unable to load installationload resource faileddll(installationres.dll)是什么意思 。怎样解决?

How to Repair RES Mcshield.dll Error Messages | eHow
The Mcshield.dll file provides a vital function when running the McAfee antivirus software. The mcshield.dll file keeps track of a system's processes, file and registry as it monitors these regions of the system to detect covert infections or virus activity. Without the mcshideld.dll file, McAfee does not function properly. Repair this file and its associated software with a few simple procedures.
Reboot the computer. Press "F8" at the boot screen and wait for the advanced boot options to load.
Load the "Safe mode with Networking" option.
Navigate to the DLL Error website and download the mcshield.dll file. Save it to your desktop and unzip the file.
Press the Windows key, and open the "My Computer" or "Computer" folder.
Click on the "C" drive, then "Windows", and last "System32."
Drag the mcshield.dll from the desktop to the System32 folder. Choose "Yes" to replace the old, damaged file.
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