大智慧视频验证提示 cordova pluginplugin为空

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I'm new on Phonegap and JS... and I tried it with a barcode scanner... I installed the phonegap and everything with this tutorial
I installed the BarcodeScanner from CMD
and exported the project as anroid platform...
Add it to Eclipse ... followed all the tutorials how to do it, added all permissions and stuff..
when i try the app on ma samsung tab2 ... the app comes up but when i click the "scan" link i get the error uncaught module cordova/plugin/BarcodeScanner not found
in the logcat.
this is the call
&a href="#" class="btn large" onclick="scaning();"&Scan&/a
i have this in the index html
&script src="phonegap.js"&&/script&
&script src="barcodescanner.js"&&/script&
this is the scaning function
function scaning(){
var scanner = cordova.require("cordova/plugin/BarcodeScanner");
function (result) {
alert("We got a barcode\n" +
"Result: " + result.text + "\n" +
"Format: " + result.format + "\n" +
"Cancelled: " + result.cancelled);
function (error) {
alert("Scanning failed: " + error);
and this is in the config.xml
&feature name="BarcodeScanner"&
&param name="android-package" value="com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner.BarcodeScanner" /&
I think I checked the whole Google
for the answer ... but till now nothing worked... and still for the phonegap 3.0+ version there is almost none documentation for the barcode scanner ... at least for a beginner ...
if you can help me guys .... couse I'm totally lost :S
Had the same problem , got fixed by installing it via plugman like this
plugman install --platform android --project=DIR-TO-CORDOVA-PROJECT --plugin=
where DIR-TO-CORDOVA-PROJECT is E:/ProjectName/platform/android
If I didn't add the /platform/android it gave an error
and then put this in the scanning() function
function (result) {
alert("We got a barcode\n" +
"Result: " + result.text + "\n" +
"Format: " + result.format + "\n" +
"Cancelled: " + result.cancelled);
function (error) {
alert("Scanning failed: " + error);
Although I've never used older versions as I'm quite new into Phonegap/Cordova, Version 3.1 seems to use a slightly different approach for accessing plugins. Following worked for me with Cordova 3.1 and BarcodeScanner.
Install plugin with
plugman install --platform android --project=DIR-TO-CORDOVA-PROJECT --plugin=/wildabeast/BarcodeScanner
You don't have to reference barcodescanner.js by your own, cordova takes care of the includes - the example code from
worked except I had to change the plugin path from
var scanner = cordova.require("cordova/plugin/BarcodeScanner");
var scanner = cordova.require("com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner.BarcodeScanner");
edit the file: js/index.js
find the code: var scanner = cordova.require("cordova/plugin/BarcodeScanner");
replace "cordova/plugin/BarcodeScanner"
to "com.phonegap.plugins.barcodescanner.BarcodeScanner"
This one worked for me:
var scanner = cordova.plugins.barcodeS
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移动设备的Hardware接口包括:Accelerometer、Camera、Capture、Compass、Connection、Contacts、Device、Native Events、File、Geolocation、Notification、Storage、Gestures/Multitouch、Messages/Telephone、Bluetooth、NFC、Vibration。Cordova的Native API接口调用很简单,这里列举一下常用的API调用方法,由于Cordova只是个Container,所以UI使用jQuery Mobile(Single Page、脚本嵌入page div内部)。使用“Cordova :3.4.0、 Andorid :4.1.1”平台测试通过。完整的源代码:,Android APK文件:
&!-- Main --&
&div data-role="page" id="main"&
&div data-role="header"&
&h1&Cordova Sample&/h1&
&div data-role="content"&
&ul data-role="listview"&
&li&&a href="#accelerometer" data-transition="slide"&Accelerometer&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href="#camera" data-transition="slide"&Camera&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href="#compass" data-transition="slide"&Compass&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href="#connection" data-transition="slide"&Connection&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href="#device" data-transition="slide"&Device&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href="#geolocation" data-transition="slide"&Geolocation&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href="#notification" data-transition="slide"&Notification&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href="#contacts" data-transition="slide"&Contacts&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href="#file" data-transition="slide"&File&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href="#inAppBrowser" data-transition="slide"&InAppBrowser&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href="#storage" data-transition="slide"&Storage&/a&&/li&
&li&&a href="#database" data-transition="slide"&Database&/a&&/li&
&!-- Accelerometer
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device-motion
&div data-role="page" id="accelerometer"&
&div data-role="header"&
&a data-role="button" data-rel="back" data-direction="reverse" data-icon="arrow-l"&Back&/a&
&div data-role="content"&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="startWatch"&Start Watching&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="stopWatch"&Stop Watching&/a&&br&
