
On Friday afternoon
求翻译:他不断叫他的狗,但是它不理他 是什么意思? ...
这很冷(强调句) >> It was cold (stress period)
在星期五的下午 >> On Friday afternoon
小跑 诠释青春 >> Trot interpretation of youth ...
In the afternoon Friday
求翻译:Student recruiting 是什么意思? ...
所以我开车非常小心 So I drove very carefully
在星期五的下午 In the afternoon Friday
这是送给你关于我的照片也是最后留给你的纪念。希望你能够保存好。那样我也会开心的。 Is sent you on my final leave your Memorial. Hope you save. I would be happy. ...
Some students should be allowed to have Friday afternoons off to volunteer and help others.
A Finnish fisher named Fisher failed to fish any fish one Friday afternoon and finally he found out a big fissure in his fishing net.
Feifei's uncle arrived from Canada on Friday afternoon.
- 来自原声例句
感谢您的反馈,我们会尽快进行适当修改!当前位置: &
英文翻译on friday afternoon&&&& be living&&&&Friday&&&& post meridiem&&&&on friday&&&&on friday evening&&&&on saturday afternoon&&&&on sunday afternoon&&&&on monday afternoon&&&&the assembly will rise next friday&&&&see the game on tv friday night&&&&friday&&&&the teachers and parents got together on saturday afternoon&&&&never on sunday&&&&on saturday&&&&on sunday(s)&&&&on wednesday&&&&on sundays&&&& thursday&&&&friday the 13th&&&&friday the 13th&&&&friday the 13th&&&& next friday&&&&freaky friday&&&&freaky friday&&&& friday the 13 gloomy sunday
例句与用法Lily : so we should leave by late afternoon on friday我们应该在星期五下午晚些时候出发。 Speaking at friday afternoon ' s pre - match press conference , the manager explained his reasoning在星期五下午的赛前新闻发布会上,温格解释了他的想法。 Any other committees which need to meet on a friday afternoon should schedule their meetings after the house committee meeting其他委员会如需在星期五下午?行会议,应安排在内务委员会会议结束后?行。 Stanley main street : operates from 7 . 00pm to 11 . 00 11 . 00am to 11 . 00pm on saturdays , sundays and public holidays赤柱大街:在星期五下午7时至下午11时,在星期六、日及公众假期上午11时至下午11时。 Petr cech has given his first interview since the head injury he suffered at reading . it will be broadcast on chelsea tv at 5pm on friday切赫在与雷丁队的比赛之后首次接受媒体采访。这个节目会在星期五下午5点在切尔西电视台准时播出。 Any other committees which need to meet on a friday afternoon should schedule their meetings after the house committee and finance committee meetings其他委员会如需在星期五下午行会议,应安排在内务委员会会议及财务委员会会议结束后行。 Stanley main street : the part - time pedestrian street operates from 7 . 00pm to 11 . 00 11 . 00am to 11 . 00pm on saturdays , sundays and public holidays赤柱大街:在星期五下午7时至下午11时,在星期六、日及公众假期上午11时至下午11时,划为部分时间行人专用街道。 Some agencies pull this stunt with unsurprising regularity around 4 or 5 pm on friday afternoons . “ it ' s an urgent job , and we need it asap , but no later than monday morning . ” something like that gets really “ fishy ” if the call comes from an agency you have never worked with before有些翻译机构是这样使这个绝招的,他们往往有共性:在星期五下午四、五点钟突然给你打一个电话说“这是一个紧急项目,越快越好,绝不能迟于星期一早上。 ” &&
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