
免费系统优化软件|WinThruster(系统优化软件)1.79 最新免费版-东坡下载
→ WinThruster(系统优化软件) 1.79 最新免费版
WinThruster()是用于系统错误检测和修复的工具,检测诸如:引起“Fdcent.sys”错误导致系统蓝屏和程序。小编这里提供WinThruster免费版,大家只需要把WinThruster crack文件覆盖就可以了,有需要的赶紧来使用吧。WinThruster(系统优化软件)使用方法WinThruster可以检测并修复数百个你的注册表里的点击无效引用,自动备份你的注册表,当出现问题时轻松地恢复您的电脑。只需点击的“逆向修复”按钮将您的PC回到之前的状态。修复你电脑的一切错误,保证系统在最优化的情况下运行。怎么优化系统?1、在我的电脑窗口,右击要清理的盘符―“属性”―“清理磁盘”--勾选要删除的文件--确定--是。&2、清除临时文件,开始―运行―输入 %temp% --确定。&3、用WinThruster(系统优化软件)清理注册表和垃圾文件。&4、关闭一些启动程序, 开始-运行-msconfig---启动 ,除杀毒软件、输入法外一般的程序都可以关掉。&5、删除不用的程序软件。&6、整理磁盘碎片--开始 --所有程序--附件--系统工具--磁盘碎片整理程序--选定C--分析--碎片整理。&7、减轻内存负担 ,打开的程序不可太多。如果同时打开的文档过多或者运行的程序过多,就没有足够的内存运行其他程序,要随时关闭不用的程序和窗口。&8、加大物理内存,更换成质量高的内存,合理设置虚拟内存 。&虚拟内存设置方法是: 右击我的电脑―属性--高级--性能设置--高级--虚拟内存更改--在驱动器列表中选选择虚拟内存(页面文件)存放的分区--自定义大小--在“初始大小”和“最大值”中设定数值,然后单击“设置”按钮,最后点击“确定”按钮退出。&9、用WinThruster(系统优化软件)优化电脑。如何快速优化XP系统1.不要装一些很占内存但很少用或者用处不大的软件之类的。2.定时清理垃圾文件。3.定期扫描,杀毒。4.开机启动自启动杀毒软件之类的就ok了,其它的开机启动项禁止。
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→ WinThruster(系统优化软件) V1.79.69.2469中文破解版
WinThruster 是一款非常好用的系统优化软件,主要可用于修复错误,恢复电脑性能!软件功能它可以检测并修复数百个你的注册表里的点击无效引用,自动备份你的注册表,当出现问题时轻松地恢复您的电脑。只需点击的“逆向修复”按钮将您的PC回到之前的状态。修复你电脑的一切错误,保证系统在最优化的情况下运行。恢复您的电脑系统性能破解说明:1. 安装 Setup_WinThruster_2015.exe2. 打开安装文件夹3. 复制替换 Crack 下的 RegcleanPro.dll 到安装文件夹4. 完成
WinThruster(系统优化软件) V1.79.69.2469中文破解版
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Fix Errors And Optimize Your PC!
Introducing WinThruster, a state-of-the-art technology that detects and repairs hundreds of invalid references that accumulate in your registry-with one click.
Repair PC Problems
Decrease Program Load Time
Remove PC Clutter
Extend Your Computer's Life
Restore System Performance
You are downloading trial software. The purchase of a one-year software subscription at the price of $39.95 USD is required to unlock all software features. Subscription auto-renews at the end of the term . By clicking the "Start Download" button above and installing "Software", I acknowledge I have read and agree to the Solvusoft
Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and 2000
End PC Problems Forever
When you scan your PC with WinThruster you optimize your system so it performs like it's just out of the box. No more cluttered desktop. No more screen freeze. No more waiting for your apps to open.Your PC is scoured of all errors - leaving it clean and clear to run like it should.
Restore Your PC Performance
There's an easier and more affordable way to get a faster computer.WinThruster seeks and destroys the problems behind your sluggish PC - restoring it to speeds you haven't experienced since you first turned it on.
Safe, Trusted, and Guaranteed
90-Day Money-back Guarantee
100% Spyware, Adware, and Virus Free
4 and 5-Star Editor Ratings
128-bit SSL Secure Purchase
McAfee Secure Safe Site
"WinThruster makes my PC faster than before - I don't know what it does or how it does it - it's like magic. WinThruster is my "magic tool" that makes my computer work like new."
- Cathlleya A.
