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A Pink Mr.Chu - 2014 Melon Music Awards 现场版 中文字幕 14/11/13 (韩流PC应援站)
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115事件后献给上海领导人的一首歌 Dear Mr President
Dear Mr. President,敬爱的总统先生Come take a walk with me.您能和我散散步吗Let's pretend we're just two people and就假装只有我们两个人You're not better than me.假装您和我们没什么区别I'd like to ask you some questions if we can speak honestly.我想请教您一些问题,如果您能如实回答What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?当您看到街上无家可归的人时您是怎么想的Who do you pray for at night before you go to 您会sleep?在晚上入睡前为他们祈祷吗What do you feel when you look in the mirror?当您面对镜中的自己您又是怎么想的Are you proud?您自豪吗How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?您怎么能在其他人痛苦的时候安然入睡How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?又怎能在母亲没有任何机会对自己孩子说再见时坐着你甜蜜的美梦How do you walk with your head held high?又怎能昂首挺胸的走着Can you even look me in the eye您能真正看看我吗And tell me why?并告诉我这一切都是为什么Dear Mr. President,敬爱的总统先生Were you a lonely boy?您曾经是个孤独的孩子吗Are you a lonely boy?您现在是吗Are you a lonely boy?How can you say您又会怎么回答No child is left behind?当身后没有一个同伴We're not dumb and we're not blind.我们不聋也不哑They're all sitting in your cells他们正侵蚀的您的细胞While you pave the road to hell.当您铺设通往地狱的道路时What kind of father would take his own daughter's rights away?什么样的家长会带领自己的孩子走正确的道路And what kind of father might hate his own daughter if she were gay?又是什么样的家长在得知自己的孩子是同性恋时还不恨他们I can only imagine what the first lady has to say我只能想想当第一夫人不得不说的话You've come a long way from whiskey and cocaine.您也曾走过那些酒精和可卡因陪伴的日子Let me tell you 'bout hard work让我告诉您艰辛的工作Minimum wage with a baby on the way低薪童工为了生活Let me tell you 'bout hard workRebuilding your house after the bombs took them away重建您的家园在它们接受炮弹洗礼后Let me tell you 'bout hard workBuilding a bed out of a cardboard box在硬纸板旁建设居住的床铺Let me tell you 'bout hard workHard work艰辛的工作Hard workYou don't know nothing 'bout hard work您根本不知道什么是艰辛的工作Hard workHard workOhHow do you sleep at night?您怎能在晚上入睡How do you walk with your head held high?又怎能趾高气扬Dear Mr. President,敬爱的总统先生You'd never take a walk with me.您永远不会和我散步(和我这类的人共同进退,融入百姓)Would you永远不会
12-09 13:0312-09 13:0312-09 13:0512-09 13:1112-09 13:1312-09 13:1312-09 13:1312-09 13:1612-09 13:1812-09 13:18
&2015 开心网


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