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官方公共微信中文名翻译英文名 【香港粤语拼音】_百度文库
中文名翻译英文名 【香港粤语拼音】
Huainan - the life of the Holy Land Blue Planet1962年,合肥工业大学郑文武教授等人在八公山发现了赋存于晚前寒武纪地层的生物化石群。 In 1962, Hefei University Professor Zheng Wenwu, who discovered in the Mt occur in the late Precambrian fossils of organisms. 1979年正式命名为“淮南生物群”, 已鉴定出的有距今8.4亿年前的动物化石――怀远似沙 1979, officially named &Huainan biota&, has beenidentified dating back 840 million years ago have animal fossils - like sand Huaiyuan原沙, 100 claws of the original sand
、百爪 、圆筒淮南虫、微型小卢迪曼虫、安徽古吻虫,这是迄今世界已发现的最早的须腕动物和环节动物。 , Cylinder Huainan insects, micro-small Ludi Man worms, insects, Anhui ancient kiss, which is by far the world has to be found in the earliest part of the wrist animals and animal. 国外权威考古学家和生物学家将它们命名为“淮南古生物化石群”。 Foreign authority archaeologists and biologists named them &Huainan paleontological fossils.&淮南古生物化石群被发现以前,一般认为地球上的生命形态出现于7亿年以前。 Huainan paleontological fossils were found previously is generally believed that life forms on Earth appeared in 700 million years ago. 经测定,淮南古生物化石距今约为8.4亿年。 Thedetermination of Huainan fossils dating back about 8.4 billion years. 淮南古生物化石群的出现,把地球后生动物实体化石记录,向前推移了1亿年,为研究后生动物的起源和演化规律等重大的生命科学前沿问题提供了直接的科学证据。 The emergence of paleontology fossils in Huainan, the entity Earth metazoan fossil record, move over 1 million years for the study of metazoan origin and evolution of cutting-edge life sciences and other major issues of direct scientific evidence. 所以,淮南的八公山被誉为蓝色星球的生命圣地。 Therefore, Huainan eight mountain known as the public life of the Holy Land blue planet.淮南十景之一――八公胜境 Huainan one of ten - eight public shengjing八公山是一座历史文化名山,由40余座山峰叠嶂而成,方圆200余平方公里,峰峦叠翠,清泉密布,景色优美,历史文化内涵浓厚,是皖北大地一颗绿色明珠。 Bagong Mountain is a famous historical and cultural, from more than 40 peaks of mountains formed, a radius of 200 square kilometers, which rise amid Pinnacle, springs, clouds, scenic, historical and cultural meaning strong, the earth is a green pearl in northern Anhui. 春来绿意盎然,生机勃勃;秋踏漫山红叶,如火如荼。 Spring green, autumn leaves Manshan step, in full swing. 八公胜境包括生命之源、汉宫秋色、石林景观、卧龙山水等主要组成部分。 Hachiko shengjing include the source of life, Palace Autumn, Stone Forest landscape, landscapes and other major components of Wolong.形成于8亿年前的淮南古生物化石,俗称“淮南虫”,是迄今为止地球上发现的最早的古生物化石,被国际地质学界誉为“蓝色星球”上生命之源。 Formed 800 million years ago, fossils of Huainan, commonly known as &Huainan worm&, is by far the Earth's earliest fossils found, by the international geological community as the &Blue Planet& on the source of life. 2000多年前,汉淮南王刘安招贤纳士,编著了一代名篇《淮南子》,第一次整理编定了二十四节气,发明了名扬四海的美食――八公山豆腐,演绎出“一人得道,鸡犬升天”的神话故事。 2000 years ago, Chinese Huainan Liu Careers, edited by a generation of famous, &Huai Nan Zi&, the first order fixed for twenty-four solar terms, invented the world-famous cuisine - the Mt tofu, the interpretation of &one person enlightenment, few kilometers from heaven, &the fairy tale. 1600多年前发生的以少胜多的世界著名战役“淝水之战”,留下了“风声鹤唳、草木皆兵”的千古佳话。1600 years ago, happened to win with fewer of the world famous battle &Battle of Fei River,& leaving the &paranoia, panic,& the eternal story. 清代名宦孙蟠所建造的青琅 Pan Qing MingHuan Sun, built by Green enamel