Scans 15 Different Problem Categories
WinThruster uses a comprehensive scanning technology that scans for problems in all areas of your PC that could cause performance problems. These include:
Com / ActiveX Entries
COM (Component Object Model) is Microsoft's component software architecture developed primarily for Windows. It is the foundation upon which OLE and ActiveX are based, and provides a means to re-use code without requiring re-compilation. In COM, a component is a platform-specific binary file that compliant applications and other components can utilize. Programs incorporating a component's services never have access to its internal data structure, but instead include pointers to its standardized interface. Thus, it is possible for components to interact with each other regardless of how they work or what language they are written in.COM+ is an enhanced version of COM that provides better security and improved performance. DCOM (Distributed Component Object Model) is an extension of COM that allows applications and components to communicate with each other over a network. WinThruster will search areas of the registry where com/activeX entries are stored and confirm that the physical path maps back correctly to the entries in the registry, if not, then the defective path will be removed from the registry.
Uninstall Entries
Whenever you install software on your machine it will leave necessary entries on your machine especially in your Registry. Most software comes with an Installer and an Uninstaller, but not all software is uninstalled properly so that it cleans up after itself. It's not necessarily the software's fault as there can be many reasons for the program not being able to clean up after itself. You might have an anti-virus that prevents a complete uninstall or another program that has blocked the uninstall process. There could be specific reasons for leaving traces in the Registry as a service for the user if he plans reinstalling the product and therefore leaves information behind. But there is also sloppy software that just hasn't been written well and leaves Entries behind.This is where WinThruster helps you out by finding unnecessary leftover Entries and erasing them. WinThruster will search uninstall registry areas to confirm that a valid file path exists to the files listed. If the uninstall path to the file does not exist, the item's placeholder in the registry will be removed.
Font Entries
If WinThruster finds any invalid Entries there it's usually because there has been an application error in an Office program, another word processing program, graphics and games, Font files are left corrupt but it's easy to cure these inconsistencies and keep them from taking up space in your Registry. WinThruster detects and confirms that fonts registered in windows physically map back correctly to the font file. If a font entry exists in Windows, but the physical file does not exist, the registry will be fixed to remove that items mapping.
Shared DLLs
Many programs install the same DLL's.The fact that it has been installed gets recorded to the SharedDLLs registry key. This allows Windows to keep track of how many times that dll has been installed. Every time a program uses a shared DLL it will be registered to the Shared DLL Registry Key, but this information is most often left when the program is uninstalled. WinThruster will clean up this information and either reset or delete left over or faulty Entries.WinThruster scans the shared DLL locations of the registry to make certain that the associated DLL physically exists at the specified location. If the DLL does not exit, WinThruster will automatically remove the faulty or missing reference from the registry.
Application Paths
You can call this a Directory of which programs are where. If these paths are not correctly stated programs will fail or "get lost". WinThruster will search and fix these errors and make sure they are written correctly in the Application Paths. Note: by fix we mean delete the missing path. Registry programs remove items that do not map back physically to paths, etc. They do not repair in the sense of making a bad path somehow work. If the path does not exist, the item is removed. This has the effect of preventing potential errors that can slow down and even cause programs to crash.
Help File Information
Within most computer programs, there are links to help files that are there to provide you with help using the program. It is frustrating when you click on the "help" section of a program only to have the program crash! WinThruster fixes this program by repairing invalid help file references so that those program help files work properly.
Windows Startup Items
Some programs will put themselves into the Windows Startup either because they are necessary for the computer to use during startup or because they can annoy you the most this way.When uninstalled, moved or changed, they don't always get unregistered registered corr this therefore slows your PC down during startup, displays errors or just annoys you on your computer. WinThruster checks items that are set to always run on startup from various locations in the registry and confirms that these item files physically exist. If they do not, the startup item can be removed from the registry from this scan.Please notice that you can control these Windows Startup Items in WinThruster under UTILITIES and STARTUP MANAGER. Here you can activate or deactivate each Startup Programs as you please, but be sure that you do not deactivate important Startup Programs such as Anti-Virus or programs windows needs to work correctly.
File / Path References
There will most often be results in this category. Registry Items that are assorted with non-existing files or Folders will show up here. Take your Temporary Files that are often created during startup, they are no longer necessary but have left a signature here. Some programs will create Temporary Entries in this area while they are running and that is why you can suddenly find new Entries here even though you have just cleaned your computer. This has little consequences and you should not worry about it. WinThruster maps items in several registry locations to confirm that files and paths in these locations exist. If they do not, this is considered a registry error and these items can be removed.
Program Shortcuts
Ever had the Error "Windows is searching for the program"? If program is uninstalled or moved, the Shortcut activation cannot find the right program to start. WinThruster removes references to shortcut items that do not map back to the location shortcut contained in the registry. If the location does not exist, it will delete it in the registry or delete/correct the Entries in the Registry.
