cutting edgeupheld是什么意思思

美国习惯用语 - Lesson 556 - on the cutting edge - have an edge on - on the ragged edge
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今天要学的第一个习惯用语是:on the cutting edge。 Cutting是指:切或者是砍。 Cutting edge原来指锋利的刀刃,但是大约在上个世纪五十年代时人们开始用on the cutting edge来表示在科学,研究和文学等方面比其他人都走在前面,处于最先进的地位。
:Albert Einstein was on the cutting edge of physics. His ideas revolutionized modern thought on space and time. And his work formed the theoretical base for the exploitation of atomic energy and brought us into the atomic age.
这里的习惯用语on the cutting edge意思是“最先进,或尖端。”
今天要学的第二个习惯用语是: have an edge on。 我们也可以把have an edge on这个习惯用语里的edge理解为利刃。大约在十九世纪九十年代,have an edge on成了习惯用语,用来表示在某种竞争中占上风。你也可以说have the edge over,或者have an edge over,它们和have an edge on的意思是一样的。
这个习惯用语常用在商界、政界或者体育报道中。比方说,要是某企业的产品比竞争对手的更好而占优势,我们说:The business has an edge on its rivals because of the better product. 要是政界一位候选人由于口才好而比政敌略胜一筹,我们就说:The candidate has an edge on his opponent because of his better speeches. 要是一个足球队由于球员身材高大,动作敏捷而胜过另一队,我们说:The team has an edge over another because its players are bigger and faster. 再听个有关政界的例子吧。这段话在说竞选参议员的Pete Smith。
:I think Pete Smith has the edge on his rivals in the race for the US Senate from our state. He's got the experience: he's been a Congressman for ten years, and he has a good record to run on. He's almost sure to win next November!
他说:我认为Pete Smith在本州竞选美国参议员的候选人中占有优势。他有经验,因为他已经当了十年众议员了,而且有良好的政绩作为参选的基础,他在十一月的竞选中几乎必操胜券。
这里的习惯用语have the edge on意思就是占有优势。
在今天要学的第三个习惯用语里edge这个单词回到了它的基本意义:边缘。这个习惯用语是:on the ragged edge。 Ragged可以解释为“撕裂的,破烂的”,也可以指凹凸不平的悬崖边缘。
想象一下你在漆黑的夜晚站在怪石嶙峋的悬崖边上,脚下的是松动的沙土石块,稍一闪失你就有粉身碎骨的危险。这正是on the ragged edge这个习惯用语的写照。我们再听个例子来体会on the ragged edge这个习惯用语的意义吧。
:Mary, I'm getting scared about our money situation in the firm. O our costs are way up. Unless we can get a quick loan somewhere, I'm afraid we'll be right on the ragged edge of going bankrupt.
他说:Mary,我对公司的财务景况感到很害怕。我们的销售在下降;然而开支却大大增加。 除非我们能从哪儿很快借到贷款,否则我们就会有破产的危险。
显然这里的习惯用语on the ragged edge意思是“处境危险的,在失败和绝境的边缘。”
thank you!
on the cutting edge,have an/the edge on,on the ragged edge!
it's good~~~thank you~~
I like it.
on the cutting edge意思是“最先进,或尖端,have an edge on理解为利刃,on the ragged edge意思是“处境危险的,在失败和绝境的边缘。
I'm afraid that my factory is on the raggd edge of going bankrupt.
On the cutting edge of china!
Chen was on the cutting edge of math.
If we don't work hard,we will on the ragged edge of failure.
