
英语翻译1 我的车快没油了.My car is running out of / My car is almost out of.我如果用这两个句型来翻译是否可以呢?2 请帮我把车加满油3 用过别人的车后,你最好把车加满油,洗干净再归还.4 水桶里面已经没水了 / 快要没水了,你再换一桶水吧( 指的是 纯净水 ,水桶,饮水机更换那种)5 你能帮我们换一桶水吗?( 更换,补充新的一桶水)英语翻译.
1 我的车快没油了.1 my car is almost no oil.My car is running out of / My car is almost out of.My car is running out of / My car is almost out of.我如果用这两个句型来翻译是否可以呢?If I use these two sentences to translate if you can?Thank you2 请帮我把车加满油2 please help me to fill up the car3 用过别人的车后,你最好把车加满油,洗干净再归还.3 used other people's car,you'd better put gas in the car,and then returned to wash clean.4 水桶里面已经没水了 / 快要没水了,你再换一桶水吧4 buckets and there is no water / almost no water,you can exchange for a bucket of water.( 指的是 纯净水 ,水桶,饮水机更换那种)(refers to the pure water bucket,water dispenser,replacing the)5 你能帮我们换一桶水吗?5 you can help us in a bucket of water?( 更换,补充新的一桶水)(replacing a bucket of water,add new)
1、My car is almost no oil.2、Please help me to fill up the car.3、Use other people's car, you'd better put gas in the car, and then returned to wash clean.4、There is no water in the bucket / almost no water, you can exchange for a bucket of water.5、Can you help us in a bucket of water?
扫描下载二维码英语翻译是黑泽明电影《Runaway Train》(暴走列车)最后出现的两句话,快来翻译啊——有奖励!1、No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity.2、But I know none,and therefore am no beast.肯定不是直接翻译的啦,我自己生翻译出来也是很别扭的!
1、No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity.2、But I know none,and therefore am no beast.这是摘自莎士比亚《理查三世》里的对白,意思是:1、双重否定后正译:任何禽兽虽凶猛,还有一点恻隐之心.2、但我却一点没有,所以我不是禽兽.
No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. 没有如此凶残却还有一丝同情心的野兽But I know none,and therefore am no beast.我毫无同情之心,所以我根本上不是野兽.touch:少量,些许
虽然没有看过这部电影,但是觉得还是很容易翻译啊。楼上,touch我觉得是感觉的意思,相当于feeling~~1、No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity.没有这么凶狠的野兽,即使是野兽都知道同情的感觉。2、But I know none,and therefore am no beast.然而我...
1.没有畜牲如此凶猛但是知道遗憾的一些触觉2.但是我认识没有人, 因此不是畜牲我怎么听着这么别扭那???
1、No beast so fierce but knows some touch of pity. 2、But I know none,and therefore am no beast.1、双重否定后正译:任何禽兽虽凶猛,还有一点恻隐之心。 2、但我却一点没有,所以我不是禽兽。
1 再凶猛的野兽也有恻隐之心。2 然而我一点也没有,因此我不是野兽。要看过电影就能更好地了解语境了。
扫描下载二维码这篇英语文怎么写翻成中文是这样讲的:One day,马路上交通堵塞,人走都走不过去,狗看看时间,快迟到了,于是灵机一动:将汽车搬起来,让出道走来.四只兔子看见狗这样做,也试起来,可是他们力气太小,一不小心,跌到了,把旁边车辆都撞倒了.翻译不要用快译通什么的,自己翻译,单词什么的简单一点,剑英三级上的词汇量.
One day,the street traffic jam,people are walking away is not the past,the dog look at the time,fast late,then had an idea:to move the car up,so that debut came.4 rabbit saw the dog to do so,have tried them,but their strength is too small,believe it,fell down and put next to the vehicles knocked down.
One day, the street traffic jam, people are walking away is not the past, the dog look at the time, fast late, then had an idea: to move the car up, so that debut came. 4 rabbit saw the dog to do so, ...
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