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May 6, 2008Dear Mr. Hai,As you may know, Jack Cafferty recently gave an interview to Bill Press, a nationally syndicated political commentator in the United States. During that interview he was asked about his recent remarks that have been the subject of controversy in China and the United States. Mr. Cafferty responded :&And the one thing I regret was that some Chinese citizens in China and Chinese-Americans in this country felt like maybe I was insulting them. And that was never my intention. And I am sorry for that…&I hope this clarifies matters for you.Sincerely,David C. VigilanteVice President-Legal为了凑足500字,再来一次:May 6, 2008Dear Mr. Hai,As you may know, Jack Cafferty recently gave an interview to Bill Press, a nationally syndicated political commentator in the United States. During that interview he was asked about his recent remarks that have been the subject of controversy in China and the United States. Mr. Cafferty responded :&And the one thing I regret was that some Chinese citizens in China and Chinese-Americans in this country felt like maybe I was insulting them. And that was never my intention. And I am sorry for that…&I hope this clarifies matters for you.Sincerely,David C. VigilanteVice President-Legal
重点是这句话。And the one thing I regret was that some Chinese citizens in China and Chinese-Americans in this country felt like maybe I was insulting them. And that was never my intention. And I am sorry for that…让我感到很抱歉,我可能侮辱在中国居住的很多中国人以及很多美籍华人,然而这不是我的本来意图。非常抱歉,我不想那样。
这个很简单啊尊敬的HAI先生,你也许已经知道,Jack Cafferty近日接受了BILL PRESS的采访,BILL PRESS是一位国家联合会的政治评论员。在采访中,Jack Cafferty被问到他最近关于中国的的评论,该评论成为中国和美国日前的一个矛盾焦点。Jack Cafferty说:“这件事让我感到遗憾,中国朋友和在美华人以为我是在侮辱他们。而那并不是我要表达的意思。但我仍然为此感动抱歉……”。|我希望你也能接受这个澄清。/原文直译是:我希望该澄清对你有用。。该句我译不好…………………………
中文大概意思差不多是这样的(不准确的地方还望包涵,我英语也不好):日 亲爱的Hai先生: 你可能知道,杰克.卡弗蒂最近接受了Bill出版社的采访,Bill出版社是美国一个国家级辛迪加化的政治解说者。在采访中当被问到由于他的评论所引起的在中国和美国的争论时,卡弗蒂先生回答说:“令我感到遗憾的是有些中国民众和在美国的华人感觉好象是我侮辱了他们。我不是有意的,对此我感到抱歉……” 我希望这能澄清一些事。 你诚挚的, David C. Vigilante 法律副总裁
作者:打机王 回复日期: 20:18:34 
这个很简单啊尊敬的HAI先生,你也许已经知道,Jack Cafferty近日接受了BILL PRESS的采访,BILL PRESS是一位国家联合会的政治评论员。在采访中,Jack Cafferty被问到他最近关于中国的的评论,该评论成为中国和美国日前的一个矛盾焦点。Jack Cafferty说:“这件事让我感到遗憾,中国朋友和在美华人以为我是在侮辱他们。而那并不是我要表达的意思。但我仍然为此感动抱歉……”。|我希望你也能接受这个澄清。/原文直译是:我希望该澄清对你有用。。该句我译不好----------对不起。。上面“矛盾焦点”应该 用“争论焦点”就可以-------这封信是David C. VigilanteVice President-Legal写给MR。HAI------那个律师的?
我翻译了一下,差不多是下面的意思。不准确的地方大家多多包涵------------------日 亲爱的Hai先生: 你可能知道,杰克.卡弗蒂最近接受了Bill出版社的采访,Bill出版社是美国一个国家级辛迪加化的政治解说者。在采访中当被问到由于他的评论所引起的在中国和美国的争论时,卡弗蒂先生回答说:“令我感到遗憾的是有些中国民众和在美国的华人感觉好象是我侮辱了他们。我不是有意的,对此我感到抱歉……” 我希望这能澄清一些事。 你诚挚的, David C. Vigilante 法律副总裁
作者:guduyixiao 回复日期: 20:21:10 --------虽然我的也不好。。但感觉你译得更差,和哈
作者:打机王 回复日期: 20:26:26 
作者:guduyixiao 回复日期: 20:21:10 --------虽然我的也不好。。但感觉你译得更差,和哈----------------------------------------------我英语本来就不怎么好,试着翻译了一下,你翻译的的确比我好。我可以对比着学习一下,呵呵!
