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Update 2: Samsung
the issue to Android Central, and it turns out it's actually not all that bad. Here's the gist: if you buy a Galaxy Note 3 (or other region-locked Samsung phone), it must be activated with a SIM in its home region. That means you can't import a Note 3 from Taiwan and then activate it in Europe, for example, and if you try to do that, it will lock itself. If that happens, you can go to a Samsung service center (if such a thing exists) and they will unlock the device for you, free of charge, so that you can then use it.
If you buy a device and activate it in its home region, the region lock is permanently disabled. You can then roam or use other nations' SIM cards anywhere in the world.
The region lock is, as we suspected, designed to thwart phone importers who buy phones from one region of the world and then sell them in another. The region lock will, of course, adversely affect individuals who end up trying to activate a locked phone for the first time outside of its home region (they're bound to get sold online anyway), so it's something to be aware of. But if you're buying your Note 3 through a legitimate channel and then activating it shortly thereafter in the same region, you should be fine.
Update: , this isn't a typical SIM lock, and uses an MCC-based (Mobile Country Code) lock that will not be disabled using a standard network-based SIM unlock code. The bit doing the locking lives inside the CSC (Consumer Software Customization) package in an MCC whitelist, specifying which country codes the device can be used in based on what regional software variant it is. Modifying the CSC without doing warranty-voiding kind of stuff is also apparently very, very tricky.
It's entirely possible a community workaround will emerge, but for now, this basically means that even with a SIM unlock code, phones with this new locking procedure won't function with a SIM that has an MCC outside of the device's home region. This is substantially more burdensome for consumers, and is definitely going to be a pain to deal with.
There's been a rather widespread discovery, mostly made by Note 3 buyers, that Samsung has started adorning the boxes of its devices with a new sticker - and that sticker has some bad news. As part of what is apparently a new policy for the company, a number of popular Samsung phones will be SIM-locked to the region in which they are sold. This has been confirmed by
with images of the stickers on devices purchased in the Americas and Europe, though the practice probably extends to other regions, as well. UK retailer Clove was the first to really publicize the news, .
Images via
Samsung Germany issued a statement on the matter, which has provided some information on the practice, though does not elaborate as to why phones are now being geographically SIM-locked. You can see that statement , though if you don't speak German, Google Translate will be necessary. Here are the takeaways, however.
The new policy, at this point, applies to Galaxy S III, S II, Note, S4, S4 Mini, and Note 3 devices produced after the end of July 2013.
All regionally locked devices will have a sticker on the box indicating as much.
The regional locks cover large geographic areas (eg., a Note 3 purchased in Europe will work throughout the European Economic Area, and multiple non-EU countries / principalities, but not in, say, Africa or Asia).
If a phone is purchased in one region but never activated with a SIM in that region, it can be unlocked free of charge outside of that region by a "Samsung service partner" wherever it ends up.
At this point, the two zones we are aware of are the Americas and Europe. The European lock extends to the following regions (meaning, you can use your European region-locked phone in any of these countries):
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands , Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, UK, Switzerland, Croatia, Albania, Andorra, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino, Serbia, Vatican City
The Americas zone is less clear, but on the box it says "The North, South, and Central Americas and the Caribbean," which should mean pretty much any country encompassed by that statement (but that does not mean US carrier phones will work anywhere in the Americas - they're still carrier locked). Phones purchased in the Americas will not accept a European SIM, or an Asian SIM, and the same is going to be true in reverse for other regions - your Samsung phone is limited to service in the region in which it was purchased.
How much of a nuisance is this? Well, if you're tech-savvy enough, it's probably not the end of the world. Phone unlocking services have been around on the web for a long time now, and it seems Samsung's just given them a big boost in business. Most of these services simply require your IMEI and device model number, and of course a bit of your hard-earned cash, and then email you a SIM unlock code to be used when you put in an unauthorized SIM. Enter the code, and the phone is unlocked forever. Update: See update at top - this probably isn't true, it's worse.
For the less curious, this will mean more roaming bills to rack up - music to the ears of carriers the world over.
But why has Samsung even engaged in this practice? Is there anything to be gained? Possibly. This may be a shot at phone importers / exporters and the retailers who sell imported devices. The phone import / export business lives and dies on things like favorable currency exchange rates, regional pricing / release date variations, and localized hardware shortages. Samsung is taking in the reins on its supply line here by making it a significantly more difficult process to import phones from, say, Asia, and then sell them in Europe or the US. At the least, a retailer would have to go through every single device it sells and generate a SIM unlock code to include with the shipment or email it to the customer - tedious, to be sure.&Edit: Sounds like they won't even be able to do that.
