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进程文件: postmaster or postmaster.exe 进程名称: PostgreSQL 进程类别:存在安全风险的进程 英文描述: postmaster.exe is a process belonging to the PostgreSQL relational database management system. This program is non-essential process to the running of the system, but should not be terminated unless suspected to be causing problems. 中文参考: postmaster.exe是PostgreSQL数据库管理程序。 出品者:N/A 属于:PostgreSQL 系统进程:No 后台程序:No 网络相关:No 常见错误:N/A 内存使用:N/A 安全等级 (0-5): 0 间谍软件:No 广告软件:No 病毒:No 木马:No
英音 [ 'p?ustmɑ:st? ] ; 美音 [ 'p?ustmɑ:st? ] 名词 邮局局长
Her grandfather was a village postmaster.
Postmaster is a sage woman.
They appointed him as postmaster.
Geoge's father was appointed postmaster
As a young man he was a storekeeper and a postmaster.
John Doe was appointed postmaster vice Richard Roe retired.
the person in charge of a post office
n. 后奏曲,终曲
n. 战后恢复原状
n. 战后恢复原状
postmaster是什么意思 postmaster在线翻译 postmaster什么意思 postmaster的意思 postmaster的翻译 postmaster的解释 postmaster的发音 postmaster的同义词
postmaster英 ['p??stmɑ:st?(r)] 美 ['po?stmaest?r] 第三人称复数:postmaster 基本解释名词邮政局长danci.911cha.compostmaster 相关例句名词1. Her grandfather was a village postmaster.&&&&她祖父曾是一位乡村邮政局长。postmaster 网络解释1. 邮政局长:CANKingdom把一个CANKingdom系统描述为一个国家(Kingdom),这个国家有一个国王(King),有一个首都,相当於系统主站,总线上的每一个从站相当於城市(city),每个城市有市长(Mayor),有一个邮局(post office),还有邮政局长(postmaster),城市之间有邮递员(postman),2. 2. 邮件管理员:想这特点对因特网服务提供者(ISPs)和其他的想卖在他们邮件服务器上的在线的广告宣传为了遵从Internet邮件RFC的特殊规定,你必须有一个邮件管理员(Postmaster)的别3. 邮件管理者:过时的情况了. 这些选项经由源代码提供的制作文件(Makefiles)通过在许多数据文件上运理者(Postmaster)的人那里. 与UUCP相关的项(UUCP-Related Items)定要从远程邮件管理者(Postmaster)那里取得明确协定. 在邮件(mailer)和远程之间的逗号通知它将消息转发到ada以进行地址解析和投递通常,4. 邮局局长:postmaster general 邮政大臣 | postmaster 邮局局长 | postmastership 邮政局长的职位postmaster 双语例句1. The Rostovs kept open house in Petersburg, just as they used to do in M and at their suppers people of the most diverse sorts could be seen together—country neighbours, old and not well-to-do country gentlemen with their daughters, and the old maid-of-honour, Madame Peronsky, Pierre Bezuhov, and the son of their district postmaster, who was in an office in Petersburg.&&&&罗斯托夫家在彼得堡就像在莫斯科一样殷勤地接待客人,形形色色的人士都在他们的晚宴上集会:奥特拉德诺耶的邻人、不富裕的老地主及其女儿们、宫廷女官佩龙斯卡娅、皮埃尔·别祖霍夫和在彼得堡服务的县邮政支局局长的儿子。2. John Doe was appointed postmaster vice Richard Roe retired.&&&&约翰·多伊被任命为邮政局长,取代退休的理查德。。。3. Darnay asked the postmaster, when he had thanked him, and stood beside him in the yard.&&&&达尔内向驿站长道了谢,跟他一起站在院子里时问道。4. 4. The crowd filed up the aisles: the aged and needy postmaster, who
the mayor and his wife -- for they had a mayor there, among the
the widow Douglass, fair, smart, and forty, a generous, good-hearted soul and well-to-do, her hill mansion the only palace in the town, and the most hospitable and much the most lavish in the matter of festivities that St.&&&&人们簇拥着顺着过道往里走:有上了年纪的贫苦的邮政局局长,他曾经是过过好日子的;有镇长和他的太太――这地方竟然还有个镇长,这和其他许多没有必要的摆设一样;有治安法官;有道格拉斯寡妇,她40来岁,长得小巧而美丽,为人宽厚,慷慨大方而又心地善良,生活还算富裕,她山上的住宅是镇上唯一漂亮讲究的,可算得上殿堂,每逢节庆日,她可是圣彼德堡镇上人们引以为荣的最热情好客、最乐善好施的人;有驼背的、德高望重的华德少校和他的夫人;还有维尔逊律师,一位远道而来的新贵客。5. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation.&&&&我写了邮政局长欣赏笔记。6. For blocking, I recommend Postmaster Pro.&&&&阻挠,我建议邮政亲。7. One Sunday morning the local post office delivered an important special delivery letter to my home, though it was addressed to me at my office. I wrote the postmaster a note of appreciation. More than a year later I needed a post-office box for a new business I was starting. I was told at the window that there were no boxes left, and that my name would have to go on a long waiting list.&&&&一个周末早晨,邮递员给我家送来一封信,信寄的搞错了地方了,我写了委婉的建议信给邮局,一年后我为了新的生意需要一个新邮箱,但是却被告知已经没有多余的邮箱了,而且我还得排很长的队伍。8. He is also the first United States Postmaster General.&&&&他亦是美国首任邮政总长。9. Most of the jobs were in the Post Office Department, headed by Postmaster General John McLean.