&div id="accvals"&Waiting for accelerometer...&/div&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="startWatchOrientation"&Start Watch Orientation&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="stopWatchOrientation"&Stop Watch Orientation&/a&&br&
&div id="orivals"&Waiting for orientation...&/div&
&script type="text/javascript"&
var watchID =
document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
$("#startWatch").on("click", startWatch);
$("#stopWatch").on("click", stopWatch);
$("#startWatchOrientation").on("click", startWatchOrientation);
$("#stopWatchOrientation").on("click", stopWatchOrientation);
function startWatch() {
var options = { frequency: 3000 };
watchID = navigator.accelerometer.watchAcceleration(onAccelSuccess, onAccelError, options);
function stopWatch() {
if (watchID) {
function onAccelSuccess(acceleration) {
var element = document.getElementById('accvals');
element.innerHTML = '&strong&Accel X:&/strong& ' + acceleration.x.toFixed(1) * -1 + '&br /&' +
'&strong&Accel Y:&/strong& ' + acceleration.y.toFixed(1) + '&br /&' +
'&strong&Accel Z:&/strong& ' + acceleration.z.toFixed(1) + '&br /&' +
'&strong&Timestamp:&/strong& ' + acceleration.timestamp + '&br /&';
function onAccelError() {
alert('Could not Retrieve Accelerometer Data!');
function deviceOrientationEvent(eventData) {
var alpha = Math.round(eventData.alpha);
var beta = Math.round(eventData.beta);
var gamma = Math.round(eventData.gamma);
var element = document.getElementById('orivals');
element.innerHTML = ("alpha = " + alpha + " beta = " + beta + " gamma = " + gamma);
function startWatchOrientation() {
window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', deviceOrientationEvent);
function stopWatchOrientation() {
window.removeEventListener('deviceorientation', deviceOrientationEvent);
&!-- Camera
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.camera
&div data-role="page" id="camera"&
&div data-role="header"&
&a data-role="button" data-rel="back" data-direction="reverse" data-icon="arrow-l"&Back&/a&
&div data-role="content"&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="capturePhoto"&Capture Photo&/a&&br&
&img style="display:" id="smallImage" src="" /&&p id="smTitle"&&/p&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="browsePhoto"&Browse Photo Album&/a&&br&
&img style="display:" id="largeImage" src="" /&&p id="lgTitle"&&/p&
&script type="text/javascript"&
var pictureS
var destinationT //
document.addEventListener('deviceready', onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
pictureSource = navigator.camera.PictureSourceT
destinationType = navigator.camera.DestinationT
$("#capturePhoto").on("click", capturePhoto);
$("#browsePhoto").on("click", browsePhoto);
function capturePhoto() {
if (!navigator.camera) {
alert("Camera API not supported", "Error");
navigator.camera.getPicture(onPhotoDataSuccess, onFail,
{ quality: 50,
allowEdit: true,
destinationType: destinationType.DATA_URL });
function browsePhoto() {
navigator.camera.getPicture(onPhotoURISuccess, onFail,
{ quality: 50,
destinationType: destinationType.FILE_URI,
sourceType: pictureSource.PHOTOLIBRARY });
//sourceType 0:Photo Library, 1=Camera, 2=Saved Album
//encodingType 0=JPG 1=PNG
function onFail(message) {
alert('Response: ' + message);
function onPhotoDataSuccess(imageData) {
var smallImage = document.getElementById('smallImage');
smallImage.style.display = 'block';
smallImage.src = "data:image/base64," + imageD
function onPhotoURISuccess(imageURI) {
var largeImage = document.getElementById('largeImage');
largeImage.style.display = 'block';
largeImage.src = imageURI;
&!-- Compass
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device-orientation
&div data-role="page" id="compass"&
&div data-role="header"&
&a data-role="button" data-rel="back" data-direction="reverse" data-icon="arrow-l"&Back&/a&
&div data-role="content"&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="startWatchCompass"&Start Watch Compass&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="stopWatchCompass"&Stop Watch Compass&/a&&br&
&div id="heading"&Waiting for heading...&/div&
&script type="text/javascript"&
var watchIDCompass =
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
$("#startWatchCompass").on("click", startWatchCompass);
$("#stopWatchCompass").on("click", stopWatchCompass);
function startWatchCompass() {
var options = { frequency: 3000 };
watchIDCompass = pass.watchHeading(onCompassSuccess, onCompassError, options);
function stopWatchCompass() {
if (watchIDCompass) {
watchIDCompass =
function onCompassSuccess(heading) {
var element = document.getElementById('heading');
element.innerHTML = 'Current Heading: ' + (heading.magneticHeading).toFixed(2);
function onCompassError(compassError) {
alert('Compass error: ' + compassError.code);
&!-- Connection
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.network-information
&div data-role="page" id="connection"&
&div data-role="header"&
&a data-role="button" data-rel="back" data-direction="reverse" data-icon="arrow-l"&Back&/a&
&div data-role="content"&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="checkConnection"&Check Connection&/a&&br&
&div id="connectiontype"&Waiting for Connection type...&/div&
&script type="text/javascript"&
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
$("#checkConnection").on("click", checkConnection);
function checkConnection() {
var networkState = navigator.connection.
