so gry,pretty boy是什么意思思

原文如下。。。。。。           刚在blue的贴吧里面看到这个。。。很震惊 。。。很。。强大。  不过一直觉得这厮长的很肉欲。以为他就是个花花直男,结果他老人家居然被一个好朋友给掰弯了。      Duncan James虽然只是说自己是bi。但是,据我所知,bi这个玩意,最终十有八九都走向gay的不归路啊。                  
楼主发言:1次 发图:0张
  哀怨 难道我是毒药。。。。
  下面是欢乐的分割线。。。。  ____________________________________________________________  Blue's Duncan James: I have flings with men    He's had female lovers by the score, but now the pop heart-throb reveals the incredible truth      IT'S TIME TO TELL: Duncan James confesses    By Dan Wootton, 12/07/2009    POP hunk Duncan James last night confessed his shocking gay secret and admitted: &I'm bisexual. I've been in loving relationships with men as well as women - and I'm not ashamed.    &But even though I fancy men, I still fancy WOMEN too.&    The Blue singer's revelation will stun his millions of female fans worldwide plus the dozens of women he has been linked with, including Geri Halliwell, Tara Palmer Tomkinson, Martine McCutcheon and ex-Big Brother winner Kate Lawler.    But on the eve of the boyband's reunion tour, the handsome singer says it is time for him to let his fans know the truth.    In an emotional interview with the News of the World he said: &I was living a secret life. I went through a process of asking what the f*** am I?    &Am I gay? Am I straight? Am I bi? That's why I was so frightened about talking. Now, in my early 30s, I know who I am and I'm proud of who I am. I don't want to hide anymore.    &I don't feel I should launch a big comeback with Blue hiding this - I don't want to go back to the time in the band when I felt I had to keep certain things quiet. I want to be OUT and say I've had relationships with men as well as women.    &So doing this interview gives me the ability to go forward.&    I'm one hundred per cent happy to be bisexual  Strict Catholic Duncan, 31, first fell in love with a man EIGHT years ago - at the height of Blue's fame. Since then he has been with men and women, and fathered a daughter with his ex-girlfriend Claire Granger. But it took him years to confess his sexuality to the most important people in his life - Claire, 32, the other Blue stars and his mum.    Dunc said: &I wanted to be able to say to someone, 'This is going on and I don't know what to do,' but I was too SCARED.      Blue's Duncan James at a Fabulous fashion shoot  &My mother was the closest person to me. But I didn't know how to tell her because I wanted her to love me and accept me. I was really paranoid and emotional.      SUPPORTIVE: The Blue boys  &I flew her to Los Angeles for a holiday. I was thinking about it the whole trip - it was building up in my head.    &I'd never talked to my mum about sex and relationships. It was quite a taboo subject because we came from a Catholic upbringing.    &One night towards the end of the trip, I knocked on my mum's door before she went to bed. I was looking down and avoiding her eyes. I said, 'I need to talk to you'.    &She said, 'Oh my God, what's wrong, are you all right?'    &I responded, 'I need to tell you something. I've been in a relationship with a guy and I'm really confused about it. I haven't been able to talk to anyone for a couple of years.'      EX-LOVE: With Claire and baby  &She hugged me and couldn't believe it. She said, 'I thought you were going to tell me you were dying or something. Hundreds of people have had things with guys as well as girls. I love you, that doesn't matter to me.'    &We were flooded with tears. It had come out. I'd told my mum and she still loved me. I went up to my room after and sat on my bed crying. I realised, 'I can do this.' It gave me the strength to start opening up to my close friends.& Duncan then told bandmates, Simon Webbe, Lee Ryan and Anthony Costa.    He recalled: &I thought there might be weirdness but there wasn't. All of the boys accepted it. We were perceived as lads who went around and slept with women but on the inside we had a lot of love for each other. We always hugged and kissed each other.    &I told Simon first. He went straight away, 'Is that all you're worried about? I love you man. That's cool. You're not alone. It doesn't change anything for us.'    &I spoke to Lee next then Ant. They were really supportive too. After that I actually felt quite comfortable with myself.