
精彩内容 及时分享
  1 选出下列说法错误的一项: ( )
  A 保卫祖国 保持安静 歌唱英雄 整顿作风 (动宾短语)
  B 风俗习惯 正大光明 缤纷络绎 天高地厚 (并列短语)
  C 精神文明 宝贵意见 多么活泼 伟大成就 (偏正短语)
  D 人民伟大 成果辉煌 黑了一阵 宿舍旁边 (主谓短语)
  2 选出下列说法正确的一项:( )
  A 清醒过来 推辞一番 卧倒在地 工作数月 (动补短语)
  B 边走边谈 穷凶极恶 居安思危 朝夕相处 (并列短语)
  C 内心激动 增长很快 态度诚恳 精力充沛 (主谓短语)
  D 久经风霜 进驻营地 深入研究 学习技术 (动宾短语)
  3 选出下列课文的标题在结构上全是动宾短语的一项: ( )
  A①②⑥⑦ B②④⑥⑦ C②⑥⑦⑧ D②⑦⑾⑿
  4 下列课文标题按短语结构分类,不含偏正结构的一组是:( )
  A③④⑥⑦ B①③⑥⑦ C①④⑥⑦⑧ D②⑦⑥⑧
  5 下面各组短语的结构方式全是并列关系的一组是: ( )
  A 音容笑貌 舆论鼎沸 变化无穷 虚张声势
  B 晴天霹雳 节衣缩食 前程万里 襟怀坦白
  C 张灯结彩 十全十美 轻描淡写 姹紫嫣红
  D 五彩斑斓 任劳任怨 不屑置辩 好意难却
  6 选出短语结构相同的一项: ( )
  A 欣喜万分 参天耸立 B 历史悠久 精神抖擞
  C 绞尽脑汁 不折不挠 D 风卷残云 百年大计
  7 下面的课文题目都是短语,从结构上看完全相同的一项是: ( )
  A 出师表 木兰诗 忆江南    B 愚公移山 曹刿论战 望天门山
  C 七根火柴 苏州园林 驿路梨花 D 从三到万 想和做 纪念白求恩
  8 构成方式与其余三项不同的一项短语是: (  )
  A 论拼搏 B 回娘家 C 学雷锋 D 小桔灯
  9 选出对短语分类有错误的一组: (  )
  ①天气睛朗 ②发挥作用 ③仔细翻阅 ④丰功伟绩 ⑤认真讲解 ⑥美好回忆 ⑦甜言蜜语 ⑧打击敌人
  A 主谓短语有① B并列短语有④⑥⑦ C偏正短语有③⑤ D动宾短语有②⑧
  10 下列短语结构方式相同的一组是: ( )
  A 舒活筋骨 扫得干净 歌咏春天 磨炼意志
  B 高尚情操 长江源头 一粒种子 灵魂深处
  C 性格和蔼 灯火辉煌 白云飘飘 积累经验
  D 狂风暴雨 光明正大 仔细观察 手舞足蹈
  11 下列短语中与"露珠晶莹"结构相同的一项是: ( )
  A 科学技术 B 坚持真理 C 会议结束
  12 从A--D组中选出来依次与短语"秘密通道、深入研究、庄严肃穆、腰肌扭伤"结构相同的一组: ( )
  A 战斗里程 慈祥目光 红得耀眼 前途无量
  B 蔚蓝天空 相差很远 巍然高大 红日东升
  C 最后一课 美丽温柔 比他胖点 战果辉煌
  D 光辉业绩 纷纷议论 美观大方 路途遥远
  13 下面每项中有两个短语,全部属于"主谓短语"的几项是: ( )
  A 性格温和 会议结束  B 雄伟壮丽 品学兼优
  C 露珠晶莹 我很高兴  D 形式美丽 参观访问&
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中考后留学动补短语 - 搜狗百科
动补短语  动补短语:动+补。   动补短语中的补语不能回答动词“谁”、“什么”“哪儿”。  如:看清楚、去一趟、拿起来、引在脑子里  形补短语:形+补,  以形容词为中心时它的后面只有补语,因为形容词不能带宾语。  结构助词“得”是补语的标志  如:跑得快、走的急、机灵得很、密得不透气、玩得开心、热得流汗、痛得流泪  现一般统称为后补短语
  1.补语补充说明动作发生的空间位置(地点、环境)。动词后常省略介词“于”字,也可以补出“于”字,如:运筹帷幄、扬名四海、驰名天下等。   2.补语补充说明动作发生的时间或次数。注意,有些能在动词后加“于”或“在”,有些则不能在动词后加“于”或“在”,如:跑了九圈、丢了三次等。
  1.动补短语的结构:动词+补语。   注意:起补充说明作用的词是补语,表示动作、行为的结果、处所等。有些补语前头要用结构助词“得”,有些补语不能用“得”。   2.动补短语中的补语不能回答动词“谁”、“什么”“哪儿”。
范文一:一课一练P65智力竞赛节目a quiz show=an intelligence test/competition/contest=a knowledge game填入数字put in the figures=fill in the digits电视演播室a television studio在舞台上on stage=before the lights向前扑倒fall forward控制室the control room化妆师a make-up artist=dresser=cosmetician给某人脸上扑粉powder one’s face=put on powder on one’s face在…之前ahead of=in front of=before提前=beforehand=ahead of schedule=ahead of time=in advance在…的边缘the edge of=the border/fringe of赢大奖win the big prize=win/receive a great award保持安静keep still=keep quiet制作电视节目make television programmes=produce TV programs参加take part in=participate in=go in for列个单子make a list of=have a list of决定decide on=determine ondecide on + n/doingHe has decided on going there/that trip.