馆,以及随后逐步扩大的孙家花园迤俪卧龙湖畔,林木森然,山水相依,风光秀丽,景色宜人。 Hall, and then gradually expand the Sun Garden winding Li Wolong Lake, awe-inspiring forests, mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery. 八公山风景区以神奇秀美的自然山水风光为重要依托,以绚丽多彩的历史人文景观为丰富内涵,以生态休闲度假旅游为主题,形成了乐涧套古生物化石及放牛山地质剖面等所构成的大型地质景观区,八公山森林公园石林景观区、汉淮南王宫、升仙台、白塔寺等景观区,以及忘情谷至卧龙湖一线景观区。 Bagong Mountain with magical and beautiful natural landscapes as an important foundation to the historical cultural landscape of colorful richness of ecological leisure tourism as the theme music stream to form a set of fossils and geological cross-section and other mountain cattle posed by large-scale geological landscape area, the Mt Stone Forest landscape Forest Park District, Huainan Han palace or Sendai, White Pagoda Temple and other landscape areas, and let himself go to the Wolong Lake Valley line landscape area.八公胜境名不虚传。 Hachiko shengjing well-deserved reputation. 八公山南麓尚有淮南王墓、廉颇墓、珍珠泉、四顶山奶奶庙等景观,是一个休闲度假、观光修学、宗教朝圣旅游的好去处,安徽省重要风景名胜旅游区之一。 Palgongsan south there Huainan tomb, Lian tomb, Pearl Izumi, four mountain landscape grandmother Temple, is a leisure and tourism studies, religious pilgrimage tourism destination, Anhui Province, one of the important tourist attractions. 八公山风影区2001年被批准为国家地质公园,2002年被批准为国家森林公园,2003年被批准为国家AAAA级旅游区。 Hachiko Film mountain area in 2001 was approved as a national geological park in 2002, was approved as a national forest park in 2003, was approved as a national AAAA level tourist area.淮南十景之一――新四军林 Huainan one of ten - the New Fourth Army Lin淮南新四军纪念林位于上窑森林公园花果山上,以树和碑相结合。 Huainan New Fourth Army Memorial Forest is located in Forest Park Huaguoshan on the kiln, the combination of tree and monument. 树以银杏和苍松翠柏结合,以银杏为主,象征着先辈们的革命精神万古长青。 Ginkgo and pines and cypresses trees in combination with ginkgo main symbol of the revolutionary spirit of our ancestors will last forever. 新四军纪念林共植银杏树千余棵,是淮南市目前最大的银杏林。 New Fourth Army Memorial Forest more than a thousand trees were planted ginkgo tree, is the largest ginkgo Huainan city forest. 颂扬新四军精神的纪念碑矗立在山岗的至高处,新四军纪念林周围已建淮化苑、人才林、学子林、夕阳林、人大林、记者林、国税林、地税林、财政林等十多个纪念林,形成了纪念林园区,号称“千亩园林”。 Celebrate the spirit of the New Fourth Army monument stands in the hills of the high office, the New Fourth Army Memorial Forest has been built around the Huai River Court, talent forest, students forest, sunset forest, NPC Lin, correspondent forest, forest tax, land tax forest, forest and a dozen other financial Memorial Forest, forming a memorial forest park, known as &acres of gardens.& 林区建有纪念馆,已经成为著名的省级爱国主义教育基地。 Forest to build a memorial has become a well-known provincial patriotic education base.淮南十景之一――龙湖泛舟 Ten of Huainan - Lake boating龙湖公园位于淮南市田家庵区,水面开阔,设施齐全,景点较多,园中有园,是全市开放最早、设施完备的公园。 Lake Park is located in Huainan City tianjia'an area, open water, facilities, attractions more, the garden has garden, is the city's first open, fully equipped park. 该园始建于1957年,于日正式对外开放。 The park was founded in 1957, on October 1, 1980 officially open. 龙湖公园水面分南、北两湖,面积30.5公顷。 