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简明英汉词典only[5Eunli]adj.唯一的, 单独的, 最好的, 最合适的adv.仅仅, 只不过conj.但是, 可是美国传统词典[双解]onlyon.lyAHD:[?n“l?] D.J.[6ounli8]K.K.[6onli]adj.(形容词)(1)Al sole.唯一的:在种类或级别中与众不同的;独特的(2)Standing alone by reason of superiority or excellence.出众的:因杰出和优秀而突出的adv.(副词)(1)Without any alone:单独地:没有其它别的事物;独自地:room for only one passenger.单人客房(2)At the very least:仅仅:If you would only come home. The story was only too true.只要你肯回家来。这故事是千真万确的(3)And nothing else or more:只有,仅仅:I only work here.我只在这里工作(4)E solely:专门地,唯一地:facts known only to us.这些事只有我们才知道(5)In the last analysis or final outcome:最后的分析,最终结果:actions that will only make things worse.最后使事情更糟糕的行为(6)W nevertheless:最终结局,仍然:received a raise only to be laid off.加薪的结果只是被派遣而已(7)As recently as:最近地:called me only last month.上个月刚通知我(8)In the immediate past:刚才:only just saw her.刚才还看见她了conj.(连接词)(1)W except.假如;除非(2)With
but:条件是,但是:You may go, only be careful.你可以去,但要小心(3)H and yet:然而,毕竟:The merchandise is well made, only we can't use it.这种商品做工精致,然而我们不能用语源(1)Middle English 中古英语 (2)from Old English 3oc} 源自 古英语 3oc} 3n [one] * see one 3n [一个] *参见 one(3)-loc [having the form of] * see -ly 1-loc [具有这种形式的] *参见 -ly1用法(1)When used as an adverb, only should be placed with care to avoid ambiguity. Generally this means having only adjoin the word or words that it limits. Variation in the placement of only can change the meaning of the sentence, as the following examples show: 当only 用作副词时应注意避免意义模糊。 一般来说,这意味着把only 放在被限定词的旁边。 Only 的位置的改变, 会改变整个句子的内容,例如:Dictator 独裁者只认同暴力;they are not moved by words.他们不会被言辞所打动。Dictator 独裁者只重视权力;they do not worship it. 他们不崇拜它。She picked up the receiver only when he entered, not before. 他刚一进来她就接到了电话。She only picked up the rece 她只在他进来的时候接电话;she didn't dial the number. 她没有拨电话。 (2)Though strict grammarians insist that the rule for placement of only should always be followed, there are occasions when placement of only earlier in the sentence seems much more natural. In the following example only is placed according to the rule: 虽然严格的语法学家主张应该遵循only 位置的用法规则, 但有时only 放在的句子开头,看起来十分自然。 下面例子中only 的位置是按规则安排的: The committee can make its decision by Friday of next week only if it receives a copy of the latest report. 委员会只有在收到最后的报告后,才可以在下周五作出决定。 (3)Placement of only earlier in the sentence, immediately after can, would serve the rhetorical function of warning the reader that a condition on the statement follows.See Usage Note at not Only 的位置紧跟在 can 的后边且在句子开头, 可以利用倒装句型提醒读者后边是一个条件参见 not现代英汉词典only[5EJnlI]adv.只有,仅仅I had only 20 pence.我只有20 便士。I only touched it!我只不过摸了它一下!Only a doctor can do that.只有医生才能这样做。"Only after the anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic, could the operation be conducted.""只有在麻醉师给病人施行麻醉以后,手术才能进行。"词性变化onlyadj.唯一的She is the only girl in her family.她是家里唯一的女孩。You seem to be getting fatter - the only answer is to do more exercise. (喻)你好象越来越胖了。唯一的解决办法是多活动些。"The only passengers, a young woman and her two baby daughters, were unhurt.""飞机上的旅客只有一位年轻妇女和她的两个女婴儿,她们没有受伤。"It must be the only modern house in the district.这一定是本地区唯一的现代化住宅。现代英汉综合大辞典only[5Eunli]adj.(1)唯一的(2)最适当的, 最好的an only son独生子He is the only man for the position.他是这个职位的最佳人选。词性变化only[5Eunli]adv.(1)只, 仅仅, 才(2)反而, 结果却, 不料He can only do his best.他只能尽力而为。He came only yesterday.他昨天才来。The failure only strengthened our determination.失败反而坚定了我们的决心。only[5Eunli]conj.