studio one可以dsd音乐播放器dsd吗

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[求助]materials studio 集群安装
各位虫友,我需要安装material studio 4.1(UNIX版)在linux cluster上,安装过程中出现了Gateway设置无法执行以及gunzip无法预知的文件结束(请参见下文中的粗体标记部分),请教如何解决?
$ ./CDROM/UNIX/Install --type cluster
Running Materials Studio installer for platform Linux_IA64...
Please specify an absolute destination path&&:
/home/user/MaterialsStudio already exists. Do you wish to continue? : Y
Please choose the package you wish to install:
&&1. Amorphous Cell Server
&&2. CASTEP Server
&&3. DMol3 Server
&&4. DPD Server
&&5. Discover Server
&&6. Equilibria Server
&&7. MesoDyn Server
&&8. ONETEP Server
&&9. Reflex Plus Server
&&10. Reflex Server
&&11. Structures library
&&12. VAMP Server
&&13. Everything
Enter items to install (e.g. 1,2,5) , or Q to quit : 13
Starting installation...
Install log in /home/user/MaterialsStudio/install.log
Installing everything...
Checking for dependencies for HPMPI:1
Checking for dependencies for IntelRuntime: None
Do HP-MPI Installation - 2 cpus are available
Please remember that HP-MPI must be installed on each node
of the cluster.
Do you still want to continue the installation? : Y
Should HPMPI use SSH? : Y
Configuring HP-MPI installation
Setting up machines.LINUX file in /home/user/MaterialsStudio/share/data
Checking for dependencies for MKL:1
Checking for dependencies for AmorphousCellData: None
Checking for dependencies for AmorphousCellServer:4
Checking for dependencies for DiscoverServer:5
Checking for dependencies for DiscoverData: None
Checking for dependencies for DiscoverForcefields: None
Checking for dependencies for SharedSetup:2
Checking for dependencies for GatewayTmp: None
Please specify the location for temporary files (required for certain
computational servers), e.g., /tmp or /usr/tmp.&&Enter ./tmp if you prefer
to create these files in the directory where the job is being run. Please
note that the ./tmp setting could create additional I/O overhead and thereby
affect performance: ./tmp
Configuring environment setup
Setting installation path in environment setup script files
Checking for dependencies for GatewayRemote:2
Checking for dependencies for GatewayLocal: None
Configuring Gateway to use default port
Configuring Gateway for cluster access
./config/configure: line 89: perl/bin/perl: cannot execute binary file
Configuring Gateway for supported queueing systems
./config/configure: line 89: perl/bin/perl: cannot execute binary file
Creating Stand alone Discover script /home/user/MaterialsStudio/Discover/bin/
Creating Stand alone AmorphousCell script /home/user/MaterialsStudio/AmorphousCell/bin/
Checking for dependencies for CASTEPData: None
Checking for dependencies for CASTEPServer:5
Creating Stand alone CASTEP script /home/user/MaterialsStudio/CASTEP/bin/
Checking for dependencies for DMol3ClientServerData: None
Checking for dependencies for DMol3Data:3
Checking for dependencies for DMol3Server:6
Checking for dependencies for Dmol3Data: None
cat: Linux_IA64/: Is a directory
gunzip: stdin: unexpected end of file
Creating Stand alone DMol3 script /home/user/MaterialsStudio/DMol3/bin/
Checking for dependencies for DPDData: None
Checking for dependencies for DPDServer:3
Creating Stand alone DPD script /home/user/MaterialsStudio/DPD/bin/
Checking for dependencies for EquilibriaData: None
Checking for dependencies for EquilibriaServer:4
Creating Stand alone Equilibria script /home/user/MaterialsStudio/Equilibria/bin/
Checking for dependencies for MesoDynData: None
Checking for dependencies for MesoDynServer:4
Creating Stand alone MesoDyn script /home/user/MaterialsStudio/MesoDyn/bin/
Checking for dependencies for PowderIndexingData: None
Checking for dependencies for PowderSolveData: None
Checking for dependencies for ReflexClientServerData: None
Checking for dependencies for ReflexPlusServer:4
Checking for dependencies for ReflexServer:4
Checking for dependencies for Structures: None
Checking for dependencies for VAMPData: None
Checking for dependencies for VAMPServer:4
Creating Stand alone VAMP script /home/user/MaterialsStudio/VAMP/bin/
Checking for dependencies for ONETEPServer:5
Checking for dependencies for ONETEPServerData: None
Creating Stand alone ONETEP script /home/user/MaterialsStudio/ONETEP/bin/
System configuration details for HP-MPI
These checks assume that the default user authentication mechanism is being
used. Your System Administrator may have chosen to use an alternative
mechanism. If you find that parallel jobs fail you should consult your
System Administrator and ask them to perform appropriate configuration
work. For further details please refer your System Administrator to the
installation documentation under the info folder on your installation CD
Checking rsh
rsh package is installed.
