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2D Materials:石墨烯涂层的化疗药物或可有效治疗癌症
银通常用于作为化疗设备上的涂层,但问题是银涂层常常会破坏药物的功效,近日一项刊登于国际杂志2D Materials上的研究论文中,来自特隆赫姆挪威科技大学的研究人员通过研究发现一种石墨烯涂层或可帮助增强化疗的效果。化疗通常包括让病人通过静脉内导管来进行药物摄入,而这些导管及其导管上所吸附的设备常常会以银进行涂层,从而帮助抗菌、抑制细菌生长及疗法过程中未知的感染;文章中研究者分析了不同药物同银涂层接触后的反应。银可以破坏化疗药物的作用,研究者Justin Wells说道,我们想去寻找用于静脉内的导管所存在的潜在问题来源,而涂层和药物的相互作用仅是一种可能,一般情况下化疗药物均是活性物质,因此我们并不难想象药物可以和银涂层产生反应。文章中研究者利用X-线光电发射分光镜检查技术对化疗药物5-氟尿嘧啶药物表面的化学结构进行了分析,同时对该药物和银涂层之间的相互作用进行了观察,随后研究者发现银涂层可以破坏药物结构,其不仅会降低化疗的疗效,而且还会产生一种氢氟酸,氢氟酸对于病人和医疗设备都有害。研究者指出,石墨烯是一种非活性物质,其有时可以作为一种神奇的材料来解决很多问题,因此研究者认为石墨烯或许可以和化疗药物很好地进行结合而不影响药物的治疗效果。而且石墨烯还被认为可以作为医疗设备的涂层。最后研究者希望本文研究或为开发新型抗癌疗法提供一定帮助,同时他们还将继续研究化疗药物同医疗设备其它表面材料物质相互作用机制。
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2D Materials:石墨烯涂层的化疗药物或可有效治疗癌症
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阅读,只需一秒。精彩,尽在掌握!银通常用于作为化疗医学设备上的涂层,但问题是银涂层常常会破坏药物的功效,近日一项刊登于国际杂志2D Materials上的研究论文...
银通常用于作为化疗医学设备上的涂层,但问题是银涂层常常会破坏药物的功效,近日一项刊登于国际杂志2D Materials上的研究论文中,来自特隆赫姆挪威科技大学的研究人员通过研究发现一种石墨烯涂层或可帮助增强化疗的效果。化疗通常包括让病人通过静脉内导管来进行药物摄入,而这些导管及其导管上所吸附的设备常常会以银进行涂层,从而帮助抗菌、抑制细菌生长及疗法过程中未知的感染;文章中研究者分析了不同药物同银涂层接触后的反应。银可以破坏化疗药物的作用,研究者Justin Wells说道,我们想去寻找用于静脉内的导管所存在的潜在问题来源,而涂层和药物的相互作用仅是一种可能,一般情况下化疗药物均是活性物质,因此我们并不难想象药物可以和银涂层产生反应。文章中研究者利用X-线光电发射分光镜检查技术对化疗药物5-氟尿嘧啶药物表面的化学结构进行了分析,同时对该药物和银涂层之间的相互作用进行了观察,随后研究者发现银涂层可以破坏药物结构,其不仅会降低化疗的疗效,而且还会产生一种氢氟酸,氢氟酸对于病人和医疗设备都有害。研究者指出,石墨烯是一种非活性物质,其有时可以作为一种神奇的材料来解决很多问题,因此研究者认为石墨烯或许可以和化疗药物很好地进行结合而不影响药物的治疗效果。而且石墨烯还被认为可以作为医疗设备的涂层。最后研究者希望本文研究或为开发新型抗癌疗法提供一定帮助,同时他们还将继续研究化疗药物同医疗设备其它表面材料物质相互作用机制。来源:生物谷寻材问料 ID:xuncaiwenliao寻材问料让天下没有难找的材料国内首家材料解决方案一站式社区电商平台设计师|材料采购|材料供应商 都在使用的工具新材料在线 ID:xincailiaozaixian新材料行业最具影响力的新媒体新材料第一行业门户|新材料研究咨询机构新材料创业服务平台|新材料解决方案专家关注新材料行业的那些事儿,每天为你献上新材料行业的最新资讯、研究报告、供需信息,行业动态。新材料在线个人交流微信:xincailiao_kefu想报道、广告、赞助或各种合作,请致电2,或发邮件致,网址:点击“阅读原文”查看更多
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APL Materials is an open access journal that publishes original, high impact research on interdisciplinary topical issues within the field of materials science. Emerging areas covered by the Journal include nanomaterials, electronic, magnetic and optical materials, organic materials, polymers, biomaterials, energy and environmental materials, carbon and amorphous materials, as well as general functional materials. The Journal offers rapid publication of Letters, Research Updates, and Perspectives and publishes timely
organized by expert guest editors.