(1)可是, 不过(2)[与 that 连用]除了, 要不是(3)可惜I'd do it with pleasure, only I am too busy.我很乐意做此事, 不过我太忙。I should like to go, only that I am ill.要不是我有病, 我倒是很想去。O-for him, you would not be here.要不是为了他, 你不会到这里来。习惯用语if only若是...那该多好啊; 真希望...; 只要, 只要...就好not only ...but also不但...而且only by ... can只有...才能only for (=but for)要是没有only just刚刚, 恰好only not简直是, 跟...差不多only that要不是, 若非only too非常; 实在; 太; 可惜参考词汇only&&&& sole&&&& single&&&& unique&&&&都含“单一的”、“唯一的”意思。(1)only 系常用词, 指“唯一的”, 含“不会再多”之意, 如:This is the only one.这是唯一的一个。(2)sole语气比 only 强, 也较庄严, 指“单独的”, 即“一类中只有这一个”, 如:my sole purpose我唯一的目的。(3)single 指“一个”、“仅有一个”, 如:a single chair in the room屋里仅有的一把椅子。(4)unique指“独一无二的”、“无可匹敌的”, 如:He was a unique genius.他是个无与伦比的天才。用法词典only来自古英语anlic英文相关词典onlyjust&&&&merely&&&&simply&&&&[七国语言]英汉公共大词典only唯一的;仅;只美国传统词典onlyon.lyAHD:[?n“l?] D.J.[6ounli8]K.K.[6onli]adj.(1)Al sole.(2)Standing alone by reason of superiority or excellence.adv.(1)Without any alone:room for only one passenger.(2)At the very least:If you would only come home. The story was only too true.(3)And nothing else or more:I only work here.(4)E solely:facts known only to us.(5)In the last analysis or final outcome:actions that will only make things worse.(6)W nevertheless:received a raise only to be laid off.(7)As recently as:called me only last month.(8)In the immediate past:only just saw her.conj.(1)W except.(2)With
but:You may go, only be careful.(3)H and yet:The merchandise is well made, only we can't use it.语源(1)Middle English (2)from Old English 3oc} 3n [one] * see one (3)-loc [having the form of] * see -ly 1用法(1)When used as an adverb, only should be placed with care to avoid ambiguity. Generally this means having only adjoin the word or words that it limits. Variation in the placement of only can change the meaning of the sentence, as the following examples show: Dictator they are not moved by words.Dictator they do not worship it. She picked up the receiver only when he entered, not before. She only picked up the rece she didn't dial the number. (2)Though strict grammarians insist that the rule for placement of only should always be followed, there are occasions when placement of only earlier in the sentence seems much more natural. In the following example only is placed according to the rule: The committee can make its decision by Friday of next week only if it receives a copy of the latest report. (3)Placement of only earlier in the sentence, immediately after can, would serve the rhetorical function of warning the reader that a condition on the statement follows.See Usage Note at not 英汉法学大词典only adj.惟一 ,唯一 英汉化学大词典only adj.唯一的,最好的;adv.仅仅,单独地,反而 英汉计算机大词典only adj.唯一的(最好的);adv.仅仅(单独地,反而)
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简明英汉词典one[wQn]pron.一个人, 任何人, 一方num.一, 一个adj.一方的, 某一, 同样的美国传统词典[双解]oneoneAHD:[w?n] D.J.[w(n]K.K.[w(n]adj.(形容词)(1)Being a single entity, unit, object, not two or more.一个的,单一的:是一个实体、单元、物体或生物的;而不是两个或者更多(2)Ch undivided:同一的,整体的:以整体性为特点的,不可分的:They spoke with one voice.他们异口同声(3)Of the same kind or quality:同一种类的,同一性质的:two animals of one species.同一种类的两个动物(4)Forming a single entity of two or more components:单一实体的:由两个或更多个要素形成的一个单一实体:three chemicals combining into one solution.三种化合物溶成一种溶液(5)Being a single member or element of a group, category, or kind:一个成员的,一个要素的:成为一组、一个部门或一个种类中的一员或一个要素的:I'm just one player on the team.