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> 强大而专业的音乐创作软件PreSonus Studio One 3 Professional 3 (Win/Mac) – R2R
强大而专业的音乐创作软件PreSonus Studio One 3 Professional 3 (Win/Mac) – R2R
下一个标准就在这里!介绍一下Studio One 3。新版本3基于快得多工作流,无与伦比的声音质量,可靠稳定,使工作室的一个增长最快的寒鸦。它增加了创新的作曲和安排工具,鼓舞人心的和独特的声音设计能力,和一个漂亮的新,high-dpi,多点触控界面优化,让你订婚了,即使在延长会话。
The next standard is here! Introducing Studio One 3. New version 3 builds on the blazingly fast workflow, unparalleled sound quality, and rock-solid stability that made Studio One the fastest growing DAW of all time. It adds innovative songwriting and arranging tools, inspiring and unique sound-design capabilities, and a gorgeous new, high-dpi, multi-touch interface that is optimized to keep you engaged, even on extended sessions.
PreSonus Studio One 3 Professional 3更新内容:
New features and improvements:
o Support for PreSonus Studio 192 USB 3.0 Audio Interface and DIGIMAX DP88
o Preamp control
o DSP Fat Channel control with native link option
o New Plugin Manager added to the Browser
o “Favorites” folder with user-definable favorites
o “Recent” folder shows 10 most recent plugins / instruments
o show/hide option for plugins
o customizable plug-in folder structure
o Added volume control to parallel effects paths in channel editor
o [Windows] Added support for Marian ASIO hardware sample format
o Added Control Link focus mapping for external instruments
o Added option to show mixer channel numbers in track controls section
o Added button to open Note FX from track controls
o Added option to colorize track controls
o [OSX] improved 10.11 compatibility
o Keep notes in loop range on input quantize
o Audio effect editor is closed when plugin is removed in mixer insert
o Improved Windows 10 and High-DPI compatibility
o Improved Auto Gain in Compressor and Channel Strip with further improved gain
response in Limiter and Tricomp [NOTE: this may affect levels in pre-3.1 songs]
o Improved mouse-over visibility of monitor enable buttons in mixerImproved multi-touch control:
o crash when renaming channel / changing color with touch
o panning area should not select tracks
o prevent channel selection while touching faders
o lag when moving faders with touch
o prevent scrolling while editing controls inside scroll-view
o touching the scrolling arrangement should stop scrolling immediately
o jitter in scroll animation in browser after releasing touch
o long-press menu on inserts / sends in device rack does not work with touch
o selecting a channel with touch + command key immediately selects it
o button swipe shows unexpected mouse-over behavior
o ignore additional fingers during zooming
o touch scrolling performance issue
o multi-touch support for Multiband Dynamics plug-in
o resizing mix window with touch is slower than with mouse
o Updated Sound Set Builder 3 now available via PreSonus Exchange
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与本文相关的文章presonus studio one 3 什么时候发布_百度知道
presonus studio one 3 什么时候发布
顾名思义就是“一个工作室”的意思Studio One是PreSonus公司出品的一款工作站性质的音乐制作软件,它所倡导的制作理念是直接在一个制作软件里完成音乐制作的全部,包括前期的制作缩混和后期的母带处理
