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& How To Fix: External Disk Drive Suddenly Became RAW
Posted on May 1st, 2013 by James Litten
How To Fix: External Disk Drive Suddenly Became RAW
DISCLAIMER: These examples use techniques that I actually employ in the real world to deal with real problems. They might be wrong or dangerous. They might be inefficient. If you try them yourself, it might cause damage or irreparable loss. I take no responsibility for anything you do based on my examples or the information that I provide here.
A common and befuddling problem with computers is the sudden and seemingly inexplicable disappearance of an external hard drive that has been functioning properly. It can be a breathtaking experience to suddenly be told that your data, often irreplaceable pictures and documents, might be gone forever.
As with many similar situations in life the appropriate response is “Don’t panic”. When approached sensibly and carefully, the situation can be resolved and the data saved more times than not. Here we will look at the causes, fixes and preventative measures for instances involving external drives being used with Windows XP and Windows Vista/7.
Error Messages
Common error messages associated with the sudden inability to access an external hard disk drive.
Windows XP
When attempting to access the drive in Windows you may see a message asking you to format the drive DO NOT FORMAT THE DRIVE
You need to format the disk in drive before you can use it.
Do you want to format it?
Another error that you may see when trying to access the drive in Windows from a program or the command line is…
This volume does not contain a recognized file system. Please make sure that all required file system drivers are loaded and that the volume is not corrupted.
Attempting to run chkdsk in an attempt to repair the problem will give an error also…
chkdsk can not be run on the drive
The type of the file system is RAW.
CHKDSK is not available for RAW drives.
The Disk Management window shows the partition as either RAW or without a filesystem type.
Properties of the drive show that both used and free spaces are 0 byte in size for the raw drive
Windows XP
What does RAW partition mean
A RAW filesystem simply means that it is a filesystem that is not recognized by Windows. Therefore all the available filesystem drivers are unable to mount the filesystem as a drive. This often happens when the records determining the filesystem type or location on the disk are damaged or corrupted, usually the partition table or the boot sector.
Since Windows sees no filesystem in the partition, it prompts you to format it in order to create a filesystem on it. DO NOT FORMAT IT.
Why does it happen and how to avoid it
The most common cause of external hard drives suddenly becoming RAW drives is if they are disconnected from a computer without using the “Safely Remove Hardware” option. This can happen in many ways such as a power failure, unplugging the drive from the USB port or from its AC adapter, a problem with the computer that causes it to temporarily disconnect the USB hubs and many more circumstances can lead to this occurring.
Always use “Safely remove hardware” to disconnect the drive. Left click the icon on the taskbar, select the device from the menu, and wait for the confirmation message.
How do you fix it
For this example, I chose the most heavily damaged disk with this issue that I could find in my collection of damaged disks. It has both of the most common problems. The partition table is corrupted and the boot sector of the main partition is also scrambled. The pictures of error messages above all came from this drive. The pictures of the repair process below are from the actual repair of this drive. Some images are from a virtual machine (simply to make it easier to get the screenshots) and some are from an actual desktop. This is a real repair not a manufactured example.
Before proceeding beyond this point, you need to be aware of the risks involved. If the problem with the drive is not simply a logical error but is a manifestation of physical damage then the more you use it and try to repair, the worse the damage may become. To minimize the risks, the drive can be taken to a professional who is experienced in this type of repair. The drive should not be making strange clicking or beeping noises. That means that there is definitely physical damage and it should be sent to a facility with the proper tools and environment to repair/recover it since trying to repair it as described in this post can make that situation worse. If you wish to continue on your own there are three important rules to remember.
1. Computer problems are variable. You may very well come up with a different situation than I outline below. Make sure that you stop and think things through carefully when the process becomes different than I describe.
2. You DO NOT WANT TO WRITE ANYTHING TO THE RAW DRIVE except for the repaired MBR and repaired Boot Sector if necessary. Any other writing can overwrite data on the drive that you would want to keep.
