security measures in
unable to control emotions in the room no problem, not to buy medicine. Really wicked. The first time I hear your singing voice is so gentle. The girls can no longer female
students, and also when others are fortunate to escape to Yimiyangguang go. That place now, like, spent a place to remember also that a name. This
for good is to look at the ultra-Ray chats. Results have been broken. Like you play basketball and do not forget the next match. From time to time, the eyes are very satisfied. From the
open the night you know. I am very reluctant to. Also like to have been to stay with you together. Say goodbye eyes are reluctant to remove. You will not let me had disappointed Back to
school. To see your message. I do not go back, you could not bear. You think I'm with you. Really excited. To see your actions and I still remember what regard I hug to
you arm slightly. Happiness. Leave that morning's lingering. The dismay separate. I always can not help but look back. I just want to see you more than glances, ... April 2, 2011
Ching Ming Festival. Is the first time to Ya'an. This is to accompany a holiday you had, oh. Pig. To you do not believe you said. Stupid to not do it with the time
how long I will go to. But the phone clearly hear your excitement. Again and again repeated her to come. Although, etc. so long but I still flattered. But
hate you for causing me to confess it in the flag below. In fact, we are together for so long. But that seemed to start every day we eat a lot of things. Those days really is stomach never
to the hungry, too. Go back and they say I gain weight. Huh, huh. That buns. Parrot. Chicken. Trotters. Biscuits. Failed to chopsticks Oh cold noodles (like chicken bones act as the chopsticks
child to the whole family full sheets of oil. One word: Bananas. Meat Jianbao. Salted duck eggs. Cold pot fish. Popcorn. The hot dogs. Da da face. Large meat surface. ... A pillow
core big joke. Their fertile imaginations no problem that you have followed the booing. That is the first of my embroidered pillow. Never confident that he can have the patience embroidered so
to large pieces. However, in order to catch up to see you when to you. A night without sleep I can survive. I said to give you embroidered pillow. I said, why give you embroider.
in fact, already started, Just do not want you to know ahead of time. Do not want you to feel bad and do not you worry about. In fact, I really do not have needle many times, obviously have to queue up the car. But
we stumbled on first. That hamster play count value. For two mobile phone pendant. Your marksmanship and shot differential is the difference between the points. Did not dry white. For a bracelet of two
root. Ugly is ugly point. But so worth the nostalgia that people cherish. That time wanted to give you to wear, but I know you have got. Just did not think you will refuse me.
So I pretended I did not wear my take. After lie to you anyway, you do not I throw it away. In fact, I am willing to ah. Just really mad and does not accept you because you want to give you something wearing others
common. You said you already took off her when you say you want to clear. In fact, I look forward to a long time in order to meet, I want to
are we wearing to you. ...
Second before April 27, 2011:
remember still mount discuss fifty-one you over how we play. Happy to say I want to take you to the Internet, personally to you and the cold noodles to eat. Eat me in there
favorite hot and sour powder. Go to the our favorite Yimiyangguang. Morning woke up early to give you a Mai Zaodian. Take you to the fun place to play. Feelings of two people of the world. ...... Just plan
to keep up with changes. One second after the bad news as the beginning. Loss. Sad. Confusion covered the bottom of my heart. Simple a called Xu Taoyang SMS you can feel my
lost. Phone. Helpless shed tears. You know he was for me to worry about. Worried about the hands of the pairs of handcuffs in my father. It is particularly a loss. Refund as through the
phone walking back to school. All the way to feeling your impatient. Thyself. Sad ...... better hope that when you around. But feel that you are so concerned about, was very satisfied
. In fact, I wish to go home with me. Wish at any time on your shoulders. Stumbled rushed rushed to Chengdu. You were always a teacher gets mad, was the same
doctrine. Delay you a lot of courses. I'm sorry dear. Remember to Chengdu you leave Pakistan the meaning of that sentence. Huh, huh. Really want a
Zaijin your arms. Have been you. But also that efforts to make me strong. Do not think those troubles, do not even give me any chance to sigh. The next day, although it will be
back. But really do not want to go back. This will not be too sensible a wow. Hey. Husband. Love you. The ...