我只是这个球队中的一名球员(6)Being a single thing in contrast with or relation to another or others of its kind:(与其它同类东西)相同的:与同类中另一个或其它的相对或相关的一种事物:One day is just like the next.每天都一样(7)Occurring or existing as something indefinite, as in time or position:某一(时间或事物):在某一不确定的时间发生或出现的,如在时间或位置上:He will come one day.他总有一天会来(8)Occurring or existing as something particular but unspecified, as in time past:(过去的时间)某一特定的:如某特殊事物的出现或存在,如过去的时间:late one evening.某一个深(9)Informal Used as an intensive:【非正式用语】 用来加强语气:That is one fine dog.这是一条不错的狗(10)Being the only individual of a specified or implied kind:特定的:是特定或暗指的种类中的唯一个体:the one person I the one horse that can win this race.我唯一愿嫁的人;唯一能赢得这次比赛的马n.(名词)(1)The cardinal number, represented by the symbol 1, designating the first such unit in a series.一:基数,用符号1表示,代表一系列中这样的单元中的第一个(2)A si a unit:一个:一个人或物,一个单元:This is the one I like best.这是我最喜欢的一个pron.(代词)(1)An indefinitely specified individual:某人:She visited one of her cousins.她去拜访了一位表亲(2)An un anyone:未指明的人;任何一个人:“The older one grows the more one likes indecency”(Virginia Woolf)“人愈老愈喜欢粗鄙的言行”(弗吉尼亚?沃尔夫)习惯用语at oneIn accord or unity.一致,合力one and allEveryone.每个人,全体one by oneIndividually in succession.一个接一个语源(1)Middle English on 中古英语 on (2)from Old English 3n * see oi-no- 源自 古英语 3n *参见 oi-no- 用法When constructions headed by one appear as the subject of a sentence or relative clause, there may be a question as to whether the verb should be singular or plural. Such a construction is exemplified in the sentence One of every ten rotors was found defective. Although the plural were is sometimes used in such sentences, an earlier survey found that the singular was preferred by a large majority of the Usage Panel. ? Another problem is raised by constructions such as one of those people who or its variants. In the sentence The defeat turned out to be one of the most costly blows that were ever inflicted on our forces, most grammarians would hold that the plural were is correct, in as much as the subject of the verb is the plural noun blows. However, constructions of this sort are often used with a singular verb even by the best writers. Note also that when the phrase containing one is introduced by the definite article, the verb in the relative clause must be singular: 当以one 开头的结构作为一个句子或关系从句的主语出现时, 就出现动词用单数还是复数的问题,如用在句子每十个转子中有一个为次品 中的这种结构。 虽然复数were 有时用在这种句子中, 但在一次早期的调查发现用法专题使用小组的大部分成员更倾向于用单数。另一个问题是由象one of those people who 这样的结构及其变化引起的。 在句子The defeat turned out to be one of the most costly blows that were ever inflicted on our forces, 中, 大多数语法学家主张用复数were 是正确的, 以及主要是由于动词的主语是复数名词blow 所致。 然而,这种结构常与单数动词连用,甚至被很有声望的作家采用。也要注意当包含one 的短语被定冠词限制时, 相关的从句中的动词一定要用单数:He is the only one of the students who has (not have ) already taken Latin. See Usage Note at he 1他是这些学生中唯一一个(不用 have ) 曾学过拉丁语的人。 参见 he1现代英汉词典one[wQn]adj., n.(1)一;一个twenty-one二十一one thousand一千(= a thousand(2)或 1000)^ one liter of wine 一公升酒 (= a liter of wine)About one-fifth of the freshmen reported that they had been brought up in small towns.大约有五分之一的一年级生是在小城镇长大的。(3)one of 其中一个one of my friends我的一个朋友"One of them went North, and the other went South.""他们一个往北走,一个向南走。"One or other of us will go there.我们中间总要去一个人。(4)某一个one Sunday一个星期日Come and have a cup of coffee one evening.请你随便哪个晚上过来喝杯咖啡。(5)某一…,有一…One day he will be sorry.有一天他会悔恨的。One day we'll get ourselves a new bigger house.总有一天我们会买一幢更大些的住宅。You'll come to realize it one day.你总有一天会懂得这一点的。(6)同一的;一致的of one mind意见一致I'm one with you on this subject.在这个问题上我同你看法一致。