/etc/hosts.equiv does not exist. The HP-MPI installation included as part of
this Materials Studio requires that this file exists and contains
the lines in /home/user/MaterialsStudio/hosts.equiv.
Please ask your systems administrator
to create a /etc/hosts.equiv file that contains these lines.
Materials Studio installation has completed.
./config/configure: line 89: perl/bin/perl: cannot execute binary file
# configure
# This script is used to configure either the gateway daemon or an installed
# Latest revision Apr 17 2003
# Copyright (C)
Accelrys, Inc.
# "Usage: configure {gateway|server|queue} "
# At least one argument must be supplied ("gateway" or "server" or "queue")
# If the first argument is gateway, there are no further arguments required
#& && && & (although the following may be used).
#&&-port & & & & & & & & http port, 18888 by default
#&&-path & & & & & & & & gateway directory, current working directory by default
#&&-hostname&& the name of this host, hostname() value by default
# If the first argument is server, args should be:
# "& && && &server_install_template= server_name="
# If the first argument is queue, args should be:
# & & & & -queuepath &&
# & & & & where path is the location of the queue perl module file without extension in
#& & & & & & config\templates\root\dsd\commands\queues directory.
# & & & & ie.&&-queuepath PBS/dsd_pbs& & & &
# & & & & -all to detect the queuing system automatically
#****************************************************************************& & & &
# Check there is an argument
& && &echo Please supply the configuration type - gateway server or queue
& && &exit 1
# Now get the platform type
# Get os name
&&# Convert to lower case
&&osname=`echo $osname|tr '' ''`
&&# Special cases:
&&case $osname in
& &&&irix*) platform="IP35-irix"
& && && && &;;
& &&&osf1*) platform="alpha-dec_osf"
& && && && &;;
& &&&sunos*) platform="sun4-solaris"
& && && && &;;
& &&&*) platform="i686-linux"
& && && && &;;
# Get the name of the directory one above this script
rootpath=`dirname $0`
# if current directory - then expand it
rootpath=`dirname $rootpath`
# Perl version number, as used in lib paths
# Now go up one directory level to the main gateway directory
&&cd $rootpath
# Set up the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# Invoke the gateway_config or server_config script
&&perl/bin/perl -Iperl/lib/$version/$platform -Iperl/lib/$version -Iperl/lib/site_perl/$version/$platform -Iperl/lib/site_perl/$version config/${ctype} $*
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【大神破解】PreSonus Studio One 3 Professional v3.0.0.33329 Win/Mac-含:注册机