3. This repair does not apply to . They are very different than
normal drives and can erase important data on a RAW partition just by connecting power to them.
Do you want to recover anything extra important first?
This step is optional and does not always work. EDIT 1/22/2013
It can put your mind at ease and make the process less stressful if you can successfully and quickly make copies of the most important files on the drive. After making sure that these files are safely copied to another drive, you can continue with repairing the drive with a much more relaxed demeanor and thus be less likely to make a mistake.
Often you can access the data on the missing drive by booting with a Linux LiveCD. The hard disk drive being used in this example is too damaged to do this but there is another
that uses a drive that while not visible in Windows was accessible with a Linux LiveCD.
Repair partition table and boot sector
In order to repair the most common problems that cause an external disk to suddenly become RAW we will use a PartedMagic Linux boot CD and one of the tools included on it called TestDisk. Both of these items are free and I urge you to donate to them if you are helped by their use and have the ability to make a donation.
This method allows us to work on the drive without attempting to mount it and gives us more direct access to it than trying to fix it in Windows.
First make a bootable CD or USB stick of PartedMagic. .
Boot the computer that has the bad drive connected to it with the PartedMagic CD/USB that you made. A menu will pop up, please select
1. Default Settings (Runs from RAM)
When it finishes booting you will notice that it looks kind of like a Windows desktop. The button in the lower left works like the START button in Windows XP and allows you to select and run various programs or shutdown the computer. To make things easy, I’ll just refer to this as the START button.
Click on the Terminal button down near the START button (It has a picture of a monitor on it) and type
and press enter.
TestDisk is a console application so you have to use your keyboard to interact with it instead of your mouse.
Choose No Log and hit enter
Make sure that your external disk is highlighted
Choose Proceed and hit enter
Select Intel and hit enter (there is a slight chance that the partition is EFI GPT if the drive is 2TB or greater in size and at the bottom of this screen it says that Hint: EFI GPT was detected. If that is the case, select EFI GPT instead and try that.)
Select Analyse and hit enter
The partition data looks incorrect (an explanation of why is beyond the scope of this article)
Select Quick Search and hit enter
Say ‘Y‘ if it asks if the disk was made in Vista/Win7 (even if it was made in XP say ‘yes’)
Now the Quick Search will run
When the Quick Search completes, we see one partition (if you only see the option to CONTINUE at the bottom of the screen press ENTER one time to continue to the screen that you need to be at).
Lets look at the data on that partition press
and you should see a list of files/folders in the partition.
Hmmm… This looks like a bunch of diagnostic tools but not our missing data. We’ll need to look further. Press
to go back a screen and then press
To get to this screen, select DEEPER SEARCH and press enter.
Naturally, the Deeper Search takes longer than the Quick Search
When the Deeper Search completes we now see two partitions. The one we saw after the quick search and another one.
Select the new partition and press
to see the files/folders and now we see the data we want to make visible again.
to go back a screen and then press enter to get to this screen.
Select WRITE and press enter in order to write our new partition table to the drive.
DO NOT WRITE A NEW PARTITION TABLE IF YOU DID NOT SEE YOUR FILES/FOLDERS That means the proper partition table was not found and you will have to try a different technique to recover your data.
Press Y to confirm that you want to write the new partition table.
As I mentioned at the start of this repair, this disk also has corruption in the boot sector of the partition that we are trying to make visible again. When this is the case TestDisk will stop at this point and ask you to fix it before it finishes writing the new partition table. If the backup boot sector is good (as in this case) simply choose BACKUP BS and press enter. In the event that the backup boot sector is also bad then choose REBUILD BS.
Press Y to confirm the boot sector repair
Then choose QUIT and press enter
Regardless of whether a boot sector repair is required or not, you will end up at this screen where all you can do is press enter. Then hit Q until you are out of TestDisk.
Now remove the PartedMagic CD and shutdown the computer START>SHUTDOWN and then try booting it into Windows to see if the drive is now visible.