Anyway, Samsung makes more money when it has tight control of which devices end up on sale where and for how much, rather than letting exporters buy phones cheaply in one region only to ship them overseas to another where they're in demand and sold at a higher price. This practice also skews logistics figures, and can cause customer confusion in regard to warranties and software support
We'll update this post if we learn more.
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&Loading ...英语初3习题根据首字母填空.1.The world’s population has i--- so far.2.I’ll do everything p--- to help you.3.We must take stronger m--- to protect our environment.4.He has p--- gone home.5.Nowadays college students have ---- in finding _百度作业帮
英语初3习题根据首字母填空.1.The world’s population has i--- so far.2.I’ll do everything p--- to help you.3.We must take stronger m--- to protect our environment.4.He has p--- gone home.5.Nowadays college students have ---- in finding
英语初3习题根据首字母填空.1.The world’s population has i--- so far.2.I’ll do everything p--- to help you.3.We must take stronger m--- to protect our environment.4.He has p--- gone home.5.Nowadays college students have ---- in finding a good jop.6.I found the second half of the --- interesting than the first,some people left the theatre.7.Can you tell us the ---(不同点)between the two persons?8.Which kind of family are you in,(几代同堂的)family or nuclear family?9.Even if it rains,I ----(go ).10.We meet each other --- --- one year.我们见面不到一年.11.It’ very --- (peace) here in the country.纠错题12.I think dress in still (A ) looks(B) beautiful even though(C) it goes out(D).13.I prefer(A) bread(B) with(C) butter for(D) my breakfast.
increasedpossiblemeasuresprobabalydifficultiesconcertdifferencesjointwill goinpeacefulDCNew | Old | Green | Prefab
Press Play for Intro Video
Historically Inspired … Historically Green(R)
New World Home is an award winning producer of sustainable housing dedicated to fulfilling the convergence of historically inspired design and state-of-the-art green products with advanced building science and ultra-efficient manufacturing methodologies. The end result represents the advent of the New Old Green Prefab(R) home. A New World Home respects our country’s rich architectural heritage, integrates all of the modern amenities of the 21st century and exceeds the most stringent green building performance standards in the housing industry.
The Star-Ledger, NJ’s largest online newspaper, today published an update on the New Jersey Shore rebuilding efforts in the aftermath of Sandy. The
article features multiple New World Home regional projects. Tyler Schmetterer, original New World Home founder, describes how these and other projects are contributing to the architectural integrity and safety of future generations of NJ homeowners.
New Jersey Shore: Modular Construction Helping to Rebuild Homes Destroyed by Sandy – By Kimberly L. Jackson/The Star-Ledger
In western New Jersey, there’s a high-profile supporter of modular building in former Gov. Christine Todd Whitman. On the family’s Tewksbury farmstead, Whitman’s daughter Kate lives in a traditionally styled modular home with her husband, Craig Annis, and their four children. For Whitman, who also headed the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the dwelling exemplifies how modular construction can produce highly energy-efficient “green” dwellings designed to mesh with historic areas.
A modular farmhouse, traditionally designed by New World Home on the farm owned by former NJ Gov. Christine Todd Whitman
The Whitman-Annis house, with its steel roof, conforms to requirements of the Oldwick Historic District in which it is located, says Tyler Schmetterer, founding partner of New World Home, which built the house. “The architecture is equally important as the green attributes,” he says.
Behind the facade of a traditional farmhouse, builders installed bamboo floors, a re- claimed-wood kitchen island, water-conserving kitchen and bathroom fixtures, energy- efficient appliances and other features. “When we design something, we want it to look like it’s been there 150 years,” Schmetterer says.
Country Living magazine’s House of the Year in 2010 was this 1,607-square-foot modular cottage designed by New World Home. It was first shown in New York City and then moved to Crystal Springs Resort in Hardystown.
On a verdant lot in Sussex County, another New World Home design had been a model house at Crystal Springs Resort, an example of what could be built in the area. Created in partnership with Crystal Springs and in collaboration with Country Living to produce the magazine’s annual House of the Year in 2010, the 1,607-square- foot cottage spent two weeks as an exhibition at Manhattan’s World Financial Center that year. Then it was disassembled and trucked to its present location in Hardystown.