&    Duncan's first relationship with a man was in 2001, the year the band were celebrating their first three No1 hits - All Rise, Too Close and If You Come Back.    He said: &I'd never been intimate with a man. I'd been quite happy having girlfriends.    &But I met a guy. He was my friend at first but we took the friendship to the next level.    &Up until that point I'd never had those feelings towards a guy before. But this person came into my life and put a spanner in the works. I definitely loved him. It was my first experience like that.    &I never believed I could have those feelings for a guy. It had been so closed to me being a strict Catholic.&    Duncan was also desperate to hide the relationship because of his status as one of pop's biggest heartthrobs. He explained: &When you're a young band trying to be successful, there's a lot of pressure on you to be clean-cut and accessible to your female fans.    There were signs I was that way inclined  &And it might sound greedy but I genuinely was enjoying having women throwing themselves at us.    &Yes, I was labelled a womaniser and yes, I did sleep with a lot of women. But there were tell-tale signs I was that way inclined. I've always been very theatrical and loved being on stage.    &I was so confused about everything. Blue were becoming more and more successful. I felt frightened. I bottled it in and didn't tell anyone. It was almost like it didn't happen.    &I was having relationships with girls as well. This was a secret on the side. In hindsight, that wasn't the way to deal with it. It's not nice to treat people in that way.&      LADIES' MAN: Dunc & Tara P-T in 2003  The only other boyband star who had confessed he wasn't straight was Boyzone's Stephen Gately, who revealed in 1999 he was gay.    But just as Duncan was thinking about coming out to his fans in 2004, girlfriend Claire told him she was expecting his baby. She fell pregnant when they briefly rekindled their relationship after splitting up.    However, Duncan was scared that if the public knew he was bisexual, their child would get teased at school.    He recalled: &I'd had very high-profile relationships. They weren't frauds or cover-ups. They were real.    &I loved Claire. It wasn't an immaculate conception!    &The first thing I did when she rang me up and told me she was pregnant was say, 'I need to sit you down and tell you about EVERYTHING.' I had to be completely honest with her.    &She was amazing and said, 'I love you for who you are. Regardless of what your sexual feelings are, I know you would be a great dad. Bringing up our daughter is the most important thing.' But it was tough during the pregnancy.    &I think she wondered how this was going to affect our daughter when she was a little bit older.    &Would she get bullied in the playground because her daddy slept with guys or was bisexual? All of those things went through her head and mine, if I was honest.    &But we decided it was no longer about a sexual relationship between us and instead about a strong bond to bring up our daughter.&    Their little girl, Tianie-Finne James, is now four years old - and Duncan has a good relationship with Claire, who's found love with someone else.    Plus he isn't so scared about his daughter knowing who he is. &I hope when she grows up she is accepting of her daddy,& he said.    Duncan - born in Salisbury, Wilts - is currently single and hoping to find love . . . with a man OR woman.    He said: &Being bisexual as a man is a taboo subject but I'm 100 per cent happy with who I am.    &If I have a connection with someone on a deep level that is what it's about for me.    &And if I'm with someone then I am monogamous.    &I'm sure a lot of gay people would be put off by the thought of having sex with a woman. It's not like that for me. I still find women attractive.    &In a man or a woman I look for someone who is sensitive and caring. I like someone who has nice features too.    &I don't feel it's harder to be with a guy. This has been my life now for a long time. It's not a big deal to me anymore. But I've slept with way more women than men.    &I can still look at women now and think they're sexy. I love being intimate with a woman, I love breasts. I do think girls can be a lot more emotional.    &I know most gay guys think, 'Bi Now, Gay Later' and maybe one day the thought of being with a woman won't work for me.    &But likewise, maybe the thought of being with a guy might be the same. I might want to settle down with a girl to have a family lifestyle. That appeals to me too.    &Mainly I just want to be happy. I want to be in a long-term relationship and, most importantly, be in love.&    In the meantime Duncan - who was in ITV's Dancing on Ice after Blue split in 2005 - is concentrating on preparing for Blue's greatest hits tour, which starts next year.    Afterwards the band are heading back to the studio to record a new album to rival their previous ones All Rise and One Love.    Duncan says he is ready to face the spotlight again - this time with fans knowing his secret.    He mused: &I think this is going to shock a lot of people. Obviously there are some who aren't going to like it.    &But I'm not going to be rubbing this in the public's face because that's not who I am. I don't want to offend anybody.    &But I'm at a place where I'm finally comfortable with myself after 31 years.    &I'm ready to be honest, not just to myself but to all the fans and everyone who's been there for me.&    He added: &People can say what they want. Everybody's different. I don't think there is a black and white here.    &Everyone has different attractions to people. This is just the way that I
  我不信我不信  我不信我不信~~!!!!!  怎么可能是DUNCAN= =  他不是有很多绯闻女友的吗???!!  我一直觉得他和LEE是一个型的PLAYBOY  说LEE是个GAY都比他可信ORZ
  终于有人回复了。。。  泪奔。    顶楼给的地址里面还有一个视频访谈。  那这厮说这个事情好像非常坦然嘛。
  我们是不是应该来盘点一下 至今为止所有有哪些知名偶像boyband里面已经有gay了呢。。。。
  bi now , gay later
   &I know most gay guys think, 'Bi Now, Gay Later' and maybe one day the thought of being with a woman won't work for me.  ——————————-  哈哈,我刚打完,就发现这厮自己说了,承认吧,duncan
  我是喜欢simon 的哈哈哈
  playboy也能變彎?orz 這個世界太瘋狂了啊啊啊啊~~~          
  作者:luren1234 回复日期: 22:24:44 
    playboy也能變彎?orz 這個世界太瘋狂了啊啊啊啊~~~  =========================================================    看了一下原文的评论,貌似没几个感到惊讶的。。。      PS:每集BrokeStraightBoys开场的时候,导演总会先问些问题,例如Are you gay or straight?还是有那么几位童鞋诚实地回答说原来是直的,现在是bi;工作进行中以及工作完后,导演大多都会问他们感觉怎么样,一般来说只要不是第一次当bottom,都说感觉不错;问他们下次还来吗,基本上都点头。。。
  作者:钙片漫漫其修远兮 回复日期: 14:05:22 
    作者:luren1234 回复日期: 22:24:44        playboy也能變彎?orz 這個世界太瘋狂了啊啊啊啊~~~    =========================================================        看了一下原文的评论,貌似没几个感到惊讶的。。。            PS:每集BrokeStraightBoys开场的时候,导演总会先问些问题,例如Are you gay or straight?还是有那么几位童鞋诚实地回答说原来是直的,现在是bi;工作进行中以及工作完后,导演大多都会问他们感觉怎么样,一般来说只要不是第一次当bottom,都说感觉不错;问他们下次还来吗,基本上都点头。。。    ============================================================================  第一次听说BROKESTRAIGHTBOYS这么猛的节目!  申请资源啊啊啊啊啊啊
  BROKESTRAIGHTBOYS不是节目。。。。  是一个gv系列。。囧
  作者:samesara 回复日期: 15:23:54 
    BROKESTRAIGHTBOYS不是节目。。。。    是一个gv系列。。囧    ==========================================================================  囧...纯洁的掩面飘开...
  汗死~~    Boyzone里面我喜欢stephen,结果GAY了  Westlife里面我喜欢MARK.结果又GAY了  Blue里面我喜欢Duncan,怎么还GAY了
  那BACKSTREET BOYS里面是谁啊??????
  汗死~~        Boyzone里面我喜欢stephen,结果GAY了    Westlife里面我喜欢MARK.结果又GAY了    Blue里面我喜欢Duncan,怎么还GAY了    =====================================================================    你不是一个人    不过还有个savage garden
  我。。。幻灭啊,以前duncan不是写了首歌给他ex么,然后那时我就觉得他不但帅而且痴情,后来也就绯闻多,ok,人帅嘛,  结果。。。  哪能这样啊,帅哥本来就少,还被男人瓜分了n多
  不素吧!!!!!!  我最爱的DANCAN吖!!!!!  泪奔………………  (虽然他直也轮不到我)
  作者:我也要披马甲 回复日期: 09:47:18 
    我。。。幻灭啊,以前duncan不是写了首歌给他ex么,然后那时我就觉得他不但帅而且痴情,后来也就绯闻多,ok,人帅嘛,    结果。。。    哪能这样啊,帅哥本来就少,还被男人瓜分了n多  ======================================================    有什么好惊讶的,Savage Garden的Darren Hayes还有过老婆呢,1994年结婚,1998年分居,2000年离婚,2006年的时候和相恋了两年的男友结婚。。。Darren Hayes和前妻Colby TaylorDarren Hayes和丈夫Richard Cullen两人在一起的照片很有爱啊。。。
  上个月看perez的网站就知道  blue里的怎么会是duncan呢  lee看上去是非常gay的那种style  像will young说自己是bi 不过每次狗仔总是拍到他和男人的照片  所以我觉得不好意思公开自己是gay 才说是bi    btw 我喜欢Anthony 可惜他现在变得太胖了 快去减肥吧
  @civil520 31楼
13:08:49  上个月看perez的网站就知道  blue里的怎么会是duncan呢  lee看上去是非常gay的那种style  像will young说自己是bi 不过每次狗仔总是拍到他和男人的照片  所以我觉得不好意思公开自己是gay 才说是bi  btw 我喜欢Anthony 可惜他现在变得太胖了 快去减肥吧  -----------------------------  这位筒子啊!!!!  我挖坟了!!!!!!不过我还是要说一句:我跟你的看法一模一样啊啊啊啊啊啊!!  从Duncan到Lee到Ant
my boydriend is a gay我的男友是个同性恋。
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