&&&&邮政部中有大量的工作岗位,邮政部部长是约翰。10. \u\u006E\u\u002E\u\u\u\u002E\uF\u006D10. The position of Postmaster General went to John Wanamaker.&&&&香港邮政署长的立场去约翰沃纳梅克。11. America`s postmaster general, John Potter, has asked Congress to consider allowing the postal service to&&&&&&但如果能缩减工作时间并进而裁减员工数量,邮政行业的成本就能够降低。12. The postmaster general took control over the industry for a short time by limiting the number of carriers that were granted mail transport contracts.&&&&&&香港邮政署长控制了该行业在短期内限制了一些运营商说,被授予邮件运输合同。13. Which was proposed by scientists as the Chief Postmaster General, Secretary of State of Israel?&&&&&&哪个科学家被提议出任以色列首席邮政大臣?14. 14. As a young man, he was a storekeeper and postmaster.&&&&&&年轻时,他当过东家和邮电局局长。15. As a young man he was a storekeeper and later a postmaster.&&&&&&年轻的时候他是个店长后来当上邮政局长。16. But the thing that surprised me most was to see, on the back benches that were always empty, the village people sitting qu old Hauser, with his three-cornered hat, the former mayor, the former postmaster, and several others besides.&&&&&&但最让我惊奇的是,在时常都是空着的后排的长椅子上,村民想我们一样静静的坐着,还有戴着三角帽的老校长,前市长,前邮局局长以及其他几个人。他们每个人看起来都很难过。17. Postmaster General John Potter said today the agency is making sharp cutbacks in hours and over times besides there was currently no plans for layoffs.&&&&&&邮政大臣John Potter今天说将采取削减经费的措施,因为至今对其还没有一个明确的计划。18. Averell H Assistant to the President John S Vice President Alben B Secretary of Labor Maurice T National Security Resources Board Chairman Stuart S Secretary of Agriculture Charles B Postmaster General Jesse D Secretary of Defense Louis J Secretary of State Dean A the P Secretary of the Treasury John S Attorney General J.&&&&&&总统助理约翰Steelman;副总统AlbenBarkley。劳工部长莫里斯托宾;国家安全资源委员会主席赛明顿斯图尔特。农业部部长查尔斯Brannan;香港邮政署长唐纳森杰西。国防部长路易斯约翰逊; SecretaryofStateDean行事;总统;财政部秘书约翰斯奈德。19. The address and return address should be elegantly scripted, but neat enough that the postmaster won't have any difficulty reading it.&&&&&&信封上的收信人和发信人地址栏必须优雅的处理笔迹,这样邮递员才可能不会看错。20. 20. You can use pipelining in the exchange management shell to modify the external postmaster address on all Hub Transport servers in the exchange organization at the same time.&&&&&&可以通过在exchange命令行管理程序中使用管道传输,同时在exchange组织中的所有集线器传输服务器上修改外部邮局主管地址。postmaster 词典解释1. 邮政局长&&&&A postmaster is a man who is in charge of a local post office.postmaster 单语例句\u\u\u8BE2\u00B7\u82F1\u8BED\u5355\u8BCD1. The Postmaster General has been urged to devise an effective system for detecting and deterring underpayment of postage.2. So I called and made an appointment to talk with the local postmaster.3. The car that the postmaster was driving belongs to the local post office.4. " It's impossible to really know what may or may not have happened, " said Lawrence Postmaster Judy Raney.5. The most appropriate way of dealing with the case would be to make the postmaster pay the damages to the families of the victims.6. A postmaster in Henan province has been arrested on charges of drunken driving and causing the death of five teenagers.7. After the postmaster was arrested, the local government announced that the victims'families would receive monetary compensation.8. Apparently, the postmaster had been briefed on the reason for my visit.9. The postmaster went on to say he wished his employees knew as much about the Postal Service policies on presidential mail as I apparently did.postmaster 英英释义noun1. the person in charge of a post officepostmaster是什么意思,postmaster在线翻译,postmaster什么意思,postmaster的意思,postmaster的翻译,postmaster的解释,postmaster的发音,postmaster的同义词,postmaster的反义词,postmaster的例句,postmaster的相关词组,postmaster意思是什么,postmaster怎么翻译,单词postmaster是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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