The model cottage, which sold last year, stands as an example of the sturdiness of modular houses, Schmetterer says. “The modules are independently strong and reinforced by the rest of the house.” The sturdiness of a well-engineered modular structure also makes it a good solution for those building in hurricane-prone areas, he says. “Our stock home is built to withstand 120-miles-per-hour wind. In the Hamptons, that’s code. New Jersey is going to have to do the same thing,” Schmetterer says. “Look what Sandy did at 70 miles per hour. The homes have to be able to withstand these storms.”
New Jersey Monthly magazine’s Home & Garden Special, Prefab Goes Green, by Lauren Payne in the May 2013 issue is now available on newsstands.
Prefab: Easy Being Green – The family of former NJ governor and Environmental Protection Agency chief Christine (“Christie”) Todd Whitman wanted a house that looked like it had always been part of its bucolic surrounding, but ecologically state-of-the-art. They found what they needed – in a factory with New World Home [click cover to view the complete feature]
A factory-made farmhouse delivers old-fashioned looks and up-to-the-minute style and environmental savvy.
Having participated in the process from start to finish, Governor Whitman says she is well satisfied. “We’d been searching the market for many years for an authentic green prefab housing company that incorporates traditional architecture,” she says. “My family and I were very excited when we connected with New World Home since the company is clearly making great strides in transforming the home building industry.”
Click to view online feature
Tyler Schmetterer, an original founder of New World Home says, “With our collective commitment to the environment and the support of Governor Whitman and her wonderful family, this project is a testament to the current state of green prefab design and manufacturing in this country.”
featuring multiple New World Home projects has been released and is currently hitting bookstores around the country. The widely anticipated sequel to
includes a forward written by Robert Redford and features 32 of the greenest projects in the nation. New World Home is honored to be the only builder/designer to have multiple projects included in this prestigious array of green homes.
Prefabulous + Almost Off the Grid
Prefabulous series author
illustrates the many ways of using prefabrication to create almost-off-the-grid homes – houses that are not only environmentally friendly but also function on a fraction of the energy required by most houses, and additionally are more comfortable, healthier, quieter inside and far cheaper to operate. New World Home projects highlighted in the book include homes in East Hampton, NY; World Financial Center, NYC – Crystal Springs, NJ and Oldwick, NJ.
Tyler Schmetterer, original founder of New World Home and newly formed regional master licensee Systems Built says, “We are thrilled to be collaborating with Sheri Koones and furthering our collective pursuit of promoting historic green milestones in the residential building industry.” Schmetterer adds, “With our shared commitment to sustainable housing and the ongoing support of homeowners like former Gov. Whitman’s family, the Prefabulous books will invariably bring greater awareness of the inherent advantages of green prefab housing and further encourage mainstream use of factory-built construction to provide healthier and more sustainable homes.”
Praise for Prefabulous + Almost Off the Grid
World Financial Center - NYC
“We need to learn from our past mistakes regarding energy consumption and embrace new ways to reduce our needs. It’s time for everyone to consider more clean energy options in our lives. Prefabulous + Almost Off the Grid: Your Path to Building an Energy-Independent Home will inspire and help you do that.” – Robert Redford, Environmentalist, Actor, Director
Whitman Family Home - Oldwick, NJ
“You can build a high quality, environmentally friendly and efficient home at a reasonable price with a look and feel of a traditional home. Advancements like those used in our house and the other houses in this book will transform the homebuilding industry.” – Christine Todd Whitman, former Governor of New Jersey and Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Prefabulous + Almost Off the Grid is published by Abrams Books and is available online and in bookstores around the country.
This New House on the DIY network checks out the so-called “New Old Green Modular” home. It’s all about respect for architectural heritage, 21st-century amenities and performance exceeding certification standards, all on a schedule that makes these homes move-in ready in just a few weeks.
This New House will air the original New World Home segment on the DIY Network on November 15, 2012 at 7:30pm E/P and again on December 18, 2012 at 7:00 E/P.
The episode, aptly entitled “Brave New World”, includes a house tour of the NJ Governor Whitman family home by Mark Jupiter, original co-founder of New World Home and newly formed regional master licensee Systems Built.
