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RedmenBBall: redmen set to play uqam in second game of regular season | Channels - McGill UniversityAortic baroreceptors play a predominant role in the regulation of hindlimb vascular resistance in rats.
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Pt 2):R476-80.Aortic baroreceptors play a predominant role in the regulation of hindlimb vascular resistance in rats.1, , , .1Department of Physiology, School of Medicine of Ribeir?o Preto, University of S?o Paulo, Brazil.AbstractIn previous studies using bilateral carotid occlusion in conscious freely moving rats we suggested that aortic baroreceptors may play a more important role in the regulation of hindlimb than in renal and mesenteric vascular resistances. In the present study we performed electrical stimulation of the aortic baroreceptor nerve and analyzed the changes in mean arterial pressure and in hindlimb, renal, and mesenteric vascular resistances. All the experiments were performed under urethan anesthesia. Unilateral electrical stimulation (3 V, 2 ms, 50 Hz) of the aortic baroreceptor nerve produced a fall in arterial pressure (-27 +/- 3 mmHg) and an important reduction in hindlimb vascular resistance (-43 +/- 5%), with an increase in renal (+3 +/- 14%) and mesenteric (+48 +/- 12%) vascular resistances. Similar changes in arterial pressure as well as in the resistance of the three vascular beds studied were also observed during electrical stimulation of the aortic baroreceptor nerve in rats with bilateral carotid baroreceptor denervation or in rats treated with methylatropine. The data obtained with electrical stimulation indicated that aortic baroreceptors play a more important role in the regulation of blood flow in hindlimb than in renal and mesenteric vascular beds.PMID:
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