在某人看来in one’s opinion=in one's idea=in one’s mind打开switch/turn on上一页菜单the previous page=the proceeding page遥控器a remote control=a distance controller开关键power button按菜单键press the menu button调高/调低声音raise/lower the volume=turn up/down选择节目select the programmes=choosethe programmes有…感觉;想要…feel like=want=would like好像,似乎as if=as though=seem调查结果the result of a survey=the outcome of an/a investigation/inquiry/research两个不同的年龄组two different age groups平均为an average of做个表格make a tablefainta.1. 头晕的,行将昏厥的[F][(+for/from/with)]2. 微弱的,暗淡的,模糊的Her breathing became faint.她的呼吸变得很弱。A faint blush came into her cheek.她的脸上出现了淡淡的红晕。3. 虚弱的,衰弱的4. (希望等)微小的I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.我一点也不懂你们在谈些什么。5. 懦弱的;(行动等)软弱无力的vi.1. 昏厥,晕倒[(+with/from)]He fainted when he heard the news.听到这消息时,他晕了过去。2. 变得没气力3. 变得微弱n.1. 昏厥[S]①although和though同义,一般情况下,可以互换使用。只是though较普遍,常用于非正式的口语或书面语中,而although则较为正式。另外although语气比though重,常用以强调让步概念。Though/Although my car is very old, I don't wantto buy a new one.He insisted on doing it although I warned him notto.②even能和though组合表示强调,但even不能和although组合。因此,不能说even although,在这里even though=even if(though即使,,,,也,,,,)Even if/Even though we could afford it, we wouldn'tgo abroad for our vocation.though引导让步状语从句时可以倒装,而although从句则不能。Bravely though they fought, they had no chanceof winning.quality/quantitybe absent/presentattend,take part in,join,join in1.attend是正式用语,及物动词。指参加会议或仪式、婚礼、葬礼、典礼、上课、上学、听报告等,强调的是发生这一动作的本身,而不强调参加者在活动中起的作用。He’ll attend an important meeting tomorrow.他明天要参加一个重要会议。They didn’t attend the wedding.他们没来参加婚礼。
attend也能用作不及物动词。If they invite us, We’ll be delightted to attend.如果他们邀请,我们会高兴地参加。注意:enter for意为“报名参加某项比赛”或“让某人替某人报名参加比赛”。2.join指加入某组织或团体,成为其成员之一。如参军、入团、入党等。My wish is to join the army after graduation.我的愿望是毕业后参军。My father joined a revolutionary organization in, 1938. 我父亲1938年参加了革命组织。注意:表示“参加某项活动或比赛”用join和join in都行。如join(in) the game, join(in)the discussion.若该项活动用动名词表示时,则只能用join in.3.join in指参加比赛或活动等,常用于日常口语。Why didn’t you join in the talk last night?你为什么昨晚不参加座谈?如果要表示“加入到他人的行列一道从事某项活动”, 则要用join sb. in sth.。Our headmaster will join us in the discussion this afternoon.
校长今天下午要参加我们的讨论。注意:参加说话人双方都清楚的活动时,in sth可以省略。如:
Come and join us, Xiao Wang.小王,快来和我们一起玩吧。4.take part in指参加会议或群众性活动等,重在说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。We’ll take part in social activities during the summer vacation.我们在暑假期间将参加社会活动。We often take part in physical labour.我们经常参加体力劳动。注意:part前有修饰语时,要用不定冠词。如:Lincoln took an active part in politics and was strongly
against slavery.林肯积极参加政治活动,强烈反对奴隶制度。join和 take part in 二者 “参加”的意思,但用法有所不同。
join多指参加某组织,成为其中的一个成员。而take part in指参加活动。join指加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体,以及参军等,还可表示参与某种活动。例句:①I will never forget the day when I joined the Party.我永远也忘不了入党的那一天。②Will you join us for dinner?请你和我们一起吃饭好吗?
