
将下列英语译为汉语1.I guess Professor wang hasn’t finished grading the papers yet.If he had,he would not keep us in suspense.2.john remarked after the meeting that the speaker was a woman of exceptional wit.3.“Are you worried about your _百度作业帮
将下列英语译为汉语1.I guess Professor wang hasn’t finished grading the papers yet.If he had,he would not keep us in suspense.2.john remarked after the meeting that the speaker was a woman of exceptional wit.3.“Are you worried about your
将下列英语译为汉语1.I guess Professor wang hasn’t finished grading the papers yet.If he had,he would not keep us in suspense.2.john remarked after the meeting that the speaker was a woman of exceptional wit.3.“Are you worried about your son being alone in a strang country ”“Not in the least.I’m sure he’ll manage fine.”4.The plot of the novel evolves with the economic development of the village.5.The decision to quit school at that young age is,in retrospect,the most stupid thing I have ever done.6.At the conference yesterday,our differences were further narrowed done.The nest step is to wark out a solution acceptable to both sides.7.Brian cheated in the last math exam,so he thought he could get away with it again this time,but he was wrong.8.This child is a born mathematician.He loves mathematical so much so that he will spend a whole day solving mathmatical problems withoutremembering to have meals.9.As a cleaning woman,her routine daties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor.10.Even assuming what she said about his personal life is true,it is irrelevant to his qualifications as a software engineer.11.Bonuses are meant to reward hard work and outstanding performance.This that not all workers are entitled to them.12.As a seniour student,you are supposed to know better than just to fool around until the examination time.13.The president of the automobile compang said that short-term profit is not at the top of the compang’s priority list.Their major concern at persent is developing a more competitive model.14.In the past ten years jack has been with us,I think he has proved that he deserves respect from everyone of us.15.He has been throwing his weight around since he was appointed as president of the university last year.16.A market economy allows businesses to compete against each other free from government interference.17.The sellers gave me a thirty percent discount on the shirt.Don't you think it's a good bargain?18.Mark does not take his schoolwork seriously.But then,no one excepts a millionaire's son to work hard.19.I am sorry I am not in a position to answer this question.Ask the man sitting by the window.He is in charge here.20.Despite a very tight schedule,everyone who came to the meeting agreed that at least one day should be set apart for sightseeing.
1.I guess Professor wang hasn’t finished grading the papers yet.If he had,he would not keep us in suspense.1.我猜王教授还没改完卷子,不然他会让我们知道的.2.john remarked after the meeting that the speaker was a woman of exceptional wit.约翰会后谈到了演讲者是一个具有非凡智慧的女人.3.“Are you worried about your son being alone in a strang country ”“Not in the least.I’m sure he’ll manage fine.”“你担心你儿子在一个陌生的国家会感到孤单吗”“一点儿也不”“我相信他能应付的很好的” 4.The plot of the novel evolves with the economic development of the village.小说情节的发展是随着村庄经济的发展进行的5.The decision to quit school at that young age is,in retrospect,the most stupid thing I have ever done.回想起来,这么小就辍学的决定是我作过的最愚蠢的决定.6.At the conference yesterday,our differences were further narrowed done.The nest step is to wark out a solution acceptable to both sides.昨天的会上我们的分歧就这么勉强放到一边去了,接下来的就是要想出一个双方都能接受的方案7.Brian cheated in the last math exam,so he thought he could get away with it again this time,but he was wrong.布莱恩在上次数学考试中作弊了,因此他觉得他这次又能作弊成功,但是他错了.8.This child is a born mathematician.He loves mathematical so much so that he will spend a whole day solving mathmatical problems withoutremembering to have meals.