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Electrical manipulation of magnetism has been a long sought-after goal to realize energy-efficient spintronics. During the past decade, multiferroicmaterials combining (anti)ferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties are now drawing much attention and many reports have focused on magnetoelectric coupling effect through strain, charge, or exchange bias. This paper gives an overview of recent progress on electrical manipulation of magnetism through strain-mediated magnetoelectric coupling in multiferroicheterostructures.
We observe current induced spin transfertorque resonance in permalloy (Py) grown on monolayer MoS2. By passing rf current through the Py/MoS2 bilayer, field-like and damping-like torques are induced which excite the ferromagnetic resonance of Py. The signals are detected via a homodyne voltage from anisotropic magnetoresistance of Py. In comparison to other bilayer systems with strong spin-orbit torques, the monolayer MoS2 cannot provide bulk spin Hall effects and thus indicates the purely interfacial nature of the spin transfer torques. Therefore our results indicate the potential of two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenide for the use of interfacial spin-orbitronics applications.
We report the experimental observation of longitudinal spin Seebeck effect in a multiferroic helimagnet Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22. Temperature gradient applied normal to Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22/Pt interface generates inverse spin Hall voltage of spin current origin in Pt, whose magnitude was found to be proportional to bulk magnetization of Ba0.5Sr1.5Zn2Fe12O22 even through the successive magnetic transitions among various helimagnetic and ferrimagnetic phases. This finding demonstrates that the helimagnetic spin wave can be an effective carrier of spin current. By controlling the population ratio of spin-helicity domains characterized by clockwise/counter-clockwise manner of spin rotation with use of poling electric field in the ferroelectric helimagnetic phase, we found that spin-helicity domain distribution does not affect the magnitude of spin current injected into Pt. The results suggest that the spin-wave spin current is rather robust against the spin-helicity domain wall, unlike the case with the conventional ferromagneticdomain wall.
Electric field control of magnetization and anisotropy in layered structures with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy is expected to increase the versatility of spintronic devices. As a model system for reversible voltage induced changes of magnetism by magnetoionic effects, we present several oxide/metal heterostructures polarized in an electrolyte. Room temperature magnetization of Fe-O/Fe layers can be changed by 64% when applying only a few volts in 1M KOH. In a next step, the bottom interface of the in-plane magnetized Fe layer is functionalized by an L10 FePt(001) underlayer exhibiting perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. During subsequent electrocrystallization and electrooxidation, well defined epitaxial Fe3O4/Fe/FePt heterostructures evolve. The application of different voltages leads to a thickness change of the Fe layer sandwiched between Fe-O and FePt. At the point of transition between rigid magnet and exchange spring magnet regime for the Fe/FePt bilayer, this induces a large variation of magnetic anisotropy.
We discuss growth and magnetic properties of high-quality two dimensional (2D) Sn1-xMnxSe2films.Thin films of this 2D ternary alloy with a wide range of Mn concentrations were successfully grown by molecular beam epitaxy. Mn concentrations up to x ≈ 0.60 were achieved without destroying the crystal structure of the parent SnSe2 2D system. Most important, the specimens show clear weak ferromagnetic behavior above room temperature, which should be of interest for 2D spintronic applications.
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Magnetocaloric materials are promising as solid state refrigerants for more efficient and environmentally friendly cooling devices. The highest effects have been observed in materials that exhibit a first-order phase transition. These transformations proceed by nucleation and growth which lead to a hysteresis. Such irreversible processes are undesired since they heat up the material and reduce the efficiency of any cooling application. In this article, we demonstrate an approach to decrease the hysteresis by locally changing the nucleation barrier. We created artificial nucleation sites and analyzed the nucleation and growth processes in their proximity. We use Ni-Mn-Ga, a shape memoryalloy that exhibits a martensitic transformation.Epitaxialfilms serve as a model system, but their high surface-to-volume ratio also allows for a fast heat transfer which is beneficial for a magnetocaloric regenerator geometry. Nanoindentation is used to create a well-defined defect. We quantify the austenite phase fraction in its proximity as a function of temperature which allows us to determine the influence of the defect on the transformation.
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Scitation: APL Materials


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