on the cutting edge
have an edge on
ragged edge
He has an edge on his work because of his smart and workhard.cutting edge是什么意思_cutting edge在线翻译_cutting edge什么意思_cutting edge的意思_cutting edge的翻译_英语单词大全_911查询
cutting edge是什么意思
cutting edge是什么意思 cutting edge在线翻译 cutting edge什么意思 cutting edge的意思 cutting edge的翻译 cutting edge的解释 cutting edge的发音
cutting edgecutting edge 基本解释 刀刃, 切削刃, (刀片的)刃口, 剪刃cutting edge 例句ph.1. California is on the cutting edge of trends that spread nationwide.& & 加州走在全国流行的尖端。cutting edge 网络解释1. 刃口余隙角& & cross joint 十字接头 | cutting edge clearance 刃口余隙角 | drill stand 钻台cutting edge 网络例句1. It`s not cutting edge, but it is reliable and cost-effective. & &这不是最先进的,但它是可靠和成本效益。2. What is the cutting edge of the company? & &该公司的竞争力如何?3. The technology that we use at this company is cutting edge. & &这个技术在我们公司是最尖端的。4. The cutting edge question now is, What to do about it? & &现在最棘手的问题是:我们该如何应对?5. My students are on the cutting edge of Chinese thought, and I'd love to pick their minds. & &我的学生们走在中国思想界的前沿,我喜欢发掘他们的想法。6. These places are some of the most progressive and on the cutting edge of HIV/AIDS research. & &这些地方一般都在HIV的研究中取得很大的进步。7. I don`t have my cutting edge at all. & &我根本没有自己的&尖端&优势。cutting edge是什么意思,cutting edge在线翻译,cutting edge什么意思,cutting edge的意思,cutting edge的翻译,cutting edge的解释,cutting edge的发音,cutting edge的同义词,cutting edge的反义词,cutting edge的例句,cutting edge的相关词组,cutting edge意思是什么,cutting edge怎么翻译,单词cutting edge是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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&2016  京ICP备号-6 京公网安备30 &&&cutting edge
According to the tested results, the main cutting edge of drill point is chiefly subjected to torque, its torque is 83
5% of the total torque, but the chisel edge of drill point is mainly subjected to thrust, its thrust is 77
5% of the total thrust.
测试结果表明 ,钻头主切削刃和横刃轴向力分别占总轴向力的 1 5
5%,主切削刃和横刃的扭矩分别占总扭矩的 83
6%,说明钻头轴向力主要由横刃承担 ,而扭矩主要由主切削刃承担。
The chip formation mechanism and the possible contact area on plane \%X-Y\% and \%X-Z\% between the cutting edge and workpiece are analyzed.
Study of testing the force of cutting edge of drill point.
In this work, we formulate firstly the parametric equation of the cutting edge, whose trajectory equation relative to the workpiece is then generated through a series of coordinate transformations.
The main disrepair mode is oxidation wear in drillingZrO_2/CePO_4. However, the main rupture modes are plastic deformation ofcutting edge, flaw, scaling, fragmentation and pock on cutting edge.
It is available to replace the die steel Cr12 by the low alloy die steel Cr2 quenched at 840~850 ℃ and
tempered at 180~200 ℃ as the material of punch for silicon steel sheet to avoid punch early fracture failure. With the electrospark hardening at cutting edge, the service life of
punch of steel Cr2 increases by 12.2 as compared with that of steel Cr12.
采用经过 840~ 85 0℃淬火 ,180~ 2 0 0℃回火的Cr2低合金模具钢替代Cr12模具钢制作高硅钢片凸模 ,避免了凸模劈裂和断裂 ,通过刃口表面电火花强化处理 ,使Cr2钢凸模使用寿命比Cr12钢提高 12 .2倍。
To solve the breaking problem in milling process of throw-away insert milling cutter, this paper puts forward the cutting edge and promise edge width, de which decrease the cutting force by 18%-38%, power consumption by 28%, save production cost by 15% and enhance the tool life above two times.
Essential Models of Novel Cutting Edge Design and Virtual Manufacture for Revolving Cutters
The grinding pressure is a key parameter to influence the grinding efficiency, surface quality and cutting edge quality in the monocrystal diamond tool grinding.
The cutting edge radius of the tools is minimized less than 0.05 μm and the radius waviness of the tools is improved no more than 0.2 μm.
Effect of Cutting Edge Shape on Dynamic Performance in Metal Cutting Process
Prediction of the Cutting Force of Chamfered Cutting Edge During
the Cutting Process Using Finite Element Method
Influences of sharpness of diamond tool cutting edge on the cutting deformation and quality of cutting surface
The Influence of Cutting Edge Orientation and Spindle Motion Error on Machined Surface in Milling
By restraining the vibration of the graver,the roughness of its cutting edge surfaces was reduced to Ra 0.006 and the diffraction efficiency of the grating can be increased by a factor of 15%-20%.