出门在外也不愁中文名: 音频工作站软件英文名: Presonus Studio One Professional 资源格式: 压缩包版本: v2.0.6 WIN OSX 发行时间: 2012年语言: 英文简介: Studio One是一个集MIDI和音频功能于一身的工作站,如果你使用PreSonus的硬件那么完全不必设置就可以直接用。音轨数量、插件数量都没有限制,即便 在32位系统下它内部也会用64位符点来做运算保证声音质量。划时代的音乐创作与制作软件,同时适合Mac OS X与Windows XP/Vista。Studio One让您通过更简单的方式来录制音频及进行MIDI制作,并提供了丰富的专业功能。Studio One现有两个版本:Studio One Artist随每台PreSonus音频接口一起发售;Studio One Pro,包括tudio One Artist的全部功能,并包括VST, AU及ReWire支持,全面集成母带处理功能,还有各种重要的附加功能及捆绑的音色。全新的设计,极其人性化的用户界面,功能强大的浏览功能,多种鼠标拖放功能,简单易用的 MIDI映射功能,与PreSonus对应的自动配置功能,卓越的音质,无限制的音轨数及每轨无限的插件数,支持各种最新技术规格,便利的起始页面,化繁杂为简单,Studio One Pro及Studio One Artist的这一切都是下一代音频软件的特性。Studio One Pro基干划时代的音频引擎,提供了强大的音频性能,并可自动在32位及64位浮点处理之间进行切换(哪怕是在32位操作系统下),从而保证在任何情况下均提供最优质的音频。Studio One Artist采用了相同的音频引擎,但只工作在32位模式下。两个版本均兼容ASIO,Windows音频系统及CoreAudio标准的音频接口,其中当然包括PreSonus的全系列音频接口。Studio One自动识别PreSonus接口,并自动根据接口的型号载入模板,根据硬件输入口的类型分配软件输入口。也就是说您无须在软件里进行对应的设置,一切都是自动完成的!Studio One还提供了一种简易的操作:软件将为每首乐曲保存输入输出设置,对应于每台电脑、每个设备驱动程序的设置。这样,您可以将乐曲带到朋友的录音棚里,通过Studio One软件在他们的接口上进行工作,当回到自己的工作室再打开同样的乐曲时,软件将自动恢复为您原来的输入输出设置,就好象乐曲从来没有离开过您的工作室一样。这个功能不受音频接口型号的限制。软件为专业人士及爱好者提供了一个强大的工具。通过起始页,您可以打开最近的乐曲及项目,建立新作品,配置外部设备,观看教程,听演示曲,还可以看到产品新闻。您可以通过起始页直接下载最新的产品支持文件,而无须关闭Studio One软件。与大多数音乐制作软件不同,本软件通过一个直观的工作窗口,让您通过一次点击即可进行音轨编辑、缩混工作。当然如果您愿意,也可以把调音台窗口及编曲窗口分开。 通过一个紧凑的调音台窗口,您可以在查看编曲窗口的同时进行混音,这样就省去了在两个窗口之间反复切换的麻烦。您还可以切换到大型调音台窗口——软件通过这些方式提高工作效率,并尽量满足各种人士的习惯。编曲窗口提供了波形显示,色彩可由用户选择,可以放大到采样点的精度。编曲窗口显示出整体情况,编辑窗口则显示出更多细节,把这两个窗口结合在一起,可以省去频繁放大缩小的麻烦。调音台窗口包括推子、独奏、静音、声像等各种该有的部件,并提供了旁路连接功能。Studio One的浏览器提供了快速访问功能,用来直达效果、反复、音色及其它关键部分。您可以预览各种音频片段。如果片段带有速度信息,它将与乐曲速度同步。软件提供了强大的拖放功能,您可以将音频片段、效果或虚拟音色直接从浏览器拖放到编曲窗口或调音台窗口的音轨上。通过时间缩放功能,可以自动将带有速度信息的音频片段与乐曲同步。您可以复制一个效果,或者一串效果——包括各种设置——只要将其拖放到调音台窗口的一条新音轨上即可。以上只是各种拖放功能的一些简单介绍,可以让您不用到菜单里查找各种命令,而且这种工作方式更加有趣!相比之下,许多其它音乐软件就没能达到这种便利。为了保证您可以随心所欲地进行音频处理,我们已经提供了相应的Native Effects Suite插件,包括多种内置效果,例如压缩,EQ,失真,延迟效果,音箱模拟,调制及混响。这些都是为Studio One Pro设计的全新插件,均采用64位双精度处理。(这些插件在Studio One Artist以32位模式运行。)Studio One具有延迟自动补偿功能,以保证音轨同步,不受插件处理的影响。这是真正具有艺术魅力的高科技。Studio One同时配备了四个新的PreSonus虚拟音色软件,包括SampleOne,这是现有运行最快的采样映射软件。在MIDI映射方面,Studio One再次重写了规则。当然,您可以录制MIDI声部,并在钢琴卷帘窗中处理。不过,真正的乐趣来自于Control Link窗口,这是迄今为止最人性化的MIDI映射系统。只要点击Link(连接)按钮,即可将软硬件控制功能连接在一起,并进行快速映射。在全局 (Global)模式下,将为软硬件控制建立一对一关系,即将硬盘控制直接连接到对应的软件控制。在聚焦(Focus)模式下,控制映射只对应于某个插件,这样就可以为每个插件建立不同的控制映射,而且这种映射关系随插件一起保存,从而让您镇定自若地完成一切工作。这种功能适用于各种VST或AU插件的所有参数。总而言之,在这个音乐制作软件中,映射功能既简单又灵活!=========================================下载链接来自sharevirus,未经过安装测试与安全检测,使用者后果自负与本论坛无关软体版权归原作者及其公司所有,如果你喜欢,请购买正版=========================================Studio One is a new music creation and production application for Windows XP/Seven that makes audio recording, MIDI sequencing, and audio mastering simple right out of the box, yet provides a wealth of professional features. Fresh code, innovative drag-and-drop MIDI mapping and plug-in management, auto-configuration with PreSonus hardware, good audio quality, unlimited tracks and plug-ins per track and a powerful, inventive, Start page that puts the whole project right in your hands are just a few of the compelling features that make Studio One the next generation in audio software, according to PreSonus. Studio One gives you a complete, easy-to-use solution from raw tracks to finished master, while supporting the latest standards and technologies.Features:* Elegant single-window work environment.* Powerful drag-and-drop functionality.* Unlimited audio tracks, MIDI tracks, virtual instruments, buses and FX channels.* Content browser with convenient sort options and preview player.* Integrated mastering solution with automatic avaxklan mix updating, waveform editing, effects, Red Book CD burning, and digital release.* Automatic delay compensation.* Advanced automation* 64-bit processing (even on 32-bit machines).* Easy-to-use sidechain routing.* 64-bit effects suite.* Virtual instruments collection.* User-friendly sampler.* Intuitive MIDI-mapping system.