Lake Park, water points north and south lakes area of 30.5 hectares. 南湖为划船区,湖中有四岛。 South Lake area for boating, the lake has four islands. 景区依湖自然形成三大部分,东部为游乐区,西部以盆景园为中心,南部设立了游乐服务设施。 Area formed by three major natural lakes, recreation areas east, west to bonsai garden center, recreational facilities set up in southern. 湖光闪烁,景色宜人的龙湖公园,是外地游客和全市人民休闲、娱乐的好去处。 Lake flashes, scenic Lake Park, tourists and people of the city leisure, entertainment, a good place.淮南十景之一――窑山叠翠 Ten of Huainan - Emerald Hill Kiln上窑森林公园位于淮南市东部,境内有大小山峰30余座,总面积10.4平方公里,森林覆盖率87.9%,是淮南市近郊的一颗绿色明珠。 The kiln is located in Huainan City, east of Forest Park, the size of the territory of more than 30 peaks with a total area of 10.4 square kilometers, 87.9% forest coverage, is a green suburb of Huainan City, Pearl. 上窑森林公园是一处集生态旅游、人文景观、宗教活动、度假休闲、科普教育为一体的多功能景区。 Forest Park on the kiln is a set of eco-tourism, cultural landscape, religious activities, leisure, science education is a multifunctional area. 上窑森林公园神山景区有洞山寺,是一座古刹,见载于邑志,同时见载的还有洞山八景:奇峰障日、银杏参云、峭壁摩天、仙桃隐雾、仙人留迹、王母遗踪、桥落长虹、岩开斗石。 Kiln Forest Park on scenic mountain cave Temple is a temple, are set out in Yi-chi, at the same time are set out there dong Eight: Qifeng barrier Day, ginkgo ginseng cloud, cliff Ferris, Bristol hidden mist, leaving immortal trace, the Queen Mother left a trace, bridge down Changhong, open rock bucket stone.奇峰障日――身在洞山寺,奇峰在前,古木森森,清幽无比。 Qifeng barrier Day - the body in the cave Temple, the first peaks, ancient dense, very quiet. 由于山峦峻峭,洞山寺一年四季近午方能见日,幽涧深谷别有洞天。 As the steep mountains, near Cave Temple afternoon throughout the year can only see the day, quiet stream valleys Journey Into Amazing Caves. 清代拔贡朱第()在《重修洞山庙启》一文中曾誉为八景之首。 Zhu Qing bagong Section () in &Dongshan Temple rebuilt Kai& was hailed as a text in the first Eight.银杏参云――寺东南侧有一棵古银杏,枝叶茂密,树高三丈有余,干粗两人仅可合围。 Ginkgo ginseng cloud - there is an ancient temple in the southeast ginkgo, dense foliage, trees more than thirty feet high, dry coarse they only encircled. 夏日阴凉无比,秋来硕果满枝,熟透的银杏随风落地,俯拾即是,被人们誉为神树。 Very cool summer, and autumn fruit Thriving, ripe ginkgo wind landing, found everywhere, was hailed as a sacred tree. 此银杏树曾遭日寇炮火洗劫,仍顽强生存,后毁于山火。 The ginkgo tree who have been looting the Japanese fire, still tenacious survival, after the fire destroyed.峭壁摩天――洞山寺位于崖下,抬头可见峭壁横空,高数丈,长约数百米的崖壁如削,无数虬枝于崖顶垂落,甚为壮观。 Cliff Ferris - Cave Temple located in the cliff, cliffs, turned the rise can be seen, high-Shu Zhang, about a few hundred meters of the cliff, such as cutting, numerous branches on the cliff top Qiu drawn, very spectacular.仙桃隐雾――峭壁上有野生蟠桃树,枝叶伸出峭壁数尺。 Bristol implicit fog - wild peach trees on the cliff, cliffs leaves out several feet. 桃实季节,蟠桃若隐若现。 Real peach season peach looming. 蟠桃又名仙桃,与王母娘娘的传说有关。 Peach, also known as Bristol, and the legend of the Queen Mother. 而洞山寺关于此传说也很甚。 The Cave Temple is also on this very legend.仙人留迹――即仙人洞,见载于清代嘉庆《怀远县志》,说是此洞山,又名神山,山南有洞,传说曾有仙人居住于此,故名“仙人洞”。 Remain immortal trace - that Fairy Cave, are set out in the Qing Dynasty Jiaqing &Huaiyuan County,& said the dong, also known as mountain, Shannan has holes, legendary monster immortal live here, hence the name &Fairy Cave.