这孩子真是个天生的数学家,他如此热爱数学以至于可以一整天研究数学而忘记吃饭.9.As a cleaning woman,her routine daties include cleaning the desks and mopping the floor.作为一个清洁女仆,她的职责包括整理桌子和拖地.10.Even assuming what she said about his personal life is true,it is irrelevant to his qualifications as a software engineer.即使假设她关于他私生活的陈述是正确的,那也和他作为一个软件工程师的资格没有任何关系 11.Bonuses are meant to reward hard work and outstanding performance.This that not all workers are entitled to them.奖金是奖赏辛勤的工作和出色的表现的,并不是每个员工都能得到.12.As a seniour student,you are supposed to know better than just to fool around until the examination time.做为一个高年级的学生,你应该懂得不要到了考试才一收吊儿郎当的作风.13.The president of the automobile compang said that short-term profit is not at the top of the compang’s priority list.Their major concern at persent is developing a more competitive model.汽车公司的总裁说短期的利益不在优先考虑之中,如今我们关心的是发展一个更具竞争力的模型.14.In the past ten years jack has been with us,I think he has proved that he deserves respect from everyone of us.过去的十年JACK一直和我们在一起,我想他已经证明了他值得我们每个人的尊敬.15.He has been throwing his weight around since he was appointed as president of the university last year.自从去年被委任校长以来,他一直在为自己大造声势 16.A market economy allows businesses to compete against each other free from government interference.市场经济让企业不受政府干预的自由竞争17.The sellers gave me a thirty percent discount on the shirt.Don't you think it's a good bargain?卖家就这件衬衫给我30%的折扣,你不认为这是一个很好的便宜货吗?18.Mark does not take his schoolwork seriously.But then,no one excepts a millionaire's son to work hard.MARK没有认真对待他的作业.但是想想,也没有人会期望一个百万富翁的儿子会认真的学习.19.I am sorry I am not in a position to answer this question.Ask the man sitting by the window.He is in charge here.对不起我不能够回答这个问题,去问靠窗子坐的那个人吧,他是这的主管.20.Despite a very tight schedule,everyone who came to the meeting agreed that at least one day should be set apart for sightseeing.尽管行程非常紧,每个与会的人都同意至少要空出一天观光的时间.朋友我翻译的好辛苦,你也太狠了都没分
死后猜王教授尚未完成分级论文yet.if他了,他不会让我们放心不下. 2.john说过,在会议结束后讲是一个女人的特殊情形. 3 . "你是担心你的儿子正独自在一个斯特朗国" ? "不是在least.i '米相信他会处理好" ④情节小说的发展与经济发展的村. ⑤决定退学在那个年纪,回想起来,最愚蠢的事,我都做过. 主持会议昨天,我们的差别进一步缩小...急求将下面的英语文章翻译成中文,_百度知道
On the other hand, is silence always gold? I used to think so but I’ve begun to have my doubts. Silence is often associated with strength, as people tend to treat a “strong silent man” with respectful awe. But what is the good of respect when it is accompanied by awe? It only estranges you from people who always keep a respectful distance from you. In fact you’ve lost your power of communication, and a breakdown in communication can often land you in trouble, as I once learnt from my bitter experience.It happened when I was still a raw young man just turning twenty, feeling very grown-up and proud of being an Oxford undergraduate. Once I accompanied a group of visiting Chinese scholars on a visit to Stratford-on-Avon. We had to take a train there from Oxford and at the station the most senior member, an elderly professor, gave me what he thought was a lot of money (I forget how much it was as the denominations were quite different and much smaller then) and told me to buy the tickets for the whole group. There were only four or five of us but what he gave me was far from enough, as I was told at the ticket window. Instead of going back to him to ask for more, I thought it would be much simpler to foot the difference myself as I was sure he would make it up for me later. But I soon found I was sadly mistaken of also showing him the loose changes I got left after paying for the difference. I thought that they would help me in explaining what I regarded as a very complicated business — the price for each ticket, the sum he had given me, how much short it was, how much I had paid to make up the difference and so on and so forth. I had hardly started when the old man lost his patience. He grabbed the tickets and all the money from my hands and said quite magnanimously: “That’s quite all right. Everything is on me.” Then pocketing my money, he started to hand out the tickets.