Here are the results for the drive used in this example…
Backup important files and run chkdsk
Now you should make backups of all important files on the drive in case it goes bad again and then run chkdsk to fix any other filesystem errors that may still exist.
After backing up important files, right-click the disk in Windows Explorer and choose PROPERTIES. Go to the TOOLS tab and click CHECK NOW. Check both options and click START.
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353 Responses to &How To Fix: External Disk Drive Suddenly Became RAW&
James Litten has been doing computer stuff for over 30 years.
Currently researching Algorithmic Processes of Social Systems Theory, Luhmann flavored (communicative)
Available for all kinds of freelance work.
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请输入您需要翻译的文本!114网址导航【树下分享③:UEFI BIOS?BIOS全面改版
【树下分享③:UEFI BIOS?BIOS全面改版
&&& 你有关注过笔记本的BIOS吗?从2012年IVB平台的笔记本上市,我发现了BIOS发生了变化。最开始的感觉是现在这种BIOS多了很多设置项,不再是以前那种BIOS的简单设置项。深入了解后,我发现这种叫做UEFI BIOS,以前那种叫做Legacy BIOS(PC BIOS)。
&&& 可扩展固件接口(Extensible Firmware Interface,EFI)是Intel为全新类型的 PC 固件的体系结构、接口和服务提出的建议标准。其UEFI中图形化的硬件设置界面主要目的是为了提供一组在 OS 加载之前(启动前)在所有平台上一致的、正确指定的启动服务,被看做是有近20多年历史的PC BIOS的继任者。
&&& UEFI是由EFI1.10为基础发展起来的,它的所有者已不再是Intel,而是一个称作Unified EFI Form的国际组织,贡献者有Intel,Microsoft,AMI,等几个大厂,属于open source,目前版本为2.3.1。
&&& 与legacy BIOS 相比,最大的几个区别在于:&&& 1. 编码99%都是由C语言完成;&&& 2. 一改之前的中断、硬件端口操作的方法,而采用了Driver/protocol的新方式;&&& 3. 将不支持X86实模式,而直接采用Flat mode(也就是不能用DOS了,现在有些 EFI 或 UEFI 能用是因为做了兼容,但实际上这部分不属于UEFI的定义了);&&& 4. 输出也不再是单纯的二进制code,改为Removable Binary Drivers;&&& 5. OS启动不再是调用Int19,而是直接利用protocol/device Path;&&& 6. 对于第三方的开发,前者基本上做不到,除非参与BIOS的设计,但是还要受到ROM的大小限制,而后者就便利多了。&&& 7.弥补BIOS对新硬件的支持不足的毛病。&&& UEFI将是近3年的趋势,到时候对于PC的利用以及维护都将步入一个新的时代。
&&& 从上面的UEFI BIOS介绍,UEFI BIOS不再是固定的BIOS,可扩展。比较专业的我也不懂,我们知道他比Legacy BIOS好就是了。
&&& V480/M490 BIOS介绍:
&&& 一、如何进入BIOS?