take part in指参加群众性活动、会议、劳动、游行等,往往指参加者持有积极的态度,起一份作用,有时与join in可互换。 ①Will you take part in the English evening?同我们一起参加英语晚会好吗?②All the students took an active part in the thorough cleaning.所有的学生都积极参加了大扫除。③We should take an active part in school activities.我们应该积极参加学校的活动。join in通常指参加某种活动,尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动。①May I join in the game?我可以参加这个比赛吗?②I hope you”ll all join in the discussion.我希望你们大家都参加讨论。如果说"与某人一起做某事"、"和,,,,在一起"则用join sb. in sth./doing sth.。①Would you join me in a walk?和我一起去散步好吗?②Will you join us in a game of cards?你愿意和我们一起玩牌吗?③I”ll join you in a few minutes.我过几分钟将和你在一起sound/voice/noisesound泛指任何声音,不论其高低、是否悦耳等。
I heard the sound of running water.我听见流水声。Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。noise表示“噪音、喧闹”,指的是人们不愿听到的声音或嘈杂声。它可以作可数名词,也可以用作不可数名词。
I heard some strange noises last night.昨夜我听见一些奇怪的响声。There's a lot of noise here. 这个地方人声嘈杂。voice用于人时,指说话、歌唱或发笑的声音,也可指发言权。用于其它方面时,常含悦耳之声,如鸟鸣声,乐器声音等。
Please speak in a louder voice. 请大声说。Ahalf-sister同父异母或者同母异父的姐妹abandon v.single-parent familypsychological problemslack of family carecall for sb. to do sth.divorced adj.junior highafford the schoolingssuffer in both mind and bodysense of inferiority自卑情绪,自卑感be too much stressedresult in high rate of divorcetry all means=try one’s bestenable sb. to do sth.ex-wife/ex-girlfriendBa ship’s captainbarter易货贸易be of valueraisinsgo badhighly valuedbe equal topay the finescurse n.&vClook out of placecash register现金记录机;收银机unwraptake a sipwipe..with a napkinDpaperback 纸面装订的, 平装的, 平装本, 纸面本与hardcover (精装本)相对。 paperback 一般用质量不高的纸张印制,所以价格便宜,容易普及。但同时利润也不高。于是paperback writer也有“赚钱不多的穷作家”的隐含意思。这一点在披头士的这首歌曲中也有反映。fairy tales一课一练P65智力竞赛节目a quiz show=an intelligence test/competition/contest=a knowledge game填入数字put in the figures=fill in the digits电视演播室a television studio在舞台上on stage=before the lights向前扑倒fall forward控制室the control room化妆师a make-up artist=dresser=cosmetician给某人脸上扑粉powder one’s face=put on powder on one’s face在…之前ahead of=in front of=before提前=beforehand=ahead of schedule=ahead of time=in advance在…的边缘the edge of=the border/fringe of赢大奖win the big prize=win/receive a great award保持安静keep still=keep quiet制作电视节目make television programmes=produce TV programs参加take part in=participate in=go in for列个单子make a list of=have a list of决定decide on=determine ondecide on + n/doingHe has decided on going there/that trip.在某人看来in one’s opinion=in one's idea=in one’s mind打开switch/turn on上一页菜单the previous page=the proceeding page遥控器a remote control=a distance controller开关键power button按菜单键press the menu button调高/调低声音raise/lower the volume=turn up/down选择节目select the programmes=choosethe programmes有…感觉;想要…feel like=want=would like好像,似乎as if=as though=seem调查结果the result of a survey=the outcome of an/a investigation/inquiry/research两个不同的年龄组two different age groups平均为an average of做个表格make a tablefainta.1. 头晕的,行将昏厥的[F][(+for/from/with)]2. 微弱的,暗淡的,模糊的Her breathing became faint.她的呼吸变得很弱。A faint blush came into her cheek.她的脸上出现了淡淡的红晕。3. 虚弱的,衰弱的4. (希望等)微小的I haven't the faintest idea what you're talking about.我一点也不懂你们在谈些什么。5. 懦弱的;(行动等)软弱无力的vi.1. 昏厥,晕倒[(+with/from)]He fainted when he heard the news.听到这消息时,他晕了过去。2. 变得没气力3. 变得微弱n.1. 昏厥[S]①although和though同义,一般情况下,可以互换使用。只是though较普遍,常用于非正式的口语或书面语中,而although则较为正式。另外although语气比though重,常用以强调让步概念。Though/Although my car is very old, I don't wantto buy a new one.He insisted on doing it although I warned him notto.②even能和though组合表示强调,但even不能和although组合。因此,不能说even although,在这里even though=even if(though即使,,,,也,,,,)Even if/Even though we could afford it, we wouldn'tgo abroad for our vocation.though引导让步状语从句时可以倒装,而although从句则不能。Bravely though they fought, they had no chanceof winning.quality/quantitybe absent/presentattend,take part in,join,join in1.attend是正式用语,及物动词。指参加会议或仪式、婚礼、葬礼、典礼、上课、上学、听报告等,强调的是发生这一动作的本身,而不强调参加者在活动中起的作用。He’ll attend an important meeting tomorrow.他明天要参加一个重要会议。They didn’t attend the wedding.他们没来参加婚礼。
attend也能用作不及物动词。If they invite us, We’ll be delightted to attend.如果他们邀请,我们会高兴地参加。注意:enter for意为“报名参加某项比赛”或“让某人替某人报名参加比赛”。2.join指加入某组织或团体,成为其成员之一。如参军、入团、入党等。My wish is to join the army after graduation.我的愿望是毕业后参军。My father joined a revolutionary organization in, 1938. 我父亲1938年参加了革命组织。注意:表示“参加某项活动或比赛”用join和join in都行。如join(in) the game, join(in)the discussion.若该项活动用动名词表示时,则只能用join in.3.join in指参加比赛或活动等,常用于日常口语。Why didn’t you join in the talk last night?你为什么昨晚不参加座谈?如果要表示“加入到他人的行列一道从事某项活动”, 则要用join sb. in sth.。Our headmaster will join us in the discussion this afternoon.
校长今天下午要参加我们的讨论。注意:参加说话人双方都清楚的活动时,in sth可以省略。如:
Come and join us, Xiao Wang.小王,快来和我们一起玩吧。4.take part in指参加会议或群众性活动等,重在说明句子主语参加该项活动并在活动中发挥作用。We’ll take part in social activities during the summer vacation.我们在暑假期间将参加社会活动。We often take part in physical labour.我们经常参加体力劳动。注意:part前有修饰语时,要用不定冠词。如:Lincoln took an active part in politics and was strongly
against slavery.林肯积极参加政治活动,强烈反对奴隶制度。join和 take part in 二者 “参加”的意思,但用法有所不同。
join多指参加某组织,成为其中的一个成员。而take part in指参加活动。join指加入某党派、某组织或某社会团体,以及参军等,还可表示参与某种活动。例句:①I will never forget the day when I joined the Party.我永远也忘不了入党的那一天。②Will you join us for dinner?请你和我们一起吃饭好吗?