var states = {};
states[Connection.UNKNOWN] = 'Unknown connection';
states[Connection.ETHERNET] = 'Ethernet connection';
states[Connection.WIFI] = 'WiFi connection';
states[Connection.CELL_2G] = 'Cell 2G connection';
states[Connection.CELL_3G] = 'Cell 3G connection';
states[Connection.CELL_4G] = 'Cell 4G connection';
states[Connection.CELL] = 'Cell generic connection';
states[Connection.NONE] = 'No network connection';
var element = document.getElementById('connectiontype');
element.innerHTML = 'Connection type: ' + states[networkState];
&!-- Device
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.device
&div data-role="page" id="device"&
&div data-role="header"&
&a data-role="button" data-rel="back" data-direction="reverse" data-icon="arrow-l"&Back&/a&
&div data-role="content"&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="getDeviceProperties"&Get Device Properties&/a&&br&
&div id="deviceProperties"&Loading device properties...&/div&
&script type="text/javascript"&
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
$("#getDeviceProperties").on("click", getDeviceProperties);
function getDeviceProperties() {
var element = document.getElementById('deviceProperties');
element.innerHTML = 'Device Model (Android: product name): ' + device.model + '&br /&' +
'Cordova version: ' + device.cordova + '&br /&' +
'Operating system: ' + device.platform + '&br /&' +
'Device UUID: ' + device.uuid + '&br /&' +
'Operating system version: ' + device.version + '&br /&';
&!-- Geolocation
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.geolocation
&div data-role="page" id="geolocation"&
&div data-role="header"&
&a data-role="button" data-rel="back" data-direction="reverse" data-icon="arrow-l"&Back&/a&
&div data-role="content"&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="startGeolocationg"&Start Geolocationg&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="stopGeolocationg"&Stop Geolocation&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="getCurrentPosition"&Get Current Position &/a&&br&
&div id="geovals"&Waiting for geolocation...&/div&
&script type="text/javascript"&
var watchGeoID =
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
$("#startGeolocationg").on("click", startGeolocationg);
$("#stopGeolocationg").on("click", stopGeolocationg);
$("#getCurrentPosition").on("click", getCurrentPosition);
function startGeolocationg() {
var element = document.getElementById('geovals');
element.innerHTML = 'Finding geolocation every 30 seconds...'
var options = { enableHighAccuracy: true, timeout: 30000 };
watchGeoID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(onGeoSuccess, onGeoError, options);
function onGeoSuccess(position) {
var element = document.getElementById('geovals');
element.innerHTML =
'&strong&Latitude:&/strong& ' + position.coords.latitude + '&br /&' +
'&strong&Longitude: &/strong& ' + position.coords.longitude + ' &br /&' +
'&strong&Altitude&/strong& (in meters): ' + position.coords.altitude + ' &br /&' +
'&strong&Accuracy&/strong& (in meters): ' + position.coords.accuracy + ' &br /&' +
'&strong&Altitude Accuracy:&/strong& ' + position.coords.altitudeAccuracy + ' &br /&' +
'&strong&Heading&/strong& (direction of travel): ' + position.coords.heading + ' &br /&' +
'&strong&Speed&/strong& (meters per second): ' + position.coords.speed + ' &br /&' +
'&strong&Timestamp:&/strong& ' + position.timestamp + ' &br /&';
function onGeoError(error) {
var element = document.getElementById('geovals');
element.innerHTML =+ '&br&' + error.code + error.