&&& 很多人购买了V480或者M490的笔记本回来,发现在开机是按F2无法进去BIOS,而直接进入了系统。这个问题刚接触到V480时就了解到了,偶当时也不知道。 不过进入BIOS的方法不只有一种,开机时除了按进入BIOS的按键,你还可以在启动菜单选择进入。
&&& 还是先说一下这一代笔记本进入BIOS的直接方法:在Lenovo界面按住F1,听到提示音后就可以进入BIOS界面。
&&& 而我上面所说的另外一种方式属于间接方法,在开机界面F12调出启动项菜单很多人都知道,但是却很多人都不知道在启动菜单横选项有进入BIOS的选项。
&&& 上图是M490按F12调出硬件启动菜单的画面,图中所处的横选项是“Boot Menu”,这个横选项的子项如图所示分别是:ATAPI CD1(光驱)、ATA HDD0(硬盘)、PCI LAN(网卡)。而这个横选项右边还有一个“Application Menu”(应用程序菜单),画面最下方白底黑字Tab-Switch Menu,意思就是按Tab键切换菜单,切换后菜单如下:
&&& Application Menu的子项中有三个选项:Setup、Diagnostic Splash Screen、Lenovo Diagnostics。
&&& Setup:进入BIOS
&&& 进入BIOS后界面如上图,可以看到硬件基本参数。
&&& Diagnostic Splash Screen:开机诊断(自检)
&&& 这个与传统开机的自检画面一样,可以看到基本硬件参数。
&&& Lenovo Diagnostics:联想诊断
&&& 进入Lenovo Diagnostics后,有两个菜单,左侧是Tests(测试),子选项分别是:Quick Memory Test(内存快速测试)、Quick Storage Debice Test(快速存储装置试验)、Exit Application(退出应用程序)。右侧Tools(工具),子选项分别是:System Information(系统信息)、Recover Bad Sectors Tool(坏扇区恢复工具)。
&&& Lenovo Diagnostics的工具还是比较实用,不过一般人没有必要接触。其中Quick Memory Test只是诊断内存是否兼容、是否存在问题,Quick Storage Debice Test只是测试硬盘是否存在异常。保修期内电脑真有位置问题,建议还是跑售后比较好。
&&& 二、BIOS介绍:
&&& 1、Main(主要信息)
&&& 还是BIOS的主界面,从这个信息中,我们可以看到BIOS类型是UEFI BIOS,版本H1ET40WW(1.13)。V480上市你时候有点散热不足,当时我觉得应该是BIOS问题,那时候的BIOS版本如果我没有记错应该是1.00,后来的V480 BIOS都改版了。M490与 V480是一样的模具,BIOS也一样,1.13已经不存在散热问题。BIOS版本日期是,这个正是M490上市的时间,也就是说这个属于M490的第一版BIOS。图中是M490A-IFI的硬件参数,不过看不到硬盘与光驱的显示。
&&& PS:BIOS的介绍我不是第一次写,但是估计很多人依然不知道进入BIOS如何设置。看看BIOS画面最下端就是操作介绍,F1是帮助、Esc是退出、方向键是移动光标、+/-是修改设置顺序、Enter是选择及打开子菜单、F9是恢复出厂设置(默认设置)、F10是保存当前状态并退出。
&&& 2、Config(配置)
&&& 上图是Config(配置)的界面。
&&& NetWork的设置如上图,子选项有Wake On LAN(局域网唤醒)、Ethernet LAN Option ROM(以太局域网选项)、Wireless LAN Radio(无线局域网无线)。其中Wake On LAN的选项有Disabled(关闭)、AC Only(只在电源适配器状态下启用)、AC and Battery(电源适配器及电池状态下都启用);Ethernet LAN Option ROM与Wireless LAN Radio的选项是禁用网卡。
&&& USB选项分别有USB UEFI BIOS Support(UEFI BIOS USB支持)与USB 3.0 Mode(USB 3.0模式)。USB UEFI BIOS Support选项的意思是问你开启主板USB功能还是禁用,USB 3.0 Mode有三个选项:DIsabled、Enabled、Auto,默认是Auto。
&&& Keyboard/Mouse是键盘及鼠标设置项,不过如上图,这个设置项主要只怎对Fn这个功能键。子选项分别是Fn and Ctrl Key swap(FN和Ctrl键互换)与Fn Key Lock(关闭Fn键) ,我觉得Fn and Ctrl Key swap这个设置项蛮人性化。