* Real-time audio timestretching and resampling.* VST2, VST3, and ReWire support.* K System metering.* Compatible with any ASIO-, Windows Audio compliant audio interfaceThis Sound Set Addon is compatible to Studio One PRO (Win/OSX)Following Sets are included:Voodoo One Synth.soundset:A new collection of instruments for Presence based on some very popular synthesizers.Voodoo One FX.soundsetA collection of 70-One exclusive sweeps, multi-effects, glitches and noize hits.CCKits.soundsetRodney Orpheus of The Cassandra Complex has been gathering up a bunch of Creative Commons licensed drum sounds, and turned them into a free Studio One Pro soundset.CC Kits includes 12 kits, with lots of multisampled acoustic drums and cymbals. The Cassandra Complex have already been using these kits both live and in the studio over the past weeks, so they are well road-tested and ready to rock.Studio One is a modern, cross-platform DAW that is capable of operating as a 32-bit or 64-bit application. While we make every effort to ensure Studio One will run well on the widest variety of computers possible, please read these specifications carefully to determine compatibility with your system.MAC OS(R) X 10.6.8 OR HIGHERHardware MinimumIntel(R) Core(TM) Duo processor2 GB RAMHardware RecommendedIntel Core 2 Duo or Intel Xeon(R) processor or better4 GB RAMWINDOWS(R) XP, VISTA(R), 7 (32- OR 64-BIT)Hardware MinimumIntel Core Duo or AMD Athlon(R) X2 processor2 GB RAMHardware RecommendedIntel Core 2 Quad or AMD Athlon X4 or better4 GB RAMOTHER REQUIREMENTSInternet connection (not required on machine where Studio One is installed but needed for activation)DVD-ROM driveA monitor resolution no lower than 1280 x 768 pixels20 GB hard-drive space代码
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SIZE ......: 08 * 47,68MB
DATE ......: 06/2012
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Studio One is a new music creation and production application for Mac OS
and Windows XP/Seven that makes audio recording, MIDI sequencing, and audio
professional features.
Fresh code, innovative drag-and-drop
MIDI mapping and plug-in
auto-configuration with
PreSonus hardware,
good audio
quality, unlimited
tracks and plug-ins
per track and
a powerful, inventive,
Start page that
puts the whole project right in your hands are just a few of the compelling
make Studio
according to PreSonus.
Studio One gives
you a complete,
easy-to-use solution from
raw tracks to
finished master, while supporting the latest standards and technologies.
Elegant single-window work environment.
Powerful drag-and-drop functionality.
audio tracks,
MIDI tracks,
virtual instruments,
Content browser with convenient sort options and preview player.
editing, effects, Red Book CD burning, and digital release.
Automatic delay compensation.
Advanced automation.
64-bit processing (even on 32-bit machines).
Easy-to-use sidechain routing.
64-bit effects suite.
Virtual instruments collection.
User-friendly sampler.
Intuitive MIDI-mapping system.
Real-time audio timestretching and resampling.
AU, VST2, VST3, and ReWire support.
K System metering.
Compatible with
any ASIO-,
Windows Audio-,or
Core Audio-compliant
Changes in v2.0.6
See included > WhatsNew.txt
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1) Unzip, Unrar and install
2) Check Readme.txt and use our Keygen
3) Have Phun!
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nFO bY ThE AiRBEARS 2011


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