On the other hand, is silence always gold? I used to think so but I’ve begun to have my doubts. Silence is often associated with strength, as people tend to treat a “strong silent man” with respectful awe. But what is the good of respect when it is accompanied by awe? It only estranges you from people who always keep a respectful distance from you. In fact you’ve lost your power of communication, and a breakdown in communication can often land you in trouble, as I once learnt from my bitter experience.另一方面,沉默永远是金吗?我曾经这样认为但现在却开始疑惑。沉默常常与力量相联系,正如人们往往以敬畏之心看待“坚强而沉默的人”。然而,伴随着畏惧的尊敬又好在哪里呢?它只会使你疏远那些总之对你敬而远之的人们。实际上你已经失去了沟通能力,而沟通能力的衰竭往往令你陷入困境,正如我曾经从我的惨痛经验教训所领略到的那样。It happened when I was still a raw young man just turning twenty, feeling very grown-up and proud of being an Oxford undergraduate. Once I accompanied a group of visiting Chinese scholars on a visit to Stratford-on-Avon. We had to take a train there from Oxford and at the station the most senior member, an elderly professor, gave me what he thought was a lot of money (I forget how much it was as the denominations were quite different and much smaller then) and told me to buy the tickets for the whole group. There were only four or five of us but what he gave me was far from enough, as I was told at the ticket window. Instead of going back to him to ask for more, I thought it would be much simpler to foot the difference myself as I was sure he would make it up for me later. But I soon found I was sadly mistaken of also showing him the loose changes I got left after paying for the difference. I thought that they would help me in explaining what I regarded as a very complicated business — the price for each ticket, the sum he had given me, how much short it was, how much I had paid to make up the difference and so on and so forth. I had hardly started when the old man lost his patience. He grabbed the tickets and all the money from my hands and said quite magnanimously: “That’s quite all right. Everything is on me.” Then pocketing my money, he started to hand out the tickets.这件事发生时我还是一个将满20岁的、毫无社会经验的年轻人,我自认已经很成熟,并且作为一个牛津大学的学生而引以为傲。一次,我陪同一个来访的中国学者团去参观亚逢河上的斯特拉福镇。我们得从牛津坐火车去哪儿,在车站,访问团的领队,一位年长的教授给了我他所想象的“一大笔钱”(我忘记具体数目了,因为面额都很小而且都不一样)让我替团队买票。我们只有4、5个人,但售票员告诉我他给的钱远远不够。我想更简单的还是我自己来付这个差额而不是转回去再向他要,因为我确信他过会儿会补给我的。但很快我发现让他看见了付完差额找回的零钱是大错而特错了。我原以为他们会帮我弄清楚我所认为的这件非常复杂的事情——每张票的价钱,他给我的总数,还缺多少钱,我付了多少差额,等等等等。还没等我开口,这老头就不耐烦了。他从我手里一把抢过车票和所有的钱,十分大度地说:“很好,算我请客。”然后把我的钱揣进他的口袋,开始分发车票。这个作者是在嘲讽咱们啊。。。人工翻译,供参考。
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文化背景不同,对同一个意思的表达也不相同。请你把下列汉语翻译成英语。(1)家家有本难念的经。_____________________________________(2)放下屠刀,立地成佛。 _____________________________________
(1)Every family has its own hard nut to crack.(2)To achieve salvation as soon as one gives up evil.