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15:30 上传
  下一个标准是这里! 介绍工作室一个3。 新版本3建立在极其快速的工作流,无与伦比的声音质量和坚如磐石的稳定性,使工作室一个增长最快的寒鸦。 它增加了创新的作曲和安排工具,鼓舞人心的和独特的音效设计能力,和一个漂亮的新的high-dpi,多点触控界面优化,让你参与,即使在延长会话。    编曲跟踪    它从来没有容易的工作“pattern-style”基于时间轴的音序器/寒鸦。    工作室一个专业的新编曲跟踪提供快速和直观的歌曲重新安排,即使大型项目。 简单拖放歌曲编曲跟踪或部分跟踪督察,和整个安排立即更新。    刮垫    工作室一个3专业介绍刮垫到歌曲页面,一个强大的,但简单的新工作流程创新,它将改变你的方式创造音乐。 刮垫提供完美的方式来保持你的工作完好无损时实验新的想法。 刮垫也非常适合创建替代版本的歌曲,ushc电台编辑、混音和捕捉新的灵感,你想保存供以后的发展。    浏览器3.0    我们的拖放浏览器帮助定义工作室的易用性。 在version 3.0中,得到循环,影响,乐器,预设你需要与其他音乐搜索更快。 谈到loops-Studio一专业包括近10000音频循环,音乐圈,一次性让你的项目启动和强化你的安排。    扩大外汇链    工作室一个3专业介绍外汇链延长,一种快速、强大,和优雅的方式来添加新维声波调色板。 扩大外汇链,你可以在串行路线音频效果,同时,通过渠道,通过拖放或频带,所有。 找回您的插件集合多波段或当你改变任何影响最精确、窄带。 结合不同的效果以新的方式去探索未知的领土。    多仪器    创建扩展连锁外汇后不久,有人在办公室问了加载的问题,“嘿,如果我们这样做会发生什么乐器? “会发生什么? 丰富,容易上瘾,多层的声音。 这是发生了什么事。    多工具,顾名思义,可以堆叠多个合成器和工具(如层或关键分歧)在单个仪器跟踪和记录,编辑和玩像一个单一的仪器。 这将打开一个巨大的新创意生产和声音设计的各种可能性。    宏观控制    促进编辑多维声音工作室成为可能的一个3个专业,每个控制通道和多仪器与八个宏观面板旋钮和开关,可以分配给最关键的仪器或效果的参数。 这些宏观控制反过来可以分配给你最喜欢的MIDI控制器的乐趣和你的声音。    和更多…    计算机系统需求    工作室一个®是一个现代的、跨平台的寒鸦的操作作为一个32位或64位应用程序。 虽然我们尽一切努力确保工作室一个将运行在最广泛的电脑,请仔细阅读这些规范来确定系统兼容。    Mac®    •Mac OS X 10.8.5或更高    •英特尔®核心™2双核处理器(英特尔酷睿i3或更好的建议)    Windows®    •Windows 7 SP1 x64 / x86 +平台更新,Windows 8.1 x64 / x86    •英特尔酷睿2或AMD®Athlon X2™处理器(英特尔酷睿i3或AMD Athlon X4或更好的建议)    Mac和Windows系统上    •4 GB的RAM(8 GB或更多推荐)    •30 GB的硬盘空间    •监控1366 x 768分辨率(high-dpi监控推荐)    •启用多点触控显示器需要触摸操作    PreSonus.Studio.One.3.Professional.v3.0.0.33329.Incl.Patch.and.Keygen-R2R    PreSonus.Studio.One.3.Professional.v3.0.0.33329.MacOSX.REPACK-R2R
Xtreme-aesthetic Design
& 2012~Now 6SO.SOFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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PreSonus Studio One is a line of
(DAW) software used to create, record, and
music. It is made by PreSonus Software, Ltd., for
In 2006, KristalLabs Software Ltd., a start-up company founded by Wolfgang Kundrus and Matthias Juwan, began working on Studio One in cooperation with PreSonus. Kundrus was one of the early developers of
and was the primary author of
for . Juwan had written version 3 of the
(VST) plug-in specification, and written the
. KristalLabs later became an integrated part of PreSonus. Wolfgang Kundrus was the Managing Director and Matthias Juwan
(CTO). Wolfgang Kundrus left PreSonus in 2014 and is now Head of Software Development for EastWest Sounds.
Other members of the team who also originally came from Steinberg include Maik Oppermann and Eike Jonas.
Studio One runs on Windows and OS X computers. It is available in Three versions: Prime(Free), Artist and Professional. As of version 3, Producer version has been discontinued.
