oc self.array count values.count和_array count values.count为什么会有区别?

& 统计数组中所有的值出现的次数
PHP array_count_values 统计数组中所有的值出现的次数
array_count_values & 统计数组中所有的值出现的次数
array array_count_values
( array $input
Example #1 array_count_values() 例子
[hello] =& 2
[world] =& 1
PHP array_count_values note #1
i had a problem which was associated with the array_count_values function, but did not solve my problem realy well so i made a function by my self and maybe it can help also someone else.
The problem was that i had a table like this:
CL& && PRODNUM& & & & QN& & & DATE
1& & & & 2& & 10.12.2010
2& & & & 1& & 10.12.2010
3& & & & 1& & 10.12.2010
3& & & & 1& & 11.12.2010
3& & & & 2& & 11.12.2010
3& & & & 1& & 11.12.2010
1& & & & 1& & 10.12.2010
1& & & & 1& & 11.12.2010
(it go's on and on ... )
And i wanted to calculate for every unique date how much the quantity of the specific CL is.
For example the result should be like this:
10.12.2010: [1] -& 3
10.12.2010: [2] -& 1
10.12.2010: [3] -& 1
11.12.2010: [1] -& 1
11.12.2010: [2] -& 0
11.12.2010: [3] -& 4
So, i had to make a function which should look for unique values of a date and then for that date get the quantity of uniqe CL's.
For note: i put all the values of the table into an array:
$a = array();
$a['cl'] = 1;
$a['prodnum'] = '';
$a['qn'] = '2';
$a['date'] = '10.12.2010';
The function looks like this:
function csav( $array, $distinctV, $searchInV, $sumValue ){
&& & && $result = array();
&&& $array1 = array_unique($array[$searchInV]);
&&& $array2 = array();
&&& $unique1 = array_merge($array2, $array1);
&&& $array3 = array_unique($array[$distinctV]);
&&& $array4 = array();
&&& $unique2 = array_merge($array4, $array3);
&&& for($k = 0; $k & count($unique1); $k++){
&& & && for($i = 0; $i & count($unique2); $i++){
&& & & & && $sum = 0;
&& & & & && for($j = 0; $j & count($array[$distinctV]); $j++){
&& & & & &&
&& & & & & & && if($array[$distinctV][$j] == $unique2[$i] and $array[$searchInV][$j] == $unique1[$k])
&& & & & & & & & && $sum += $array[$sumValue][$j];
&& & & & && }
&& & & & && $result[$unique1[$k]][$unique2[$i]] = $sum;
&&& return $result;
The use of function has to be like this:
$result = csav($a, 'cl', 'date', 'qn');
And the result looks like this:
Array ( [] =& Array ( [1] =& 14 [2] =& 17 [3] =& 4 ) [] =& Array ( [1] =& 13 [2] =& 17 [3] =& 4 ) [] =& Array ( [1] =& 13 [2] =& 17 [3] =& 4 ) [] =& Array ( [1] =& 14 [2] =& 17 [3] =& 4 ) [] =& Array ( [1] =& 14 [2] =& 17 [3] =& 2 ) )
This is it.
Hope it helps someone.
PHP array_count_values note #2
Here is a Version with one or more arrays, which have similar values in it:
Use $lower=true/false to ignore/set case Sensitiv.
$ar1[] = array("red","green","yellow","blue");
$ar1[] = array("green","yellow","brown","red","white","yellow");
$ar1[] = array("red","green","brown","blue","black","yellow");
$res = array_icount_values ($ar1);
function array_icount_values($arr,$lower=true) {
&& & $arr2=array();
&& & if(!is_array($arr['0'])){$arr=array($arr);}
&& & foreach($arr as $k=& $v){
&& && foreach($v as $v2){
&& && if($lower==true) {$v2=strtolower($v2);}
&& && if(!isset($arr2[$v2])){
&& & & && $arr2[$v2]=1;
&& && }else{
&& & & & & $arr2[$v2]++;
&& & & & & }
&&& return $arr2;
PHP array_count_values note #3
byron at byronrode dot co dot za, here are some benchmarks.
