翻译这个什么意思 英文翻译思

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take in中文是什么意思
中文翻译订阅,使上当,收留,吸收订阅,使上当,收留改小观赏接纳,吸收接纳;领会;欺骗接受, 接待, 吸收, 理解, 包括, 轻信, 注重到, 欺骗接受,吸收接受/待,欺骗,吸收接受,接收;了解,理解;欺骗接受,吸收,接纳;理解,领会;欺骗;包括接受,吸收;了解,理解;欺骗欺骗,领会,接受欺骗,接受欺骗,摄取欺骗,吸收,接受,招收欺骗,愚弄;领会,理解欺骗;领会,理解收留,收养;包括;领会,理解;欺骗收入,接受,吸收同意交割延期吸进吸收,接收;领会;欺骗吸收,接受,收留,领会,理解吸收,吸入&&&&vt. ( taken ) 1.(用手)拿,取 ...&&&&为自己捞油水&&&&接受贿赂&&&&开始领权失业补助金&&&&把…作为&&&&vt. ( taken ) 1.(用手)拿,取,抓,握,捕,捉,逮捕;俘虏;攻取,占领;【牌戏】吃掉,胜过。 Take (sb.) in the
...&&&&当成&&&&把a误以为; 误认为是&&&&把...看作是..., 把...当作是..&&&&把…认为是,把…看成是; 把…当作; 把…认为是,把…看作是; 认为,以为;误认为; 误以为...是&&&&说服&&&&拿著&&&&呈现(面貌);装出; 呈现, 具有, 雇用, 接纳, 承担, 同...较量, 流行, 盛气凌人; 呈现,承担; 呈现,具有,装出; 呈现,雇用; 呈现,具有 ...&&&&将出; 接招合唱团; 接招乐队&&&&(很快)喜欢上;开始;从事;成为习惯; 对...产生好感;开始喜欢;开始从事; 开始, 喜欢, 沉溺于, 走向; 开始;对…产生好感; 开始从事;欢喜;适应 ...&&&&把...看作是..., 把...当作是..&&&&把……带到那里&&&&〔口语〕欺骗。 &&&&艾衣人&&&&把…当作,认为; 把…作为&&&&把…看作是; 把看作; 把…误认为;把…看作…; 把…作为是,把…看成是&&&&使成为王&&&&披上,戴上,呈现,具有; 做出来&&&&喜欢,亲近&&&&(后跟表示一次性的动作)看一看;休息一下
例句与用法The exterior shots were taken in bermuda .外景镜头是在百慕大拍摄的。Do you want to take in a midnight movie ?你要看一场半夜的电影吗?Let him stand his chance and be taken in .由他去,让他上当去吧。I hope you are taking in what i am saying .我希望你能听得进去我说的话。They both take in and expel matter .他们既吸取物质也排放物质。The tour took in six european capitals .那次观光包括欧洲六个国家的首都。She makes a living by taking in lodgers .她靠收房客租金为生。I was taken in by a snide merchant .我上了一个卑鄙商人的当。We were taken in flank by a troop of cavalry .我们翼侧受到一队骑兵的袭击。The children took in the spectacle open-mouthed .孩子们张着嘴注视精彩表演。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释make (clothes) "Please take in this skirt--I''ve lost weight"take into one'' "They adopted two children from Nicaragua"同义词:,
"he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe"同义词:, , ,
"The immigrant was duped because he trusted everyone"; "You can''t fool me!"同义词:, , , , , , , , , serve oneself to,
"Have another bowl of chicken soup!"; "I don''t take sugar in my coffee"同义词:, , , , take up as if with a sponge同义词:, , ,
"take in the sails"同义词:, express willingness to have in one'' "The community warmly received the refugees"同义词:, , take in, "The sponge absorbs water well"; "She drew strength from the minister''s words"同义词:, , , , , , , ,
"The cloth takes up the liquid"同义词:,
"view a show on television"; "This program will be seen all over the world"; "view an exhibition"; "Catch a show on Broadway"; "see a movie"同义词:, , , , hear, usually without the knowl "We overheard the conversation at the next table"同义词:, , call for a "we collected over a million dollars in outstanding debts"; "he collected the rent"同义词:, earn on some commercial or
ear "How much do you make a month in your new job?"; "She earns a lot in her new job"; "this merger brought in lots of money"; "He clears $5,000 each month"同义词:, , , , , , , , vis "take in the sights"provide with shelters "A black star absorbs all matter"同义词:,
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发音:&&名词复数: omegas&&&
中文翻译n.1.希腊语的最后一个字母〔Ω,ω〕。2.(一系列中的)最后一个;终止,结局。短语和例子alpha and omega 始与终,首尾,始末,全部。 Omega(-)7, Omega Seven 古巴在美移民中反对古巴现政府的一个恐怖主义组织。&&&&始终, 全部; 亚尔发和奥米加; 自始至终&&&&北极活力宝&&&&差奥米伽&&&&差奥米加; 差奥米伽; 差分亚米茄; 微分欧米伽&&&&依泊汀ω&&&&微奥米加&&&&半人马座ω星团; 半人座ω&&&&奥米加海图; 奥米伽海图&&&&相容性&&&&绝地杀机; 义胆游龙&&&&欧米茄战机&&&&亚米茄定位&&&&奥米伽定位&&&&奥米加定位仪; 奥米伽定位仪&&&&欧米加曲&&&&死亡城&&&&忧郁性皱眉, 愁眉; 忧郁症皱眉&&&&离子污染检测仪&&&&法压曲系数&&&&奥米加导航系统; 奥米加无线电导航; 奥米伽导航&&&&欧米伽导航仪; 亚米茄航海仪; 亚米茄航仪&&&&m17; Ω星云; 奥米加星云; 马蹄星云&&&&奥米伽网络&&&&最后一个人&&&&奥梅吉&&&&奥梅德斯
例句与用法Uk heart patients to get omega - 3 on prescription非融合腰椎手术病人术后弯腰不僵硬In physics , this principle is alpha and omega这条原理在物理学中极为重要。 General specification for airborne omega receiving equipment机载奥米加接收设备通用规范If one imaginary root of zero is omega , omega square假设" 0 "的虚根是I am alpha and omega , the beginning and the end我是阿拉法,我是俄梅戛,我是初,我是终。 Satellite - omega integrated navigation system卫星-奥米加组合导航系统Slide one . omega nebula in sagittarius第一张:在射手座的奥米茄星云I have to go to amiga or omega hotei with him我要跟他一起去一家叫amiga还是omega的酒店Wheat is the alpha and omega of their diet小麦是他们的主要食物。 Yes . 260 . and i ' ve reached the omega level好啊, 260 ,我达到w级了更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
英文解释the last (24th) letter of the Greek alphabetthe ending of
"the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end"--Revelation同义词:,
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