翻译句子:翻译文言句子要掌握翻译的原则、步骤和方法。翻译的基本原则是直译为主,意译为辅,译文要符合现代汉语习惯,做到明白、流畅、简洁。翻译时既要字句对应,又要根据需要进行必要的调整,使译文完整,准确,得体。文言文翻译的方法一般有如下几点:(1)留:把文言文中的专有名词(朝代、年号、人名、地名、物名、器具、官职、职称等)与现代汉语意思相同的保留不译。如:“庖丁为文惠君解牛”中的“文惠君”。 (2)补:指将文言文中省略的地方恰当地补出来,将数量词和分数相应部分补足。如:“果地震陇西”中省去了“于”。 (3)删:指将那些无意义或没有必要译出的词删去不译,如同义连用的实词或虚词中的一个,有些关联词语、结构助词以及偏义复词中的陪衬部分都可略去不译。 如:“夫六国与秦皆诸侯”中的“夫”可略去不译和“初,奉使往来,无留北者”中“往来”是偏义复词,陪衬部分“来”,也没有必要译出。 (4)换:指如果古文中的单音词现代汉语变成了双音词,古文中的单音词在现代汉语变成了另外一个单音词,古文中的词语在现代汉语变成了另外一个词语,古文中的说法现代汉语变成了另一种说法,翻译时都应换成现代汉语。另外词类活用词应该换成活用后的词,通假字也应换成本字。 如:“乃使蒙恬北守藩篱”中的“藩篱”应译为“边防”。“万钟于我何加焉”中的“万钟”应译为“高官厚禄”。 (5)调:即有些句子(宾语前置、谓语前置、定语后置、介宾短语后置、互文见义语句等)在翻译时词序或语序需要调整,使之合乎现代汉语习惯。 如:“何谓得之于心”应翻译为“什么叫在心里得到它呢?”;“石之铿然有声者”应翻译为:“铿然有声的石头。” (6)贯:即意译。所谓意译,就是在不违背原文意思的前提下,按照原文的意思用比较准确的现代汉语将其翻译出来。因为古代汉语有些句子中的某些词语,在现代汉语里没有与之相对应的词,或者句子的结构,表达方式比较特殊,如果用直译的方法,译出来以后不符合现代汉语的规范,所以,只好采取意译的办法。 如:“诚宜开张圣听,以光先帝遗德。”这个句子中的“开张”是扩大的意思,“圣听”是对皇帝听闻的一种尊敬的说法,现代汉语没有与之相对应的词,只能根据原文的意思来翻译。整句话可译为“确实应当广泛听取群臣的意见,用来发扬光大先帝遗留下来的美德。” 古文今译方法:
所谓直译,是指紧扣原文,按原文的字词和句子进行对等翻译的方法。它要求忠实于原文,一丝不苟,确切表达原意。例1: 原文:樊迟请学稼,子曰:“吾不如老农。” 译文:樊迟请求学种庄稼。孔子道:“我不如老农。” 原文:请学为圃。子曰:“吾不如老圃。”(《论语·子路》) 译文:又请求学种菜蔬。孔子道:“我不如老菜农。” 上面的译文紧扣原文,字词落实,句法结构基本上与原文对等。 但对直译不能作简单化的理解。由于古今汉语在文字、词汇、语法等方面的差异,今译时对原文作一些适当的调整或增补词语也是必要的。
例2: 原文:逐之,三周华不注。(《齐晋鞌之战》) 译文:〔晋军〕追赶齐军,围着华不注山绕了三圈。译文在“追赶”前补上了省略的主语“晋军”,按照现代汉语的表达习惯,把状语“三”调整为补语。如果拘泥于原文,译成“追赶他们,三圈围绕华不注山”,就不符合“达”的要求。