function stopGeolocationg() {
var element = document.getElementById('geovals');
element.innerHTML = '&span style="color:red"&Geolocation turned off.&/span&';
if (watchGeoID) {
watchGeoID =
function getCurrentPosition() {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(onPositionSuccess, onPositionError);
function onPositionSuccess(position) {
var element = document.getElementById('geovals');
element.innerHTML =+ ('Latitude: ' + position.coords.latitude + '\n' +
'Longitude: ' + position.coords.longitude + '\n');
function onPositionError(error) {
var element = document.getElementById('geovals');
element.innerHTML =+('Error getting GPS Data');
&!-- Notification
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.dialogs
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.vibration
&div data-role="page" id="notification"&
&div data-role="header"&
&a data-role="button" data-rel="back" data-direction="reverse" data-icon="arrow-l"&Back&/a&
&div data-role="content"&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="showAlert"&Show Alert popup&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="showConfirm"&Show Confirm popup&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="showPrompt"&Show Prompt popup&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="playBeep"&Play Beep sound&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="vibrate"&Vibrate the device&/a&&br&
&script type="text/javascript"&
var watchGeoID =
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
$("#showAlert").on("click", showAlert);
$("#showConfirm").on("click", showConfirm);
$("#showPrompt").on("click", showPrompt);
$("#playBeep").on("click", playBeep);
$("#vibrate").on("click", vibrate);
function showAlert() {
'Alert dialog: You are on fire!',
alertDismissed, //callback
'Game Over',
// Override default HTML alert with native dialog
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
if (navigator.notification) {
window.alert = function (message) {
}, false);
function alertDismissed() {
alert('You dismissed the Alert.');
function onConfirm(buttonIndex) {
alert('You selected button ' + buttonIndex + '\n(button 1 = Restart, button 2 = Exit.)');
function showConfirm() {
'Confirm dialog: You are the winner!',
'Game Over',
function onPrompt(results) {
alert("You selected button number " + results.buttonIndex + " and entered " + results.input1 + '\n(button 2 = Exit, button 1 = OK.)');
function showPrompt() {
'Please enter your name',
'Jane Doe?'
function playBeep() {
function vibrate() {
&!-- Contacts
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.contacts
&div data-role="page" id="contacts"&
&div data-role="header"&
&a data-role="button" data-rel="back" data-direction="reverse" data-icon="arrow-l"&Back&/a&
&div data-role="content"&
&label for="fname"&First Name:&/label&
&input type="text" name="fname" id="fname" value="REN"&&br&
&label for="lname"&Last Name:&/label&
&input type="text" name="lname" id="lname" value="SANNING"&&br&
&label for="email"&Email:&/label&
&input type="text" name="email" id="email" value=""&&br&
&label for="tel"&TEL:&/label&
&input type="text" name="tel" id="tel" value=""&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="saveContacts"&Save&/a&&br&
&script type="text/javascript"&
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
$("#saveContacts").on("click", saveContacts);
function saveContacts() {
if (!navigator.contacts) {
alert("Contacts API not supported", "Error");
var contact = navigator.contacts.create();
var name = new ContactName();
name.givenName = $('#fname').val();
name.familyName = $('#lname').val();
contact.name =
contact.displayName = $('#fname').val() + " " + $('#lname').val();
contact.emails = [new ContactField('home', $('#email').val(), false)];
contact.phoneNumbers = [new ContactField('home', $('#tel').val(), false)];
function() {
function() {
(10)File(文件系统处理 )
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.file-transfer
&div data-role="page" id="file"&
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&div data-role="content"&
&input type="text" id="userInput" name="userInput" value="I'm rensanning."&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="writeToFile"&Write To File&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="readFile"&Read File&/a&&br&
&p id="data1"&&/p&&p id="data2"&&/p&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="deleteFile"&Delete File&/a&&br&
&script type="text/javascript"&
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
$("#writeToFile").on("click", writeToFile);
$("#readFile").on("click", readFile);
$("#deleteFile").on("click", deleteFile);
function writeToFile() {
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFSForWrite, fail);
function gotFSForWrite(fileSystem) {
fileSystem.root.getFile("CordovaSample.txt", {create: true, exclusive: false}, gotWriteFileEntry, fail);
function gotWriteFileEntry(fileEntry) {
fileEntry.createWriter(gotFileWriter, fail);
function gotFileWriter(writer) {
var userText = $('#userInput').val();