$haystack = Array();
for ($i = 0; $i & 1000000; $i++) {
& $haystack[] = rand(1, 2000);
$needle = rand(1, 2000);
echo "__array_count_values()__
$start = microtime(true);
$startmem = memory_get_usage();
$counts = array_count_values($haystack);
$mem = memory_get_usage()-$startmem;
echo 'Count:'.$counts[$needle]."
echo 'Time:'.(microtime(true) - $start)."
echo 'Memory:'.$mem."
echo "__array_keys()__
$start = microtime(true);
$startmem = memory_get_usage();
$keys = array_keys($haystack, $needle);
$mem = memory_get_usage()-$startmem;
echo 'Count:'.count($keys)."
echo 'Time:'.(microtime(true) - $start)."
echo 'Memory:'.$mem."
echo '__$needle_array[]__'."
$start = microtime(true);
$startmem = memory_get_usage();
$x = count($haystack);
for($i = 0; $i & $x; $i++){
& if($haystack[$i] == $needle){
&&& $needle_array[] = $haystack[$i];
$mem = memory_get_usage()-$startmem;
$number_of_instances = count($needle_array);
echo 'Count:'.$number_of_instances."
echo 'Time:'.(microtime(true) - $start)."
echo 'Memory:'.$mem."
echo '__$number_of_instances++__'."
$start = microtime(true);
$startmem = memory_get_usage();
$x = count($haystack);
$number_of_instances = 0;
for($i = 0; $i & $x; $i++){
& if($haystack[$i] == $needle){
&&& $number_of_instances++;
$mem = memory_get_usage()-$startmem;
echo 'Count:'.$number_of_instances."
echo 'Time:'.(microtime(true) - $start)."
echo 'Memory:'.$mem."
[www]mytemp$ php array_count_test.php
However, when you use an array of strings by calling md5(rand(1, 2000)), the performance boosts become less significant:
Results are similar for string-&string haystacks with foreach traversal.
PHP array_count_values note #4
Yet Another case-insensitive version of array_count_values()
$ar = array('J. Karjalainen', 'J. Karjalainen', 60, '60', 'J. Karjalainen', 'j. karjalainen', 'Fastway', 'FASTWAY', 'Fastway', 'fastway', 'YUP');
$ar = array_count_values(array_map('strtolower', $ar));
PHP array_count_values note #5
I am building a script for a quiz, and could not find any answers to count the number of times a value was repeated in an array, and came up with the following function.
$array = array('a', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'c', 'd');
function count_repeat_values($needle, $haystack){
&&& $x = count($haystack);
&&& for($i = 0; $i & $x; $i++){
&& & && if($haystack[$i] == $needle){
&& & & & && $needle_array[] = $haystack[$i];
&&& $number_of_instances = count($needle_array);
&&& return $number_of_instances;
echo count_repeat_values('a', $array);
But after writing the function, I happened to stroll upon array_count_values() which I had completely forgotten about.
I know that i could get the value by doing this:
$array = array('a', 'b', 'a', 'a', 'c', 'a', 'd', 'a', 'c', 'd');
$answer = array_count_values($array);
echo $answer['a']
Would be interesting to see which version works quicker...
PHP array_count_values note #6
function array_icount_values($array) {
&&& $ret_array = array();
&&& foreach($array as $value) $ret_array[strtolower($value)]++;
&&& return $ret_
$ar = array('J. Karjalainen', 'J. Karjalainen', 60, '60', 'J. Karjalainen', 'j. karjalainen', 'Fastway', 'FASTWAY', 'Fastway', 'fastway', 'YUP');
$ar = array_icount_values($ar);
this prints:
&&& [j. karjalainen] =& 4
&&& [60] =& 2
&&& [fastway] =& 4
&&& [yup] =& 1
PHP array_count_values note #7
I couldn't find a function for counting the values with case-insensitive matching, so I wrote a quick and dirty solution myself:
function array_icount_values($array) {
&&& $ret_array = array();
&&& foreach($array as $value) {
&& & && foreach($ret_array as $key2 =& $value2) {
&& & & & && if(strtolower($key2) == strtolower($value)) {
&& & & & & & && $ret_array[$key2]++;
&& & & & & & && continue 2;
&& & & & && }
&& & && $ret_array[$value] = 1;
&&& return $ret_array;
$ar = array('J. Karjalainen', 'J. Karjalainen', 60, '60', 'J. Karjalainen', 'j. karjalainen', 'Fastway', 'FASTWAY', 'Fastway', 'fastway', 'YUP');
$ar2 = array_count_values($ar); $ar = array_icount_values($ar); print_r($ar2);
This prints:
&&& [J. Karjalainen] =& 3
&&& [60] =& 2
&&& [j. karjalainen] =& 1
&&& [Fastway] =& 2
&&& [FASTWAY] =& 1
&&& [fastway] =& 1
&&& [YUP] =& 1
&&& [J. Karjalainen] =& 4
&&& [60] =& 2
&&& [Fastway] =& 4
&&& [YUP] =& 1
I don't know how efficient it is, but it seems to work. Needed this function in one of my scripts and thought I would share it.