&&& Display的意思是显示设置,子选项分别为Boot Display Device(引导显示装置)、Graphics Device(图形设备)、OS Detection for Switchable Graphice(可切换图形操作系统探测)。其中Boot Display Device有三选项:ThinkPad LCD、Analog(VGA)、HDMI,三个选项说白点,ThinkPad LCD就是指笔记本原带显示器,Analog(VGA)是指通过VGA视频接口连接的显示器,同理HDMI就是通过HDMI连接的显示器。
&&& Graphics Device有两个选项:Switchable Graphice(可切换图形)与Integrated Graphice(集成图形)。Switchable Graphice的意思是开启双显卡切换功能,Integrated Graphice的意思是关闭双显卡切换功能使用集成显卡(核显)。
&&& Power下也有三个选项,分别为Intel (R) SpeedStep technology(英特尔SpeedStep技术)、CPU Power Management(CPU电源管理)、PCI Express Power management(PCI Express电源管理)。其中Intel (R) SpeedStep technology开启时,电脑在电源适配器下会使用最高性能模式,在电池下会使用电池优化模式。PCI Express Power management是控制PCI Express接口的供电,内置无线网卡模块以及预留的mSATA接口都在这个设置项的控制范围。
&&& Serial ATA(SATA)这个估计也不需要我多说,这个是硬盘端口模式。如果安装没有集成SATA驱动的系统就需要先修改这个模式为Compatibility(通用模式),如果系统没有集成SATA驱动也没有修改硬盘端口模式,那么安装过程中就会出现蓝屏,BIOS默认是AHCI模式。
&&& CPU也有两个子选项:Core Multi-Processing(多处理核心)与Intel(R) Hyper-Threading Technology(Intel超线程技术),两者默认都是开启。
&&& 3、Date/Time(日期时间)
&&& Date/Time是日期与时间设置。
&&& 4、Security(安全设置)
&&& Security这个设置项我不怎么想说,因为太多人乱设置密码导致无法开机、无法进入BIOS。BIOS设置的密码是安全,但是如果密码忘记或者丢失,你根本无法进入操作。M490带指纹加密,这个比BIOS的方便,操作也简单。
&&& Security里面有六个子选项:Password(密码)、UEFI BIOS Update Option(UEFI BIOS更新设置)、Memory Protection(内存保护)、Virtualization(虚拟化技术)、I/O Port Access(I/O端口访问)、Anti-Theft(防盗)。其中Password、Memory Protection、I/O Port Access、Anti-Theft这四项设置是针对电脑数据、使用安全等方面,不过我觉得这四项使用得好确实可以保护电脑的数据,使用不好就变成枷锁。
&&& Password的设置我就不多说,我建议看不懂的就别搞,看得懂的自己搞。 看不懂说明你对这方面不了解-是小白、是菜鸟,看得懂的是老鸟,老鸟有经验。对于上图我只做简单翻译:
&&& Supervisor Password(管理员密码) 、-Password Status(密码状态)、Lock UEFI BIOS Settings(UEFI BIOS密码)、Password at unattended boot(在无人值守的开机密码-个人理解是待机密码)、Password at restart(重启密码)、Set Minimum Length(密码长度设置-多少字节)&、Hard Disk1 Password(硬盘密码) 。
&&& UEFI BIOS Update Option的选项只有一个-Flash BIOS Update by End-Users(Flash BIOS更新用户端),默认是开启。
&&& Memory Protection的选项也只有一个-Execution Prevention(执行预防),默认也是开启,防止有人盗取内存数据。
&&& Virtualization选项也只有一个-Intel(R) Virtualization Technology(英特尔虚拟化技术),默认关闭。什么是Intel(R) Virtualization Technology建议百度百科了解一下,这个一般是针对虚拟机这类使用,所以默认是关闭。