& 洞旁有小洞,深不可测,游人抛石,但闻隐隐有声。 Hole next to the hole, unfathomable, visitors riprap, but heard the faint sound.王母遗踪――即王母滩,又名麦仁滩。 Queen Mother left a trace - that is, the Queen Mother's Beach, also known as wheat kernels Beach. 洞山寺大雄宝殿东侧,有一块巨石上于峭壁相并。 Cave Temple east of Main Hall, there is a huge rock on the cliff and phase. 传说王母娘娘曾在此晾晒灵丹,为驱散人间瘟疫。 Legend of Queen Mother was in this drying panacea, to disperse human plague. 因丹形如麦仁,故而有麦仁滩之名。 Shaped like wheat kernels by Dan, therefore the name of a wheat kernel Beach. 当灵丹晾晒之际,张果老神驴前来偷吃,被王母发现赶走,故而岩石上留有王母三寸足迹和张果老神驴蹄印。 When drying the occasion of the silver bullets, Chang came to steal the old donkey of God, was found off the Queen Mother, the Queen Mother silver therefore left footprints on the rocks and the old gods Chang donkey hoof prints. 从此王母滩得名。 Beach named from the Queen Mother.桥落长虹――即仙人桥,又名飞虹桥,此桥是拱形桥,桥上刻有“仙人桥”三个大字。 Changhong Bridge fall - that fairy bridge, also known as fly Hongqiao, this bridge is the arched bridge, the bridge inscribed with &immortal bridge& the three characters. 此桥是架在悬崖峭壁,故清代拔贡朱第写此桥有桥落长虹,横悬崖而径度之佳句。 This bridge is mounted on the cliffs, so Zhu Qing bagong first to write a bridge down this rainbow bridge, cross the cliff and the path degree of Sentences. 传说此桥为渡桥成仙之桥,凡学仙者,须渡过此桥方能成仙,否则只好在下界修仙,而不能成正果。 Legend of the bridge Bridge bridge of immortality, where the school fairy who, through this bridge can only be immortal, or had to Cultivation in the lower bound, but not immortal.岩开斗石――峭壁摩天之下石陷若斗,是山石自然景观,形若瑶池的斗石。 Open rock bucket stone - stone cliffs under the settlement if the bucket Ferris is the natural landscape rocks, bucket-shaped stone if the Jade Pool. 斗石之上有一拱形石龛,内有一尊石佛座像,信众称之为石婆婆。 Bucket on top of a stone arch stone niches, within a stone Buddha statues, stone called the faithful mother. 2004年,上窑森林公园被评定为国家AA级旅游区。 In 2004, the kiln National Forest Park is rated as AA grade tourist area.淮南十景之一――寿州古窑 Ten of Huainan - Shouzhou kiln古寿州窑遗址主要分布在淮南市大通区上窑镇内,包括管嘴汶、高窑、医院住院部、松树林、东小湾5个保护区。 Shouzhou ancient kiln sites are mainly located in Datong District of Huainan City, the town on the kiln, including the nozzle Timor, high kiln, hospital inpatient, pine forest, the East Little Bay, five protected areas. 中心窑址面积约3万平方米,总面积约16万平方公里。 Center Kiln area of about 30,000 square meters, total area of about 160,000 square kilometers. 1981年公布为省重点文物保护单位,2001年公布为全国重点文物保护单位。 Published in 1981 as the provincial key cultural relic protection units, released in 2001 as a national key cultural relics protection units. 寿州窑,创烧于南朝陈,停烧于唐末,前后烧造约400余年。 Shouzhou kiln, fired in at the Southern Chen, stop burning in the late Tang, before and after firing about 400 years. 器型主要有壶罐、碗、枕、注子、盂、玩具及建筑材料等。 There are pot-type cans, bowls, pillows, note son, Yu, toys and construction materials. 寿州窑是唐代七大瓷窑之一。 Shouzhou seven kilns kiln is one of the Tang Dynasty. 寿州窑以中原文化为主,兼含南北方文化,并具有地方特色。 Shouzhou kiln to the Central Plains culture-based, and culture withthe North and South, and with local characteristics.淮南十景之一――焦岗渔歌 Ten of Huainan - focus Kong Fishermen位于市区西部的焦岗湖,地处毛集社会发展综合实验区境内,是一处生态旅游度假区。 