Presonus intends Studio One Prime for beginners to digital audio recording. It contains subset of the features in the other versions. However, it still includes unlimited track count and several audio processing .
Studio One Artist is for musicians who need basic recording features. PreSonus currently includes it with all hardware products. It does not support most third-party plug-in effects or instruments.
Optional Add-ons are available from Presonus store for Prime and Artist to add VST/AU/Rewire support, MP3 Converter, Loops, etc.
Studio One Professional is the top of the line. PreSonus intends it for professional-level music production. It features multitrack audio and
recording, and an integrated mastering and
authoring suite. Studio One Professional includes video playback and synchronization, and fully licensed Melodyne essential pitch correction. The top three Studio One versions feature unlimited audio, MIDI and instrument tracks, buses, and effects channels. They provide 26 PreSonus effects, four instruments, automation, latency compensation, 32-bit or 64-bit processing, real-time
and—in the Pro version—Audio Unit, ReWire, and VST support (including VST3).
Studio One includes built-in audio effects: dynamics, delay, guitar amp modeling, master effects, equalization, modulation, metering, and diagnostics. It has four : Impact (drum ), Mojito ( ), Presence (which can play back
sounds), and Sample One (sampler).
Studio One features what Presonus calls the Control Link system. Control Link lets the user assign knobs or faders from external hardware controllers to Studio One instruments, effects, plug-ins, or the console. A concept Presonus calls "focus mapping" lets the same hardware knob control different functions based on which on-screen effect or instrument is active. A direct one-to-one mapping is also available.
Presonus claims that Studio One has a more streamlined workflow than competing software. Studio One uses
extensively for importing audio or MIDI, adding effects to channels. or invoking virtual instruments. Studio One also uses a one-window concept: rather than run various functions in pop-up windows, Studio One keeps the
in a single window with various panes that can hide or appear based on keyboard commands and on-screen buttons.
The developers claim that Studio One employs a state-of-the-art audio engine. Studio One Pro features a 64-bit floating-point version of this audio engine that automatically switches between 64- and 32-bit operation to accommodate 32-bit plug-ins. It has received favorable reviews for its sound quality, drag-and-drop workflow, and ease of use. Studio One Artist features the same audio engine, but always operates in 32-bit mode.
Several DAWs offer
abilities, but most require separate applications to author CD or digital releases. Studio One Pro has this part of music production built into the recording and mixing workflow. The developers also include key mastering effects, like a
and automatic dithering.
Studio One is compatible with any
(ASIO), Windows Audio, or
compliant audio interface. Each Studio One license entitles the user to five activations on a Mac and/or Windows computer, 64-bit or 32-bit. Copy protection is handled by an online user account that keeps track of how many times the user has installed the software.
In keeping with PreSonus'
roots, Studio One also ships with a free
On October 18, 2011, Presonus announced a major upgrade, Studio One 2. It offered over 100 new features and enhancements that include integrated
pitch correction, transient detection, multitrack , the ability to edit
tracks simultaneously, an enhanced
suite and new plug-ins.
On May 20, 2015, Presonus announced a major upgrade, Studio One 3.
1.0.0: In August 2009, the very first version of Studio One was released to manufacturing.
1.0.0 Ships: On October 1, 2009 PreSonus announces that Studio One has officially shipped.
1.5.0: April 28, 2010 the first major update was released. This release was announced in March 2010 at Frankfurt . The 1.5 version included
video support, improved drag & drop,
file support,
integration, improvements to the Presence and Impact virtual instruments, and enhanced automation, , and MIDI features.
1.6.0: In October 2010 PreSonus released version 1.6.0. This released included: Free routing in mixer with infinite nested buses, Mackie HUI support, VST 3.1 support (Knob mode), Chinese language, Transmit option for mapped controllers in Control Link, new resizing modifiers for note data, and
file support for 64-bit Windows.