take part in指参加群众性活动、会议、劳动、游行等,往往指参加者持有积极的态度,起一份作用,有时与join in可互换。 ①Will you take part in the English evening?同我们一起参加英语晚会好吗?②All the students took an active part in the thorough cleaning.所有的学生都积极参加了大扫除。③We should take an active part in school activities.我们应该积极参加学校的活动。join in通常指参加某种活动,尤其指和其他人一起参加某项活动。①May I join in the game?我可以参加这个比赛吗?②I hope you”ll all join in the discussion.我希望你们大家都参加讨论。如果说"与某人一起做某事"、"和,,,,在一起"则用join sb. in sth./doing sth.。①Would you join me in a walk?和我一起去散步好吗?②Will you join us in a game of cards?你愿意和我们一起玩牌吗?③I”ll join you in a few minutes.我过几分钟将和你在一起sound/voice/noisesound泛指任何声音,不论其高低、是否悦耳等。
I heard the sound of running water.我听见流水声。Light travels faster than sound. 光比声音传播得快。noise表示“噪音、喧闹”,指的是人们不愿听到的声音或嘈杂声。它可以作可数名词,也可以用作不可数名词。
I heard some strange noises last night.昨夜我听见一些奇怪的响声。There's a lot of noise here. 这个地方人声嘈杂。voice用于人时,指说话、歌唱或发笑的声音,也可指发言权。用于其它方面时,常含悦耳之声,如鸟鸣声,乐器声音等。
Please speak in a louder voice. 请大声说。Ahalf-sister同父异母或者同母异父的姐妹abandon v.single-parent familypsychological problemslack of family carecall for sb. to do sth.divorced adj.junior highafford the schoolingssuffer in both mind and bodysense of inferiority自卑情绪,自卑感be too much stressedresult in high rate of divorcetry all means=try one’s bestenable sb. to do sth.ex-wife/ex-girlfriendBa ship’s captainbarter易货贸易be of valueraisinsgo badhighly valuedbe equal topay the finescurse n.&vClook out of placecash register现金记录机;收银机unwraptake a sipwipe..with a napkinDpaperback 纸面装订的, 平装的, 平装本, 纸面本与hardcover (精装本)相对。 paperback 一般用质量不高的纸张印制,所以价格便宜,容易普及。但同时利润也不高。于是paperback writer也有“赚钱不多的穷作家”的隐含意思。这一点在披头士的这首歌曲中也有反映。fairy tales
范文二:一、动词+名词(+介词)·keep +名词+(介词)keep an eye on照看,留意;keep a lookout for注意,警戒,留心(86正确项);keep in touch (with)保持联系,了解;keep one’s head保持冷静;keep one’s word守信用;keep pace with并驾齐驱,步调一致;·make +名词+(介词)make a thing of认为…重要;make acquaintance with结识;make an allowance for考虑到;make a difference有影响;make fun of取笑make progress进步;make sense有意义,合乎情理,易于理解;make sense of理解,弄懂;make the best of尽力而为,充分利用;make use of利用;make up one’s mind作出决定;·take+名词+(介词)take advantage of利用;take a chance冒险;take care小心,当心;take care of照顾,负责;take charge of掌管,负责;take effect开始起作用,生效;take interest in对…有兴趣;take measures采取措施;take part (in)参与,参加;take possession of拥有;take revenge on报复;take place发生,进行;take the place of代替,替换;take one’s place就位·其他“动词+名词(+介词)”词组attach importance to重视;change one’s mind改变主意;catch sight of看见,发现(95年 8题干);cross one’s mind出现在脑海;draw comparisons(02年),draw a conclusion得出结论;give advice to提建议(03干扰项); give birth to生孩子,引起,产生;give sb idea of使了解…的情况(03干扰项);give opinion to向…提意见(03干扰项);give rise to使发生;give scope for给…的机会;give thought to(03正确项);have a way with善于应付,善于处理;have/get the best of获胜,占上风;have/exchange words (with)争论,争吵;leave sb in the dust把…远远抛在后面,使望尘莫及(09原文);lose one’s mind精神错乱;pave the way for为…铺平道路,为…创造条件;pay attention to注意(95干扰项);place/lay emphasis on强调(99原文、95干扰项);play a part in参与,起作用;run a risk冒险(87正确项);throw/cast light on使明白,阐明(95正确项)【真题例句】1.And they also need to give serious
to how they can best accommodate such changes.(2003)*[A] thought
\[B\] idea
\[C\] opinion
\[D\] advice翻译:同时他们(教师)还应当对这些年轻人如何最好地适应这些变化加以思考。2. the mystery of why the animals die.(1995)[A] paid attention to [B] caught sight of [C] laid emphasis on *[D] cast light on翻译:现在,一位研究人员已揭开了这些动物死亡的奥秘。3.A shop-keeper always runs a certain when he accepts a cheque and he is quite within
his rights if on occasion, he refuses to do so.(1987)[A] danger
[B] chance
*[C] risk
[D] opportunity 翻译:一位店员在接受支票(支付)时总是冒着一定的风险;而如果在某种情况下,他拒绝接受支票,那也完全是在他的权力范围之内。4.For an hour or so she would walk up and down between the stalls looking at everything, buying here and there, and
a sharp lookout for the bargains that were sometimes to be had.(1986) [A] taking
[B] making
[C] fixing
*[D] keeping翻译:大约一个小时,她会在货摊间走来走去,查看商品,时不时买点什么,同时敏锐地留心有时有售的便宜货。二、名词+介词·名词+ forappetite for对...的强烈欲望;candidate for...的候选人;occasion for时机;need for对...需求;preference for偏爱;reason for 原因,理由;sympathy for同情;taste for爱好,志趣 ·名词+ inabsorption in对...专注;faith in信任,信仰;point in对...有意义;success in成功·名词+ ondependence on依靠,依赖;emphasis on强调,重视;impact on对...的冲击;influence on影响;judgement on判断,评价;stress on强调,注重·名词+ toaccess to到达...的通路,入径,(使用或见到的)机会、权利(07干扰项);approach to...的方法,态度;clue to 线索;guide to...的指南;index to索引;loyalty to忠诚;objection to反对;right to正当的要求,权利(07正确项);return to恢复,返回(07干扰项);succession to继承,继任(07干扰项);tendency to倾向,偏好·名词+ withacquaintance with熟悉;association with与...