PHP array_count_values note #8
Scratch that, I did something stupid. Here is a better function.
&&& function array_enumerate_keys($array)
&& & && $index = 0;
&& & && $enumerated = array();
&& & && $values = array_values($array);
&& & && $keys = array_keys($array);
&& & && for($index = 0; $index & count($array); $index++)
&& & & & && $iteration;
&& & & & && for($iteration = 0; $iteration & $values[$index]; $iteration++)
&& & & & && {
&& & & & & & && $enumerated = array_merge($enumerated, array($keys[$index]));
&& & & & && }
&& & && return $enumerated;
PHP array_count_values note #9
A possible inverse function for array_count_values
&&& function array_enumerate_keys($array)
&& & && $index;
&& & && $enumerated;
&& & && $values = array_values($array);
&& & && $keys = array_keys($array);
&& & && for($index = 0; $index & count($array); $index++)
&& & & & && $iteration;
&& & & & && for($iteration = 0; $iteration & $values[$index]; $iteration++)
&& & & & && {
&& & & & & & && $enumerated .= $keys[$index] . ',';
&& & & & && }
&& & && return explode(',', $enumerated);
PHP array_count_values note #10
alwaysdrunk's comment only works if you can trust the client web browser. Using this function doesn't validate that every necessary field exists -- only that every field that was submitted has a value in it. Thus if an attacker wished to force a null value into one of the fields, he could (rather easily) construct a modified form without the field and submit THAT.
Besides, you really ought to be validating each field anyway if you're taking user input.
PHP array_count_values note #11
if you have too many values in $_POST,$_GET array that needs to be controlled with isset() in oreder to understand the form is filled completely and have no empty text boxes.
you can try this,it saves time.
$n = array_count_values($_POST);
if (!isset($n[''])) {
echo "The form is filled completely";
{ die("Please fill the form comlpetely"); }
//tested in php 5
PHP array_count_values note #12
I find a very simple solution to count values in multidimentional arrays (example for 2 levels) :
foreach ($array as $a) {
& foreach ($a as $b) {
&&& $count_values[$b]++;
PHP array_count_values note #13
my solution for count& on multidimentional arrays.
& for($i = 0; $i & count($array); $i++) {
&& && $detail = explode("|", $array[$i]);
&& && echo "$i - $detail[0] - $detail[1]&br&&br&";
&& && if($detail[1] == '1') { $wieoft1 = $wieoft1 +=1; }
&& && if($detail[1] == '2') { $wieoft2 = $wieoft2 +=1; }
&& && if($detail[1] == '3') { $wieoft3 = $wieoft3 +=1; }
& echo ". $wieoft1 : $wieoft2 : $wieoft3";
looks not pretty fine yet works great for me.
make it bigger for your own.
PHP array_count_values note #14
array_count_values returns the number of keys if empty(value). I expected array_count_values to return 0 for empty values.
Array looks like:
&& & & & && [459] =&
&& & & & && [543] =&
&& & & & && [8959] =&
&& & & & && [11273] =&
array_count_values returns:
&&& [] =& 4
count(array_count_values(array)) does thus not report there are no values (other than empty) in the array.