和上一次的语气没有什么改变啊没有说他自己说的不好,而是说听的人理解不好-some Chinese citizens in China and Chinese-Americans in this country felt like maybe I was insulting them. And that was never my intention.这也算道歉,或者悔改?不要自欺欺人了。而且这个VICE PRESIDENT也没有说I APOLOGIZE。。。只是说这已经说明。。。, 说明了什么?什么也没有说明,那个傻瓜只说他很遗憾,他本意不是这样的,而一些华裔和中国人理解为他在侮辱人(他就是侮辱人了吧)。大家说说吧
作者:mmd无理 回复日期: 20:17:45 
翻译错了,是对于那些感觉受到侮辱的人,我向你们道歉。__________________________________自我感觉太好了(开玩笑), 他才不会那么好,说对那些人道歉呢。他只是说对这个事情表示遗憾(抱歉), 哪个事呢? 他们对他的话觉得他是在侮辱人这个事,并不是他说了这些侮辱人的话这个事。公正得说,这个THAT 是歧义的,不 真诚的道歉就会是这样。真诚的道歉必须是I APOLOGIZE。。。 或者I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE。。。
大家还在看Good luck with that if you're not paying cash up front for the car. A dealer is contractually bound by the lender to handle the title and registration process to ensure the lender is listed as lienholder/legal owner on the new certificate of title. A cash customer can demand the title and handle it himself, but it is sometimes weeks and sometimes even a few months after the sale before the dealer has physical possession of the actual title certificate on a used vehicle. This is because used car titles involve paying off the old lender and waiting for them to mail the title to the dealer who took it in as a trade. It's not uncommon for a dealer to aquire a used vehicle from a wholesaler who bought the car from another dealer or auction and that adds add'l hands for the title to pass through before the dealer who made the retail sale receives the title. I've seen cars that have passed through as many as 14 wholesale steps before being retailed and each step adds a minimum of 3 business days to the process.There are 2 different sets of DMV paperwork for vehicle sales in California. New cars require a Report of Sale (RS) to be filed along with the Manufactures Statement of Origin (MSO) while used vehicles require an Application for Registration (AR) be filed along with a boatload of title, registration, notice of lien satisfaction and other docs. Both sets of paperwork are numbered and contain an original and a hard copy. The lower portion of the original is what goes in the window of the vehicle and serves as the temporary registration until title and registration are issued. The law requires the dealer to submit the lower portion of the hard copy (along with DMV fees collected) to DMV within 5 days of the sale whether the MSO, title or other docs are in their possession or not. The upper portion of the original is then submotted to DMV with all the required docs once the dealer has those in hand. The titling and registration of used cars can still take a long time even when the 5 day notice is sent in a timely fashion.Speaking as someone who has been through a couple of DMV audits, only an idiot dealer would drag his feet when it comes to RS/AR submissions. There is no quicker way to get on DMV's shitlist than to get sloppy with those 2 docs and no delaer wants to be on their shitlist.  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张 | 更多
22:29:00   Good luck with that if you're not paying cash up front for the car. A dealer is contractually bound by the lender to handle the title and registration process to ensure the lender is listed as lienho...........  -----------------------------  我们在买车的时候有个registration也就是做车辆登记,但是title是啥呢?
22:29:00     Good luck with that if you're not paying cash up front for the car. A dealer is contractually bound by the lender to handle the title and registration process to ensure the lender is listed as lienho...........    -----------------------------    我们在买车的时候有个registration也就是做车辆登记,但是title是啥呢?
  -----------------------------------------------------------------  是所有权的意思。
  title is proof of ownership. while registration is proof of vehicle is allowed to be operated. HTH.
  Good luck with that if you're not paying cash up front for the car. A dealer is contractually bound by the lender to handle the title and registration process to ensure the lender is listed as lienholder/legal owner on the new certificate of title.   如果你还没有把买车的钱付清,那么就要恭喜你了。 因为汽车经销商办理所有权和车辆登记手续是受借方合约约束的,这种约束是为了保证借方作为车辆所有者列在所有权证上。  A cash customer can demand the title and handle it himself, but it is sometimes weeks and sometimes even a few months after the sale before the dealer has physical possession of the actual title certificate on a used vehicle. This is because used car titles involve paying off the old lender and waiting for them to mail the title to the dealer who took it in as a trade. It's not uncommon for a dealer to aquire a used vehicle from a wholesaler who bought the car from another dealer or auction and that adds add'l hands for the title to pass through before the dealer who made the retail sale receives the title. I've seen cars that have passed through as many as 14 wholesale steps before being retailed and each step adds a minimum of 3 business days to the process.  用现金支付的客人可以要求所有权并且由客人自己办理,但是,从客户购买车辆成功到经销商资料充分可以办理所有权证书,这段时间这往往需要几周甚至几个月。这是因为二手汽车的所有权涉及到付清前借方,然后前借方把所有权证寄给销售此车辆的经销商。当一个经销商从批发商购得二手车,而批发商是从另一个经销商或者竞拍获得此车,那么分销商在此车成功销售前是几乎不可能得到所有权的。我曾经看见过有些车在零售前有14个批发步骤,而每一步都至少需要3个工作日办理手续。  
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