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谁知道Text to speech 都有哪些应用?
谁知道Text to speech 都有哪些应用?
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Google 文字转语音引擎
Google 文字转语音引擎
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I am using Android TextToSpeech API, I want to save the convert text2speech as a file on the SD-card memory, but I got the error:
synthesizeToFile failed: not bound to TTS engine
My code to use TTS is :
public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent intent) {
if (requestCode == MY_DATA_CHECK_CODE) {
if (resultCode == TextToSpeech.Engine.CHECK_VOICE_DATA_PASS) {
tts = new TextToSpeech(this, this);
if(getIntent() != null){
String d = getIntent().getExtras().getString("data");
String data[] = d.split("-");
bookName = data[0];
loadPage(data[0], Integer.parseInt(data[1]));
Log.d("TTS","Data is loaded");
Intent installTTSIntent = new Intent();
where inside the loadPage() function a call the synthesizeToFile function as below :
String tempDestFile = appTmpPath.getAbsolutePath() +"/"+ fileN
tts.synthesizeToFile(speakTextTxt, myHashRender, tempDestFile);
You have to wait until after onInit is called before you can call speak, synthesizeToFile etc... put your loadPage method in onInit after checking for success there.
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Best text-to-speech (TTS) engine apps for Android: no more robotalk
Best text-to-speech (TTS) engine apps for Android: no more robotalk
You'll really appreciate your phone's text-to-speech capabilities when you are learning a foreign language, for example, and need to hear how that strange word is pronounced before you&embarrass&yourself in public.Well, it comes in handy in many other situations, too, especially when you can't get your grubby mitts to the display, but rather need your next turn, incoming caller, text or email read out loud to you, like during driving. TTS engines are also important for 3rd party apps which need to integrate speech synthesis for a more complete experience, like the numerous voice-controlled assistants that have invaded the Play Store.Android's default speech synthesizer is decent, but not always present from the box, and if it's there, it sounds modeled after Stephen Hawking's first TTS machine, and not the sharpest tool in the shed when it comes to languages, hence manufacturers are often making their own combos - Samsung and LG each have their text-to-speech&sets preloaded, for instance.&The trouble with those is that they are usually loaded with the area settings where the phone is supposed to go, or you have to go to third party app stores to get different language packages or high quality&pronunciations, like with Samsung's own TTS engine. That's why we are rounding up some of the best text-to-speech engines available in the Play Store to show that you don't have to settle with the limited monotony that typically comes with your handset out of the box.
Best text-to-speech (TTS) engine apps for Android
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IVONA Text-to-Speech HQ
SVOX Classic Text To Speech Engine
Samsung TTS
CereProc TTS Voice
AquesTalk TTS
Arguably one of the best natural voice synthesizers, Ivona was recently bought out by Amazon, but its TTS apps are still present for all Android devices, covering major languages like English, French, German, Spanish and so on, each with a few voice timbers to choose from, male or female. The language packs are huge and often north of 200 MB, so the synthesis might seem a bit slow to take off, but you will appreciate the stellar pronunciation coupled with your favorite dictionary app when you learn a foreign language - yes, we are looking at you, French idioms!
Best text-to-speech (TTS) engine apps for Android
Arguably one of the best natural voice synthesizers, Ivona was recently bought out by Amazon, but its TTS apps are still present for all Android devices, covering major languages like English, French, German, Spanish and so on, each with a few voice timbers to choose from, male or female. The language packs are huge and often north of 200 MB, so the synthesis might seem a bit slow to take off, but you will appreciate the stellar pronunciation coupled with your favorite dictionary app when you learn a foreign language - yes, we are looking at you, French idioms!
How about support for more than 25 different languages, including Japanese, Korean and Mandarin, and 40+ male or female intonations for them? SVOX is the creator of the default Pico TTS engine for Android, but it has evidently saved the best for its paid Classic Text To Speech Engine packs.&The engine is the most comprehensive of them all when it comes to language coverage, and you even have the opportunity to correct the pronunciation if you notice that everyone around you utters the word in a way different than the Oxford dictionary prescribed. SVOX charges a few bucks for the language packs, but the 2-week free trials are there to convince you of its usefulness.
If you own a Samsung Android handset or tablet you likely have some localization of Samsung's own text-to-speech engine preinstalled. It has improved in strides in the last months, on the cusp of the Galaxy S4 launch, and now the language packs are large, the pronunciation is stellar, and the overly quiet output that seemed to plague the previous versions is gone. If for some reason it is not set as default on your Galaxy handset, go to the language and input setting, and select it from the TTS menu, then download the respective language pack you need - there aren't many languages, but the most important are covered, and if you choose HD quality you want regret the readouts.
CereProc's TTS language packs aren't free, but $2.30 is a really small price to pay for voice algorithms that have been polished for years with native speakers. Available for Android as separate language packs, the CereProc TTS Voice apps suite might not support an abundance of languages like SVOX, but the ones it does, come with unmatched personality, and you can try out the Idyacy set for the app to have your phone grunt Latin like a pig to you, or speak with incomprehensible Lancashire accent, so as to gauge what the paid packs in your language of choice can do for you.
Tailored specifically to Japanese users/learners, AquesTalk offers a pleasant female voice to read out your navigation, text, emails, or simply the words in your Japanese dictionary, so you don't get lost in the world of complex hieroglyphs.
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This IVONA, damn, it surely does sound almost real. Nice job!
They need to copy Morgan Freeman's style.
That would be great. I'm also imagining a Samuel L Jackson one, too.
Sorry, it's been a long day already.
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Best text-to-speech (TTS) engine apps for Android: no more robotalk
Best text-to-speech (TTS) engine apps for Android: no more robotalk
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