November 15,
December 18,
Mark Jupiter, original co-founder of New World Home and newly formed regional master licensee Systems Built, was recently interviewed live on-air by CNBC.
“You may think you only have two choices when buying a home, right? A home someone else has lived in, a used home, and a new home built by a developer. There’s a third alternative, a prefabricated custom home. That market is growing. How big might is become? Let’s ask Mark Jupiter, founding partner at New World Home.” - CNBC
Mark Jupiter, original co-founder of New World Home, interviewed on CNBC
COVER PICTURE: New World Home's 2010 New York City exhibition at the World Financial Center
COVER STORY: New World Home brings affordable, green, modular housing to New Jersey (and beyond)
“After years of research and development, New World Home recently unveiled its affordable Essential Housing(TM) product line. Today, the company, working with five manufacturers across the country, offers homebuyers myriad home-design options, all of which offer the highest possible energy savings and usage of Earth-friendly materials. Details like metal roofs, rainwater harvesting systems, dual-flush toilets, and use of low-VOC paints, stains, and finishes are standard energy-saving mechanisms that allow homeowners to save about 60 percent on their energy bills and more than 50 percent of their water usage.”
Factory Factor
Modular homes are still considered radical by many builders, but there’s a middle ground between box module and stick-built that they are starting to warm up to. We are of course referring to panelized walls, roof systems, and other prefab components as a means of moderating costs, reducing job site waste, and improving quality with structural pieces that aren’t exposed to weather for long stretches of time. Whereas “factory built” was once considered synonymous with “trailer park,” houses today that incorporate panelized design are nearly impossible to distinguish from conventionally built homes once they’re stitched up. And, contrary to some lingering bias, the prefab stuff is not invariably contemporary. Many factory-built homes now come in traditional styles such as Georgian, colonial, and even Victorian.
Homes in the Country Living Collection by
are about as traditional as they come and – surprise! — they’re modular. The portfolio includes five house plans ranging from 1,100 to 2,300 square feet, each of which can be built for $175 to $225 per square foot.
To view the entire Country Living Green Modular Collection of homes
Do you currently own a piece of land? If the answer to this question is yes, then now is the time to unlock the true value of your land.
New World Home builds and delivers homes that are historically inspired, affordably priced and exceed the highest green standards in the industry. Your new home will arrive to your site up to 90% complete and is typically move-in ready in just 120 days from the start of production.
New World Homes are built in an environmentally-controlled factory setting utilizing state-of-the-art technology where quality control is monitored at every station in the production line. Our construction process ensures an extremely well-built home that can save more than 50% in energy consumption, thousands of gallons/year in water, thousands of dollars/year in utility and maintenance costs and provides a superior indoor air quality.*
Create your personal green legacy today
Your home is where your heritage and family history are rooted … to be shared, protected and passed on for future generations. Respecting the past with an eye to the future is a delicate balance that will protect your land for generations to come.
*When compared to a code built home
New York House Magazine recently wrote an article on the top 10 players who are making an impact by creating a more sustainable built environment. New World Home’s own Mark Jupiter and Tyler Schmetterer make the list:
Mark Jupiter and Tyler Schmetterer
Co-Founders, New World Home Mark Jupiter and Tyler Schmetterer, Skidmore College roommates who have been best friends for over 25 years, pooled their resources to launch New World Home with the belief that their green modular homes can transform the housing industry. New World Home builds and delivers homes that are historically inspired, affordably priced, and exceed the highest green standards in the industry. Its New Old Green Modulars (NOGMs) have achieved LEED Platinum and NAHB Emerald certification, without relying on costly renewable energy sources (e.g. solar panels, wind turbines, geothermal systems, etc.). Through superior building science, smart design, and an ultra-tight building envelope, the homes achieve a minimum of 50-percent-plus energy savings over a typical site-built home from day 1. Having built several NOGMs in New York, Georgia, and New Jersey, the company has a program to expand nationally through a turnkey licensing program to provide “on-demand housing”—working with developers, builders, landowners, and realtors to create regionally appropriate, sustainable housing. Because its homes have such a short building timeline, there is no longer the need for speculative building. This “on-demand housing” model, the executives feel, will become quite popular. New World Home is building a home in New Jersey for the former Governor and Head of the EPA Christie Todd Whitman’s family. It’s on target to be the first LEED Platinum and NAHB Emerald factory-built home in that state.
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