Analyses the advantage and disadvantage of revolving cutter, a kind of important tool for machining complex surfaces with different helical angles, and the methods used at present to design the cutting edge of the revolving cutter, and presents the differences of cutting edge and 2-axis NC machining feeding speed of a toroid-shaped revolving cutter with different of helical angles, and concludes that the revolving cutter with a constant angle to the generator curve has advantages in design, NC machining and its application.
回转铣刀是加工复杂曲面的重要工具.目前流行多种刃口曲线设计方法,因此比较其优劣具有工 程价值.通过介绍不同定义下的螺旋角对应的带角圆的拄状回转铣刀在刃口曲线、工轴联动NC加工中的进 给速度等问题的不同之处,指出了与经线成等角的定义下这种铣刀设计、NC加工及使用均具明显优点,
This paper primarily introduce the principle of ball nose end mill forming, the solution model of the cutting edge, the optimization model of the relevant parameters of the cutting edge curve and the structure as well as corresponding mathematical model of the cutting edge after grinding. The reliability of the above models with actual examples is demonstrated.
To reduce the production costs of special revolving milling cutters, the general mathematical model of the cutting edge of special revolving milling cutters based on the non
NC machining process is presented. The realizing methods of relative feed movements are discussed, and solution examples of two kinds of typical special revolving milling cutters are given.
为降低特种回转铣刀的加工成本 ,给出了基于非数控加工方案的特种回转铣刀刃口曲线通用数学模型 ,讨论了轴向和径向相对进给运动的实现方法 ,并给出了两种典型特种回转铣刀的求解实例
Based on normal helix cutting edge geometric model and machining characteristic of grinder MK6335A, applying the principles of geometry and kinematics, the tool paths models of enveloping rake & flank face were set up, which included tool center and tool-axes vector.
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中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社cutting edge 是什么意思_百度知道  Cutting Edge 3的大纲课时为48小时,共计12单元,平均每个单元4小时,在4小时内可以充分为学生讲解大纲规定的语法点、生词、课文分析、精听练习和话题讨论。但对于一对一的学生,前期课程通常只有20小时左右,要在20小时内讲完CE3全部内容,课上只能将教学中心放在雅思考试中高频的语法点上,Cutting Edge 3书中很多同样有价值的内容就需要学生课后自行吸收消化。因此在这里环球教育(原环球雅思)赵阳老师简单分享一些如何利用好Cutting Edge 3这本教材的内容,为雅思课打好先期基础。  Cutting Edge 3语法:每个单元大纲中都会列出两个语法点,这两个语法点也是每节课开篇要讲的内容。但大纲中规定的语法点难度适中,中等以上基础的学生都可以很快掌握,所以这一部分内容不会占用太多时间,课上辅助以相关的练习题,15至20分钟内解决这部分内容。授课重点集中在每个单元的课文中,用75-90分钟时间,通过课文讲解六大从句、伴随状语、虚拟语气、倒装强调等语法重点,每个单元辅以相应的句子翻译练习,建议学生按时按量完成布置的课后作业,才能保证课上的讲解有效、高效。  Cutting Edge 3听力:重点的语法内容过后,留给听力和口语的时间就只有20分钟左右。每节课会挑选接近雅思考试的听力内容带学生进行练习,让学生大致了解雅思听力的答题模式和语速。CE3收录的听力音频难度适中,非常适宜学生做精听和复述练习。建议学生课后每天拿出半小时时间,听一段本单元的听力录音,自行对照文本进行精听练习,在写和说的过程中,扫清不会的生词,培养语感,熟悉听力考试的语音语速。  Cutting Edge 3口语:每个单元的课文、听力和生词都是围绕一个主题展开的,口语讨论的部分,建议学生课后先完全掌握书后的词汇表,运用相关词汇,自行构思如何对本单元涉及的话题进行阐述,可以通过写作文的方式,一举两得。基础较好的学生也可以选择在头脑中构思,在下一次上课时对上一个单元涉及的话题进行阐述,目的一是检验是否能够灵活运用上节课中学到的语法和词汇,目的二是提前适应用大篇幅的英语阐述自己的观点。  综上所述,如果能够每天拿出定量的时间梳理Cutting Edge 3单词,语法,课文,听力和口语,在基础阶段,学生可以为雅思的学习打下良好的基础。


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