on May 8, 2011:
stay at home for half a month. Almost none to contact Someone else's message never no mood to back. Just something that will then take the initiative to to contact
others. But they are always thinking about to tell you everything about me. I do not want you to worry too much. So I will remember to give her husband a call, send text messages. Even busy night. Not
will promise to her husband in absentia. Even feel how bad you feel the gentle talking to you, I could laugh laugh. Although it is sad to cry in front of you. The but
yes, there is only in front of you, I can cry, so. Cry give me that feeling of relaxation. In fact, I do not want to stay at home for so long, long ago want to leave. Trouble. Afraid to worried
to pain. I have been thinking back to school I want to not look at her husband really wanted her husband, accustomed to the sky. Then the desire to feel your tender. I was removed in the tangled Ya'an
. But still call I hope you can also say they want to me. Want to see me. To find an excuse to own is not restrained. Hey. Only. More vanity. Or I went to the Ya'an. Remember
have to share reluctant to silly to refund the victims of 50 dollars reported Mandarin even feel no feel. The trash. Do you really bad, what are homes
not do for me. I have real fool of myself the best, oh! You buy Apple's own bite so good do not know that was seen drooling wow. Selfish baby. Really the skull reaction
slow a few shot, oh. The second trip to Ya'an, but is the first time to visit your school. In fact, I wish to own husband can not so bound to hold my Dao Chuguang. Maybe I'm so
ugly, to give you a disgrace! So, pull out really is a shame! Then you do not want to stay one minute look in your school. In fact, more than chilling. I also have a pretty virtual
Wing Sam. Found that not every time you buy me a Sausage eat. I have eaten a lot of places. You say take me to eat. Is always never ate. Huh, huh.
Evening wind I'm like, then think we can always on the way down the wind always, always go on. Station scene. On the bus back after you have no trace!
you know every time we separate the last, where a thorough? Oh, you stupid certainly do not know. In fact you are on the outside of a bus, and I bound Chengdu
, Shuttle. That's it. With the thoughts of sadness back. As well as in Chengdu on the toilet, then a minute, missed the train ticket time. A stand alone in the car
specifically waiting for so long the car. The results will then one minute has been extended. Ran or no results. After all, could only wait. But you know to call me stupid. To the school around 11:00, right. ...
May 28, 2011:
quarrel with her husband the During that time I do not know myself well, or do you really tired I have no feeling, every time you call you are
impatience. So the want of temper. Every day that somehow the imagination of the total as the sting of my heart. During that time I was afraid, afraid of losing you, the more love you to
change more cowardly. May really have to have a party to the tolerance and patience, feelings can endure forever. The only feelings I feel like I have been to act as a kind of role. To see with
their chats heart hurts. I just said to himself, I believe you love me, I believe you just lost. Lost too much. If you still love your first love to
your second. All I can not tell why. Do not know what a feeling. Should also be the first day of phone messages. In fact, I really just want to the each
days you have at least one thing is for me to do. Regardless of angry or sad, or the Cold War upset can achieve. Because thinking about prior to our convention. Said that if there
day SMS only the two possibilities. So. In the SMS night. Do you know how sad? Honey, I'm sorry. I do not have to tell you my private
recognize brother. Do not know because they are afraid you are unhappy. Or a guilty conscience can not let you know. This time. I deceived you. Discrediting everything I have said, to subvert the image of the bottom of my heart you
. He took me to go online. To dinner. With part-time and he will help me. I feel pain when my sister with. Or I simply, and her husband. So to say
know he or she will very false. I hope people like me. I hope that the eyes of others, is excellent. But Honey, I can only think of the people I love only you. And you will
loves me. The ...
June 26, 2011:
holiday. Been looking forward to counting the days. Excited just to see her husband. Our exchanges can also ease the unpleasant between us. That
bus stop almost. Almost car and fly slightly
September 8, 2011: husband
, you lied. You said a little later to give me a call. And I am so stressed and can not be forgotten. But you forget. Now I'm still waiting. The the power
words in my hand. Just did not ring tones no vibration ...


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