
挖掘机 [机] excvavtorexcavating machinery挖掘机,又称挖掘机械(excavating machinery),是用铲斗挖掘高于或低于承机面的物料,并装入运输车辆或卸至堆料场的土方机械.挖掘的物料主要是土壤、煤、泥沙以及经过预松后的土壤和岩石
a steam shovelclamshell shovel clamshell dipper dredger 抓斗式挖泥机clamshell shovel 挖掘机clamshell 蛤壳;蛤斗 --> IWR 挖掘机 : IWR --> GM G49J-10,GM系列高真空隔膜阀,RPP、PVC塑料隔膜阀G41F-6S,请问是什么品牌的 供应高压油泵油嘴零配件 应聘 广州市顺盛橡塑五金制品厂 东芝163复印机批发价 太阳能电源控制器 ABBPLC软件 找挖机工作.
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评论字数在200 字以内Images of the hole drilled by thieves into the vault at a Hatton Garden safe deposit company have been released by the Met Police.  梅特警局公布了盗贼挖出一个拱形的洞从而闯入哈顿哈顿花园保险公司的图片。  Seventy-two safe deposit boxes were opened in a raid at the Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Ltd in central London over the Easter Bank Holiday weekend.  在复活节银行假日的周末,位于伦敦市中心的哈顿花园保险有限公司发生了一起迅雷不及掩耳之势的盗窃,72个保险箱被洗劫一空。  In the vault, discarded safe deposit boxes, power tools including an angle grinder and concrete drills, and crowbars can be seen.  透过这个拱形的洞,被丢弃的保险箱、包括角磨机、混凝土钻这样的电动工具,还有撬棍都一目了然。  No arrests have been made.  嫌疑犯还未被逮捕。  The image shows the hole made using a heavy duty drill, a Hilti DD350.  现场照片显示了这个大洞是用Hilti DD350重型钻孔机凿成。  It measured 50cm (20in) deep, 25cm (10in) high, 45cm (18in) wide and sits 89cm (35in) above the floor.  据测量,大洞有50厘米深,25厘米高,45厘米宽,距离地面89厘米高。  These are the incredible first pictures from inside the Hatton Garden vault after the ?60 million raid.  这些是不可思议的第一波透过哈顿花园拱形洞窥探到的照片——价值6000万英镑的东西被盗。  A police spokesman said: &The methodical forensic examination of the scene has taken a significant amount of time, using both standard and specialist forensic tactics.  一名警方发言人说道:“对于犯罪现场有系统的法医测试开展充分,并使用标准和法医专家的策略双管齐下。  &The team have recorded, packaged and recovered approximately 400 exhibits, including items for DNA profiling, fingerprints and other evidence.  “搜查队记录、打包以及重现了大约400件展品,包括了DNA纹印测试、指纹还有其他证据。  &Digital forensic specialists have recovered thousands of hours of CCTV footage and analysis of the material continues.”  &数字取证专家已经恢复了CCTV数以万计的影片镜头,证据材料分析还在继续。”i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆,www..cn 注册即可免费获得一节一对一外教测评体验课程点击左上方蓝色字体“乐说英语”关注,尽享每日微信英语课程~还有更多赠送课程及优惠活动提供哦!关注后回复&HD&了解更多或拨打400-856-0288咨询 
When it comes to fashion, four-legged friends can somePoulet passes it up toLeetch!
- Poulet将球传给了Leetch!Lee China's stock trading fever has made the Shanghai Sto建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆I'm fine. -我很好。Hey, that woman's got an ass likeCarol'In 1970, 20 million Americans took to the streets to s建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆Images of the hole drilled by thieves into the vault aLook at you in the apron. -看看你的围裙。You look like you'reA cat who resembles a cross between Albert Einstein an建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆While trust, a similar sense of humour and honesty are建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆I remember the day I got my first paycheck. -我记得我第一次领薪建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆We have most friends at the age of 26 after having speYou can totally, totally live on this.-你可以完全,完全生活在这。YeTaxes on wage income vary heavily around the world.  世建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆  有时,候选人长的帅不帅会直接影响选举结果。据说尼克松就是因为形象不如肯尼迪,才在电视辩论后输给对手。20Uh, Rach, it's the Visa card people. -呃,Rach,是银行信用卡的人。建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆Hey, Rach. How was it with yourfriends? -嘿,瑞秋。你的朋友怎么样? 英国伦敦4日举行庆祝仪式,欢迎威廉王子和凯特王妃小女儿的出生。小公主的名字也于4日对外公布,取名为“夏洛特Poulet passes it up toLeetch!
- Poulet将球传给了Leetch!Lee China's stock trading fever has made the Shanghai Sto建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆Look at you in the apron. -看看你的围裙。You look like you'reA cat who resembles a cross between Albert Einstein an建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆I remember the day I got my first paycheck. -我记得我第一次领薪When it comes to fashion, four-legged friends can some建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆Sex…You told your sister that? -性……你告诉你妹妹了?I told everWhile trust, a similar sense of humour and honesty are建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆Funny, my birthday was seven monthsago.So? -有意思,我的生日是七小编导读:3月31日,苹果的以旧换新计划正式在中国大陆执行。除了肾6,其他苹果手机都可以参与。其中爱疯4的回建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆Well, if you want, you can stay withRachel and me toni  At a Dota 2 tournament held at the Acclaim Computer 建议wifi下观看^-^i-Talk 乐说英语,外教在线一对一英语视频教学,价格低至15元每节课起。详情登陆How does she do that? -她是怎么办到的?I cannot sleep in a pub Dogs have been man’s best friend for thousands of yealeshuoyingyu在线外教英语口语一对一热门文章最新文章leshuoyingyu在线外教英语口语一对一挖掘机英语、工程机械英语(常用中英文对照)_图文_百度文库


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