有关;interaction with相互作用,相互影响(04正确项);comparison with比较(10原文);consultation with商议(04干扰项);cooperation with合作(04干扰项)·其他“名词+介词”词组advantage over优越于;assimilation into适应,同化,融入(04干扰项);balance between平衡;envy at/of羡慕,忌妒;independence from 独立,自主;lack of(04、88原文);prejudice against偏见,成见;protest against 抗议,反对【真题例句】Theories centering on the individual suggest that children engage in criminal behavior because they were not sufficiently penalized for previous misdeeds or that they have learned criminal behavior through (2004)*[A] interaction [B] assimilation [C] cooperation [D] consultation翻译:强调个人因素的理论认为,儿童从事犯罪活动,是因为他们以前的不良行为没有受到应有的惩处,或者由于受别人影响而学会了犯罪。三、分词短语according to根据(93原文);judging from从...判断;talking of谈到;allowing for考虑到;owing to由于;coming to论及,说到;getting back to回到;not excepting包括;leaving … on one side抛开……不谈;taking all things together/into consideration通盘考虑;setting aside除开;viewing it from this point从这一点来讲
范文三:动词短语补充页:hold短语:hold a meeting / party 开会/举行晚会hold one’s breath 屏息,不出气hold on to 抓住,保住
hold back 退缩,踌躇,阻挡,控制住 hold on 等一等,不要挂电话 hold out 伸出,hold up 阻挡,使停顿,举起,拿起,阻滞hold together 连在一起,团结一致例如:Anger flooded through her. She couldn’t hold it back.—Could I speak to Mr Smith?
—Hold on, please.The little boy held out his hands.Sorry, I’m late. I was held up at work.1cut短语:cut away 切除,剪去cut in 插嘴,加塞,插入
cut down 砍倒,砍下,削减 cut in line 插队
cut … into pieces / halves 把……切成碎片/切成两半cut off 切断(线路),中断(供应)cut the cost of … 降低……的成本例如:He cut away some branches, making it look more beautiful.A lot of trees there were cut down in the past.The electricity was cut off because of the storm.He was sentenced to death and had his head cut off the next day.Could you cut the pizza up, please? cut out 删除,剪下来
cut up 切碎,剪碎,剁碎,齐根切掉showshow around 带某人参观
show off炫耀
show up出现Peacocks like to show off their feathers.Having been shown around the Water Cube, the tourists were then taken to the Bird Nest.
He didn’t show up until the end of the party.2
范文四:7年级下词汇积累补充1.play chess/Chinese chess 2 speak(vt)English
Speak(vi.) to sb
speak well on TV3 in the school music club 4 at the old people’s home 5 play games with sb6 English-speaking students 7. at least------at most
at first……. at last 8. do kung fu9 get dressed/dress sb/ put onwear =have(has )on=be in=be dressed in 10.brush teeth11.eat (one’s) breakfast 12.take /have a shower 13.take/have a bath14.work at a radio station 15.a funny time for breakfast 16.on school days 17.give a report18.6:30= half past six/ six thirty3:15=a quarter past three/three fifteen7:45=a quarter to eight/ seven forty-five19.do one’s homework 20.talk a work21.have a healthy life
have a balanced life 22.have much time for sth. 23.either...or24. 25.It takes sb some time (money) to do sth
sb spends some time (money) in doing sthsb spends some time (money) on sth 26.run too quickly 流的太快 27.eat in the classroom 28.on time
in time29.run in the hallways 30.listen to music outside31.fight with sb=have a fight with sb
argue with sb= have words with sb
have a word with sb与某人说话 32.follow /obey rules 遵守规则break rules违反规则,犯规,破例 33.wear the school uniform 34.go out on school nights 35.practice sth/ doing sth 36.follow the school rules 37.do the dishes洗餐具
do some washing洗衣
do some reading 阅读38.learn to do sth 学着做某事 39. kind of
a little bit
a bita little milka little bit of milk 40.South Africa 41.walk on two legs 42.sleep all day
stay up late
sleep late43.like ...a lot/ very much44.be in danger-----be out of danger 45.right now= at once=immediately 46.as usual 47.be outside48.take message for sb捎个口信给某人 49.call sb back给某人回电话 50.answer the telephone接电话 51.visit sb
drop bydrop in on sb
drop in at spdrop by和 drop in都表示顺便拜访 区别在于drop in后面可以跟on、at加宾语,而drop by一般不这么使用。另外,drop in含有临时生出主意造访的意思,造访未经事先安排,而drop by不强调这层含义 drop in at和drop in on都表示顺便拜访,是drop in的延伸,区别在于后面接的宾语,前者接表示处的名词或代词,后者接表示人的。例如I`d drop in on u /at your 62.police artist house when I`m free. 63.put it in newspaper把它刊登在报纸上 52.be happy to do sth 64.draw a picture of the criminal have fun (in) doing sth 65.in the same way66.at last / in the end / finally be busy in doing sthbe busy with sth 三者都可作“最后;终于”解,但用法有所不go on doing sth 同。 go on with sth at last意为“终于”,表示所作的努力, have a difficult time
(in) doing sth
或经过一番曲折终于达到某一目的,带有一 have a hard
(in) doing sht
have trouble
(in )doing sth
worked out the difficult maths problem
have problems
(in) doing sht
have much /some difficulty (in ) doing in the end意为“最后”,用于强调最后结sth 果,常可以和at last替换。但in the end
have a difficult time
with sth hope our team will win the game in the
have a hard
with sht end.