writer.write('\n\n' + userText);
writer.onwriteend = function(evt){
alert("You wrote ' " + userText + " ' at the end of the file.");
function readFile() {
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFSForRead, fail);
function gotFSForRead(fileSystem) {
fileSystem.root.getFile("CordovaSample.txt", null, gotReadFileEntry, fail);
function gotReadFileEntry(fileEntry) {
fileEntry.file(gotFileRead, fail);
function gotFileRead(file){
function readDataUrl(file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(evt) {
var element = document.getElementById('data1');
element.innerHTML = '&strong&Read as data URL:&/strong& &br&&pre&' + evt.target.result + '&/pre&';
function readAsText(file) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onloadend = function(evt) {
var element = document.getElementById('data2');
element.innerHTML = '&strong&Read as data text:&/strong& &br&&pre&' + evt.target.result + '&/pre&';
function deleteFile() {
window.requestFileSystem(LocalFileSystem.PERSISTENT, 0, gotFSForRemove, fail);
function gotFSForRemove(fileSystem) {
fileSystem.root.getFile("CordovaSample.txt", {create: false, exclusive: false}, gotRemoveFileEntry, fail);
function gotRemoveFileEntry(fileEntry){
function(entry) {
alert("Removal succeeded");
function(error) {
alert("Error removing file: " + error.code);
function fail(error) {
&!-- InAppBrowser
$ cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.inappbrowser
&div data-role="page" id="inAppBrowser"&
&div data-role="header"&
&a data-role="button" data-rel="back" data-direction="reverse" data-icon="arrow-l"&Back&/a&
&div data-role="content"&
&label for="url"&URL:&/label&
&input type="text" id="url" name="url" value=""&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="openURL"&Open URL&/a&&br&
&script type="text/javascript"&
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
$("#openURL").on("click", openURL);
function openURL() {
var ref = window.open($('#url').val(), '_blank', 'location=yes');
ref.addEventListener('loadstart', function(event) { alert('start: ' + event.url); });
ref.addEventListener('loadstop', function(event) { alert('stop: ' + event.url); });
ref.addEventListener('loaderror', function(event) { alert('error: ' + event.message); });
ref.addEventListener('exit', function(event) { alert(event.type); });
&!-- Storage --&
&div data-role="page" id="storage"&
&div data-role="header"&
&a data-role="button" data-rel="back" data-direction="reverse" data-icon="arrow-l"&Back&/a&
&div data-role="content"&
&label for="key"&Key:&/label&
&input type="text" id="key" name="key" value="item_name"&&br&
&label for="val"&Value:&/label&
&input type="text" id="val" name="val" value="item_value"&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="saveItem"&Save Item&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="getItem"&Get Item&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="deleteItem"&Delete Item&/a&&br&
&script type="text/javascript"&
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
$("#saveItem").on("click", saveItem);
$("#getItem").on("click", getItem);
$("#deleteItem").on("click", deleteItem);
function saveItem() {
window.localStorage.setItem($('#key').val(), $('#val').val());
function getItem() {
var item_value = window.localStorage.getItem($('#key').val());
function deleteItem() {
&!-- Database --&
&div data-role="page" id="database"&
&div data-role="header"&
&a data-role="button" data-rel="back" data-direction="reverse" data-icon="arrow-l"&Back&/a&
&div data-role="content"&
&label for="id"&ID:&/label&
&input type="text" id="id" name="id" value="12345"&&br&
&label for="data"&Data:&/label&
&input type="text" id="data" name="data" value="Data Value"&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="saveToDatabase"&Save To Database&/a&&br&
&a href="#" data-role="button" id="getFromDatabase"&Get From Database&/a&&br&
&script type="text/javascript"&
document.addEventListener("deviceready", onDeviceReady, false);
function onDeviceReady() {
$("#saveToDatabase").on("click", saveToDatabase);
$("#getFromDatabase").on("click", getFromDatabase);
db = window.openDatabase("MyDatabase", "1.0", "Cordova Sample", 200000);
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS MyTable');
tx.executeSql('CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS MyTable (id unique, data)');
function(err) {
alert("Error processing SQL: " + err.code);
function saveToDatabase() {
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql("INSERT INTO MyTable (id, data) VALUES (?, ?)",
[$('#id').val(), $('#data').val()],
function(tx, rs) {
alert("Your SQLite query was successful!");
function(tx, e) {
alert("SQLite Error: " + e.message);
function getFromDatabase() {
db.transaction(function(tx) {
tx.executeSql("SELECT id,data FROM MyTable ORDER BY id",
function (tx, rs) {
for (var i = 0; i & rs.rows. i++) {
alert(rs.rows.item(i).id + "=" + rs.rows.item(i).data);
function(tx, e) {
alert("SQLite Error: " + e.message);
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