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>>>阅读理解。 Australia has a lot of lovely animals. You canno..
&&&& Australia has a lot of lovely animals. You cannot find them anywhere else in the world. The most famous ones are kangaroos and koalas (树袋熊).&& &&The kangaroo is the symbol of Australia. They have large eyes and ears. They don't walk, they jump. They use their strong back legs. They can jump at up to 74 kilometers per hour. They can go over nine meters in one jump!&&&& Kangaroo mothers have pouches (育儿袋) to carry their babies. The babies stay inside to get milk and keep warm.&&&& Kangaroos are everywhere in Australia. They are on TV, in books and in the shops. The government even wants to put them on passports (护照).&&&& But do you know that millions of kangaroos are killed every year? There are too many of them.&&&& There are about 20 to 25 million kangaroos in Australia. That's more than the number of people in the country!&&&& Some kangaroos go hungry because there is not enough food to eat. They break into farms for food. Farmers are very angry with them.&&&& The koala is another famous Australian animal. They look like bears, and have small eyes and big noses. They eat leaves from eucalyptus, where they spend most of their time.&&&& Koalas have a special smell. They use it to mark their home — "This is my place, you can't come in!"&&&& Like kangaroos, a koala baby lives in its mother's pouch.&&&& But koalas have fewer places to live in. There are about 100,000 koalas in Australia. There is a law to keep them safe.
1. Kangaroos and koalas are the most famous animals in Australia because _____.
A. there are not many of them B. they can't live in other countriesC. we can't see them in any other country except Australia D. they are lovely animals
2. Which of the following is WRONG about kangaroos?
A. They can run at up to seventy-eight kilometers per hour.B. They have large eyes and ears. C. Kangaroo mothers have pouches to carry their babies. D. There are many of them in Australia.
3. Why does the Australian government kill some kangaroos each year?
A. They can make more money. B. Kangaroos break into farms for food.C. Kangaroos do not have enough food to eat.D. There are more kangaroos than people.
4. What do koalas use to mark their home?
A Their footprint. B. Their sound. C. Their fur. D. Their smell.
5. What is the similarity (相同之处) between a kangaroo and a koala?
A. There are too many of them in Australia. B. They keep their babies in the mother's pouch.C. They have a special smell. D. They can jump very high.
1-5: CABDB
据魔方格专家权威分析,试题“阅读理解。 Australia has a lot of lovely animals. You canno..”主要考查你对&&科教类阅读&&等考点的理解。关于这些考点的“档案”如下:
科普类的阅读:科普类的阅读理解包含介绍科学知识、社会知识的短文。阅读这类短文时,要以事实为中心进行思考,抓住事物的特征、用途、相互关系等。如果是介绍社会现象的文章,要掌握所谈现象的内涵。答题技巧:1. 加强整体意识,把握文章的主要内容。在阅读的时候可给段落标上序号,并给重要的句子和&& 关键词做上记号,尤其是各段中心句,为答题提供更快捷更多的信息源。 2. 审清题干,发觉和把握试题中有效的提示性信息,确认命题的角度、阅读范围和答题方式。 3. 定位阅读,强化对应意识。同时要注意原文利用和自我加工相结合。
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