have trouble
with sth finally意为“最后”,用于表达一系列内 have problems
with sth 容排列的最后一项,也可用于动词前表示所 have much/some difficulty
with sth 盼望的是迟迟来到,此时可与at last互换。
如:First,we'll have a dication,then
spend time\money ( in) doing sth we'll learn some new words and finally
spend time\money on sth we'll have some reading.又如:We waited
for a long time and the rain finally 53.sit beside sb stopped
54.the summer vacation67.first of all55.on a vacation68.Tomato and beef noodles/noodles with56.write sb a letter = write sb=write totomatoes and beefsb69.Special 1write a letter to sb70.a large bowl of noodlesget/receive/have a letter from sb71.noodle househear from sb72.orange juice57.just right for doing sth恰好适合做73.green tea某事74.in the dumpling house58.in the snow75.ten RMB for 15 dumplingsin the sun/sunshine76.cabbage and chicken dumplingsin the rain77.would like=wantin the moonlight78.strawberry and banana ice cream59.take photos of sb79.bring good luck to sb60.at the first crossing80.take your order点菜61.have a big nose/mouth长着大鼻子/大81.make a wish嘴巴82.blow out the candleshave a round face长着圆脸83.get popular受欢迎/ be popular with sbhave blond hair留着长头发84.cut up切碎85.the number of(什么的数量) +[c复数]+谓语单数形式the amount of (什么的数量)+[u]+谓语单数形式a number of =numbers of (许多)+[c复数]+谓语复数形式an amount of =amounts of(许多)+[u]+谓语单数形式86 the symbol of long life长寿的象征 87.go for a walk=take a walk= walk 88.ride a horse/ bike 89.feed chickens 90.take photos91.learn a lot about sth 92.pick strawberries 93.in the countryside94.go fishing/ climbing/ shopping/
camping/ skateboarding/ hiking/boating95.climb the e out97.a fire station消防局 a bus/train station
a bus stop 98.go on a trip99.buy gifts/presents/for sb 100.all in all总的来说 101.be interested in
show interest inhave great interest in 102.too many+[c]复数
too much+[u]much too+adv/ adj 103.not...at allnot...in the slightest 104.along the way沿途 105.camp by the lake 106.go to the cinema
go to the moviesgo to see a movie go to the theater 107.living habit生活习惯108.kind of = a little = sort of
109.shout atshout toaim atknock at the door smile at
laugh at 110.fly a kite111.in a swimming pool 112.finish high school
finish doing sth 113.put up the tent 114.make a fire 115.keep warm116.jump up and down 117.wake up 118.talk show 119.look out of
范文五:在学习英语的过程中,如果稍加留意就会发现,介词with非常活跃,with短语比比皆是。为了使得同学们更好记忆、鉴别与正确地运用它们,下面做简要的归纳。1. help sb. With sth.(帮助某人干某事)。例如:She often helps her mother with housework.她经常帮她的妈妈做家务活。2. be coverred with.(用……覆盖)。例如:The mountain tope is covered with snow.山顶被雪覆盖着。3. be busy with sth.(忙于做某事)。例如:We are busy with our homework .我们正忙着做家庭作业。4. be strict with sb.(对某人要求严格)。例如:Our teacher is very strict with us.我们的老师对我们要求非常严格。5. agree with sb.(同意某人的看法)。例如:They all agree with me.他们都同意我的意见。6. be pleased with sth.(对某事满意)。例如:We are very pleased with his work.我们对他的工作很满意。7. keep up with sb.(赶上某人)。例如:We must study harder to keep up with him.我们要赶上他必须更加努力地学习。8. make friends with sb.(和某人交朋友)。例如:I made friends with a Japanese boy last summer.