1.6.1: November 19, 2010 PreSonus released this minor upgrade. It included two new features: a split channel option for keyboard MIDI devices, and a numbering option when renaming events in the arrangement. More importantly, it included many minor fixes, along with performance and stability improvements for both Windows and OS X.
1.6.2: December 16, 2010 PreSonus released another minor upgrade. Browser navigation speed was improved. Minor bugs were addressed and the Japanese language translation was improved.
1.6.3: January 19, 2011 PreSonus released a minor upgrade. A new "Reset Window Positions" function was added to view menu. This was to help if the console view was lost when using a second monitor screen. The "Goto Time" command was also simplified. In addition there were several minor bug fixes.
1.6.4: March 14, 2011 PreSonus releases a minor upgrade. Improvements included audio track playback performance, Japanese manual, support for new controller devices, and several bug fixes. The new supported devices include: Frontier TranzPort, M-Audio Axiom and Axiom Pro, and the Akai MPKmini.
1.6.5 July 25, 2011 PreSonus releases a minor upgrade. The key feature is compatibility with OS X Lion. French and Spanish translations were added along with a zero latency indicator on the start page. Several minor bug fixes were also included in this release
2.0 October 18, 2011 PreSonus releases a major upgrade to Studio One. The line is extended to three levels of products Artist, Studio and Professional. The professional version includes dozens of enhancements like folder tracks, audio bend, track transform, event effects and a new track list view. A major new feature includes a tight integration with Celemony's Melodyne Editor using a new technology called . Melodyne Essential is now included and allows in place editing of pitch and timing.
2.0.2 November 7, 2011 PreSonus released an update that featured bug fixes and minor feature tweaks for the 2.0 products.
2.0.3 December 13, 2011 PreSonus released an update to Studio One 2 including bug fixes and minor feature additions. Notable additions include: drag to Soundcloud in browser, quantize Panel allows quantize on track or event, new command to add bend markers and audio quantize and transient detection only applied to event range.
2.0.4 January 18, 2012 Presonus released an update featuring Presonus Exchange - a community hub for sharing user-created content. Minor additions include Servers Tab in file browser, Sound Set installation path in sound set location options, Drag Send slot to arrangement track. Several minor bug fixes are also included.
2.6.3 July 17, 2014
2.6.4 October 21, 2014
2.6.5 December 08, 2014
3.0.0 May 20, 2015
3.0.1 Jun 30, 2015
3.1.0 Oct 6, 2015
3.2.0 Feb 25, 2016
Since the launch of Studio One, several companies have announced support for Studio One, integrated it with other products, or developed training programs.
September, 2009
announces support for their range of plug-ins via the VST plug-in standard.
November, 2010 Groove 3, Inc. released two volumes of video training for Studio One Pro.
November, 2010 Music Computing includes Studio One Pro as the part of their keyboard production workstation.
November, 2010 Waves Audio offers Studio One as part of bundle with Waves Gold plug-ins. This was a marketing bundling that included PreSonus hardware, Waves plug-ins and Studio Pro at a heavily discounted price. While the offer only ran through the end of 2010 it gave Studio One added credibility by being associated with one of the leading plug-in manufacturers.
December, 2010 Orange Amps announces availability of their Orange OPC: speaker, guitar amplifier, computer. This unique product was announced earlier in 2010 but the release specs indicate that it includes a special Orange Amps version of Studio One.
October, 2011 Celemony announces a new interface to Melodyne called
developed in partnership with PreSonus. Studio One 2 is the first DAW software to make use this interface which allows Melodyne to function without a real-time transfer of audio before editing can begin.
December, 2011 Groove 3, Inc. released "Studio One 2 Explained" video training for Studio One Pro. It is the core video training for Studio One revised for version 2.
Nektar Technology, Inc bundles (versions of) Studio One with (some of) its MIDI controllers, offering deep integration for a better workflow.
Randall, Brent (). . prorec. Archived from
on February 13, 2010.
. PreSonus Software.
Lassen, Justin (). . Studio Daily.
Brandon, John (). . <.
Davis, Dee. . <.
Aikin, Jim (). . Electronic Musician.
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