ally system service是什么是什么软件简称

英 [ f?'net?kl? ]
美 [ f?'net?kl? ]
It's wonderful to watch her now going through things phonetically learning how to spell things.
In actual speech, a phoneme is realized phonetically as a certain phone.
在实际会话中, 音位总是以某个音素的形式得以体现出来.
Though phonetically alike, they are written with different ideographs.
虽然语音相同, 它们的书写却不同.
She'd therefore written the promise out phonetically.
Huw originally started adding a new Welsh word of the day to his Twitter page, explaining phonetically how it's pronounced.
He listens hard to Tennessean or Texan diction, and then reproduces it phonetically, with great, hospitable skill.
In linguistics, phonetics is the study of speech sounds.
ADJ 语音的;发音的
Phonetic means relating to the sound of a word or to the sounds that are used in languages.
搭配模式usu ADJ n
...the Japanese phonetic system, with its relatively few, simple sounds...
I thought a phonetic spelling might aid in pronunciation.
&&&&It's wonderful to watch her now going through things phonetically learning how to spell things.
" "phonetically realized" "
phonetic 语音的phonetically 语音学上phonetician 语言学者
- 基于54个网页
A national producer of soft drinks had the company' s brand name impressed in Chinese characters which were phonetically (按照发音地) accurate. It was.
- 基于2个网页
1. 根据词源(etymologically)2. 根据发音(phonetically)3. 死记硬背(by rote).
- 基于1个网页
phonetic signs
英语音标 ... Appendix 2:Geographical names 附录2:地名中英文对照表 Appendix 3:Phonetic symbols 附录3:英语音标 pre-unitTest 1 测 …
- 基于92个网页
phonetic symbol
音标 音标入门:Follow me 文海 Hu zheng 1/9 1 音标简介 1.1 音标的定义什么是音标(phonetic symbol)? 音标就是记录音素的符号, …
- 基于3632个网页
experimental phonetics
实验语音学 ...perimental Housing Allowance PEHAP试验性住房津贴计划experimental phonetics实验语音学experimental research实验性研究
- 基于94个网页
phonetic system
语音系统 计算机与网络用语中英翻译(四) ... phoneme,voice synthexizer 话音合成器音素 phonetic system 语音系统 phosphor dots 磷光点.
- 基于91个网页英 [ kr?pt?'graef?kl? ]
美 [ kr?pt?'graef?kl? ]
The best defense against poisoning is developing a cryptographically secure cookie.
This is a cryptographically signed message in MIME format.
In order to be cryptographically secure it needs to be as random as possible.
1. in a cryptographic manner
cryptographical 密码的cryptographically 密码地cryptographist 密码专家
- 基于48个网页
cryptographic machine
密码机 memorandum的意思... ... cryptol furnace 炭粒电阻炉 cryptographic machine 密码机 cryptographic smart cards 密码智能卡.
- 基于48个网页
cryptographic system
密码系统 CS反恐精英_百度百科 ... 4. =conditioned stimulus 【生】条件刺激 5. =cryptographic system 密码系统 1.Stupid 白痴级.
- 基于133个网页
cryptographic applications
密码学的应用 十一月 | 2007 | 火星人的分享空间 ... 密码学基本原理( Basic cryptography) 密码学的应用( Cryptographic applications).
- 基于23个网页
cryptographic protocols
密码协议 hierarchy requirements and verification for cryptographic protocols ., 密码协议的分层安全需求及验证.
- 基于27个网页systematacially的用法和样例:
The function and influene of pretreatment technic of chemical nickel phosphate plating are analysed and described systematacially in this paper.
The article systematacially analyzes the conditions and characteristics of Taizhou formation's gas reservoir, discusses its type and model.
The article systematacially analyzes the conditions and characteristics of Taizhou formation’s gas reservoir, discusses its type and model.
摘要 分析了朱家墩泰州组天然气的成藏条件和成藏特征、成藏类型和成藏模式。
And the new technical progress was also presented.The significance and urgency to develop application of foaming agent were narrated systematacially.
Growth and development characteristics of fruit in Niitaka pear were observed and analyzed systematacially by field survey and paraffin section technique.
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, February 2015, Pages 106–110
Performance of an electronic control system for hydraulically driven forestry tandem trailers,
University of Turin, DISAFA, Largo Braccini, 2, Grugliasco, TO, Italy&Evaluation of an electronic control system for hydraulic transmission on a trailer.&System was tested on the forestry tandem trailers using test routes.&System had good performance going up and downhill.&System improved the versatility of the forestry tandem trailers.&Control system could increase the general safety level of forestry trailers.Timber transportation can be a complex operation because variations in timber types and soil characteristics can require changes to the vehicles and techniques used. Furthermore, this operation can be dangerous in unfavourable soil conditions (e.g. frozen and muddy ground). A solution to the problem is the use of mechanically or hydraulically driven trailers. The object of this study was to determine whether an innovative electronic control system for trailers equipped with motor axles, could be adapted to the hydraulic transmissions usually mounted on the forestry tandem trailers. The control system consisted of software that is able to modulate the forward speed of the trailer to that of the tractor as a function of the force presented on the hooked components. The control system mounted on forestry tandem trailers was found to have good performance and the versatility of the forestry tandem trailer was improved. Trailers equipped with hydraulic drive and the control system performed similarly to trailers fitted with mechanical drives normally used in forestry. However, unlike the latter, they had a higher ground clearance and were lighter because the absence of motor axle. It was considered that the control system increased safety levels because the tractor was protected from potentially dangerous oscillations generated by the trailer whilst driving on poor roads.KeywordsTimber transport; Forestry trailer; Motor axle; Electronic control
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