去年夏天,我和一个日本男孩交了朋友。9. get on well with sb.(与某人相处得好)。例如:We get on very well with each other.我们彼此相处得很好。10. play with sth.(玩某种东西)。例如:We have all played with sonw and ice.我们都玩过雪和冰。11.…be filled with.(用……装满……)。例如:The glass is filled with water.杯子里盛满了水。12. go on with sth.(继续做某事)。例如:Please go on with your work .请继续做你的工作吧。13. be wrong with.(出毛病)。例如:What’s wrong with your bike?你的自行车出了什么毛病?14. do with(处置,对付)。例如:What are you going to do with it?你打算把它怎样处理?15. talk with sb.(和某人交谈)。例如:The teacher was there, Talking with the students.老师在那里和学生交谈着。16. take sth. With sb(随身携带某物)。例如:Don’t forget to take your umbrella with you when you go out .你外出时,不要忘了带伞。17. come with sb.(和某人一起来)。例如:Can you come with her, please?你能和他一起来吗?18. be satisfied with.(对……感到满意)。例如:The judge and the two men were satisfied with what the Arab had said.法官和那两个人对这个阿拉伯人所说的话感到满意。19. be angry with sb.(生某人的气)。例如:He was rather angry with the man upstairs.他对楼上那个人很生气。20. have nothing to do with.(和……无关)。例如:Most of these questions had nothing to do with his lessons.这些问题大多与他的功课无关。
范文七:概念介绍所谓补充短语,是由动词或形容词连同其修饰语一起组成的,因修饰语在动词或形容词之后,对动词或形容词起补充说明的作用,所以被称为补语。这类短语的前项(动词或形容词)为中心语,是谓语性的,可看作是短语中的主人;后项起补充说明作用,是附属性的、服务性的,可看作是短语中的仆役。补充短语中前后两部分之间的关系,可戏称为主仆关系。结构助词“得”往往是补语的标志;其补语大都从结果、程度、数量、趋向、处所、状态等方面来补充说明中心语,一般用〈〉来作标示。基本特点补充短语可分为两类,一类是动补短语,其结构为:动词+补语。例如:洗得〈干净〉(从结果上说明),翻了〈一阵〉(从时间上说明),抱〈起来〉(从趋向上说明),活跃〈在基层〉(从处所上说明),看〈清楚〉(从结果上说明),生〈于1918年〉(从时间上说明)。一类是形补短语,其结构为:形容词+补语。例如:热得〈出汗〉(从结果上说明),大得〈多〉(从程度上说明),圆〈溜溜〉(从状态上说明),胖〈乎乎〉(从状态上说明),密〈不透风〉(从程度上说明)。从结构形式上看,补充短语最易跟动宾短语相混淆。二者明显的区别在于:1.动宾短语前边的动词与后边的名词或代词虽然是支配和被支配的关系,但前与后的地位却是平等的,宾语有自己意义上的“独立性”;而补充短语中前后两部分之间只能是主仆关系,地位是不平等的。2.动宾短语中的宾语一般在动词后面回答“谁”“什么”的问题;而补充短语中,“动词+补语”结构中的补语不能回答与动词有关的“谁”“什么”的问题,内容上没有独立意义,只能作附带补充,“形容词+补语”结构中的形容词后面则只能有补语,因为形容词一般不能带宾语。如,“读三遍”这个短语是动宾短语,还是补充短语呢?当然是补充短语,因为“三遍”并非“读”的内容,只是从数量上起补充说明作用。即学即练1.下列短语中不是补充短语的是( )A.变得粗糙 B.走亲戚C.跑材料D.拿起来E.放在这里2.下列短语中属于补充短语的是( )A.长一点 B.走向生活C.邀请他参加D.过两小时E.装一次车F.说个明白3.“写文章”和“写清楚”分别是( )A.动宾结构、补充结构B.补充结构、偏正结构C.补充结构、主谓结构参考答案:1.BC;2.A BD F;3.A
范文八:语法知识补充之短语类型教学目标:1.了解短语的6种结构类型并作基本判断教学过程:一课时一、总体说明:从结构关系看,短语可以分为主谓短语、偏正短语、动宾短语、后补短语、并列短语、介宾短语等。二、分类介绍(1)主谓短语主谓短语是由两个表示被陈述与陈述关系的词组成的短语,其中表示被陈述的对象的是主体,用来陈述的是谓语。主语一般由名词、代词来充当,谓语一般由动词、形容词来充当。如:o 老师讲课
电话响o 他讲话
鲜花美o 小明走
[多么]漂亮说明:左边一组都是由定语和中心语组成的偏正短语,右边一组都是由状语和中心语组成的偏正短语。(3)动宾短语动宾短语是由动词和后边受动词支配的成分地起组成的短语,其中受动词支配的是宾语,表示动作行为的对象、结果、处所等。宾语主要由名词、代词或名词性的短语充当。如: 敬畏生命
爱好文学 安排工作
写文章 说明:动宾短语可以回答 “干什么”等问题。(4)后补短语后补短语是由动词、形容词和在它们后边起补充说明作用的成分一起组成的短语。起补充说明作用的成分是补语(有些补语前头要用结构助词“得”)。如:盛
妈妈、爸爸和我(6)介宾短语是由介词和后边的宾语一起组成的短语,用来表示时间、方位、处所、对象等等。如: 向沙漠
找了半天2、选出下列说法错误的一项: (
精力充沛4?判断下列名词短语并列是否正确,并列不当的是: (
)?A?小说、诗歌、散文和剧本B?日用品和牙刷、洗衣粉C?记叙文和说明文D?农村和城市 欢喜得跳起来 渐渐消逝
范文九:常用英语动词短语1.make sure
2.change into
变成; 16.be for n./doing sth.
支持; 17.be tired of sth/doing sth
18.get along/on … with…
3.explain sth to sb
4.have a good trip
5.be made into
6.get to =reach=arrive in/
7.break the rule
8.knock down
9.carry away
10.cover … with…
11.begin/start with
12.write to sb.
13.pick up
14.give advice to sb.
15.be against n./doing sth.