I therefore check:
if(isset($arrFoo[""]) $allempty=count($arrBar)==$arrFoo[""];
//process the array
//no need to work on the array
PHP array_count_values note #15
I fount a solution for the count of array elements in the sense of array_count_values, but i was not able to use the function array_count_values itself because it does not say me if arrays exists in the given array, so i had to use a foreach loop and a little)
function array_count_values_multidim($a,$out=false) {
& if ($out===false) $out=array();
& if (is_array($a)) {
&&& foreach($a as $e)
&& && $out=array_count_values_multidim($e,$out);
&&& if (array_key_exists($a,$out))
&& && $out[$a]++;
&& && $out[$a]=1;
& return $out;
PHP array_count_values note #16
array_count_values function does not work on multidimentional arrays.
If $score[][] is a bidimentional array, the command
"array_count_values ($score)" return the error message "Warning: Can only count STRING and INTEGER values!".
PHP array_count_values note #17
You might use serialize() to serialize your objects before analyzing their frequency. :)
PHP array_count_values note #18
suggested plan of attack:
class MyObject {
&&& function MyObject($t = 'none')
&& && $this-&$myTag = $t;
$myArray = array();
for ($i = 1 ; $i & 11 ; $i++)
&& $myobj = new MyObject( str_pad('n', $i, 'x') );
&& $myArray[ $myobj-&$myTag ] = $
print_r( array_count_values(array_keys($myArray)) );
to sum up:
assuming each instance of an object you create has some sort of tag, e.g.,
..you should be set. objects dont have value to compare the way strings and integers do, so, $myTag's value is arbitrary.
PHP array_count_values note #19
This does not works with objects. If you have an array filled with objects, you can not count them.
$myArray = array();
for ($i = 0 ; $i & 10 ; $i++)
&& $myObject = new MyObject();
&& $myArray[$i] = $myObject;
echo (array_count_values($myArray));
This gives you:
Warning: Can only count STRING and INTEGER values...
Found no solution for this yet...
PHP数组 - 函数13158人阅读
Created by jiangwei on 14-10-12.
Copyright (c) 2014年 jiangwei. All rights reserved.
#import &Foundation/Foundation.h&
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
NSString *s1 = @&zhangsan&;
NSString *s2 = @&lisi&;
NSString *s3 = @&wangwu&;
NSArray *array1 = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:s1,s2,s3, nil];
array1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:s1,s2,s3, nil];
NSArray *array2 = [NSArray arrayWithArray:array1];
NSString *str1 = [array1 objectAtIndex:0];
NSUInteger count = [array1 count];//返回的是一个无符号数值
BOOL isContains = [array1 containsObject:@&zhangsan&];
NSUInteger index = [array1 indexOfObject:@&zhangsan&];
if(index == NSNotFound){
NSString *content = [array1 componentsJoinedByString:@&,&];
NSString *lastObj = [array1 lastObject];
NSArray *array3 = [array1 arrayByAddingObject:@&zhaoliu&];
for(int i=0;i&array1.i++){
NSString *str = [array1 objectAtIndex:i];
for(NSString *s in array1){
NSArray *array7 = @[s1,s2,s3];
NSString *s = array7[0];
NSString *s1 = @&zhangsan&;
NSString *s2 = @&lisi&;
NSString *s3 = @&wangwu&;
NSArray *array1 = [[NSArray alloc] initWithObjects:s1,s2,s3, nil];
array1 = [NSArray arrayWithObjects:s1,s2,s3, nil];
NSArray *array2 = [NSArray arrayWithArray:array1];2、使用下标访问元素//2.----------------------objectAtIndex
NSString *str1 = [array1 objectAtIndex:0];3、获取数组的大小//3.----------------------count
NSUInteger count = [array1 count];//返回的是一个无符号数值NSUInteger是无符号的int类型4、是否包含某一个元素//4.----------------------containsObject
BOOL isContains = [array1 containsObject:@&zhangsan&];5、找到一个元素在数组中的下标//5.----------------------indexOfObject
NSUInteger index = [array1 indexOfObject:@&zhangsan&];
if(index == NSNotFound){
}这里我们看到用到了一个系统常量:NSNotFound,我们可以看到他的定义:#define NSIntegerMax
NSString *content = [array1 componentsJoinedByString:@&,&];7、在数组的尾部增加一个元素//8.----------------------arrayByAddingObject
NSArray *array3 = [array1 arrayByAddingObject:@&zhaoliu&];因为NSArray是不可变的,所以会产生一个新的NSArray对象,返回回来8、数组的遍历//数组的遍历
for(int i=0;i&array1.i++){
NSString *str = [array1 objectAtIndex:i];
for(NSString *s in array1){
NSArray *array7 = @[s1,s2,s3];
NSString *s = array7[0];这种方式比之前的创建方式又快又方便,而且符合正常的创建方式,访问的时候也是可以直接用下标进行获取元素二、NSMutableArray类NSArray类是不可变的,NSMutableArray类是可变的,可变类一样的特性,就是可以进行增删改查操作//
Created by jiangwei on 14-10-12.