Post in the urban areas the focus of the western lake, located in the hair set within the social development of a comprehensive experimental zone, is an eco-tourism resort. 焦岗湖景区滨临西淝水,西淝水,古称夏肥水,是淮河北岸一条重要的支流。 West focal Kong Fei River water bordering Lake, West Fei River water, ancient summer fertilizer is an important tributary of the Huaihe River North Shore. 焦岗湖滨淝滨淮,水景称胜,环境优美,气候宜人。 Huai Bin Kong Fei River Lake coke, water features, said Sheng, beautiful environment and pleasant weather. 6万亩水面波光潋滟,水生资源丰富,是鱼的家乡;湖中大面积的芦苇荡,起伏连绵,是鸟的天堂;盛夏时节,56种荷花竞相开放,云蒸霞蔚,是荷的海洋。 6 acres of water glittering, aquatic resource-rich, lake a large area of reed marshes, undulating, the height of summer, 56 kinds of flowers bloom, cloud steaming Xia Wei, is a load of the ocean. 而湖畔垂钓、芦荡探幽、泛舟采菱、湖中戏鸟、渔家寻乐等休闲项目,兼有焦湖红心鸭蛋、醇香酒糟鱼、水晶贡圆等特色产品可以品尝,令人留连忘返。 The lake fishing, reed marshes Probing, Cailing boating, lake theater birds, fishing and other recreational items to find music, both Coke Red Duck Lake, mellow lees fish, specialty products such as crystal tribute you can enjoy a round, unforgettable. 2005年2月,焦岗湖旅游区被评定为“安徽省农家乐旅游示范点”。 In February 2005, Jiao Gang Lake tourism area is classified as &Anhui Province farmhouse tourism model.&淮南胜景――瓦埠湖 Huainan attraction - wabu Lake瓦埠湖位于淮南市与寿县之间,属于东淝河的中游,河湖一体,为河道扩展的湖泊。 Wabu Lake is located in Huainan City and Shou fall between Eastern Fei River middle reaches of the river, rivers and lakes one, for the expansion of the lake the river. 受南北不均匀升降运动,黄河南泛河口段被淤,洼地积水逐渐形成。 Uneven lifting movement by the North and South, Huanghe estuary is silt pan, depression water gradually. 因滨临古镇瓦埠,故名。 Due to tile bordering the town port, hence the name. 湖区南起白洋淀,北至钱家滩,长52公里,东西平均宽约5公里。 From South Lake Lake, north to Qian Beach, 52 kilometers from east to west the average width of 5 km. 最大深度1.7米,平均深度3.4米。 Maximum depth of 1.7 m, average depth of 3.4 meters. 正常水位18米,水面积156平方公里,湖底海拔15.5米,相应容积为2.2亿立方米。 Normal water level 18 meters of water area of 156 square kilometers, the lake bottom elevation of 15.5 m, the corresponding volume of 2.2 billion cubic meters. 主要来水南有东淝河,流域呈扇形,属丘陵区。 Fei River south east the main river runoff, fan-shaped valley, a hilly area. 西自龙穴山,东北至吴山庙江淮分水岭以北的来水,分两支汇入瓦埠湖,一支源出肥西的大潜山,一支出六安的龙穴山,两支于董铺汇合后进入平原,至白洋淀进入湖区;东有瓦埠河,亦称沿河,即古阎涧水;西有陡涧河。 Lair Hill west from the northeast to the north of Wushan Temple Jianghuai runoff, sub-Import wabu two lakes, a source of fat big hill west of a spending Luan's Lair Hill, two at the Dong Shop After merging into the plains, to enter the lake B east wabu River, also known as the river, the ancient Y west steep jianhe. 湖水经东淝河下段于寿县北五里庙,过东淝河闸(1951年建),北流至赵台子注入淮河。 Fei River water through the East River in Lower North Wuli Shou Temple, Fei River Sluice off East (built 1951), to the north flow into the Huaihe River, Zhao table. 总控制面积4200平方公里。 The total control area of 4200 square kilometers. 1951年治淮工程中,瓦埠湖被列为淮河中游四处蓄洪区之一,计划蓄洪水位22米,总蓄水量12.9亿立方米,水面积386平方公里。 1951 Huai包含各类专业文献、外语学习资料、高等教育、幼儿教育、小学教育、应用写作文书、中学教育、32淮南风景英文翻译等内容。 
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