反对;19.tell lies
说谎; 20.take exercise
锻炼; 21.look out/be careful/take care
当心; 22.get burnt
被烧伤; 23.escape from
逃跑;24.worry about sb./sth.=be worried about 担忧某人、某事;25.belong to
属于;26.look well
看起来气色不错;27.call on sb
拜访某人; 28.try on
试穿; 29.pay back
偿还; 30.lose one’s job
失业; 31.sound like
听起来像;<e across
33.cut down
34.make progress
47.get together
48.feel like doing
49.make every effort
35.be made to do
被迫;36.go on to do sth
37.go on doing
38.keep on doing sth
39.be sure of/about sth
把…译成…;41.die of
42.keep in touch with sb.
43.lose touch with…
失去联系;44.lead/live a (happy)life
45.play a part/role in
46.be fond of
喜欢;爱好50.be busy doing sth
51.hang up
52.point out
53.turn over
54.go against
55.give a talk/speech
56.give out =hand out
57.ring up sb.
58.get through
59.hold on
60.be surprised at
61.be lucky to do sth.
62.make up
翻转,打翻; 违背、违反;
幸运得做了某事; 编造、弥补;63.have/take a look at
看一看;64.have difficulty/trouble/problems (in) doing sth做某事有困难;
65.provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb
78.shake hands with sb.
79.get ready for (the test)
80.put up one’s hand
66.offer sth. to sb.=offer sb. Sth.
67.be well-known/famous as
be well-known/famous for
68.be pleased/satisfied with
69.be angry with sb
70.get a wonderful view
71.burn sth down
73.give up sth./doing sth.
74.carry out
75.be/get used to sth./doing sth.
76.call for
77.stop/keep/prevent sb from doing sth
需要;阻止某人做某事;81.look up
查看; 82.take pictures/photos of
照相;83.hand sth to sb
将某物递给某人; 84.be popular with sb
受某人欢迎; 85.fill in
填;86.keep up with
跟上,不落后于…;保持与----同样的速度;87.put on
穿上;表演; 88.be uncertain about
对…没有把握; 89.be honoured for
因为…而获得赞誉; 90.run after
追赶、追求; 91.bring up
培养,教育; 92.be on show/display
在展出; 93.make contributions to
为…做出贡献;94.think of
96.make use of (your time)
110.wash away
111.be likely to do
很有可能;112.push down
97.clear up=tidy up
98.take it easy
99.give first aid
101.have a day off
102.be present
103.die out
104.give back
105.apologize to sb for (doing) sth
106.depend on
107.put down
108.be suitable for
109.be anxious about
为…而忧虑;113.cut off
114.call in
115.take the place of
116.bend over
117.fall over
118.speed up
119.fight for
120.lead to
121.praise sb for sth
122.get sth ready
123.fold up
124.connect to
切断; 召集; 代替;俯身于… 的前方;跌倒;
加速; 为…而战斗;
导致;因某事表扬某人;准备某东西; 折叠起来; 接在…上,连在…上
范文十:非谓语动词巩固练习 1, how about _________ 2, hope______________ 3, be good at __________ 4, do well in __________ 5, fail _______________ 6, fail in ____________ 7, too…____________ 8, be sure of _________ 9, be sure ___________ 10, hate _____________ 11, like _______________ 12, would like __________ 13, want _____________14, have difficulty in___________ 15, be interested in ____________ 16, help _____________ 17, try ________________ 18, do one’s best ___________ 19, try one’s best ____________ 20, be afraid of ____________ 21, be afraid ______________ 22, had better ____________ 23, need ______________ 24, needn’t ____________ 25, 物+need ___________ 26, go _____________(swim) 27, do some _________( read) 28, miss ___________ 29, see sb. _________30, stop ___________停止做某事31, stop ________停下…去做某事 32, decide _________ 33, begin ____________ 34, finish _____________ 35, be ready ___________ 36, enjoy _____________\ 37, spend ____________ 38, be worth __________ 39, keep _____________ 40, tell sb ___________ 41, let sb ____________42, remember ______忘记去做某事 43, remember___________忘记做过 44, It’s +adj.for sb _________介词填空be good _________擅长做… be bad _________ 不擅长做… be good _________ our eyes
be bad ___________ your eyes be sorry __________ \be late __________ be ready _________ be sure __________ be afraid ___________ do well __________ do badly __________have difficulty __________ help ______________ be busy ___________ be full __________ 非谓语动词巩固练习 1, how about _________ 2, hope______________ 3, be good at __________ 4, do well in __________ 5, fail _______________ 6, fail in ____________ 7, too…____________ 8, be sure of _________ 9, be sure ___________ 10, hate _____________ 11, like _______________ 12, would like __________ 13, want _____________14, have difficulty in___________ 15, be interested in ____________ 16, help _____________ 17, try ________________ 18, do one’s best ___________ 19, try one’s best ____________ 20, be afraid of ____________ 21, be afraid ______________ 22, had better ____________ 23, need ______________ 24, needn’t ____________ 25, 物+need ___________ 26, go _____________(swim) 27, do some _________( read) 28, miss ___________ 29, see sb. _________30, stop ___________停止做某事31, stop ________停下…去做某事 32, decide _________ 33, begin ____________ 34, finish _____________ 35, be ready ___________ 36, enjoy _____________\ 37, spend ____________ 38, be worth __________ 39, keep _____________ 40, tell sb ___________ 41, let sb ____________42, remember ______忘记去做某事 43, remember___________忘记做过44, It’s +adj.for sb _________介词填空be good _________擅长做… be bad _________ 不擅长做… be good _________ our eyes
be bad ___________ your eyes be sorry __________ \be late __________ be ready _________ be sure __________ be afraid ___________ do well __________ do badly __________have difficulty __________ help ______________ be busy ___________ be full __________


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