(7)唯一的My one and only hope.我的唯一希望。I'm afraid she's the one person who can do it.恐怕她是唯一能胜任这件事的人了。(8)这一例;这一类型He can't tell one tree from another.他不能说出这一类型的树和另一类的区别。习惯用语a one大胆有趣的人Oh, you are a one!噢,你真大胆!a right one蠢人;傻子be one up (on sb.)(比某人)略胜一筹one and the same同一词性变化onepron.(1)某个人;某物I haven' can you lend me one?我没有书,你能借我一本吗?I heard the news from one Smith.我从一个叫史密斯的人那儿听到了这个消息。(2)任何人One should do one's duty.人人应该尽责。现代英汉综合大辞典one[wQn]num.一, 一个(人、物); 第一(卷、章、页等)Lesson One第一课词性变化onepron.(1)一个(任何)人; 本人(2)一个(3)(表示与别的对照) 这一个(4)[pl.]东西One must observe the rules.我们(任何人)必须遵守规则。One is rather busy just now.人家(指本人)正忙着呢。One has come, the others have not.一个人来了, 其他人还没来。I want large ones, not small ones.我要大的, 不要小的。adj.(1)一致的; 同一的(2)完整的; 一体的(3)唯一的, 单个的(4)某一(5)[表示与别的对照]这一of one age同一时代的be one and undivided是个不可分割的整体my one and only hope我唯一的希望one day有一天one Smith一个叫史密斯的人from one side to the other从这一边到那一边I am one with you on this.在这一点上我和你是一致的。No one man can do it.一个人来干, 是谁也干不了的。onen.(1)一元[镑]的钞票(2)怪人; 蠢人; 胆大妄为的人(3)一岁; 一点钟; 一体; 单位; 独一(4)一击(5)(食物)一客; 一份all in one合在一起at one一致继承用法one-addressadj.单地址的one-courseadj.单层的one-dimensionaladj.一元的, 一维的, 单因次的; 线性的, 单向的one-eyed[`wQn`aId]adj.(1)独眼的(2)[俚]简陋的, 次要的, 小的one-halfn.二分之一one-handedadj.只用一只手的, 用独手干的one-horseadj.(1)用一匹马的(2)[俚]简陋的, 次要的, 小的one-idea'd,one-ideaedadj.想法单一的, 思想陕隘的one-jetn.单喷嘴onekickadj.单次的; 一次有效的one-lanen., adj.单车道(的)one-layern., adj.单层(的)one-leggedadj.(1)只有一条腿的(2)[喻]片面的, 不公道的one-leveladj.一层的, 一级的one-manadj.只需一个人的, 由一人组成[经营]的one-onea.一对一的; 一一对应的one-parameteradj.单参数的one-passn.(1)一次走刀(2)一次通过one-periodn.一(个)周期one-phaseadj.单相的one-pieceadj.(衣服)单件的; 上下连身的one-reelern.电影短片(卡通片或新闻记录片等)one-seater[`wQn`si:tE(r)]n.单人坐的汽车或飞机one-settingn.一次调正one-shot[`wQnFCt]adj.(1)只用一次的; 临时性的(2)只出现一次的或只出一期的(3)仅为某一个计划而作的词性变化onen.单镜头拍摄, 冲息one-sizeadj.同样大小的one-step[`wQnstep]n.一步舞vi.跳一步舞one-stroken.单[一次]行程one-timeadj.过去的, 从前的one-track[`wQn`trAk]adj.单轨的, 单一不变的one-upadj.[美口]胜人一筹的vt.胜...一筹, 占...的上风one-upmanshipn.胜人一筹的本事one-valuedadj.单值的one-velocityadj.单速度的oneness[5wQnnis]n.习惯用语a fast one(棒球中的)急球; [俚]诡计, 骗局a hot one[美俚]异常滑稽的笑话a nasty one责骂; (碰)钉子; 严重的打击a quick one[美俚]匆匆一口喝下去的酒; 一?考?be all one to sb.在某人看来全都一样, 无所谓be at one一致become one (=be made one)一 体化; 结成夫妇big one(1)大人物; 大亨; [美俚]千元钞票(2)(对儿童说的委婉语)[美俚]大便by ones and twos三三两两地; 零零落落地for one作为其中一个; 举例来说go one better[美俚]胜过(某人)go sb. one better[美俚]胜过(某人)have one over the eight[英俚]微醉in one合为一体in the year one早年, 很久以前lay one on sb.[美俚]给某人一拳like one o'clock[美俚]好得很little ones孩子们, 小家伙们live one[美俚]随便花钱的人; 冤大头, 容易受骗上当的人make one参加; 使成为一体never a one没有一个(人)One above(=the Holy One)上帝taken one with another总的看来taking one with another总的看来ten to one[多用于否定句中]一定, 必定; 十有八九, 多半the Evil One魔王, 撒旦the old one(1)老头子, 父亲(2)魔鬼[王]the wicked one恶魔tie one on闹饮, 喝得大醉young one孩子; 年轻人; 幼小动物one after another一个接一个地, 接连地one and all每个人, 全部one another相互, 互相one and only唯一的; 真正的; [美俚]情人one and the same同一个; 完全一回事one by one一个一个地, 依次地One down![美俚]来一份烤面包! 第一个障碍排除了! 第一个项目完成了!one in a thousand百里挑一, 杰出的one in the eye for sb.(1)给某人照眼一拳(2)给某人钉子碰one of those things命中注定的事one or other或者这个, 或者那个; 不管哪一个one or two一两个, 几个one too many多余的一个; [美口]过量的酒one too many for sb.胜过; 非...所能敌one too much for sb.胜过; 非...所能敌one up on略胜...一筹, 比...占优势美国传统词典oneoneAHD:[w?n] D.J.[w(n]K.K.[w(n]adj.(1)Being a single entity, unit, object, not two or more.(2)Ch undivided:They spoke with one voice.(3)Of the same kind or quality:two animals of one species.