Copyright (c) 2014年 jiangwei. All rights reserved.
#import &Foundation/Foundation.h&
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
@autoreleasepool {
NSString *str1 = @&zhangsan&;
NSString *str2 = @&lisi&;
NSString *str3 = @&wangwu&;
NSMutableArray *mArray1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:str1,str2,str3, nil];
//NSMutableArray *array1 = @[str1,str2,str3];
NSMutableArray *mArray2 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
NSMutableArray *mArray3 = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:5];
[mArray1 addObject:str1];
[mArray1 addObject:str2];
[mArray2 addObjectsFromArray:mArray1];
NSLog(@&mArray3 = %@&,mArray2);
[mArray2 addObject:mArray1];
[mArray2 insertObject:@&def& atIndex:0];
[mArray2 replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:@&aaa&];
[mArray2 exchangeObjectAtIndex:0 withObjectAtIndex:3];
[mArray2 removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[mArray2 removeLastObject];
[mArray2 removeObject:@&lisi&];
[mArray2 removeAllObjects];
NSString *str1 = @&zhangsan&;
NSString *str2 = @&lisi&;
NSString *str3 = @&wangwu&;
NSMutableArray *mArray1 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithObjects:str1,str2,str3, nil];
//NSMutableArray *array1 = @[str1,str2,str3];
NSMutableArray *mArray2 = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:5];
NSMutableArray *mArray3 = [NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:5];创建方式和NSArray类似,但是有一种方式不能用,就是直接创建的方式,那个只能用于创建不变数组。但是可变数组还有一个方法就是能够事先的设置数组的大小,而且超过这个大小之后,数组会自动扩充,类似于C语言中的动态数组的实现。2、添加元素//2.---------------------addObject
[mArray1 addObject:str1];
[mArray1 addObject:str2];
[mArray2 addObjectsFromArray:mArray1];
NSLog(@&mArray3 = %@&,mArray2);
[mArray2 addObject:mArray1];
NSLog(@&mArray3 = %@&,mArray2);使用addObjectsFromArray方法是将一个数组中的每个元素添加到指定的数组中使用addObject方法是讲一个数组整个都添加到指定的数组中了,那么这个数组就变成二维数组了这个两个方法要区分一下~~下面是运行结果:3、在数组的指定位置上插入元素//3.---------------------insertObject
[mArray2 insertObject:@&def& atIndex:0];4、替换元素//4.---------------------replaceObjectAdIdex
[mArray2 replaceObjectAtIndex:0 withObject:@&aaa&];5、互换两个元素的位置//5.---------------------exchangeObjectAtIndex
[mArray2 exchangeObjectAtIndex:0 withObjectAtIndex:3];6、删除方法//6.---------------------removeObjectAdIndex
[mArray2 removeObjectAtIndex:0];
[mArray2 removeLastObject];
[mArray2 removeObject:@&lisi&];
[mArray2 removeAllObjects];总结这篇文章就介绍了Foundation框架中的NSArray类和NSMutableArray类,他们是用来存放一些指定类型的元素的注:OC中没有泛型的概念,所以对于数组中存放了不同类型的值,在运行的时候会报错的,这个和Java相比,操作集合类的时候安全性就差了点。所以我们在操作集合类的时候需要注意的地方。
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