&&& I/O Port Access的子选项一共有九个:Ethernet LAN(以太局域网卡-有线网卡)、Wireless LAN(无线网卡)、Bluetooth(蓝牙)、USB Port(USB接口)、Optical Device(光驱)、Memory Card Slot(读卡器)、Integrated Camera(摄像头)、Microphone(麦克风)、Fingerprint Reader(指纹识别)。
&&& I/O Port Access这些选项的意思是让用户设置开启、禁用那些设备。
&&& 上面两幅图是Anti-Theft的设置界面,其中Intel AT Module Activation( 英特尔防盗模块激活)有两个选项-Current Setting(电流设定)与Current State(状态),Current Setting默认Enabled,有三个选项Disabled、Enabled、Permanently Disabled(永久关闭)。
&&& Anti-Theft最下面还有一个选项Computrace(被盗跟踪服务)。
&&& PS:单纯所Anti-Theft估计很多人都了解,但是使用过扬天V460、V470这两代产品的用户应该不会陌生。曾经的联想超级保镖(V460V360),现在的联想云盾(V470/V370),都是基于英特尔硬件加密技术(Intel Anti-Theft)开发。
&&& 5、Startup(启动)
&&& Startup中的Boot(引导)应该是最多人关注。
&& Boot选项中看到的已连接可引导设备如上图,图中的引导设备顺序是默认顺序,也就是说默认已经连接的可引导设备当中,光驱启动优先,然后是硬盘,最后是网卡。改变可引导设备的顺序很简单,一开始我已经说了修改选项位置使用+/-符号。你把光标引导到想修改的设备上通过+提升顺序,通过-降低顺序。
&&& PS:笔记本没有数字键,+这个符号需要Shift+“=”来输入,要不然就会出现警报声。
&& Network Boot(网路启动),默认选择网卡,你还可以选择硬盘或者光驱。
&&& UEFI/Legacy Boot(UEFI或传统启动)有三个选项:Both(两种模式都支持)、UEFI Only(只支持UEFI模式)、Legacy Only(只支持传统模式) 。
&&& UEFI/Legacy Boot Priority(UEFI或传统引导优先设置)这理由两个选项:UEFI First与Legacy First。
&&& PS:上面UEFI/Legacy Boot一般设置Both,建议别修改。UEFI/Legacy Boot Priority这里设置优先暂时涉及的问题就是安装Windows8系统,这个与硬盘分区表有关。具体如何操作建议百度找教程,我这里句不多说,因为我只是介绍BIOS而已。
&&& Boot Mode(引导模式)有两个选项:Quick(快速模式)与Diagnostics(诊断模式),默认是Quick。
&&& Option key Display(选项键显示)-开机界面最下方是否显示选择键。
&&& Boot device List F12 Option(按F12选择引导设备)-开机时按F12是否调出启动菜单。
&&& Boot Order Lock(锁定启动顺序)-锁定启动设备的顺序后不能修改,默认关闭。
&&& 6、Restart(重启)
&&& Restart中一共有五个选项:Exti Saving Changes(完全保存更改)、Exit Discarding Changes(退出不保存更改)、Load Setup Defaults(加载缺省设置-恢复出厂设置)、Discard Changes(放弃更改)、Save Changes(保存更改)。其中Exti Saving Changes的快捷键是F10,Load Setup Defaul的快捷键是F9。
&&& 总结:一边写一边翻译,头都大了,这次的M490 BIOS讲解还是比较详细,毕竟UEFI BIOS相对传统BIOS多了很多人性化设置项,如果不好好讲解一番对不起这BIOS的人性化选项。不过总得来说还是有点不足,因为在台式电脑上,我们可以设置风扇的转速、可以设置CPU参数(超频、降频)、可以设置内存共享显存大小,而现在的UEFI BIOS居然能还没有设置这些给力的选项。CPU参数修改不一定是用来超频,偶们也可以降频来限制发热,内存共享显存设置也是必要,毕竟所谓的智能识别、智能共享并不智能。希望这次的BIOS解说对你有帮助,我是树下男孩。
&& 为了让各位更方便浏览本帖内容,我特意做了个CHM格式的文件,你们可以下载附件回去慢慢研究。
&&& [local]树下分享③:UEFI BIOS?BIOS全面改版-M490、V480[/local]
评分:+Z金豆 75&&已有 10人参与评分收起


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