所谓意译,是指在透彻理解原文内容的基础上,为体现原作神韵风貌而进行整体翻译的今译方法。这种方法多用来翻译诗歌。例3: 原文:凌余陈兮躐余行, 左骖殪兮右刃伤。 霾两轮兮絷四马, 援玉枹兮击鸣鼓。 天时坠兮威灵怒, 严杀尽兮弃原野。(《楚辞·九歌·国殇》) 译文:阵势冲破乱了行, 车上四马,一死一受伤。 埋了两车轮,不解马头韁, 擂得战鼓咚咚响。 天昏地黑,鬼哭神号, 片甲不留,死在疆场上。(郭沫若《屈原赋今译》) 由上面的译文可以看出,意译不强求字、词、句的对等,而着重从整体上表达原作的内容,力求体现原作的风采神韵,译法比直译灵活自由。但对学习文言文来说,应该坚持用直译的方法作今译练习,只有这样,才能切实提高阅读文言文的水平。古文今译常见错误:
1.因不了解字词含义造成的误译 由于不明用字通假,古今字、词的本义和引申义、古义与今义、单音词与复音词等字词问题而造成的误译,在文言文今译的错误中占很大比重。例如: (1)齐国虽褊小,吾何爱一牛。(《齐桓晋文之事》) (2)先帝不以臣卑鄙,猥自枉屈,三顾臣于草庐之中。(《出师表》) “爱”字在古代有两个常用义项,一是亲爱义,古今相同;一是吝惜义,今已消失。例(1)中的“爱”字正是吝惜义。“吾何爱一牛”应译为“我怎么会吝惜一头牛”,如果不明古义,就会误译为“我怎么会疼爱一头牛”。例(2)的“卑鄙”是个词组。“卑”是卑下,指身份低微;“鄙”是鄙陋,指知识浅薄。可译为“地位低下,见识浅陋”。如果把这个词组理解为现代汉语的双音节词,就误译成道德品质恶劣的意思了。
2.因不了解语法修辞造成的误译 这类错误也很多。例如: (1)孔子登东山而小鲁。(《孟子·尽心上》) (2)少时,一狼径去,其一犬坐于前。(《狼》) 例(1)“小”是形容词的意动用法,如果不理解,就会译为无法理解的“小了鲁国”。这句应译为“孔子登上东山而觉得鲁国变小了”。例(2)的“犬”是名词用作状语,不理解就会误译为“其中一条狗坐在前面”。
3.因不了解古代生活与典章制度而误译 缺乏古代文化常识,不了解古代社会生活,也会造成误译。例如:(1)故有所览,辄省记。通籍后,俸去书来,落落大满。(袁枚《黄生借书说》) (2)董生举进士,连不得志于有司。(韩愈《送董邵南序》)例(1)的“通籍”,意思是做官。古代中进士取得做官资格称“通籍”,意为朝廷中有了名籍。不了解就会误译为“精通书籍”。例(2)的“举进士”是“被推举参加进士科考试”。如果不了解唐代的科举制度,就会误译为“中了进士”。 不认真阅读、分析原文,是产生误译的重要原因。所以要想准确通顺地翻译古文,最重要的是结合上下文准确地理解每一个词。以上虽然列了一些常见错误,不过从考试的角度说,这样的问题不常遇到。所以,重点还是要放在掌握古文翻译方法上。&古文直译:
古文直译的具体方法主要有对译、移位、增补、删除、保留等。1.对译 对译是按原文词序,逐字逐句地进行翻译。这是直译最基本的方法,也是直译的第一个步骤。古今汉语词序一致,句法结构相同的句子,今译时不用改变原句词序,只要从现代汉语中选择恰当的词语来翻译原句中的字词就可以了。例如:原文:齐师伐我。公将战,曹刿请见。(《曹刿论战》) 译文:齐国军队攻打我国。庄公将要应战,曹刿请求接见。 对译的好处是逐字逐句落实,可以避免漏译——漏译是初学时经常出现的问题。由于古今汉语句子结构的相同之处很多,所以凡是能够对译的地方都要对译。对译有困难或对译后意思表达还不够清楚、句子不通顺的,才能用移位、增补等方法作适当的调整。