Empty Registry Keys
Empty Registry Keys are created all the time on the computer when you move, uninstall or delete items. This is usually a Category where there are often found Error/Entries that are incorrect or Empty. While not necessarily an error, generally empty keys offer no advantage to remaining in the registry. This option removes detected empty registry keys that contain no value information. Some keys are sometimes place in programs as place-holders whether they are used or not. In some cases, some keys are considered "Self-healing", which means that even though the key is deleted and thought to offer no value, some programs automatically will recreate these keys. If you run into keys that are self-healing, you always have the option to add them to the Ignore list found under SETTINGS in WinThruster.
File Associations
As the word says, the Key are associated with a file. Its key has errors or faulty E it will slow down your computer or make it impossible to open documents by double-clicking them. File associations allow you to double-click on a file of a know extension such as a PDF file, word document, graphic file, etc. and have the program that is associated with that file type automatically load the file. If the path that points back to the application that loads a specific file type extension is missing, then the file association will not work, and may cause your system to hang or become slow or unresponsive. WinThruster detects errors in file association areas of the registry and will remove the bad associations from the registry.
Shared Folders
Similar to shared DLL problems, many programs share the same directory references. WinThruster scours your Windows registry to make sure that none your folder references are invalid entries. See the "Shared DLLs" link for more information about this relationship.
Invalid Class Keys
A Class Key also called CLSID and works as a Program ID for each program installed. Each program Class Key has at least a Default Value and one "Subkey" - CLSID / CLASS ID The Class ID is always Unique. If these are mixed up or have errors, this can cause serious errors and slow down on your computer. WinThruster will make sure every ID is correctly associated with the right file.
Sound & App Events
Every computer has sound files. These are sound files that are directly associated with windows sounds and OS functionality. Such as beeps and clicks for errors, message boxes, etc.These files often get moved, changed and corrected, but WinThruster will make sure your computer has registered them correctly and cleanup any problems.
CLSID / TypeLib / Interface Entries
These types of Registry entries control how Windows combines different components to perform complex tasks. Problems here can cause errors, task failures, or even system crashes.
System Requirements
Operating System: Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and 2000
Processor: 300 Mhz +
Memory: 256 MB +
Disk Space: 11 MB +
You are downloading trial software. The purchase of a one-year software subscription at the price of $39.95 USD is required to unlock all software features. Subscription auto-renews at the end of the term . By clicking the "Start Download" button above and installing "Software", I acknowledge I have read and agree to the Solvusoft
Instantly Reverse Your Repairs
Sometimes changes to your PC can result in causing more problems. Because of this, WinThruster makes a backup copy of your registry before any changes are made, allowing for easy restore of your PC. Just one click of the "Reverse Repair" button brings your PC back to it's previous state.
Automatic Repair Scheduling
WinThruster allows you to create customer scanning schedules that work around the days and times that you choose. You can choose daily, weekly, monthly, at startup, or any other time you want. You can even specify specific days and times (eg. Sundays at 2.00 AM).
Easy Startup Program Manager
One of the biggest causes of slow PC problems is related to the number of programs that your computer automatically loads during startup. If you see several icons in your system tray (it's the Windows bar at the bottom of your screen that contains the time of day), it's likely that you have too many programs loading at startup. WinThruster fixes this problem by providing you with a utility to easily manage your startup. You can disable or enable any of the programs that load at startup in a few simple clicks.
Designed to Meet Your Unique Needs
WinThruster is designed to fit the needs of any user. As a part of this complete flexibility, you can choose to customize the following options:
Choose preferred language
Run on system startup
Close WinThruster after repair
Minimize WinThruster while scanning for errors
Auto Repair Errors
Create backup before repairing errors
Check for updates automatically
Ask me before downloading updates
Auto scan for errors when software is launched
Custom Categories Ignore List
If you are an advanced PC user, you can choose which categories of performance scanning that you want to include or ignore. This is a valuable feature to save time scanning certain categories that you may not want to scan everytime.
Complete Scanning Logs
Another advanced feature of WinThruster is the "Log Details" screen within the "Settings" menu. In this menu, you can view the exact dates and times of each performance scan. You can open any of these log files to see the exact details of what WinThruster completed during each respective scan. From this screen you can also choose which scan you would like to "reverse repair", if necessary.
"Win Thruster makes my PC faster than before - I don't know what it does or how it does it - it's like magic. WinThruster is my "magic tool" that makes my computer work like new."
- Cathlleya A.
Compatible with Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP and 2000
You are downloading trial software. The purchase of a one-year software subscription at the price of $39.95 USD is required to unlock all software features. Subscription auto-renews at the end of the term . By clicking the "Start Download" button above and installing "Software", I acknowledge I have read and agree to the Solvusoft
You are downloading trial software. The purchase of a one-year software subscription at the price of $39.95 USD is required to unlock all software features. Subscription auto-renews at the end of the term . By clicking the "Start Download" button above and installing "Software", I acknowledge I have read and agree to the Solvusoft
& Solvusoft Corporation . All Rights Reserved.


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