(4)Forming a single entity of two or more components:three chemicals combining into one solution.(5)Being a single member or element of a group, category, or kind:I'm just one player on the team.(6)Being a single thing in contrast with or relation to another or others of its kind:One day is just like the next.(7)Occurring or existing as something indefinite, as in time or position:He will come one day.(8)Occurring or existing as something particular but unspecified, as in time past:late one evening.(9)Informal Used as an intensive:That is one fine dog.(10)Being the only individual of a specified or implied kind:the one person I the one horse that can win this race.n.(1)The cardinal number, represented by the symbol 1, designating the first such unit in a series.(2)A si a unit:This is the one I like best.pron.(1)An indefinitely specified individual:She visited one of her cousins.(2)An un anyone:“The older one grows the more one likes indecency”(Virginia Woolf)习惯用语at oneIn accord or unity.one and allEveryone.one by oneIndividually in succession.语源(1)Middle English on (2)from Old English 3n * see oi-no- 用法When constructions headed by one appear as the subject of a sentence or relative clause, there may be a question as to whether the verb should be singular or plural. Such a construction is exemplified in the sentence One of every ten rotors was found defective. Although the plural were is sometimes used in such sentences, an earlier survey found that the singular was preferred by a large majority of the Usage Panel. ? Another problem is raised by constructions such as one of those people who or its variants. In the sentence The defeat turned out to be one of the most costly blows that were ever inflicted on our forces, most grammarians would hold that the plural were is correct, in as much as the subject of the verb is the plural noun blows. However, constructions of this sort are often used with a singular verb even by the best writers. Note also that when the phrase containing one is introduced by the definite article, the verb in the relative clause must be singular: He is the only one of the students who has (not have ) already taken Latin. See Usage Note at he 1英汉纺织大词典One n.一级棉 英汉航空大词典one n.一,一个人;n.一个 英汉海运大词典one num. : 一,单 基本词义one 一,一个某(一个人) 基本词义one num.一,单 英汉计算机大词典one n.一(一个,一致的;num.一(一方的,同一的 英汉建筑大词典one adj.单,一 英汉农牧林大词典one n.酮 英汉中医大词典one n.一,一个
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you are the only one是什么意思
中文翻译你是唯一的:&&&&pron. 〔sing., pl.〕 1.〔人称代词第二 ...:&&&&n. 公亩〔等于100平方米〕。 :&&&&短语和例子 hire by the week 按周雇用。 ...:&&&&adj. 1.唯一的。 2.无比的,独一无二的;最适当的 ...:&&&&短语和例子 Once one is one. 一乘一等于 ...
例句与用法1.You are the only one we are waiting for .就等你一个人了。2.Though not the best , you are the only one i love虽然你不是最好的,但我只爱你! 3.You were the only one it gave tongue action , man你是唯一使得它伸舌头的人,伙计4.You are the only one currently using the database您是当前数据库的唯一用户。 5.You were the only one it gave tongue action , man . .你是唯一使得它伸舌头的人,伙计6.You are the only one longing for the hours to pass只有一个期望,就是时间赶快过去。 7.Do you think you are the only one who suffers from war你以为你们是战争的唯一受害者吗8.You were the only one who would never let me win ,只有你从来没让我赢过9.Rudy you were the only one who handled the transport管运输的只有你10.You are the only one who creates your reality只有你能创造你的现实&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&


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