2.移位 移位是指古代汉语某些词序与表达方式与现代汉语不同,翻译时要按现代汉语表达习惯移动词语位置。例如: (1) 原文:无适小国,将不女容焉。(《郑杀申侯以说于齐》) 对译:不要到小国去,(小国)是不会你容纳的。 调整:不要到小国去,(小国)是不会容纳你的。(2) 原文:谁为为之?孰令听之?(司马迁《报任安书》) 宋·蒋捷《一剪梅》宋·蒋捷《一剪梅》宋·蒋捷《一剪梅》对译:谁为做事?谁让听我的? 调整:为谁做事?让谁听我的? (3) 原文:邴夏御齐侯。(《齐晋鞌之战》) 对译:邴夏驾车给齐侯。 调整:邴夏给齐侯驾车。 (4) 原文:晋侯饮赵盾酒。(《晋灵公不君》) 对译:晋侯饮赵盾酒。 调整:晋侯使赵盾饮酒。 (5) 原文:先生不羞,乃有意欲为收责于薛乎?(《冯谖客孟尝君》) 对译:先生不羞耻,竟然有意想为我收债到薛地吗? 调整:先生不觉得羞耻,竟然有意想为我到薛地收债吗? 例(1)的“女”是前置宾语,翻译时要调到动词“容”的后面。例(2)的“谁”、“孰”是疑问代词作前置宾语,翻译时要移到介词“为”和动词“令”后面。例(3)的“御齐侯”也是一种特殊的动宾关系,宾语不是行为的目的物,而是动词为宾语而动,翻译时词序应调整为“给齐侯驾车”。例(4)中“饮”与“赵盾”之间是古汉语特有的动宾关系——使动用法,今译时,词序应调整为“使赵盾饮酒”。例(5)的“羞”是意动用法,“于薛”是补语,翻译时要调为状语。3.增补 增补是指古代汉语省略或表达过于简古的地方,今译时要作必要的增补。例如:原文:一鼓作气,再而衰, 对译:第一次击鼓振作士气,第二次衰落, 增补:第一次击鼓振作士气,第二次〔击鼓〕〔士气〕已经衰落, 原文:三而竭。(《曹刿论战》) 对译:第三次便泄尽了。 增补:第三次〔击鼓〕〔士气〕便泄尽了。 原文在“再”、“三”之前承前省略了谓语动词“鼓”,在“衰”、“竭”前面省略了主语“士气”。翻译时分别补出“击鼓”和“士气”,这样才能使语意清楚。 增补词语时应该慎重,要“惜字如金”,只有在不增补词语原意就无法表达清楚的情况下,才能增补。
4.删减 与“增补”相反,删减是指原文中个别词语可以删掉不译。文言文中某些表达方式和某些虚词,现代汉语中已不再使用,也没有类似的句法结构和相应的虚词,遇到这种情况,只要译文已把原文的意思表达清楚了,个别词语可以不译。例如: 原文:狼度简子之去远。(《中山狼传》) 译文:狼估计赵简子已经离远了。 原文“简子”和“去远”之间的助词取消句子独立性“之”字,现代汉语没有相应的表达方式,可不译。
5.保留保留指原文中有些词语可以不译而直接保留在译文中。凡古今意义相同的词语,特别是许多基本词汇,如人、牛、山、草等,当然可以保留不译;像一些表示已经消失的古代事物的词语,诸如人名、国名、历史地名、民族名及官号、年号、谥号、特殊称谓、特殊学术用语以至专业术语等,一般都可保留不译。例如: (1) 原文:初,郑武公娶于申,曰武姜,生庄公及公叔段。 译文:当初,郑武公从申国娶妻,称为武姜,生下庄公和公叔段。(《郑伯克段于鄢》) (2) 原文:子厚以元和十四年十月八日卒,年四十七。(《柳子厚墓志铭》) 译文:子厚在元和十四年十一月八日逝世,享年四十七岁。 (3) 原文:道可道,非常道。(《老子》)译文:“道”可以用言词表达的,就不是“常道”。 原文(1)中的人名、国名都保留不译;原文(2)中的“子厚”是柳宗元的字,“元和”是唐宪宗年号,也保留不译;原文(3)中的“道”、“常道”都是具特定含义的哲学概念,也保留原貌。 上述五种具体方法中,对译是最基本的,其他几项则是根据具体情况在对译基础上的调整。我们在今译时应当灵活运用各种方法,以求既准确地译出原文内容,又行文通畅,符合现代汉语的语法规范和表达习惯。


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